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Writing a literature review in the field of physical education can be a daunting task.

It requires
extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive
overview of the topic. From gathering relevant sources to organizing information coherently, every
step demands meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a literature review is sifting through numerous academic
articles, books, and other scholarly sources to identify the most relevant and credible ones. This
process can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially for those who are not familiar with
academic databases and research methodologies.

Moreover, synthesizing the information gathered from various sources into a coherent narrative
requires analytical skills and a keen understanding of the relationships between different studies and
theories. It involves critically evaluating the strengths and limitations of each source and integrating
them seamlessly to build a persuasive argument or provide insights into the research question.

In addition to these challenges, adhering to the conventions of academic writing, such as proper
citation and formatting, is essential to maintain scholarly integrity and credibility. Failure to do so can
result in accusations of plagiarism or academic misconduct, which can have serious consequences for
students and researchers.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review, many individuals may find themselves
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physical education.
The concept of 'supportive environments for physical activity' refers to aspects of the community that
help people to easily incorporate physical activity into their daily lifestyle. Each SPARK program
“fosters environmental and behavioral change by providing a coordinated package of highly active
curriculum, on-site teacher training, extensive follow-up support, and content-matched equipment
focused on the development of healthy lifestyles, motor skills and movement knowledge, and social
and personal skills” (SPARK, 2013). Additional discussion of scheduling is provided later in this
chapter in the section on solutions for overcoming the barriers to quality physical education. The
environment (we live in) has a large influence on whether or not people are physically active (Owen,
Humpel, Bauma, Sallis, 2004). Nonetheless, limited evidence shows a significant relationship
between increased weekly minutes of recess and lower BMI in children in grades 1-5 (Fernandes and
Sturm, 2011; Miller, 2011). American Journal of Health Behavior 24(2):108-113. They observed
larger bilateral hippocampal volume in higher-fit children using MRI, as well as better performance
on a task of relational memory. The importance of providing recess during the school day is
highlighted in a recent policy statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) titled
“The Crucial Role of Recess in School” (AAP, 2013). Results of this study showed that the
agreement enabled more than 1,000 community members to participate in 900 class sessions
(Maddock et al., 2008). However, the study did not examine physical activity levels in class
participants before or after implementation of the agreement. Each physical activity session was
followed by 5 minutes of rest and the completion of 36 math problems. The authors found a
potential threshold effect whereby only the 50-minute condition improved mathematical
performance, with no differences by gender. The program promotes fitness testing as one component
of a comprehensive physical education curriculum that emphasizes regular physical activity. For
example, the Institute of Medicine (2012a), in its report Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention:
Solving the Weight of the Nation, points to the need to strengthen physical education to ensure that
all children engage in 60 minutes or more of physical activity per school day. As shown in appendix
1, the Kingston city council are working within a social theoretical framework model to consider
individual and population health and wellbeing. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 68:280-
291. Physical education, along with other opportunities for physical activity in the school
environment (discussed in Chapter 6 ), is important for optimal health and development in school-age
children. The average increase for English language arts was 141 minutes per week, or a 47 percent
increase over the level prior to the act (Center on Education Policy, 2007; see district survey items 18
and 19 in Table IT-18A). Residing in a neighbourhood that is perceived to be unsafe at night is a
barrier to regular physical activity. Funding for infrastructure (e.g., building sidewalks, installing
traffic calming structures) or to hire staff (e.g., crossing guards) can make areas near schools safe for
children to walk or bike to school. In support of the inclusion of physical education as a core subject,
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) reintroduced the Promoting Health for Youth Skills in Classrooms and
Life (PHYSICAL) Act on February 27, 2013, to support and encourage the health and well-being of
elementary and secondary school students. Reductions in the amount of tissue loss in these regions
were observed as a function of fitness. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 13(3):206-215.
Enabling more students to walk or bike to school could substantially reduce the cost of busing.
Quality professional development programs are an essential component for both novice and veteran
teachers to ensure the continued delivery of quality physical education. The authors conclude that
regular use of the games aids in promoting health through physical activity. This is gratifying because
one of the goals of the program was to engender positive feeling. Explaining the relationship between
sports participation and achievement. Local education agencies or school districts have latitude to
make local decisions that go beyond these federal or state mandates. They found greater and more
sustained energy expenditure over time and noted that players’ various intrinsic motivations to play
also influenced their level of energy expenditure. With regard to physical activity interventions,
which were carried out both within and beyond the school day, those involving small groups of peers
(around 10 youth of a similar age) were associated with the greatest gains in academic performance.
A valuable predictor of student academic performance is a parent having clear expectations for the
child’s academic success.
More recently, reviews have attempted to describe the effects of an acute or single bout of physical
activity, as a behavior, on academic performance. Although the above analysis indicates that 30 states
(74.5 percent) mandate physical education, most policies do not require specific amounts of
instructional time, and more than half allow for waivers or exemptions. Journal for Specialists in
Pediatric Nursing 16(4):235-251. Such models provide the only opportunity for all school-age
children to access health-enhancing physical activities. Unfortunately, in the United States, not all
physical education classes are taught by certified physical education specialists. To increase physical
education, a whole-of-community approach is required that combines a multiple-level-strategies:
public education, changes to the built environment and strategies that create a positive social
environment (Heart foundation, 2009). The concept of 'supportive environments for physical activity'
refers to aspects of the community that help people to easily incorporate physical activity into their
daily lifestyle. As noted in Chapter 6, since the No Child Left Behind Act became law in 2001,
nearly 40 percent of U.S. school districts have reduced or eliminated recess to free up time for core
academic subjects (Zygmunt-Fillwalk and Bilello, 2005; Center for Public Education, 2008;
McKenzie and Kahan, 2008; RWJF, 2010; Anderson et al., 2011; Basch, 2011). In addition, girls
who attended rural schools surrounded by at least five such facilities reported about 12 percent more
physical activity per day than girls who attended rural schools with fewer than five such facilities
nearby. During a 3-year period, students who engaged in physically active lessons, on average,
improved their academic achievement by 6 percent, while the control groups exhibited a 1 percent
decrease. Tip 1 Your topic selection of writing education thesis should relate to your interest as well
as it should be interesting enough for the readers. South African Journal for Research in Sport,
Physical Education and Recreation 28(1):29-42. To this end, physical education programs must
possess the quality characteristics specified by NASPE (2007b, 2009b,c) (see Box 5-6 ). The authors
also suggest that, before students are empowered by peer assessment, there needs to be an open
dialogue between educators and students. Is preventing them from being able to exercise this basic
right. Not only do these factors impact the ability to commute actively to and from school
(McDonald and Aalborg, 2009), but a school’s location in relation to facilities for physical activity
may encourage such activity. In a recent literature review, Bassett and colleagues (2013) found that
physical education contributes to children achieving an average of 23 minutes of vigorous- or
moderate-intensity physical activity daily. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
165(4):294-299. Canadian Medical Association Journal 180(7):719-726. Archives of Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine 157(2):185-190. Classroom physical activity and other strategies designed to
reduce sedentary time in the school setting hold promise for increasing overall physical activity
among children and adolescents, yet isolating their impact is complex, and they often are met with
resistance from key stakeholders. In addition, the authors found physical activity to be related to
better accuracy across conditions in older adults, while no such relationship was observed for
younger adults. To date, few randomized controlled interventions have been conducted. The authors
determined that aerobic fitness and the number of fitness test scores in the Healthy Fitness Zone
were the best predictors of daily engagement in physical activity relative to factors of gender, age,
body mass index (BMI), motor skills competency, and knowledge. Its Standards for Professional
Learning were revised in 2011 and are guided by the relationship between professional learning and
student results (see Box 5-10 ). American Journal of Preventive Medicine 24(3):209-217. The
presence of sports fields and adequate playground equipment also is associated with greater
accumulation of vigorous- or moderate-intensity physical activity during recess (McKenzie et al.,
2010; Ramstetter et al., 2010; Colabianchi et al., 2011; Saint-Maurice et al., 2011; Beighle, 2012;
Martin et al., 2012). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32(5):963-975. In most schools
(92 percent), classes were taught by teachers certified to teach physical education. Evaluations of
state and federal programs designed to increase the proportion of students walking or cycling to
school provide some evidence of success 1 (Staunton et al., 2003; Boarnet et al., 2005; Buliung et
al., 2011; Hinckson and Badland, 2011; Mendoza et al., 2011a,b).
Each time we were there, there was only 2-3 people each day seen on or around the beach. In
particular, policies supporting adequate space for leisure-time or after-school active programming
may decrease overall sedentary time. Overall, if neighbourhood aesthetics, including access to public
open spaces, are promoted and maintained to ensure a positive environment for residents throughout
Carrum, it will result in increased physical activity. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic
Research. The authors conclude that spending time in physical education with a specialist did not
have a negative effect on academic performance. Different types of games may influence energy
expenditure differentially, and some may serve solely as motivation. The evidence from such
research can be used to guide allocation of the recommended weekly amount of physical education
(150 minutes for elementary schools, 225 minutes for secondary schools) to achieve optimal health
benefits for youth. Darling-Hammond and G. Sykes. San Francisco, CA: ERIC. Pp. 30-32. Register
for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. Physical education as part
of education provides the only opportunity for all children to learn about physical movement and
engage in physical activity. As discussed above, mobile desks, standing chairs, physio balls, and
other equipment can encourage higher levels of energy expenditure in the classroom. In response to
the need to find ways to make physical activity a health priority for youth, the Institute of
Medicine's Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the School Environment was
formed. Specifically, federal funding is now dependent on schools making adequate progress in
reading and mathematics. A recent meta-analysis (Lonsdale et al., 2013) suggests that physical
education curricula that include fitness activities can significantly increase the amount of time spent
in vigorous- or moderate-intensity physical activity. Mellecker and McManus (2008) determined that
energy expenditure and heart rate were greater during times of active play than in seated play. The
education community subsequently adopted Wood’s inclusive approach to physical education
whereby fundamental movements and physical skills for games and sports were incorporated as the
major instructional content. Feeling unsafe may also diminish confidence in the ability to be more
physically active (Bennett, McNeill, Wolin, Duncan, Puleo, Emmons, 2007). These data, while
several years old, show that most learning assessments in physical education fail to target relevant
learning objectives such as knowledge, skills, and physical activity behavior. Their findings suggest
that aerobic training is associated with general cognitive benefits that are selectively and
disproportionately greater for tasks or task components requiring greater amounts of cognitive
control. However, the extent to which students achieve the standards is limited since no
accountability is required. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 26(4):358-374. Also, you can
type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Collectively, the
findings across the body of literature in this area suggest that increases in aerobic fitness, derived
from physical activity, are related to improvements in the integrity of brain structure and function that
underlie academic performance. In support of the inclusion of physical education as a core subject,
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) reintroduced the Promoting Health for Youth Skills in Classrooms and
Life (PHYSICAL) Act on February 27, 2013, to support and encourage the health and well-being of
elementary and secondary school students. Journal of the American Medical Association 273(5):402-
407. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than
ever to read thousands of publications on our website. A lack of access to the services due to the
location of a suburb can contribute to the suburbs health conditions. The strongest relationships have
been found between aerobic fitness and performance in mathematics, reading, and English. The next
decade should provide a great deal of information on this relationship. For these reasons, physical
education programming has been identified as the foundation on which multicomponent or
coordinated approaches incorporating other physical activity opportunities can be designed and
The objectives of each of these programs are stated below. This is accomplished by scheduling
physical education during the classroom teacher’s planning time. Click here to buy this book in print
or download it as a free PDF, if available. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41(1):87.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32(5):963-975. Systematic observation by trained
observers may yield important insight regarding the effects of short physical activity breaks on these
behaviors. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 6(Suppl 2):S168-S180. Yet little evidence
supports the notion that more time allocated to subject matter will translate into better test scores.
Chicago, IL: Bridging the Gap Program, Health Policy Center, Institute for Health Research and
Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago. Two additional correlational studies (Voss et al., 2011;
Chaddock et al., 2012) compared higher- and lower-fit preadolescent children and found differential
brain activation and superior task performance as a function of fitness. To accomplish this ultimate
goal, the plan calls for improvement in the quantity and quality of physical education for students
from prekindergarten through 12th grade through significant policy initiatives at the federal and
state levels that guide and fund physical education and other physical activity programs. Specifically,
the plan prescribes seven specific tactics presented in Box 5-4. American Journal of Preventive
Medicine 33(4, Suppl):S195-S208. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 31(1):86-100. In
particular, policies supporting adequate space for leisure-time or after-school active programming
may decrease overall sedentary time. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free
PDF, if available. American Educational Research Journal 38(4):915-945. While the researchers
found that school-based physical activity can have some effect on reducing obesity rates, they
continued to find increased obesity rates in incoming 5th-grade study participants. Register for a free
account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. It also is currently the only time and
place for all children to engage in vigorous- or moderate-intensity physical activity safely because of
the structured and specialist-supervised instructional environment. Wallhead and O’Sullivan (2005)
report that evidence is insufficient to support the conclusion that use of the model results in. Feeling
unsafe may also diminish confidence in the ability to be more physically active (Bennett, McNeill,
Wolin, Duncan, Puleo, Emmons, 2007). My findings conclude that the role of a principal, while
typically overlooked in the grand scheme of public education, is extremely important in 21st century
public education and requires highly capable individuals in order to succeed. Ribeiro, and G. Tidow.
2008. Acute coordinative exercise improves attentional performance in adolescents. Compliance with
physical education policies appears to be important as well. The type of research and evidence
relating to strategies for increasing physical activity in schools varies tremendously by program or
policy components. Two intervention studies focused on charter schools addressed issues with
Mexican American children. Emerging literature has suggested that in terms of mortality, the global
population health burden of physical inactivity approaches that of cigarette smoking. For discussion
of the underlying constructs and differential effects of single bouts of physical activity on cognitive
performance, see Tomporowski (2003). Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research,
Education, and Action 5(3):289-297. The findings indicate that there are many ways in which
teachers can overcome the multiple-language barrier and help all of their students to improve their
English, including creating a low-anxiety environment and encouraging parental participation in the
learning experience.

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