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To _ _[name of tenant]_ _, tenant in possession, and all other occupants in possession, of the premises
located at _ _[specify address or other identifying information]_ _:

Within 30 days after service of this notice, you must surrender possession of the premises to the
undersigned _ _[landlord/landlord's authorized agent]_ _. Your failure to vacate the premises within 30
days will cause the undersigned to initiate legal proceedings against you to obtain a judgment to recover
possession of the premises, and to seek a judgment for damages for each day of occupancy after the
expiration date of this notice. Such a judgment against you may include attorney fees and court costs as
allowed by law, and a punitive award in accordance with California law. If you fail to fulfill the terms of
your credit obligations, a negative credit report may be submitted to a credit reporting agency. This
Notice to Terminate Tenancy supersedes all previous Notices to Terminate Tenancy, if any.

This notice is intended as a 30 day notice terminating your _ _[e.g., month-to-month]_ _ tenancy in
accordance with California Civil Code §1946 or §1946.1. Prorated rent totaling $_ _[amount]_ _ is due
and payable through the date of termination of your tenancy under this notice.

State law permits former tenants to reclaim abandoned personal property left at the former address of
the tenant, subject to certain conditions. You may or may not be able to reclaim property without
incurring additional costs, depending on the cost of storing the property and the length of time before it
is reclaimed. In general, these costs will be lower the sooner you contact your former landlord after
being notified that property belonging to you was left behind after you moved out.

[If applicable, add one or more of the following]

- [Reason for termination (if good-cause requirements in eviction control jurisdictions apply, or if
landlord wants benefit of statutory protection from defense based on retaliation)]
- The reason for service of this notice and termination of your tenancy is _ _[specify]_ _.

Notice of right to inspection

Under California law, you have a right to request that the undersigned _ _[landlord/landlord's
authorized agent]_ _ make an initial inspection of the premises to determine its condition before you
vacate, and you have the right to be present during the inspection. The purpose of the inspection is to
allow you an opportunity to remedy identified deficiencies or damage to the premises, if any, caused by
you. If you wish to have such an inspection, please contact the undersigned _ _[landlord/landlord's
authorized agent]_ _ as soon as possible at _ _[specify address and telephone number]_ _. If you
request an inspection, you will be given 48 hours' advance notice of the inspection, but you may waive
in writing the required 48 hours' notice and have the inspection done sooner.

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __[Signature of landlord/landlord's agent]__

_ _[Typed name of landlord/landlord's agent]_ _

Exhibit 2
Instructions for the landlord: fill exhibit 2 up, date, and sign it. When completed, make and keep two copies of
Exhibit 2.

Proof of Service
I, the undersigned, being at least 18 years of age, served this notice, of which this is a true copy,
on__[name of tenant]_ _one of the occupants listed above as follows:

On, __[date]__ , I delivered the notice to the occupant personally.

On, __[date]__ , I delivered the notice to a person of suitable age and discretion at the occupant’s
residence/business after having attempted personal service at the occupant’s residence, and business, if
known. On, __[date]__ , I mailed a second copy to the occupant at his or her residence.

On, __[date]__ , I posted the notice in a conspicuous place on the property, after having attempted
personal service at the occupant’s residence, and business, if known, and after having been unable to
find there a person of suitable age and discretion. On, __[date]__ , I mailed a second copy to the
occupant at the property.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and


Date: Signature:

Exhibit 3
Instructions for the landlord: After you deliver Exhibit 2 to the tenant, fill out Exhibit 3. Make and Keep two copies
of Exhibit 3.

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