Unit 3 Grammar Short Test 1 A+b

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Unit 3 Grammar Short Test 1

Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

Unit 3 Grammar Short Test 1

Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. ______________________________________, let’s timetable the meeting for 11:30.
4 If the trains are delayed again because of the strike – how are we going to get to the
1 We would know much less about wildlife if Attenborough _____________ (not make)
such informative documentaries recently.
_______________________________ because of the strike – how are we going to get
2 People would have voted for Harry if he _____________ (hold) different views about
to the conference?
the economy.
5 Tom took extra science lessons. That’s why he passed the exam.
3 If I’d read up about the topic, I _____________ (be able) to better understand this
Tom took extra science lessons. _______________________________. ___ / 5
article I’m reading.
4 If I _____________ (know) about the beach clean-up, I’d be there now.
5 If the company’s attitude to waste disposal _____________ (be) different,
we wouldn’t have boycotted them. ___ / 5
2 Choose the correct options.
1 I wish I didn’t drop / hadn’t dropped Environmental Science at college – a big mistake.
2 They’ve been discussing this for ages – I wish they will move / would move onto
something else.
3 I wish I could / would remember where I left my house keys – I’ll be locked out
if I can’t find them.
4 There’s a job going in our Madrid branch – I wish I spoke / speak Spanish,
then I could apply.
5 If only I revised / had revised the effects of pollution. There were three questions
about it. ___ / 5
3 Rewrite the underlined clauses using the correct words from the box.
but case long otherwise supposing
1 If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we could have collected mushrooms in the forest.
____________________________, we could have collected mushrooms in the forest.
2 Global warming can be addressed, but that’s dependent on extreme measures being
taken soon.
Global warming can be addressed _________________________________________.
3 If 10:00 might be too early for some people, let’s timetable the meeting for 11:30.
Impulse 5 B2+/C1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable Impulse 5 B2+/C1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 If I _____________ (not read) the newsletter last week, I wouldn’t be volunteering
2 If I _____________ (not be) allergic to dog hair, we would have taken in a rescue dog
by now.
3 We’d have been able to invite more people to today’s celebration if we
_____________ (have) a larger house.
4 If I had slept better on the plane, I _____________ (feel) much fresher than I am.
5 I’d have already bought one of these laptops if they __________ (not be) so expensive.
___ / 5
2 Choose the correct options.
1 I wish public transport is / were cheaper, then I’d catch the bus instead of walking
to college.
2 The neighbour’s tree is blocking the sunlight from my room – I wish they would / will
cut it down.
3 I rushed writing my essay last night and now I wish I didn’t / hadn’t. It’s full
of mistakes.
4 If only people would take / take their litter home with them after a day on the beach.
5 I really wish I would / could go to the lecture on Friday, but I’ve made other
arrangements. ___ / 5
3 Rewrite the underlined clauses using the correct words from the box.
case but happen imagine provided
1 I need to pass all my exams in June and then I’ll start studying at university
in September.
_________________________________, I’ll start studying at university in September.
2 If you saw an injured animal on the road, what would you do?
____________________________ an injured animal on the road. What would you do?
3 I’d have left the office on time if I hadn’t had to take a last minute phone call.
I’d have left the office on time,__________________________________ I had to take.
4 It’s unlikely, but if you see Mary on the way, could you ask her to get in touch?
________________________________________ on the way, could you ask her to get
in touch?
5 You might encounter some problems, so here’s a contact number to call.
Here’s a contact number to call in __________________________________________.
___ / 5

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