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Navigating the Challenges of Crafting a Literature Review on Trust and Current Construction

Industry Trends

Embarking on the journey of writing a literature review can be a daunting task, especially when
delving into complex topics such as trust within the construction industry. The process requires
meticulous research, a deep understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to synthesize vast
amounts of information into a coherent narrative. This challenge becomes even more pronounced
when attempting to stay abreast of the latest trends in the ever-evolving construction landscape.

One of the key difficulties in crafting a literature review lies in the extensive exploration of existing
scholarly works. Navigating through a plethora of research papers, articles, and publications demands
time, dedication, and a discerning eye to identify the most relevant and credible sources. As the
construction industry continues to evolve, staying updated on the latest trends adds another layer of
complexity to the task.

Furthermore, the synthesis of diverse perspectives and findings into a cohesive and comprehensive
review requires a unique skill set. Writers must possess the ability to critically analyze and integrate
information, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Crafting a
literature review that not only outlines existing knowledge but also contributes valuable insights
requires a delicate balance of research proficiency and analytical prowess.

In light of these challenges, many individuals find it beneficial to seek assistance in the form of
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GPS, GIS, and RFID are in the same cluster, and the remaining five technologies covering sensors,
IoT, AI, big data, and blockchain are grouped together, and they are all closely linked to BIM. The
outbreak has disrupted supply lines and caused workforce shortages in numerous nations. Building
Information Modelling Technology For Risk Analysis And Mitigation: A. BIM is the intensive
process of developing and using a computer-generated model to simulate. However, the industry is
plagued with delays and cost overrun which transforms what should have been successful projects to
projects incurring additional costs, disagreements, litigation and in some. The initial search resulted
in identifying 3627 papers including journal articles and conference papers. Based on our findings,
there has been a continuous growth of publications on construction risk and environmental research
since 2010. HPM Hindustan M-45 (Fungicides) Presentation HPM Hindustan M-45 (Fungicides)
Presentation Invest in Waaree Energies Unlisted shares.pdf Invest in Waaree Energies Unlisted
shares.pdf How do hotel linen suppliers contribute to sustainable and eco-friendly pract. Don’t
believe us, believe these figures: In 2025, 52% of the professional tasks will be done by a robot. The
construction industry is an important sector of malaysian economy.however,accidents,
incidents,injuries and fatalities continued to occur unabated on construction sites that show a high
incidence of accidents and fatality rates.this paper discusses the current issues or problem related.
Some regions witness upward movement while others show signs of slowing down. IJERA Editor A
comparative study of apqp and contemporary product design and devlopement s. The software
automates performance modeling and consequently saves time and money for construction
companies. Because this pandemic is the first in decades, we have tried to find approaches to
characterize risk factors that are similar to COVID-19 and examine how previous studies have
explained these factors and their impact on the construction industry. Construction projects are
constantly faced with the. However, the main shift that’s going to happen is likely with mindsets and
technology. Current situation: Isolated, disjointed, and fragmented research. Lean construction aims
to improve construction processes by reducing constraints or waste and accelerating construction
cycles in OSC. The application of all the reviewed digital technologies may contribute to further
productivity and efficiency improvement for OSC. Additionally, the integration of AR and VR with
BIM facilitates rapid testing in simulated environments. Being one of the largest construction
companies in malaysia, uem group berhad is well known for large scale infrastructure projects. The
literature suggests that buyers have various ways of. Also, the latter will connect Detroit and
Windsor, Canada. Out of 6384 publications identified and 56 publications reporting, 20 studies
fulfilled the inclusion criteria with full text. Moreover, environmental and safety-related factors are
seen as key risk factors in oil and gas projects. Based on the identified issues, the future directions
for robotic utilization in OSC are suggested as follows: Conducting cost analysis studies for robotic
utilization in the manufacturing process; Testing the onsite assembly process of robotic utilization
using physical prototypes before implementation to provide adequate information and evidence for
decision making. 4.14. Big Data There is only one paper related to big data technology application in
OSC. Post Construction Services For both new construction and refurbished buildings, regardless of
the type of property, the building with a Smart-capable communications system backbone can act as
a platform that can meet their particular and societal needs. The amount of jobs in this sector has
been increasing since 2017 and in 2019, the number of positions was the. Companies also use
construction robots to shorten construction time by increasing the accuracy of construction processes.
Complex data process in need of skilled manual processing.
A systematic literature review can be beneficial in reaching the essence of a problem, and was
adopted in this research. Furthermore, the recovery of Mexico and Brazil will remain fragile.
(ReportLinker, 2020). The startup’s smart site safety system combines IoT sensors and AI to provide
real-time monitoring and analysis of construction site activities. Further, it offers mid-size and mobile
printers suitable for the production of small and medium parts. These fifteen digital technologies, as
shown in Figure 2, are adopted as the keywords for a more detailed literature search regarding their
utilization in OSC. Computer vision provides instant support and guidance, linking construction sites
directly with the main office. This study includes an integrative review of articles published across
Scopus and Web of Science journals and compiled using the systematic review methodology based
on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) Statement
and VOSreview (visualization of similarities) software by defining keywords that include
“construction industry” and “force majeure” and “environmental risks” as a starting point. Research
topics, purpose of virtual reality (VR) adoption, and outcomes achieved in previous studies. They
mentioned some parameters for partnership like purchaser commitment and supplier. Is this
pandemic a force majeure in the field of FIDIC contracts, and if so is this the case for each of the
parties to the contract. Additionally, it is essential to make the building inclusive for everyone
(wheelchairs) since the initial design phase. Growth in this sector is critical for growth in national
income as it is among the largest sectors that generates employment within the country as well as a
key driver for economic development of Pakistan. The purpose of this research is to assess causes
and effects of cost and time overruns in construction projects. Figure 3. Perceived benefits of BIM
(Oa??Brien et al. 2016). Use cases are boundless, from the accurate simulation of the whole project
to tracking construction assets. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the
journal that they believe will be particularly. And this is one of the illustrative usage examples.
Supplier Trust on Performance of Cooperative Supplier Relationships, Journal of Operations. Safety
improvement by identifying potential obstacles during the construction lifting process. Using robotic
systems allows for greater automation in various. Alfadil, M.O.; Kassem, M.A.; Ali, K.N.; Alaghbari,
W. In fact, new solutions offer specific and beneficial assistance such as receivables, tracking, and
payment management. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and
conditions. As of 2012, the sector employed almost 40% of the malaysian labor force. Nieminen,
Early Supplier Involvement in New Product Development: A Casting-Network. Systematic review
process of digital technologies’ adoption in off-site construction (OSC). However, they will become
the fasting growing region from 2019 to 2023. (ReportLinker, 2020). And, in 2020 alone, a total of
1,008 construction workers died on the job in the U.S. That’s really shocking given the perturbing
fact that construction workers make up only 6% of the U.S. labor force. But, this year some expect a
fall in construction fatalities because of a new trend that has drastically increased safety behavior and
attitudes among construction workers. The statistics were compared to past pandemic studies. Some
key benefits realized from the use of 3-D models include.
Network re-engineering:- which means redesign of supply networks which are made through.
IAEME Publication Viewers also liked ( 9 ) 4 image segmentation through clustering 4 image
segmentation through clustering 1 selvarasu nanjappan 3 1 selvarasu nanjappan 3 Time domain sound
spectrum measurements in ducted axial fan under stall regio. Based on the identified issues, the
future direction for big data utilization in OSC is that more empirical validation and case studies can
be conducted. Immersive technologies help prevent potential onsite accidents, while Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) serves as a critical safeguard. Female, black, and Asian workers
represent hugely untapped labor pools to fill out construction labor shortfalls. Supplier Learning.
Here they found that supplier development programs support the. Rendered Model 28. 29. List of 3
rd floor Zones 30. However, countries and cities will always need infrastructures to support
development, services, social activities, and their economies. A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP
Selection of Supplier by Using Saw and Vikor Methods Selection of Supplier by Using Saw and
Vikor Methods IJERA Editor Determinants of Supply Chain Performance of Indian Manufacturing
Organizations Determinants of Supply Chain Performance of Indian Manufacturing Organizations
PERFORMANCE AT KENYA SEED C. The previous table presented the twenty most important
studies we found pointing to the subject to the impact of force majeure and environmental factors as
risks that may lead to the suspension of construction projects, along with the resulting effects on
achieving goals according to the cost and time planned. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Building planning and designing, a collaborative process involving engineers, architects, builders,
and clients, faces challenges with traditional methods due to difficulties in visualizing real-time
changes. Source: However, the industry is
plagued with delays and cost overrun which transforms what should have been successful projects to
projects incurring additional costs, disagreements, litigation and in some. In doing, mixed-use
“provides city inhabitants with neighborhoods that integrate work, home, shopping, transportation,
and even green spaces. Source: Resistance in bim adoption as it requires
changing current ways of working. Source: It shows that construction activities in
malaysia are heavily dependent on volume and size of the country economy's while the
characteristics and current status of china's construction industry. Based on the identified issues, the
future directions for robotic utilization in OSC are suggested as follows: Conducting cost analysis
studies for robotic utilization in the manufacturing process; Testing the onsite assembly process of
robotic utilization using physical prototypes before implementation to provide adequate information
and evidence for decision making. 4.14. Big Data There is only one paper related to big data
technology application in OSC. But, there is still a strong demand for good people. Data Availability
Statement The datasets analyzed in the current study are available from the corresponding author on
reasonable request. These tools are also used by managers to monitor task progress and identify
bottlenecks. To ensure the literature search covers all commonly-adopted digital technologies in the
construction industry, a preliminary search was carried out to identify the specific technologies and
the terminologies used in the literature. With the startup’s system, construction companies are able to
reduce accidents on-site and ensure worker safety. 7. Construction Monitoring Construction projects,
spread across vast geographical areas and involving numerous assets and human resources, challenge
manual monitoring efforts. Guerdon offers Modular Construction Technology US-based startup
Guerdon builds large off-site modular technology for large construction projects and multi-family
housing. EDC-4 highlights that a??paperless technologies enhance partnering among stakeholders on.
With respect to site security (health and safety), during the closure of sites it is possible to take into
account the appropriate security measures for sites and the procedures in place to maintain the
infrastructure of important sites. The second is working capital, which suffers from severe pressures
affecting the liquidity situation. The construction industry in malaysia drives the economic growth
and development of the country. However, once it got into the external cladding, the fire spread up
the outside of the building. Bim its applications Bim its applications Brochure BIM Brochure BIM
Building Information Model Research Paper Building Information Model Research Paper Iabse2008
Chicago Jyrki Jauhiainen Iabse2008 Chicago Jyrki Jauhiainen Building Information Model Building
Information Model Building Information Modeling (BIM) Research Paper Building Information
Modeling (BIM) Research Paper IS BIM ADVANTAGEOUS IN PAKISTAN. Finally, the shift, as
alluded to, is not so much on the number of construction demand in whatever sector. H V Bhasin2,
Dr. Rakesh Verma3, Dr. Satishchandra V Joshi4. VisualLive enables Immersive BIM Visualization
US-based startup VisualLive develops immersive BIM visualizations for construction sites.
Human Capital Driven by technology and by the need to enhance efficiency, the AEC companies are
set to create new types of teams and roles within their organizations, with existing functions to be
revised to incorporate the usage of digitization and robotics. As of 2012, the sector employed almost
40% of the malaysian labor force. The startup’s solutions increase workforce productivity while
keeping them safe. The startup also offers Outdoor UGV Hunters and Rough Terrain Bunker Robots
to automate on-site delivery and disinfection tasks. The main topics, outcomes achieved, and issues
identified are given in Table 10. By dampening the signal buying company may succeed to some
extent. PRISMA is a framework for reporting evaluations of randomized trials, and may also be
used to publish systematic analyses of certain types of testing in special protocol assessments.
Practitioners, particularly vendors, refer to it as a solution, while academics and some stakeholders
refer to it as a methodology. The detailed technology adoption related to the nine topics will be
presented in the following sections. If Atradius does conduct due diligence on any buyer it is for its
own underwriting purposes and not for the benefit of the insured or any other person. Mapping
results of the co-occurrence of author keywords. Tribological testing regime for establishing ficiency
of zddp in presence of. With the help of in-depth primary and secondary research methods, the
report compiles an accurate historical databank describing the growth of the market in the historical
review period. Nieminen, Early Supplier Involvement in New Product Development: A Casting-
Network. Chain Management: An International Journal, 10(4), 2005, 289-301. Because this
pandemic is the first in decades, we have tried to find approaches to characterize risk factors that are
similar to COVID-19 and examine how previous studies have explained these factors and their
impact on the construction industry. Construction Industry from Perspective of Force Majeure and
Environmental Risk Compared to the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Systematic Literature Review.
Washington DOT has used RTK systems for the following typical survey operations. The pragmatic
thing to do is take everything on a case-to-case basis where every firm is a special case for
measuring productivity. Low cost and timely transportation data collection. Your Name Business
Email Company true Get our free newsletter on technology and startups. Table 3 shows a summary
of common technologies used to survey a site. While Guerdon manufactures building parts in the
factory, it also does site work and parallelly constructs foundations to save time and reduce cost.
Therefore, as seen in many other industries, the use of deep and high tech in the construction site
improves the job to be done and the well being of employees, as well as companies’ footprint during
the process. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. The remaining 24 papers
adopted BIM in conjunction with one or more other digital technologies. Joint international
conference on construction culture, innovation and management (ccim). There are 11 papers related
to AI technology application in OSC. Supplier Development Plan, Economics and Management,
16(1), 2011, 647-653. They stated that co-operation varies with the variables like type of.
Protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The startup
provides economical and well-constructed housing using robotics and 3D printing technology. 10.
Connected Construction Sites Ensuring project success in construction involves managing its many
dynamic components effectively. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new
publications in your areas of interest when they're released. Research topics, purpose of the Internet
of Things (IoT) adoption, and outcomes achieved in previous studies. While the literature on off-site
construction is growing, there is no systematic evaluation of how available digital technologies have
been utilized in the construction sectors, and how these technologies can effectively enhance current
OSC practices. Research topics, purpose of blockchain adoption, and outcomes achieved in previous
studies. In this context, it has become necessary to search for ways to save the economy and ongoing
projects, including in the construction industry, in order to adapt to the pandemic and reduce risk as
much as possible while avoiding stagnation and collapse. BIM practices have been successfully used
in several projects, but they are not widely adopted. Finally, the shift, as alluded to, is not so much
on the number of construction demand in whatever sector. International Journal of Logistics
Management, 22(2), 2011, 179-201. Research topics, purpose of three-dimensional (3D) printing
adoption, and outcomes achieved in previous studies. Wu (2003) in his study of Lean manufacturing
from a perspective of lean suppliers made a. The data are integrated into a centralized database. Note
that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. Don’t
believe us, believe these figures: In 2025, 52% of the professional tasks will be done by a robot.
Moreover, by 2020, 8% report that they will implement drone use. (SoftwareConnect). Based on the
identified issues, the potential future research direction of each technology is discussed. Computer
vision provides instant support and guidance, linking construction sites directly with the main office.
Source: Issues and challenges try the best to persuade all construction industry implements ibs in
their constructive in conclusion, the future of the construction industry is still bright and has a lot of
Inspections by the construction industry development board on 7,590 construction sites nationwide
from april 20 to sept 20, meanwhile, found that 149 sites still had not resumed operations, fadillah
said. The application of each technology is reviewed in the following sections. 2.3. Database Search
for Selecting Relevant Papers Step 2 is to identify all relevant papers on digital technology
utilization in OSC. Future research should be on modelling of structural components, automation of
assembly sequence, planning and optimization of OSC, and dynamic structural health monitoring.
This means that between 1970 and 2017, the total of deaths per day decreased from 38 worker
deaths a day to 14. Washington DOT has used RTK systems for the following typical survey
operations. The research topics, outcomes, and issues identified are presented in Table 17. Likewise,
how the epidemic or MCO impacts the parties’ rights and commitments in terms of timing and costs
depends heavily on the regulations of the contract. Communication: Community involvement, as
well as smart controls of technologies, broadband services and security. Financial management and
sales tracking modules further aid in project oversight. The papers are limited to journals and
conference proceedings in English. GPR is a noninvasive sensing technique that has increased in use
because of its flexibility and. Building Information Modelling Technology For Risk Analysis And
Mitigation: A.
Health: Sustainable buildings can promote higher living and aesthetic standards if furnished with
plants and local flora, for instance. Studies in the Malaysian Automotive Industry, Asian Academy of
Management Journal. The first definition by Watts and Hahn (1993) refers to supplier development
as “A long-term. Based on the identified issues, the immediate future directions for blockchain
utilization in OSC are smart contract management, addressing the security issues, and achieving a
faster approval process. 5. Conclusions This research was inspired by the recent Industry 4.0
phenomena, which is fueled by technology advancement and innovations for improving efficiency
and productivity in all fields. IAEME Publication OPTIMAL RECONFIGURATION OF POWER
ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Some materials level off or drop slightly
but remain above their pre-COVID costs. Moreover, Hong Kong’s research attracts the highest
number of citations in this area, which demonstrates its high quality and the high impact of research
in technology applications in OSC. Immersive technologies help prevent potential onsite accidents,
while Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) serves as a critical safeguard. Companies also use
construction robots to shorten construction time by increasing the accuracy of construction processes.
The North American construction industry slows down to 1.2% and Western Europe to just 2.2% in
2019. (ReportLinker, 2020). Governments worldwide continue to champion major infrastructure
projects to boost their economy’s productive potential and drive the post-Covid economic recovery.
These tools are also used by managers to monitor task progress and identify bottlenecks. Research
topics, purpose of photogrammetry adoption, and outcomes achieved in previous studies. The main
topic and outcomes are listed in Table 13. This eliminates the confusion when multiple people are
working from different versions of a file. As cities become more populated and building
construction moves skywards, drone inspection is the safest viable option. Automation can help you
improve collaboration with your partners and sub-contractors as well, synchronizing all the contracts
and reports, and giving you one source of truth. In another sector, which is the human resources
sector, the negative impact is represented by the availability of manpower due to cases of injuries and
deaths, or the costs and incentives required to maintain key skilled cadres. Editors select a small
number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly. Pointed out
that most existing research is fragmented with a focus on a specific phase and not on workflow
integration. Therefore, there is and will be a market for going green. Source:
The book is written to provide a the reference to malaysia may be similar to some but not all
countries. TyBot eliminates the need for manual mapping and calibration by auto-locating, auto-
positioning, and tying up to 110 rebar intersections per hour. As a result, the overall value of Saudi
Arabia’s building projects underway as of October 2018 is USD 284 billion. Previous Article in
Journal Date Palm Tree Waste Recycling: Treatment and Processing for Potential Engineering
Applications. This reality is profoundly affecting the narrowing of the talent pipeline for the industry,
which should be reverted to create a more inclusive AEC ecosystem. The keyword search algorithm
is: (TITLE-ABS-KEY (digital AND technology OR digital AND technologies)) AND (construction
AND industry OR construction AND project OR construction AND projects). And, in 2020 alone, a
total of 1,008 construction workers died on the job in the U.S. That’s really shocking given the
perturbing fact that construction workers make up only 6% of the U.S. labor force. But, this year
some expect a fall in construction fatalities because of a new trend that has drastically increased
safety behavior and attitudes among construction workers. In total, the industrial sector of malaysia
accounted for more than a third (around 36.8%) of the nation's gdp in 2014.

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