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Title: Unlocking Total Productive Maintenance: A Comprehensive Literature Review and Future


Welcome to our comprehensive literature review on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and its
future directions. Delving into the intricate world of TPM literature is a task that demands attention
to detail, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Here, we explore the
challenges and complexities associated with crafting a literature review on TPM and provide
recommendations for those seeking assistance.

The process of conducting a literature review on TPM can be daunting. It involves navigating
through a vast array of scholarly articles, journals, books, and other sources to gather relevant
information and insights. Identifying key themes, theories, methodologies, and empirical studies
requires meticulous effort and expertise.

Moreover, synthesizing the findings from various sources and presenting them in a coherent and
meaningful manner poses its own set of challenges. Balancing the breadth and depth of coverage
while maintaining clarity and focus is crucial for creating a literature review that adds value to the
existing body of knowledge on TPM.

Furthermore, staying updated with the latest research and developments in the field of TPM is
essential for ensuring the relevance and accuracy of the literature review. This requires continuous
monitoring of scholarly publications and staying abreast of emerging trends and perspectives.

Given the complexities and challenges associated with writing a literature review on TPM, we
understand that individuals may seek assistance in this endeavor. That's where ⇒ ⇔
comes in. Our team of experienced writers and researchers specializes in crafting high-quality
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TPM has been keeping on all equipment in top working condition to avoid breakdowns and delays in
the manufacturing process.The success of TPM is the support of top management. Willmott (1994)
portraits TPM as a relatively new andpractical application of TQM and suggests that TPM aims to
promote a culture in whichoperators develop “ownership” of their machines, learn much more about
them, and inthe process realize skilled trades to concentrate on problem diagnostic and
equipmentimprovement projects. Corrective maintenance (CM): This is a system, introduced in 1957,
in which the. A number of researchersand practitioners have evaluated the contributions of an
effective TPM implementationprogram towards improving manufacturing performance. Itprovides an
easy way of deploying activities through its TPM promotion organizationinvolving 100 per cent of
employees on a continuous basis. The ultimate benefitsobtained by implementing TPM are increased
profitability and improved productivity.After successful TPM implementation, some cases show that
companies achieved15-30 per cent reduction in maintenance cost, while others revealed a 90 per
centreduction in process defects and 40-50 per cent increase in labour productivity(Nakajima, 1988).
The contributions of strategic TPM programmes towards improving manufacturing competencies of
the organizations have also been highlighted here. The strategy elements include cross-functional
teams toeliminate barriers to machine uptime, rigorous preventive maintenance programs,improved
maintenance operations management efficiency, equipment maintenancetraining to the lowest level,
and information systems to support the development ofimported equipment with lower cost and
higher reliability. Hutchins (1998) has advocated for making considerable efforts for recognizing. By
supporting effective structural and infrastructural decisions,TPM plays an important role in achieving
each of the competitive priorities. It is an innovative maintenance program with a concept for
maintaining plant and equipment by the involvement of all personnel based in an organization for
continuous improvement of performance. The preventive work undertaken may include equipment
lubrication, cleaning. Thus, this approach is known as reactive maintenance, breakdown maintenance,
or. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari proses pengolahan dan analisis data yang sudah dilakukan
yaitu besar nilai OEE mesin VRM adalah 64,52% dengan nilai availability 68,84%, performance
95,67%, quality 97,96%. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The various obstacles hindering organization’s quest
for achieving excellence. Here, it is pertinent to note that the maintenance function. Japanese
nomenclature English 5S English 5C Features. Lawrence (1999) has stated that many TPM programs
fail because the organizations. Bulan Oktober 2018 memiliki Overall Equipment Effec. Total
Productive Maintenance is one possible way of achieving this.Strategic TPM deployment helps to
drive maintenance investments to improveequipment productivity and to help companies sustain
their competitive advantage.Moreover, it is also important to consider the strategic implications of
TPM. TPM is also the most comprehensive maintenance managementsystem because not only does it
consider maintenance and equipment design, but it alsoincludes the operational issues of the
equipment. The objective is to continuouslyimprove the availability and prevent the degradation of
equipment to achievemaximum effectiveness (Ravishankar et al., 1992). These objectives require
strongmanagement support as well as continuous use of work teams and small groupactivities to
achieve incremental improvements. Figure 2.Eight pillars approach for TPM
implementation(suggested by JIPM) Total productivemaintenance 721 Page 14. Dr. Cudney received
her B.S. in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University. The OEE metric offers a
starting-point for developing quantitative variables for. The results show that there is a significant
andpositive indirect relationship between TPM and MP through JIT practices. He has emphasized
upon equipment management and IJQRM25,7 738 Page 31. The achievements of Ethiopian
manufacturing organizations through proactive TPM initiatives have been evaluated and critical TPM
success factors identified for enhancing the effectiveness of TPM implementation programs in the
Ethiopian context. Theyhave emphasized upon various factors like: subjective measures (program
flexibility,delivery speed, on-time delivery, volume flexibility, quality and average unit costs)
andobjective measures (cost efficiency, quality performance, fast delivery, on-timedelivery, inventory
turnover and flexibility) for assessing the contributions of TPMinitiatives on plant performance.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Six Big Losses, and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
(FMEA) were used as research method.
It has been observed that many organizationsfollow a strict JIPM-TPM implementation process, by
strategically employing the eightpillars approach towards TPM implementation (Wakaru, 1988;
Ireland and Dale, 2001).The eight pillars involved for achieving goals of TPM include
autonomousmaintenance; focused maintenance; planned maintenance; quality maintenance;education
and training; safety, health and environment; office TPM andDevelopment Management (Nakajima,
1988). Al-Najjar (1996) has emphasized upon the importance of total quality maintenance. Park and
Han (2001) have emphasized upon two important issues that are critical tosuccessful implementation
of TPM. To learn how to manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. The core TPM
initiatives classified intoeight TPM pillars or activities for accomplishing the manufacturing
performance IJQRM25,7 720 Page 13. Table II depicts detailedmaintenance and organizational
improvement initiatives and activities associated withthe respective TPM pillars. Ben-Daya (2000)
has described the nature of TPM and RCM processes and therelationship between the two. TPM,
there are also documented cases of failure in the implementation of TPM. The combination of TPM,
EOM and 5S appear to be appreciable forobtaining a “total” productive environment. XYZ Press
Production di perusahaan manufaktur otomotif menggunakan mesin press semi otomatis yang
bekerja dua shift per hari. Greaterjob satisfaction can translate into higher productivity and quality,
and ultimatelycontributes to lower manufacturing costs (Hamrick, 1994). Detailed literature review
of total productive maintenance. He has emphasized upon equipment management and IJQRM25,7
738 Page 31. Chowdhury (1995) reports that organizations with TPM culture haveexperienced
benefits to the extent of 80 per cent reduction in defect rate, 90 per centreduction in routine
breakdowns and 50 per cent increase in production output. Seiketsu Standardize Conformity
Maintain high standard of house. The study brings out clearly that TQM and TPMprograms are
closely related. In this industry, heavy equipment plays an important role in the coal mining process
in Indonesia. The TPM approach helps increase uptime of equipment,reduce machinery set-up time,
enhance quality, and lower costs. Theemergence of TPM is intended to bring both production and
maintenance functionstogether by a combination of good working practices, team-working and
continuousimprovement (Cooke, 2000). To support production, maintenance must ensure equipment
availability in order to. Down time for maintenance is scheduled as a part of the manufacturing day
and, in some cases, as an integral part of the manufacturing process. TPM is a result of the corporate
focus on making better use of available resources. TPM. McKone et al. (2001) identify training, early
equipment design, early product design. Ferrari et al. (2002) have suggested that personalization of
products, mix variabilityand short time to market are forcing the manufacturing organizations to
adopt the leanmanufacturing practices based on flexibility of productive lines, reduction of storage
andintegration among various organizational functions. TPM help eliminate waste arising from an
unorganized work area, unplanned. One key strategy, in effectiveimplementation of TPM
workgroups is, management’s support the efforts to drivecontinuous improvement in the team
environment. The number of companies successfully implemented TPM program isconsidered
relatively small. Many researchers have tried to explain why failures and undesirable effects
occur.Crawford et al. (1988) have pointed out several problems faced by organizations towards
successfully implementation lean manufacturing initiatives including TPMinvolved cultural resistance
of change, lack of training and education, lack oforganizational communication, use of inappropriate
performance measurement, andpoor quality. Thus organizations need to accept with the true spirit
that. TPM has apositive and significant relationship with low cost (as measured by higher
inventoryturns), high levels of quality (as measured by higher levels of conformance
tospecifications), and strong delivery performance (as measured by higher percentage ofon-time
deliveries and by faster speeds of delivery).
Implementation. Introducing and institutionalizing TPM. Another signi?cant contributor for failure
of TPM implementation program is the. Pada proses produksi di PT.Primatexco memproduksi kain
grey dan benang, Unit yang ada pada PT.Primatexco adaalah Unit Spining, Unit Weaving, dan Unit
Finishing. In all 16 losses are identi?ed and strategies developed for. The changing needs of the
physical assets and equipments over time have been. Equipment maintenance represents a signi?cant
component of the operating cost in. Multi criteria Decision model (MCDM) for the evaluation of
maintenance practi. There are enough proofs that companieshave promoted their competitiveness
through the applications of total productivemaintenance and 5S housekeeping functions (Nakajima,
1988; Willmott, 1994). Davis (1997) has outlined various reasons for TPM failure within UK.
Corrective Maintenance and Maintenance Prevention throughout the life cycle. Further, the TPM
audit process and TPM Gap Analysis must be put into place forevaluating the evolution of
permanent changes taking place in the organization. Microstrip Bandpass Filter Design using EDA
Tolol such as keysight ADS and An. ConclusionsThe literature highlights the contributions of various
TPM implementation initiatives foraccruing strategic benefits for meeting the challenges posed by
global competition. They have outlined a generic model indicating factorsaffecting the successful
implementation of TPM in the UK manufacturingsmall-to-medium size enterprises (SME) which
include alignment to mission, theexisting organization, the involvement of people, an implementation
plan, knowledgeand beliefs, time allocation for implementation, management commitment,
themotivation of management and workforce, and measures of performance. Investigation for
development of new tool in dfx shell through literature sur. The TPMimplementation methodology
provides organizations with a guide to fundamentallytransform their shopfloor by integrating
culture, process, and technology (Moore, 1997). The failure of organizations to successfully
institutionalize effective TPM. Phase of implementation TPM implementation steps Activities
involved. IRJET Journal Effect of Lean Manufacturing on Operational Performance: An Empirical
Study o. In this industry, heavy equipment plays an important role in the coal mining process in
Indonesia. Huang et al., 2002; Juric et al., 2006). OEE is calculated by obtaining the product of. In
the quest to achieve world class manufacturing, the organizations world over, arenow, relying upon
exhaustive analysis of the manufacturing systems in order toascertain the inefficiencies associated
with the enterprises. McAdam and Duffner (1996) have described that many issues arise when trying
to. Ferrari et al. (2002) have suggested that personalization of products, mix variability. He
hassuggested that the maintenance function effectiveness must be defined throughrelative economic
and technical ratios, to permit the maintenance manager to follow theevolution of maintenance
performance and to make decisions necessary for improvedmaintenance management. The practices
ofTPM help eliminate waste arising from an unorganized work area, unplanneddowntime, and
machine performance variability. An overview of TPM implementation practicesLycke (2000) points
out that TPM is a highly structured approach and careful,thorough planning and preparation are keys
to successful company-wideimplementation of TPM and so is senior management’s understanding
and belief inthe concept. Preparatory stage. Introduction stage. Implementation. Institutionalizing
stage. Ahuja and Khamba (2008a) have investigated the significant contributions of
TPMimplementation success factors like top management leadership and involvement,traditional
maintenance practices and holistic TPM implementation initiatives, IJQRM25,7 742 Page 35.
Furthermore, the research advocates for measuring the total maintenance effectiveness.
When the breakdowns and defects are eliminated, many benefits are presented:equipment
productivity improvement, cost reduction, quality improvement, andinventory reduction, etc. Using
OEE metrics and establishing adisciplined reporting system help an organization to focus on the
parameters critical toits success. Ideally, TPM provides a framework for addressing the
organizationalobjectives. TPM initiatives in production help in streamlining the manufacturing and
other. Maier et al. (1998) have investigated the impact of TPM initiatives on the productionsystem
and present the findings about the implementation of TPM and its benefitsbased on data gained
from the research project “World Class Manufacturing”. Need for TPM in contemporary
manufacturing scenarioTPM harnesses the participation of all the employees to improve
productionequipment’s availability, performance, quality, reliability, and safety. The number of
journals found from 2015 to 2020 was 60 journals which were finally iterated to become 46 journals
to be selected for this paper. The method used is a descriptive analysis, which exposes availability,
performance and quality of gas turbine engines based on actual data and information by collecting,
compiling, classifying and analyzing data and information about the effectiveness of gas turbine
engines. Malmipuro, 1999; Cua et al., 2001). Lawrence (1999) describes TPM as the general. XYZ
menggunakan lembar catatan penghentian jalur sebagai alat untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab
penghentian jalur yang terjadi di setiap jalur produksi. The manufacturing industry has experienced
an unprecedented degree of change in the. Corrective maintenance (CM): This is a system,
introduced in 1957, in which the. Investigation for development of new tool in dfx shell through
literature sur. Now-a-days, customer satisfaction is the challenge of large industries which can be
achieved when parts produced in SMEs are of good quality, available at the right time and at low
prize. Total productive maintenance is a concept which aims at zero down time. During this phase,
the maintenance function is established and time basedmaintenance (TBM) activities are generally
accepted (Pai, 1997). In today's highly dynamic and rapidly changing environment, the global
competition among organizations has lead to higher demands on the manufacturing organizations.
Multi criteria Decision model (MCDM) for the evaluation of maintenance practi. Thus it can be
asserted that, there are many factors that may contribute to the. Maier et al. (1998) have investigated
the impact of TPM initiatives on the production. In many organisations, the production equipment
represents the majority of invested capital, and deterioration of these facilities and equipment
increases production costs, reduces product quality. TPM has apositive and significant relationship
with low cost (as measured by higher inventoryturns), high levels of quality (as measured by higher
levels of conformance tospecifications), and strong delivery performance (as measured by higher
percentage ofon-time deliveries and by faster speeds of delivery). The ultimate benefits that can be
obtained byimplementing TPM are enhanced productivity and profitability of the organizations.TPM
aims to increase the availability of existing equipment in a given situation,reducing in that way the
need for further capital investment. The purpose of this paper is to present the comprehensive
literature review on 5S and suggest possible gaps from the point of view of researchers and
practitioners. Predictive maintenance (PdM): Predictive maintenance is often referred to as. The goal
of the TPM program is to markedly increase production keeping employee morale and job
satisfaction.TPM brings maintenance into focus as a necessary and vitally important part of the
business. A number of researchersand practitioners have evaluated the contributions of an effective
TPM implementationprogram towards improving manufacturing performance. TPM focuses on
equipment that is easy to operate, requires minimum maintenance. First, to implement TPM
successfully, companiesneed to have established their strategy and their basis of competition, and
must haveundertaken thorough preparatory planning. Planned maintenance Planning ef?cient and
effective PM, PdM and TBM systems over.
Another simpli?ed Western approach involving “Five Pillar Model” proposed by. Increased
availability of productionequipment is crucial for competitiveness and to achieve increased
availability, a goodmaintenance strategy is mandatory. Competitive pressures and changing
production management paradigms haveincreased the importance of reliable and consistent
production equipment (Ahuja andKhamba, 2008b). Ferrari aims to introduce a methodology for
asoft and tenable application of the principles of TPM in Italian factories and focuses onTPM links
with productive maintenance in order to suggest a method for TPM. The method used in this
research is descriptive quantitative. Raouf and Ben-Daya (1995) have proposed a systematic
approach to totalmaintenance management, comprising of three subsystems:
maintenancemanagement; maintenance operations; and equipment management. TPM demands not
only commitments, but alsostructure and direction. Realizing paramount reliability and ?exibility
requirements of the organizations. The purpose ofproductive maintenance is to increase the
productivity of an enterprise byreducing the total cost of the equipment over the entire life from
design,fabrication, operation and maintenance, and the losses caused by equipmentdegradation. The
results of the OEE are analyzed using the six big losses method to find the loss factor, root cause
analysis using the Fishbone diagram and make improvement recommendations using the 5 why
analysis method. He has called for the extensive use of the improvement cycle, or Deming cycle
(PDCA). Based on review results of the 50 journals about TPM in industries It was found that most
of the TPM implementations used the OEE parameter to see the success rate of implementing this
TPM. The OEE metric offers a starting-point for developing quantitative variables for. The
maintenance function has become an increasingly important and complex activity, particularly as
automation increases. TPM; lack of understanding of TPM concepts and principles; inadequacies of
reward. Many researchers have tried to explain why failures and undesirable effects occur. Maier et
al. (1998) have investigated the impact of TPM initiatives on the production. Here, it is pertinent to
note that the maintenance functionhas undergone serious change in the last three decades. Another
signi?cant contributor for failure of TPM implementation program is the. Thus, aneffective TPM
implementation program has huge potential to deliver improvements in themanufacturing
performance and can ensure the survival and growth of an organizationby harnessing various core
competencies related to organization. Stumbling-blocks in TPM implementationIt has been reported
in the literature that TPM implementation is not an easy task byany means. DIRECTIONS You will
be assigned a literary period from American Literature. Multi criteria Decision model (MCDM) for
the evaluation of maintenance practi. You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
Thisvalidates the extremely high potential of TPM initiatives in realizing overallorganizational
competencies. In the quest to achieve world class manufacturing, the organizations world over, are.
The Nakajima model of TPMimplementation has already been depicted in Figure 2.
Thesedevelopmental activities form a set of strategic and human resource oriented practices.
McKone et al. (2001) identify training, early equipment design, early product design,focused
improvement teams, support group activities, and autonomous and plannedmaintenance as the six
major activities in TPM implementation. Obviating problems faced by organizations in form of
internal factors like low.
Inaddition the skilled trades enjoy feeling indispensable and think that the autonomousmaintenance
activity threatens their job security. Effect of Lean Manufacturing on Operational Performance: An
Empirical Study o. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Competitive pressures
and changing production management paradigms haveincreased the importance of reliable and
consistent production equipment (Ahuja andKhamba, 2008b). Bamber et al. (1999) has conducted a
study aimed at discovering the factorsaffecting the successful implementation of TPM at a UK
manufacturing small tomedium-size enterprise (SME). The correlations between various TPM
implementation dimensions and manufacturing performance improvements have been evaluated and
validated by employing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in boiler plant. The maintenance
strategy involving all those activities to. They provide hands-on experience—an invaluable resource
when instructing the use of methods and tools in training or in a classroom. Seisio Shine Clean and
check Clean the workplace completely to. Maintenance; Quality Maintenance; Education and
Training; Of?ce TPM. Swanson (2001) describes the four key components of TPM asworker
training, operator involvement, teams and preventive maintenance. Similarly themanufacturing
performance can also be evaluated by simultaneous implementation ofTPM and other related lean
manufacturing initiatives like JIT, TQM, QFD, TEI and CIetc. Theemergence of TPM is intended to
bring both production and maintenance functionstogether by a combination of good working
practices, team-working and continuousimprovement (Cooke, 2000). Muthu et al. (2000) have
proposed a model called “strategic maintenance qualityengineering” (SMQE) to make the theory of
TPM exhaustive and suggest that the scope ofTPM could be enlarged and made more powerful by
integrating it with the contemporarycontinuous quality improvement model called “statistical quality
management” (SQM).The study reveals that the use of information technology (IT) for
benchmarking SMQEwould aid in improving strategic maintenance quality more effectively. The gap
discussed by authors needs to be addressed by future researchers. They have outlined a generic
model indicating factors. Utilize learning from existing systems to new systems. It will be useful to
researchers, maintenance professionals and others concerned with maintenance to understand the
signi?cance of TPM. Thus, this approach is known as reactive maintenance, breakdown maintenance,
or. Seiketsu Standardize Conformity Maintain high standard of house. The rapidly changing global
marketplace calls for affecting improvements in a. The purpose of this study was to determine the
most dominant factor of the Six Big Losses on the Stretch Blow Machine. It is an innovative
maintenance program with a concept for maintaining plant and equipment by the involvement of all
personnel based in an organization for continuous improvement of performance. The paper reviews a
large number of papers in this ?eld and presents the overview of various TPM implementation
practices demonstrated by manufacturing organizations globally. The transition from a traditional
maintenance program to. The outcomes of literature of some case studies were kept in mind that all
these show that the implementation of TPM in SMEs is still very low or negligible in India. Working
out loss structure and loss mitigation through. Here, it is pertinent to note that the maintenance
functionhas undergone serious change in the last three decades. Typically, it is integrated within an
overall initiative thatincludes Total Quality Management (TQM), Cellular Manufacturing (CM), and
Just inTime (McCarthy, 1995). In this model, “Training and Education” are an integral elementof all
other pillars rather than stand-alone pillar as in the Nakajima model.

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