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Original Research

Neuromuscular Fatigue Induced by a Mixed Martial

Art Training Protocol
Louis-Solal Giboin, and Markus Gruber
Human Performance Research Center, Sensorimotor Performance Lab, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany

Giboin, L-S and Gruber, M. Neuromuscular fatigue induced by a mixed martial art training protocol. J Strength Cond Res XX(X):
000–000, 2019—Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full-contact sport whose popularity and professionalism are rapidly growing.
However, the specific physiological demands of this sport have been only scarcely studied so far, and especially the amount or type
of neuromuscular fatigue induced by an MMA bout remains completely unknown. We estimated neuromuscular fatigue of knee
extensors muscles during and after an MMA training protocol designed to simulate the physiological demands of MMA competition
in competitive practitioners (n 5 9) with isometric maximal voluntary force (MVF), potentiated muscle twitch at rest (Ptw), and
voluntary activation (VA). Bayesian linear mixed models showed that the training protocol induced a reduction of MVF, Ptw, and VA.
Although the largest reduction across time of VA was smaller than the largest reduction of Ptw, an effect of VA, but not of Ptw, was
found on MVF variation. The training protocol induced neuromuscular fatigue, with a larger peripheral (Ptw) than central component
(VA). However, despite the large decrease in Ptw, force production capacity was related only to VA, indicating that central control
might play an important role in the compensation of the peripheral fatigue components estimated with Ptw. This central com-
pensation can most probably prevent a too large loss of muscle force during the training protocol.
Key Words: MMA, central fatigue, peripheral fatigue, muscle fatigue, psychoneurophysiology, fight sport

Introduction to several processes, including neuromuscular fatigue. Neuro-

muscular fatigue could be defined as an exercise-induced tran-
Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full-contact fight sport whose
sient reduction in muscle power or force, irrespective to the
concept originates from at least the classical antiquity era (e.g.,
capacity to continue or not the physical fatiguing task (9). Neu-
Pankration (11)). The currently most used set of rules has been
romuscular fatigue is composed of peripheral fatigue,
formalized in 2001 (25). Its goal consists in dominating an op-
i.e., mechanisms occurring distal to the neuromuscular junction,
ponent using strike and grappling techniques in a given space
and central fatigue, i.e., mechanisms taking place in the central
(ring or cage) and time (in general 3 3 5 minutes for non-
nervous system (10). The proportion of these different fatigue
championship fight and 5 3 5 minutes for championship fight).
components and their evolution across time throughout and after
Since the first North American fight card in 1993, MMA has
the fatiguing task seems to be task specific (6). Neuromuscular
experienced an exponential rise in popularity and pro-
fatigue and its components can be estimated with several different
fessionalism. Despite its recent popularity, little is known about
methods. Neuromuscular fatigue is most of the time estimated
the physiological demands of MMA (22). The particular nature of
with the decrease in isometric maximal voluntary force (MVF)
MMA makes it difficult to extrapolate its physiological demands
produced during isometric maximal voluntary contractions
and adaptations from studies performed on athletes from other
(MVCs) measured before and after the fatiguing task (10). In
fight sports (2). Indeed, the specific anaerobic and aerobic effort
exercise physiology, central fatigue is often estimated with the
combination due to intermittent high-intensity phases interspaced
decrease in voluntary activation (VA), i.e., the capacity to vol-
within a relatively long total effort time (8,30) and the broad skill
untarily recruit muscles. Voluntary activation can be assessed
sets that require different types of physiological adaptations are
with the twitch interpolated method that consists in stimulating
very specific to MMA (22). This gap in the knowledge may act as
electrically the motor nerve during and after the MVC (29).
a brake in regard to the optimization of the athletes’ training and
Muscle force response can be roughly estimated with the ampli-
recovery and slow down the maturing process of the sport-
tude of the potentiated muscle twitch (Ptw) elicited by maximal
specific elite performance.
motor nerve electrical stimulation at rest. A decrease in Ptw can be
It has been recently suggested that the neuromuscular charac-
considered as an indicator of decreased muscle excitability or
teristics of lower-body muscles could be a predictor of competi-
force production capability (36). These specific methods have
tive success in MMA. A high level of lower-body neuromuscular
been demonstrated to be highly reliable when used with knee
performance seems essential to display the technical repertoire of
extensor muscles in young healthy subjects (32). The amount of
athletes during competitive fights (21). However, neuromuscular
neuromuscular fatigue and the proportion of peripheral and
performance is susceptible to change during physical activity due
central fatigue, occurring during an MMA fight remain un-
Address correspondence to Louis-Solal Giboin, louis-solal.giboin@uni- known. Such information seems to be crucial for athletes and coaches as a decline of lower-body neuromuscular performance
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 00(00)/1–9 throughout an MMA fight due to fatigue might increase the risk
ª 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association of defeat and injury. With such knowledge in mind, changes in

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00

pacing or tactics within the fight or specific technical and physical Procedures
preparation between fights could be applied to optimize the
Sport History of Subjects. Individual sport history details are
neuromuscular performance of lower-body muscles throughout
displayed in Table 2. Subjects trained 7.3 6 5.1 years specifically
the whole duration of the fight and enhance probability of vic-
in MMA, 9.6 6 8.4 years in another fight sports than MMA, and
tory. The focus on knee extensor muscles is important not only
16.3 6 6.5 years in nonfight sports. At the time of the study,
because of the relationship between lower body strength and
subjects were training for MMA (including relevant general
MMA competition success (21) but also because of the large ac-
physical preparation) 9.6 6 5.1 hours per week. Subjects had 2.4
cumulation of basic and applied knowledge regarding knee
6 2.5 amateur fights and 6.1 6 11.6 professional fights.
extensors muscles neuromuscular fatigue.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the amount
Mixed Martial Arts Training Protocol. During the training pro-
of neuromuscular fatigue in knee extensors muscles, as esti-
tocol, subjects interacted with a sparring partner holding mitts or
mated by the changes in MVF, VA, and Ptw, during and after
a shield during stand-up phases. Subjects were instructed to per-
a MMA training protocol that simulates as best as possible
form at the required intensity (low or high) and were given verbal
a MMA fight.
encouragement during the entire training protocol. Subjects did
not receive any strikes so strike-induced tissue damage would not
Methods interact with the interpretation of neuromuscular fatigue meas-
urements. Subjects were permitted to wear their preferred training
Experimental Approach to the Problem kit (short, rash guard or not, and training or competition gloves),
The study was divided in 2 experimental days separated by 24 but without shin-pads. Before the training protocol, each subject
hours of rest. During the first day, we measured quadriceps completed a self-directed 10-minute warm-up based on their
muscle isometric maximal voluntary force (MVF), potentiated previous training experience (this warm-up corresponds to warm-
muscle twitch at rest (Ptw), and VA to investigate influence of up 2 in Figure 1). The protocol consisted of 3 rounds, each with
peripheral and central mechanisms of neuromuscular fatigue as- a duration of 5 minutes. Because of the neuromuscular meas-
sociated with a MMA training protocol. During the second day, urements performed in between, rounds 1 and 2 were separated
we measured physiological characteristics of the subjects (skin- by 194 6 32 seconds and rounds 2 and 3 by 176 6 26 seconds.
fold thickness, jump height, and aerobic capacity). In addition, we Subjects completed the entire training protocol (including warm-
assessed the sports history of subjects with a questionnaire. The up) in approximately 30 minutes. Excluding time between
general procedure is summarized in a flowchart (Figure 1). rounds, the training protocol was designed to simulate the
physiological demands of actual MMA competition. For this, the
total effort was divided in different effort types following the
Subjects observations of Miarka et al. (30), which have analyzed the effort
Nine healthy young men participated in the study (mean 6 SD; displayed by professional middleweight MMA fighters during the
age: 28 6 7 years; age range: 20 to 38 years; body mass: 75.4 6 8 first round (stand-up with low or high intensity, ground work
kg; height: 173 6 6 cm, all subjects were above 18 years old). with low and high intensity, and rest sequences). Therefore, each
Before any data collection, subjects were informed of the risks and round consisted of upper- and lower-limb stand-up striking of
benefits of the study and signed an institutionally approved in- low and high intensity using focus mits, kick shields, and a heavy
formed consent document. The study and its methods were spe- bag, ground grappling and upper- and lower-limb ground strikes
cifically approved by the ethics committee of the University of of low and high intensity, and an active rest interval. Those
Konstanz and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. training activities were combined into a circuit of 75 seconds
Subjects were included only if they were active MMA competitors duration, which was completed 4 times per round. Specifically,
with at least one amateur or professional fight record and if they each circuit consisted of the following: 25 seconds of standing
were currently free from any lower-limb injuries. Subjects were strikes at low intensity (;4 combinations of 2 punches and 1
asked to not consume any caffeine or alcohol on the day of the kick), 10 seconds of standing strikes at high intensity (punching
experiment and to not perform training that is not part of their and kicking with the highest intensity possible against a heavy
usual routine 48 hours before the experiment. bag), 10 seconds of active recovery (as subjects transitioned from

Figure 1. General procedure. Vertical arrows correspond to neuromuscular measurements which were performed
before the MMA training protocol (Pre), at the end of each round, and during the recovery period following the
training protocol. MMA 5 Mixed martial arts.

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00 |

stand-up striking to ground grappling), 20 seconds of low- push!”). This procedure was performed again after 2 minutes of
intensity ground work with a training partner (subjects were rest. If the MVF produced during the MVC increased by at least
placed under mount, side control, or in guard with the aim to 5%, the procedure would have been repeated until no increase of
improve their position and apply a submission hold on their more than 5% in MVF was observed. However, it must be noted
partner), and 10 seconds of high-intensity ground strikes from the that such increase did not occur for any of the subjects. The VA
mount position (punches, elbows, and knees with the highest procedure was repeated between rounds during the training
intensity possible into a heavy bag placed on the mat). protocol (after round 1, 2, and 3) and after completion of the
training protocol (5, 10, and 15 minutes after the end of the VA
Neuromuscular Measurements. Subjects started with a warm-up procedure after round 3). After the end of the training protocol, in
consisting of 2 sets of 10 body mass squats and 2 sets of 3 between neuromuscular measurements, subjects stayed on the
countermovement jump (CMJ) (30-second rest between sets; this chair but unstrapped and had free access to water. During the
warm-up corresponds to warm-up 1 in Figure 1). This warm-up training protocol, the EMG sensors and stimulation electrodes
was used to ensure that the performance during the baseline were removed and systematically replaced on the marks drawn on
neuromuscular measurements was maximal. We taped electro- the skin after wiping the sweat with a tissue and alcohol before
myography (EMG) sensors (Trigno Wireless EMG system, Delsys every neuromuscular measurement. To get neuromuscular
Inc.) on the muscle belly of the vastus lateralis (VL) and biceps measurements as relevant as possible, we tried to position stim-
femoris (BF) according to SENIAM recommendations (www. ulation and EMG electrodes in less than 2 minutes after the end of The skin underneath EMG sensors was previously the round. Indeed, it is known that MVF, VA, and Ptw can sub-
shaved, abraded, and cleaned with alcohol. Subjects sat in a cus- stantially recover in the few minutes necessary to move to the
tom-made chair with arm crossed on their chest and hip and trunk required apparatus after the end of the fatiguing task (36). If that
and knee position maintained using noncompliant straps. The was not possible, only MVF was obtained. This relatively long
custom-made chair had a hole in the seat to let the EMG sensor delay is explained by the travel between the training protocol area
positioned on the BF muscle go through. The knee angle was set at (far from any measurement devices for safety reasons) and posi-
110°. The right ankle strap was attached to a force transducer tioning of EMG sensors and stimulation electrodes. The neuro-
(Model 9321A, Kistler). We stimulated the femoral nerve with muscular measurements were conducted 109 6 12 seconds, 106
percutaneous electrodes (copper custom-made electrode wrapped 6 19 seconds, and 105 6 21 seconds after the end of round 1, 2,
in water-soaked sponges). We fixed the cathode (circular, 2 cm of and 3, respectively.
diameter) over the right femoral triangle and the anode (rectan-
gular, 5 3 7 cm) over the lower part of the right gluteus maximus Neuromuscular Measurements Analysis. EMG signals were am-
muscle. The position of each electrode and EMG sensor was plified (3 1,000), high- and low-pass–filtered (20 6 5 and 450 6
marked with a waterproof pen. We stimulated the femoral nerve 50 Hz respectively), and sampled at 4,000 Hz. EMG and force
with 1 ms squared electrical pulses (Stimulator DSH7, Digitimer). signals were recorded on a computer with the Signal software
The intensity of the nerve stimulation was raised until reaching (Cambridge Electronic Design) through a power 1,401 interface
the maximal M-wave (Mmax) in the VL and until the amplitude (Cambridge Electronic Design). Maximal voluntary force corre-
of the muscle twitch was not increasing anymore (average stim- sponded to the MVF produced during each MVC, i.e., the highest
ulation intensity to reach Mmax was 56 mA). The biceps femoris amplitude of voluntary force. Ptw corresponded to the maximal
activity was monitored during femoral nerve stimulation to en- amplitude of the potentiated twitch at rest obtained after each
sure that stimulation did not also increase activity in the antag- MVC. Voluntary activation was calculated using the formula VA
onist muscle. The intensity was then multiplied by 1.5 and stayed 5 100 3 (1 2 interpolated twitch/Ptw) (29). During some trials,
constant during the whole experiment (31). Following this pro- the stimulation electrode could not be adequately repositioned
cedure, subjects warmed up with incremental submaximal 5- within time and no stimulations were elicited (2 Ptw and 3 VA
second isometric knee extensions until reaching around 90% of data point missing). EMGvl corresponded to the rms EMG of the
perceived maximal effort. We used around 15–20 submaximal VL muscle of the epoch of 250 ms leading to the stimulation
contractions, depending on the force of each subject. The first inducing the interpolated twitch. EMGvl was normalized to the
5–10 contractions were performed at very low intensity (force rms of the Mmax elicited by the same stimulation (on an epoch of
output around 170 N) and were used to instruct subjects about 20 ms starting at the beginning of the M-wave). For the Mmax
performing isometric contractions with a steady plateau. Then, analysis, every potential was visually inspected by the main in-
contraction intensity and resting time in between contractions vestigator and it was ensured that the epoch of 20 ms englobed the
were gradually increased. The gradual increase in intensity be- full potential and no ongoing EMG. During some trials, the EMG
tween contractions was estimated according to the perceived sensor could not be fixed securely within time due to the sweating
difficulty of each contraction by subjects. The aim was to get from (6 data points missing). The MVF, VA, Ptw, and EMGvl of Pre
the first submaximal contractions to the last submaximal con- (measurement performed before the training protocol) were
traction before maximal effort in 5–10 contractions. This pro- obtained from the MVC that produced the highest MVF.
cedure is regularly used in our laboratory to optimize the MVF
measurement reliability while minimizing the fatigue induced by Physiological Characteristics Assessments. First, we estimated
the contractions (13,14,16). After 2 minutes of rest, we started the body fat with skinfold thickness (Harpenden skinfold calliper, Baty
VA procedure. During the VA procedure, subjects performed an International) following ISAK standards (28). We marked and
MVC of around 3 seconds, and the femoral nerve was stimulated measured 8 skinfold thickness (triceps, subscapular, biceps, iliac
during the force plateau and around 1 or 2 seconds after the crest, supraspinale, abdominal, front thigh, and medial calf) in suc-
muscle relaxation (see Figure 2). Subjects were encouraged with cession and duplicated the measures. If the 2 measures differed by
standardized verbal encouragements just before and during the more than 10%, a third one was performed. Then, subjects per-
contraction (before: “Are you ready to give your maximum!?” formed 3 CMJs on a force plate (Leonardo Mechanograph) sepa-
and “Prepare to push as hard as possible!”; during: “Push, push, rated by 1 minute of rest and with the instruction to jump as high as

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The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00

Figure 2. Measure of neuromuscular fatigue. The figure displays the force (in N)
produced by one subject before the training protocol (Pre, light line) and 5 minute
after the end of the training protocol (Recov +59, dark line). The vertical arrows
indicate the interpolated twitch.

possible with the hands on the hips (15). Finally, subjects did a ramp minute) and received strong verbal encouragements. One subject
test on a cycling ergometer (ergoselect200; ergoline GmbH), and gas stopped prematurely the ramp test because of discomfort (ramp test
exchanges were monitored breath by breath (Ergostick; Geratherm data not analyzed). The heart rate (HR) during the training protocol
Respiratory GmbH) and analyzed with the Blue Cherry software and the ramp test was measured with a chest belt (Polar V800).
(Geratherm Respiratory GmbH). The test consisted of a 5-minute However, because of system failure of the device or movement from
warm-up at 60 W followed by a progressive increase in power the belt, we could only analyze data in 7 subjects during the training
(ramp) until subject’s exhaustion or volitional termination of the protocol and ramp test.
task. The ramp was followed by 1 minute of rest and 5 minutes of
cool-down consisting in cycling at 60 W. The ramp was calculated Physiological Characteristics Analysis. HRmax and HRmean
according to the body mass of the subjects (25% of the fighter’s body corresponded to the highest HR measured during each round of
mass rounded to 15, 20, or 25 W·min21) (24). Subjects had to the training protocol and the mean HR of each round, re-
maintain a constant cadence (between 70 and 90 rotations per spectively. Estimation of adiposity was made by summing the

Figure 3. Neuromuscular fatigue induced by the training protocol. This figure displays the MVF (N), the Ptw (N), and the VA (%)
before (Pre), during the training protocol (after each round), and 5, 10, and 15 min after the end of the MVF following round 3
(Recov). The dark line and points correspond to the mean values. The error bars correspond to SD. The colored lines and
points correspond to individual values. MVF 5 maximal voluntary force; VA 5 voluntary activation; Ptw 5 potentiated muscle
twitch at rest.

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The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00 |

Table 1
Posterior estimates.*†
Variable Time level Estimate SD Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI ES
MVF (N) Intercept 697.43 38.69 620.71 774.40
Round 1 256.23 14.05 282.75 228.47 20.53
Round 2 264.74 12.66 289.76 239.73 20.57
Round 3 271.52 15.06 2101.11 241.35 20.62
Recov 5’ 298.69 19.70 2137.18 259.23 20.8
Recov 109 272.25 14.44 2101.29 244.32 20.62
Recov 159 264.87 14.53 293.61 236.09 20.58
VA (%) Intercept 94.10 2.61 88.97 99.34
Round 1 22.84 1.46 25.75 0.07 20.42
Round 2 22.41 1.22 24.82 20.06 20.35
Round 3 26.17 3.64 213.73 0.33 20.65
Recov 59 29.27 2.16 213.55 24.93 21.17
Recov 109 23.79 1.14 26.07 21.55 20.57
Recov 159 25.18 1.70 28.52 21.87 20.64
Ptw (N) Intercept 154.14 8.99 135.81 172.00
Round 1 227.72 6.73 241.15 214.36 20.88
Round 2 231.19 5.46 241.77 220.53 21.11
Round 3 251.32 12.98 277.09 225.33 21.27
Recov 59 245.34 8.59 262.11 228.87 21.3
Recov 109 229.00 5.53 239.67 217.88 21
Recov 159 226.52 5.69 237.85 215.22 20.93
EMGvl (%) Intercept 32.90 3.33 26.40 39.66
Round 1 22.15 4.12 210.12 6.15 20.1
Round 2 21.10 3.38 27.76 5.72 0.05
Round 3 21.84 3.94 29.42 5.91 20.1
Recov 59 27.49 3.28 213.85 21.04 20.92
Recov 109 21.87 3.82 29.45 5.53 20.03
Recov 159 21.62 3.18 28.01 4.57 20.15
MVF (N) Intercept 49.74 13.44 23.25 76.44
VA 0.42 0.16 0.09 0.74
Ptw 0.01 0.07 20.12 0.14
HRmean (b·min21) Intercept 160.64 8.58 143.56 177.57
Round 2 2.55 7.64 212.43 18.07
Round 3 21.35 7.80 217.09 13.70
HRmax (b·min21) Intercept 179.09 4.90 169.38 188.75
Round 2 1.47 5.51 29.77 12.70
Round 3 24.83 6.26 217.14 7.03
*CrI 5 Credible Interval; MVF 5 maximal voluntary force; VA 5 voluntary activation.
†Posterior distribution of constant estimates is described with mean, SD, and upper and lower bound of the 95% credible interval (CrI). The intercept row corresponds to the estimate at baseline level (i.e., before
the training protocol). The estimates given for round 1, 2, and 3 and at recovery time of 59, 109, and 159 must be read as the mean at time x is greater or lower by y units than the mean at baseline. ES
corresponds to effect size. The effect size is calculated against Pre values.

skinfold thickness of the 8 sites (1). Following ISAK recom- mean difference is divided by the average SD and used the ap-
mendations, the skinfold thickness at each site was equal to the proximated Hedges’ correction (17). Furthermore, with variables
average of measurements if 2 measures were performed or the expressed in percent of pre, it was tested whether VA and Ptw
median if 3 measures were performed (28). Jump height was de- could explain MVF with a model including random intercept by-
termined as the highest height estimated from the 3 CMJ (Leo- subject and random slope by-subject for VA and Ptw. In addition,
nardo GRFP 4.3 software). V̇ O2 peak was estimated as the highest the difference of HR (mean and maximal) between the rounds of
oxygen uptake, and HRmax ramp corresponded to the highest the training protocol was tested with Bayesian 1-way analysis of
HR measured during the ramp test. variance with repeated measurement. All models were con-
structed with student family function as it allows “robust” linear
regression that is less influenced by outliers. Uninformative priors
set per default by the package were used. Four Markov chain
Statistical Analyses
Monte Carlo (MCMC) with 4,000 iterations each were used for
R was used for statistics (3.3.0, The R Foundation for Statistical each test (with a warm-up of 2000 iterations). The convergence of
Computing). The R package brms (5) was used to test the effect of all models was checked with the Rhat value and by visually
time on MVF, Ptw, VA, and EMGvl with the Bayesian linear inspecting the MCMC (5). The fit of models’ posteriors to data
mixed model (LMM). Time was set as fixed effect (population- was also checked with pp_check(). Results from the models are
level effect). The random effect structure of each model was given with the mean estimate (95% lower credible interval, 95%
maximized with a varying intercept by-subject and varying slope upper credible interval) of the posterior distribution. This 95%
by-subject for the time variable (3). In addition, we calculated probability interval can be interpreted as the probability that the
within subjects effect sizes with Cohen’s dav formula, where the population parameter lies between the upper and lower bound

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The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00

(42). In this study, we interpret that a parameter estimate is dif- HRmaxramp was equal to 182 6 2 b·min21 when including exactly
ferent from zero when zero lies outside of the 95% credible in- the same subjects for both variables (n 5 6).
terval bounds.

Physiological Characteristics of Subjects

The sum of the 8 skinfolds (n 5 9) was 65.6 6 13.6 mm. The
Training Protocol maximal jump height during CMJ (n 5 9) was 43.8 6 4.9 cm. The
V̇ O2 peak (n 5 8) was 45.3 6 6.2 ml·kg21·min21. HRmaxramp (n
Maximal voluntary force, Ptw, and VA results are displayed in
5 7) was 183 6 4 b·min21.
Figure 3 and posterior estimates are given in Table 1. Individual
values of physiological and training variables are given in Table 2.
Maximal voluntary isometric contraction reduced after round 1 and
did not return to baseline values during the recovery period. The
lowest MVF value is observable at recovery 59. The largest decline in This study aimed to determine the influence of a MMA training
VA occurred not during the training protocol but during the recovery protocol on knee extensor muscles’ neuromuscular fatigue and
period. The lowest VA value was observable at recovery 59. Ptw inform our understanding of the mechanisms that may underpin
declined as soon as the first round and did not fully recover at re- that fatigue in experienced MMA competitors. The main results
covery 159. The lowest value was observable at the end of round 3, of this study show that MVF and Ptw were already significantly
indicating that Ptw started to recover as soon as the training protocol decreased compared with baseline at the end of the first round of
was over. In addition, we can see (Figure 4 and Table 1) that EMGvl the training protocol and remained below baseline during the 15
declined only at recovery 59. For a better graphical understanding of minutes of recovery period. Voluntary activation did not clearly
changes across time, MVF, Ptw, and VA were expressed in per- decrease below baseline until round 3 and remained below
centage of pre for each subject and then averaged and displayed in baseline during the 15-minute recovery period. Although the
Figure 5. The linear mixed model showed that VA had an effect on decrease of Ptw was larger than the decrease of VA, we observed
MVF: For each unit increase in VA, MVF increases by 0.42 a significant effect of VA, but not of Ptw, on MVF changes.
(0.09–0.74) unit. However, the estimate of the Ptw on MVF was Reduced knee extensor muscle MVF confirms that the MMA
smaller and its 95% credible interval included zero, suggesting that training protocol used was sufficient to produce quadriceps
Ptw had no credible effect on MVF variation. HRmean (n 5 7, mean neuromuscular fatigue, which remained below baseline despite
6 SD) was equal to 159 6 6 b·min21 during round 1, 162 6 9 a 15-minute recovery period. Our findings are supported by
b·min21 during round 2, and 157 6 5 b·min21 during round 3. a previous study that showed impaired countermovement jump
HRmax (n 5 7) was equal to 179 6 9 b·min21 during round 1, 180 performance after participation in MMA competition (with
6 9 b·min21 during round 2, and 172 6 19 b·min21 during round 3. strikes) (12).
Considering the rather large credible intervals, it could not be stated A reduction of Ptw was observed immediately after the end of
whether the number of rounds had an effect on HRmean and the first round, indicating the quick occurrence of nonvoluntary
HRmax (Table 1). HRmax was equal to 184 6 7 b·min21 and muscle excitability reduction. The reduction of Ptw seemed to be

Table 2
Individual values of physiological and training variables.*†
MMA Other fight Training MMA training Amateur
Subjects Age Weight Height training sport training sport per week fights Pro fights CMJ
1 20 72.1 173 4 4 8 12 7 0 39
2 32 81 179.5 7.5 13.5 22 6.5 3 1 53
3 30 81.1 178.5 2 13 16 20 0 6 42
4 33 88.8 169 14 26 26 6 0 2 45
5 38 79.8 168 17 5 17 11 5 36 39
6 25 62.3 161.5 7 15 17 6 3 9 45
7 20 62 175 3 0 5 5 1 0 43
8 20 76.7 175.6 4 0 16 14 2 0 50
9 35 75 177 7 10 20 6 1 1 39
Subjects VȮ 2 peak 8 skinfolds HrRmaxramp Hrmean R1 Hrmax R1 Hrmean R2 Hrmax R2 Hrmean R3 Hrmax R3
1 49.2 66.1 183 128 177 168 185 120 145
2 50.7 63.4 177 155 176 120 163 125 146
3 na 65.6 na 142 171 144 178 150 177
4 35.3 89.9 na na na na na na na
5 47.5 55.1 180 155 167 164 175 168 177
6 48.8 54.2 186 na na na na na na
7 50.7 45.1 179 177 186 177 189 174 185
8 43.3 72.2 187 184 193 181 187 180 187
9 36.6 79.27 187 174 184 178 186 180 187
*MMA 5 mixed martial arts; CMJ 5 countermovement jump.
†Age, MMA training, other fight sport training, and training sport are given in years. Mass is given in kg. Height and CMJ are given in cm. MMA training per week is given in hours (including general physical
preparation). Amateur fights and pro fights are given in number of fights. VȮ 2 peak is given in ml·kg21·min21. Skinfold is given in mm (from 8 sites). HR is given in b·min21.

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The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00 |

Figure 4. EMGvl. Display of the rms EMG of the vl muscle normalized to the rms Mmax before (Pre),
during the training protocol (after each round), and 5, 10, and 15 minutes after the end of the training
protocol (Recov). The dark line and points correspond to the mean values. The error bars correspond to
SD. The colored points and lines correspond to individual values.

at its highest at the end of the training protocol and started to motoneuron pool firing rate and recruitment (7). This suggestion
recover already 5 minutes after. Interestingly, despite the large is supported by the fact that MVF changes were better explained
reduction of Ptw occurring during the training protocol, decrea- by the modulation of VA than Ptw. However, it must be noted
ses in MVF were not significantly associated with decreases in that the present EMG data show on one hand that the highest
Ptw. This phenomenon can be explained by neural mechanisms decrease in EMG coincides with the largest decrease in VA and in
able to counteract the effect of peripheral fatigue on voluntary MVF, i.e., 5 minutes after the end of the training protocol, but on
force production. An increase of neural drive can compensate the the other hand that there was no increase in neural drive across
loss of muscle force production during exercise by acting on the the training protocol. Nevertheless, care must be taken when

Figure 5. Neuromuscular fatigue expressed in percentage of Pre. MVF (dark circles), Ptw (teal
triangles), and VA (yellow squares) variables were expressed in percentage of Pre values for each
subject and then averaged. Error bars correspond to SD. MVF 5 maximal voluntary force; VA 5
voluntary activation; Ptw 5 potentiated muscle twitch at rest.

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00

interpreting EMG with the present protocol and during MVC during the task (where VA compensates the occurrence of peripheral
because amplitude cancellation can drastically affect the signal. fatigue) or after the task (where VA is more impaired despite a lower
Amplitude cancellation corresponds to the overlapping of posi- amount of peripheral fatigue) could be under the top-down control
tive and negative phases of motor unit potentials that cancel each of the neural structures related in the application of self-control (38).
other and reduce the amplitude of the EMG signal (23). As limitations of this study, it must be noted that Ptw obtained
Unlike the decreased Ptw, VA (which represents the neural ability with a single stimulation is only a rough estimate of peripheral
to activate knee extensor muscles) only clearly decreased below fatigue. Indeed, Ptw is sensitive to postactivation potentiation,
baseline at the completion of the training protocol. Those findings, which is specific to the fatiguing exercise performed, and to
i.e., a decrease of VA only close to task termination despite pre- changes in muscle stiffness (31). To better estimate peripheral
cocious decrease in Ptw, are supported by previous studies in- fatigue in humans, Ptw should ideally be completed with obser-
vestigating the effect of endurance tasks on neuromuscular fatigue vations of Mmax amplitude changes and observation of the effect
(7,26,35). The failure to maintain VA and to compensate the accu- of tetanus stimulations at different frequencies on muscle force
mulating peripheral fatigue at exercise termination can be explained production (36). Similarly, the estimation of VA with motor nerve
by several processes. According to the “sensory tolerance limit” stimulations is not without issues and is not indicative in regard to
model, the accumulative increase in feedforward and feedback sig- the specific sites responsible of neural drive changes or the
nals from working and remote muscles and from various neural mechanisms responsible for the changes in neural drive (36,40).
processes during the training protocol may have reached the task- The present observations of neural changes during exercise
specific threshold inducing neural drive inhibition (19). The correct should be ideally completed by, for example, observations made
timing between neural drive inhibition and the end of the training with transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess changes in cor-
protocol could be explained by pacing strategies, as modeled by the tical VA or other corticospinal mechanisms (41), or even with
“psychobiological model of endurance performance.” This model functional near-infrared spectroscopy to assess changes in corti-
links performance regulation and, thereby, peripheral fatigue regu- cal sites that are known to interact with brain motor regions (16).
lation, with initial potential motivation, perception of effort, To clarify the present relationship between peripheral fatigue and
knowledge of the task, and past experience (27,34). This interaction central compensation mechanisms, further investigation should
between both models remains speculative, and specifically dedicated be performed with a larger set of methods.
psychoneurophysiolological studies must be conducted to support Furthermore, it was difficult to recruit MMA athletes who matched
this possible hypothesis. our inclusion criteria. In consequence, the sample size was small and
It is remarkable that the largest reduction of MVF and VA did not composed of athletes of heterogeneous level. Therefore, care must be
occur just at the end of the training protocol but 5 minutes after. At taken before attempting to generalize the present results to the whole
this time point, Ptw was already recovering, which implies that the MMA athlete population. For example, the heterogeneity in training
delayed reduction of MVF cannot be completely explained by af- and competition experience may have affected the neuromuscular
ferent inhibitory feedback loops (“sensory tolerance limit” model) or fatigue results differently among subjects. However, it must be noted
by the corollary discharge that regulates perception of effort (“psy- that the CMJ SD was relatively small, indicating a low heterogeneity
chobiological model of endurance performance”). Indeed, regarding in lower-limb power among subjects. Furthermore, despite our efforts
the first model (19), a recovery of Ptw should be associated with in this regard, the time between the end of the round and the neuro-
a reduction of the inhibitory feedback signaling from the muscles to muscular measurements remained long. Thus, the observed reduction
the central nervous system, implying a reduction of neural drive in VA may be underestimated (18). Yet, this underestimation does not
inhibition. In this context, VA would have been expected to follow change the present conclusion because the largest central fatigue value
the recovery of Ptw. In regard to the second model (27,34), the was observed 5 minutes after the end of the training protocol, which is
recovery in muscle excitability implies that the same amount of force by far longer than the time in between the end of any round and the
output can be reached with a lesser neural drive. The reduction in following neuromuscular measurement.
neural drive would lead to a reduced corollary discharge and thus We have shown that an MMA training protocol that was
a reduced perceived effort for a given voluntary force output. In this designed to simulate the physiological demands of actual MMA
context, a higher MVF would have been expected. Unfortunately, in competition can induce considerable neuromuscular fatigue in
this study, no muscle sensory afferent fiber activity and rate of per- knee extensor muscles, as seen with the decrease in MVF, Ptw,
ceived effort were measured, which could have helped to support (or and VA. Despite the larger decrease in Ptw than in VA, MVF was
infirm) our hypothesis. This unexpected discrepancy between the sensitive to VA rather than Ptw impairments. We suggest that in
recovery of Ptw and VA indicates that mechanisms of neuromus- MMA, neurophysiological factors are important regulators of
cular fatigue are yet to be fully discovered. We speculate that the overall neuromuscular performance.
present observation could—at least partly—be explained by a shift
in the amount of self-control subjects were willing to allocate to the
task (for details, see (4,37,38)). Psychological research has shown Practical Applications
that such shifts can indeed affect performance in strenuous physical
tasks (16,43). In the present case, for the MMA athletes, performing We have shown that neuromuscular fatigue of knee extensor
as hard as possible during the MMA training protocol would have muscles was occurring during the MMA training protocol. Spe-
been valued enough to apply sufficient self-control to endure the cific training could potentially reduce the continuous decrease of
large accumulation of fatigue and limit neuromuscular impairments force production capability across rounds. High-intensity interval
(20). However, 5 minutes after the end of the training protocol, the training and task-specific training could increase the tolerance of
intrinsic value of producing a MVC was probably not enough to the central nervous system to peripheral fatigue and permit in-
apply the level of self-control necessary to reach previous perfor- creased muscular work to be performed before neuromuscular
failure (33,44). The lack of immediate neuromuscular recovery
mance, especially in the context of still large amount of peripheral
after the end of the simulation should also be considered in
fatigue. Therefore, we propose that the amount of VA displayed

Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Neuromuscular Fatigue of MMA (2019) 00:00 |

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