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Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94

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Liver and bone

Núria Guañabens *, Albert Parés
Metabolic Bone Diseases Unit, Department of Rheumatology, Hospital Clínic, CIBERhed, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Liver Unit, Digestive Diseases Institute, Hospital Clínic, CIBERhed, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Osteoporosis is a frequent complication in patients with chronic liver disease, especially in end-stages
Available online 9 June 2010 and in cases with chronic cholestasis, hemochromatosis and alcohol abuse. The problem is more critical
in transplant patients when bone loss is accelerated during the period immediately after transplantation,
Keywords: leading to a greater incidence of fractures. Advanced age, low body mass index and severity of the liver
Osteoporosis disease are the main risk factors for bone disease in patients with cholestasis. Mechanisms underlying
Metabolic bone disease osteoporosis in chronic liver disease are complex and poorly understood, but osteoporosis mainly results
from low bone formation, related to the effects of retained substances of cholestasis, such as bilirubin and
Liver transplantation
bile acids, or to the effects of alcohol on osteoblastic cells. Increased bone resorption has also been
described in cholestatic women with advanced disease. Although there is no specific treatment, bisphos-
phonates associated with supplements of calcium and vitamin D are effective for increasing bone mass in
patients with chronic cholestasis and after liver transplantation. The outcome in reducing the incidence
of fractures has not been adequately demonstrated essentially because of the low number of patients
included in the therapeutic trials. Randomized studies assessing bisphosphonates in larger series of
patients, the development of new drugs for osteoporosis and the improvement in the management of
liver transplant recipients may change the future.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction liver disease [2–4]. In spite of this, many issues remain to be

For years ‘‘hepatic osteodystrophy”, including osteomalacia and This review describes the prevalence, risk factors, the current
osteoporosis, was used to describe the bone disorders observed in knowledge of the pathophysiology, and finally it focuses on the
patients with different liver diseases. However, osteomalacia is assessment and management of bone disorders in patients with li-
very uncommon in patients with liver diseases, and it has been re- ver disease.
ported only in isolated patients with advanced primary biliary cir-
rhosis (PBC) and severe intestinal malabsorption in geographical
Prevalence of osteoporosis
areas with limited sunlight exposure [1].
Osteoporosis occurs in patients with chronic liver disease. How-
The prevalence of osteoporosis in chronic liver diseases is
ever, there is certain heterogeneity regarding its prevalence, which
summarized in Table 1, which includes several relevant studies
depends on patient selection, liver disease etiology and additional
performed in patients with chronic cholestatic diseases, mainly
risk factors for osteoporosis. Actually, most studies have been fo-
primary biliary cirrhosis, and series of patients with mixed liver
cused on bone disease in chronic cholestatic liver disease, mainly
diseases. It should be taken into account, however, that because
in patients with PBC, and in bone disease before and after liver
of the different densitometric criteria for osteoporosis, the table
transplantation. By contrast, few studies have evaluated bone dis-
summarizes information on the studies with definite criteria for
orders in other chronic liver diseases such as viral hepatitis, hemo-
osteoporosis (T-score 6 2.5 in postmenopausal women, or Z-
chromatosis and alcoholic liver disease.
score 6 2 in men under 50 years old and premenopausal wo-
In recent years there have been substantial advances in the
men). Moreover, it should also be noted that in most studies
identification of the risk factors and in the understanding of the
including males the mean age of the group is higher than
pathogenetic mechanisms of osteoporosis in patients with chronic
50 years, thus indicating that the T-score 6 2.5 is applicable in
this setting.
* Corresponding author. Address: Servicio de Reumatología, Hospital Clínic, C/
In patients with chronic cholestasis, osteoporosis has been re-
Villarroel 170, Barcelona 08036, Spain. cently reported to be up to 37% in a series of 185 Spanish female
E-mail addresses: nguanabens@ub.edu (N. Guañabens), pares@ub.edu (A. Parés). patients, the lumbar spine being more severely affected than the

0003-9861/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures in patients with liver diseases.

Author, year [Refs.] Cases (n) Age (years) Females Postmeno Diagnosis of Osteoporosis Vertebral Peripheral Overall Etiology of liver disease Advanced disease

N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94

mean ± SEM (%) pausal (%) osteoporosis (%) fractures (%) fractures (%) Fractures (%) or cirrhosis (%)
ALD VC Chol Cryp GH CH Other
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Guañabens et al. [42] 38 51 (37–62) 100 63 DPA 45 13 NR 13 100 94
Springer et al. [86] 72 55 (34–81) 100 68 DPA 24 100 11
Parés et al. [88] 61 54 ± 1.1 100 79 DXA 21 10 10 13 100 26
Menon et al. [6] 176 53 (29–72) 83 45 DXA 20 100 59
Newton et al. [8] 272 62 ± 0.7 94 63 DXA 31 100 54
Solerio et al. [10] 133 53 (21–81) 100 70 DXA 35 100 39
Guañabens et al. [7] 142 54 ± 0.8 100 69 DXA 31 14 11 14 100 26
Guichelaar et al. [35] 156 53 ± 0.7 86 76 DXA 44 22 NR 22 100 100
Guañabens et al. [5] 185 56 (28–79) 100 82 DXA 32 11 12 21 100 23
Mixed liver diseases
Diamond et al. [11] 115 50 (20–74) 37 30* QCT 16** 16 17 28 35 22 21 22 52
Bonkovsky et al. [12] 133 47 (18–80) 47 DPA 26 24 26 36 14 86
Chen et al. [45] 74 64 ± 1.2 0 DPA 20** 7 ND 7 12 73 14 1 100
Monegal et al. [33] 56 50 (32–60) 32 74 DXA 26** 22 NR 22 24 65 11 100
Sinigaglia et al. [13] 32 52 (31–69) 12 DXA 28 100 53
Ninkovic et al. [49] 37 51 (32–65) 46 77 DXA 39 35 NR 35 16 22 35 11 3 13 100
Ninkovic et al. [34] 243 51 ± 0.7 47 73 DXA 37 19 30 29 7 2 13 100
Carey et al. [37] 207 51 (32–68) 37 48 DXA 20 14 10 24 67 33 0 100
Sokhi et al. [36] 104 54 ± 1.3 48 70 DPA 12 15 66 8 10 100
Guggenbuhl et al. [14] 38 47 ± 1.5 0 DXA 34 100 NR
González-Calvin et al. [39] 84 65 (55–80) 100 100 DXA 43 100 100
Valenti et al. [15] 87 51 ± 1.2 20 47 DXA 25 100 NR

Diagnosis of vertebral fractures was established by spinal X-rays.

hypoogonadism; DPA: dual photon absorptiometry; DXA: dual X-ray absorptiometry; QCT: quantitative computed tomography. ND: not done; NR: not reported; ALD: alcoholic liver disease; Chol: chronic cholestatic diseases;
GH: genetic hemochromatosis; CH: chronic hepatitis; VC: cirrhosis of viral etiology; Cry: cryptogenic cirrhosis.
Criteria for osteoporosis was a T-score 6 2.5, except in these studies where osteoporosis was defined by a Z-score 6 2.0.

86 N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94

femoral neck [5]. Similarly, Menon et al. found that as many as 20% Prevalence of fractures
of PBC patients in a large series from the Mayo Clinic had osteopo-
rosis [6]. In both studies, osteoporosis was more frequent in PBC The prevalence of fractures has been analyzed in few studies,
than in healthy women. Thus, the prevalence of osteoporosis was mostly limited to short series as indicated in Table 1, which sum-
significantly higher in PBC patients than in age-matched Spanish marizes the available data on the studies where vertebral fractures
population [5,7] and 32.1 times more frequent than expected in were disclosed by spinal X-rays. Overall, the prevalence of frac-
the series from the Mayo Clinic [6]. These observations are of inter- tures in patients with liver diseases ranges from 7% to 35% [5–
est, since it has been suggested that osteoporosis is not a specific 8,11,33,42–45]. We have recently assessed this issue in 170 pa-
complication of PBC, its frequency being the one expected in a pop- tients with PBC, and the prevalence of vertebral (through X-rays
ulation of middle-aged postmenopausal women [8–10]. of the spine), non-vertebral and overall fractures was 11.2%,
In non-cholestatic disorders like hemochromatosis and other 12.2% and 20.8%, respectively. Non-vertebral fractures included
more prevalent liver diseases, such as viral hepatitis and alcoholic mostly wrist fractures (8 patients) followed by lower limb frac-
liver disease, there is less information [11,12]. From available data, tures (4 patients); only one patient had hip fracture [5]. In another
25% to 34% of patients with hereditary hemochromatosis have series of 930 people with PBC, from the General Practice Research
osteoporosis [13–15]. In a recent study of 87 patients (80% male) Database in the United Kingdom, there was a modest increase in
with hemochromatosis, a quarter of them had osteoporosis and both the absolute and relative fracture risks compared to the gen-
41% had osteopenia, even in subjects without cirrhosis and hypo- eral population [46]. There were approximately 2-fold relative in-
gonadism [15]. Regarding viral chronic hepatitis and its treatment creases in the risk of any fracture, hip fracture and ulna/radius
with ribavirin and interferon, there are conflicting results. Thus, fracture for the PBC cohort compared with the general population.
one small study found that hepatitis C virus infection did not lead In this study, vertebral fractures were not specifically considered
to discernable bone disease, although a possible increased risk of because they are not always symptomatic. Interestingly, the in-
fracture was found [16]. Other small studies assessing bone mass crease in risk of fracture was not greater in individuals with more
in chronic virus hepatitis, mostly hepatitis C virus, have shown that severe liver disease. In this series there were 25 incident hip frac-
non-cirrhotic hepatitis C virus infected patients do not differ from tures and 44 ulna/radius fractures. When comparing the numbers
controls [17,18], or by contrast they have low bone mass [19], with of hip fractures, it is interesting to consider that 23% of patients
osteopenia or osteoporosis in 43% and 13%, respectively [20]. Also, of the UK series were older than 70 at the start of follow-up [46].
it has been reported that antiviral therapy with ribavirin and inter- Fractures in patients with alcoholic liver disease have been
feron may induce bone loss [21], or on the contrary, an increase in scarcely assessed, with the reported prevalence of radiological ver-
bone mineral density (BMD) which may last in those patients who tebral fractures being up to 36% in a group of 76 males with or
achieve a sustained serologic response [20]. Bone disease in alco- without mild liver disease. In this series, previous history of non-
holic liver disease has depicted more uniform results, since excess vertebral fractures was high, ribs being a frequent location since
alcohol intake is an independent risk factor for osteoporosis they occurred in 26% of patients. The authors suggested that trau-
[22,23]. Thus, alcoholic patients without liver cirrhosis have low matic fractures may account for a great proportion of fractures in
bone mass, and bone loss has been associated with persistent alco- the alcoholic population [28], although a fragility component can-
hol consumption [24–26]. Studies from our group found that alco- not be ruled out. In fact, most studies have been focused on alcohol
holic males with or without mild liver disease have significantly consumption without taking into account the contribution of liver
lower lumbar BMD than controls [27] and 29% had osteoporosis disease in the fracture risk. Thus, a recent meta-analysis assessing
[28]. Similar findings have been reported by others [29]. An inter- the association between alcohol consumption and osteoporotic
esting observation was the improvement in bone mass after fractures showed that compared to abstinence, consuming more
2 years of abstinence [27]. than 2 drinks per day is associated with higher hip fracture risk,
The prevalence of osteoporosis has also been evaluated in pa- but the contributory effect of liver damage was not assessed [47].
tients with end-stage liver disease and after liver transplantation. Fractures are frequent in patients with end-stage liver disease
Osteoporosis, by densitometric criteria, has been found in 24– and after liver transplantation. Indeed, 6.6–22.4% of cirrhotic pa-
38% of patients with advanced liver disease, depending on the ser- tients referred for liver transplantation show radiological vertebral
ies [30–39]. Guichelaar et al. reported on a series of 360 patients fractures [33,48,49]. After liver transplantation, a high proportion
with advanced cholestatic liver disease (PBC and primary scleros- of patients develop fractures during the first 6–12 months. Avail-
ing cholangitis) that 38% of patients had osteoporosis, 39% osteope- able data indicate that fracture incidence ranges from 22% to 65%
nia and only 23% of patients had normal bone mass. Interestingly, [32,50], although most series have shown an incidence of vertebral
they found an increase in the pre-transplant bone mass over a 16- fractures around 30%. The highest rates have been reported in the
year study period (1985–2000) in the primary sclerosing cholangi- earliest series involving patients with cholestatic diseases with
tis population, although lumbar BMD remained stable in PBC pa- immunosuppressive approaches that were highly reliant on gluco-
tients [35]. corticoids [32]. By contrast, the lowest rates of fracture were de-
Transplantation is an additional cause of osteoporosis and frac- scribed in studies performed in patients with better bone health
tures, particularly during the first few months after surgery, a per- prior to transplantation, together with the use of lower doses
iod which is associated with a high rate of bone loss. Thus, lumbar and shorter duration of glucocorticoid therapy [41]. Interestingly,
BMD decreases by roughly 6% at 3 months after liver transplanta- a long-term follow-up study showed that few patients suffer their
tion, with a progressive and significant increase after 1 year of fol- first fracture in the third and fourth year after liver transplantation
low-up. Moreover, lumbar BMD reaches baseline values 2 years [51].
after transplantation. Femoral BMD has a different pattern of evo-
lution. After a marked decrease of up to 4% in femoral neck BMD
during the first 3–6 months, there is a delayed and incomplete Risk factors for osteoporosis and fractures
improvement at 3 years [40]. It must be kept in mind, however,
that these data were obtained in the nineties and that patients Apart from the incomplete knowledge on the key mechanisms
transplanted more recently may have no significant changes in resulting in osteoporosis in PBC, some factors have been associated
lumbar BMD, although sustained bone loss still occurs at the fem- with the presence of low bone mass (Table 2). Several years ago, it
oral neck [41]. was reported in a small series of PBC patients that osteoporosis
N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94 87

Table 2 When risk factors for fractures were assessed in PBC population,
Risk factors for low bone mass and fractures. osteoporosis (by DXA), menopause, age and height, but not sever-
Primary biliary cirrhosis Liver transplantation ity of liver disease were the independent predictors. Furthermore,
Low bone mass: [5–7,35] Before surgery: [40,48–51] a T-score lower than 1.5 at the lumbar spine indicates a high risk
Advanced age Osteoporosis for vertebral facture in PBC patients, since 17 out of 19 patients
Menopause Vertebral fractures with vertebral fractures had a T-score lower than 1.5 (Fig. 1). Ta-
Low body mass index Etiology of liver disease ken together, the risk for fracture in PBC is associated with low
Severity of liver damage
Duration of cholestasis After surgery: [30,61]
bone mass and indirectly, through this condition, with the severity
Advanced histological stage Immunosuppressive agents and duration of liver disease [5].
Previous fractures Inmobilization When risk factors for developing fractures after liver transplan-
Fractures:[5] Other: [40,48] tation have been assessed, no pre-transplant indicator reliably pre-
Low bone mass Advanced age dicts the fracture risk in a given patient [55]. However, some
Advanced age Variable individual susceptibility conditions, such as low BMD and vertebral fractures before trans-
Menopause Re-transplantation
plantation, as well as older age, the type of liver disease and re-
transplantation have been identified as major risk factors for frac-
tures [56]. In addition, the immunosuppressive regimens used in
liver transplantation play a key role in the development of bone
was associated with the duration of liver disease, calcium malab- loss and fractures (Table 2). Pre-transplant low BMD and fractures
sorption and the postmenopausal status [52]. Since most patients are the major predictors of osteoporotic fractures after liver trans-
with PBC and osteoporosis are postmenopausal, it has been ques- plantation. Thus, a long-term follow-up study pointed out that
tioned whether the development of bone loss is more related to only vertebral fractures before transplantation were independent
estrogen deficiency than to the consequences of liver damage [8]. predictors for incident fractures following liver transplantation
Although the two factors contribute to bone loss, the prevalence [51], and a short-term prospective study showed that 46% of pa-
of osteoporosis is significantly higher in patients with PBC than tients with one prevalent fracture and 62% of those with two or
in age-matched healthy controls [7]. This indicates that the liver more prevalent fractures had a new vertebral fracture in the first
damage plays a relevant role resulting in bone loss. The role of 3 months [49]. Another prospective study identified osteoporosis,
duration and severity of cholestasis in the development of osteopo- diagnosed according densitometric criteria, as an independent risk
rosis has also been proposed in two recent studies. Thus a higher factor for fractures during the first year after liver transplantation
Mayo risk score, calculating the severity of PBC, and advanced his- [40]. The underlying liver disease is another relevant risk factor for
tological stage of the liver disease, in addition to advanced age and fractures. Thus, patients with cholestatic liver disease seem to be at
lower body mass index were the independent risk factors for oste- higher risk of having fractures after transplantation [51]. In some
oporosis in a series of 142 women with PBC [7]. Similarly, Menon series, this has been observed together with a higher rate of pre-
et al. reported that age, body mass index, advanced stage and his- transplant fractures or low BMD [50,57].
tory of fractures were the only independent indicators of osteopo- Immunosuppressive therapy also contributes to the develop-
rosis. Furthermore, serum bilirubin level was the only ment of bone loss and fractures. Glucocorticoids seem to play a
independently associated variable with the rate of bone loss over decisive role because of the initial rapid bone loss and the highest
time [6]. Agents such as prednisolone [53] and budesonide used rate of fractures following liver transplantation occur along with
for treatment of the liver disease may also affect bone mass [54]. the highest doses, their withdrawal accelerates the recovery of

Lumbar T-score Femoral neck T-score

2.00 2.00




-2.00 -1.00




-6.00 -4.00

yes no yes no

Vertebral fracture Vertebral fracture

OR: 8.5, 95% CI 1.9-38.0 OR: 6.4, 95% CI 1.5-31.6

Fig. 1. Lumbar and femoral neck T-scores of patients with and without vertebral fractures. A T-score < 1.5 (dashed red line) is associated with high risk for vertebral fracture.
88 N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94

lumbar BMD [58], and finally the use of low doses for a short per- Both bilirubin and bile acids have been involved in the low bone
iod of time may be involved in a lower rate of fractures and less formation associated with cholestasis, through an alteration in the
bone loss [41]. After taking these data into consideration, most proliferation and survival of osteoblasts in in vitro studies. In this
studies have failed to demonstrate differences in the cumulative respect, it was observed that unconjugated bilirubin decreased
doses of glucocorticoids between fractured and non-fractured pa- osteoblast proliferation in a dose-dependent fashion without
tients [40], or a correlation between cumulative doses and the affecting osteoblast viability, supporting the hypothesis that
course of bone density [38,40,58]. In addition to glucocorticoids, hyperbilirubinemia or possibly other substances impair osteoblast
other immunosuppressive agents such as cyclosporin A and tacrol- proliferative capacity, and thus may play a major role in the path-
imus, frequently used in liver transplantation, may influence bone ogenesis of the osteoporosis associated with chronic liver diseases
disease. Increased parathyroid hormone related to the decrease in [69]. Recently, we have confirmed the harmful effects of unconju-
glomerular filtration rate, likely to be related to cyclosporin A and gated bilirubin, which decreases survival in cultured primary hu-
tacrolimus, may contribute to increased bone turnover. Both drugs man osteoblasts [70]. Moreover, sera from jaundiced patients
induce high bone turnover and bone loss in rats [59], but their significantly impair osteoblast differentiation, as measured by
independent effects, apart from glucocorticoids in transplant pa- alkaline phosphatase activity, effect which was not observed with
tients, are not well established. To this concern, femoral BMD sera from patients with normal bilirubin levels [70]. Although the
was negatively associated with serum cyclosporin levels 1 year potential detrimental role of bilirubin seems reasonable, some re-
after transplantation [60] and discordant results had been found ports do not support this hypothesis since in one study serum bil-
in some studies regarding the fracture risk under treatment with irubin levels do not correlate with reduced BMD in patients with
cyclosporin or tacrolimus [51,56]. In addition, one study assessing end-stage liver disease, and chronic unconjugated hyperbilirubine-
changes in BMD had reported that after liver transplantation, treat- mia does not lead to alterations in bone mineralization in Gunn
ment with tacrolimus has a more favorable long-term effect on rats [71].
bone mass than cyclosporin therapy, especially at the femoral In other recent experiments we have also observed that litho-
neck, although these differences could be associated with the low- cholic acid (LCA), a monohydroxylated secondary bile acid synthe-
er dose of glucocorticoids used in the tacrolimus group [61]. Con- sized mainly from the intestinal bacterial 7-dehydroxylation of
sidering other immunosuppressive drugs as contributing risk chenodeoxycholic acid, has deleterious effects on human osteo-
factors for bone loss, rapamycin does not induce trabecular bone blasts, not only in relation to their viability, but also regarding
loss in rats, although it increases bone remodeling and it has even the potential damaging effects of LCA on the vitamin D pathways,
been suggested that it may partially ameliorate osteoporosis through the vitamin D receptor (VDR). Actually, adding LCA to the
caused by portasystemic shunting, through an increase in bone for- culture media resulted in a significant decreased osteoblast viabil-
mation [59,62]. However, to our knowledge, there are no studies ity, which was observed with concentrations as low as 100 lM in
assessing bone disease in liver transplant recipients under immu- the culture media. Thus, under these conditions and with no FBS
nosuppressive agents such as rapamycin, mycophenolate mofetil or albumin in the media, the cells decreased their viability by more
or daclizumab. than 50% [70] (Fig. 2). Another interesting result emerging from
this experiment is the fact that the presence of proteins in the cul-
ture media, that is 10% FBS or human albumin (25 or 40 g/L), de-
Pathogenesis of osteoporosis in liver diseases creased or completely abolished the detrimental effect of LCA on
cell viability. These results can be explained by the binding capac-
The pathogenesis of osteoporosis in chronic liver diseases has ity of FBS or albumin which may have, partially or completely, ab-
been focused largely on PBC and on transplant recipients, and they sorbed or sequestered the free LCA [72], and therefore, decrease its
have been scarcely studied in other liver disorders such as chronic detrimental effect on cell viability. This observation is supported
hepatitis or alcoholic liver disease. However, some of these mech- by the dose–response results with respect to the human albumin
anisms are shared when cirrhosis or hyperbilirubinemia are in- concentration in the culture media, and is in accordance with the
volved in the course of liver disease. well-known capacity of albumin as a bile acid transporter
The mechanisms resulting in osteoporosis in patients with PBC [72,73]. Thus, different studies provided evidence for the great
have not been completely elucidated since some studies indicate affinity of human albumin for LCA [73]. From these results it could
an increased bone resorption, although most pointed towards a de- be proposed that the amount of circulating albumin is one of the
creased bone formation as the main bone remodeling abnormality. critical factors for explaining the harmful effects on bone of circu-
Indeed, some data have shown impaired osteoblast function, lating bile acids retained in patients with chronic cholestasis, data
resulting in lower mean wall thickness and a defect in matrix syn- which are in agreement with the higher prevalence of osteoporosis
thesis [63], as well as a low bone formation rate [52,63]. This was and bone fractures observed in patients with PBC and severe cho-
observed in one histomorphometric analysis of transiliac bone lestasis [7]. Indeed, PBC patients with osteoporosis have lower ser-
biopsies in 20 patients with PBC [52]. The bone formation rate um albumin concentration than patients without osteoporosis.
was depressed in all but four patients. Another more recent histo- Because LCA is a VDR ligand [74], and high serum and hepatic
morphometric analysis detected decreased bone formation in pa- concentrations of this bile acid have been described in patients
tients with advanced cholestatic liver disease [64]. These with cholestasis and end-stage liver disease, we analyzed the effect
morphometric data are consistent with other reports showing de- of LCA on the expression of VDR-mediated genes such as vitamin D
creased serum levels of osteocalcin [65]. Osteoblast dysfunction 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A), bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein
may result from reduced trophic factors such as insulin growth fac- (BGLAP), receptor activator for NFjB ligand – RANKL – (TNFSF11)
tor-1 (IGF-1) or from retained substances of cholestasis, including used as indicators of vitamin D metabolism, osteoblast maturation,
bilirubin and bile acids. In this regard, serum IGF-1 levels are de- and regulation of osteoclast differentiation and activation, respec-
creased in patients with cirrhosis [66] and experimental evidence tively. As expected, vitamin D (10 7 M) in the media dramatically
has indicated that low doses of IGF-1 increase bone mass and bone increased the expression of CYP24A1, a gene which encodes the
density in cirrhotic rats [67]. Also, other alterations such as in- hydroxylase involved in the catabolism of vitamin D. LCA 10 lM
creased production of a fibronectin isoform containing the oncofe- was also able to induce CYP24A1 gene expression, but the LCA
tal domain during liver disease may participate in the decrease of capacity was about 100 times lower than vitamin D alone. More-
bone formation [68]. over, the addition of LCA at concentrations without effects on cell
N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94 89

200 Basal 200 Albumin (25 g/L)

150 150

Viability (%)
100 100
* * *
50 * ** 50 ** *
0 0

200 10% FBS 200 Albumin (40 g/L)

150 150
Viability (%)

100 100
* *
50 * 50

0 0
LCA (M) - 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 - 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3

6 hrs 24 hrs 48 hrs 72 hrs *p<0.05

Fig. 2. Effect of lithocholic acid on the viability of primary human osteoblasts. Cells were incubated for 6 (grey), 24 (orange), 48 (green) and 72 (yellow) hours with increasing
concentrations of lithocholic acid (10–6 M, 10–5 M, 10–4 M and 10–3 M) in different medium conditions (basal, 10% FBS, albumin 25 g/L, and albumin 40 g/L). Results are
expressed as means ± SD. Culture experiments were performed in triplicate for each pool of osteoblast cells and treatments.

viability, and vitamin D in the media significantly decreased the taking into account that this vitamin can be decreased in subjects
CYP24A1 gene expression by 72%. Apart from this capacity of with severe cholestasis. A preliminary study showed that serum
LCA on this gene involved in the catabolism of vitamin D, LCA also undercarboxylated osteocalcin was high in a small group of pa-
decreased the expression of two other genes such as osteocalcin tients with PBC and the values decreased after administration of
and RANKL [75]. By contrast, no effect of vitamin D or LCA, alone vitamin K1 [85].
or combined, was observed on the osteoprotegerin, a gene which Genetic susceptibility for osteoporosis in PBC has been searched
is not dependent on VDR. Again, the presence of FBS or albumin for in the quest to analyze associations with vitamin D receptor
in the culture media also modified the ability of inducing gene gene (VDR) and the gene encoding collagen type IaI (COLIA1).
expression, since the osteocalcin and CYP24A1 mRNA expression One study in 72 Canadian women with PBC, concluded that the
were decreased in the experiments with FBS 10% or albumin VDR genotype is an independent genetic predictor of decreased
25 g/L in the culture media, and were roughly and completely abol- BMD in PBC [86], whereas others failed to find this association
ished when the concentration of albumin was of 40 g/L [76]. [87,88]. The COLIA1 Sp1 polymorphism influenced the bone mass
Some histomorphometric reports have revealed increased bone in a group of Spanish patients with PBC [88], since it was associ-
resorption and turnover even in the absence of osteoporosis as an ated with reduced baseline BMD. Nevertheless, the impact of the
early feature of bone disease in PBC [77]. Reduced wall thickness COLIA1 Sp1 polymorphism on bone mass in patients with PBC
and increased bone turnover have been found to be proportional was not directly related to the liver disease itself. The influence
to the severity of hepatic dysfunction and cholestasis [78]. Thus, of IGF-1 gene microsatellite repeat polymorphism on osteoporosis
overt or subtle calcium and vitamin D deficiencies leading to sec- in PBC has also been investigated, with weak results [89]. Taken to-
ondary hyperparathyroidism have been proposed as the cause of gether, in PBC the VDR, COLIA1 and IGF-1 polymorphisms, studied
increased bone turnover found in some patients with PBC [79]. in a short series of patients, either do not influence the develop-
Likewise, reduced osteoprotegerin may also contribute to the ment of osteoporosis in PBC or have a very small size effect [90].
development of osteoporosis in PBC, since a decline in liver func- Other conditions in patients with liver disease, including low
tion may hypothetically result in reduced production of osteopro- vitamin D levels, hypogonadism and poor nutrition [2,3], may be
tegerin and increased osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. contributing factors to the full picture of bone disease. Thus, hypo-
However, at present the role of osteoprotegerin remains specula- gonadism which is frequent in patients with hemochromatosis
tive and there is information showing high circulating osteoproteg- [14,91,92], cirrhosis and alcoholic liver disease [93], may result
erin levels in PBC, which are unrelated to osteoporosis [80,81]. in increased bone remodeling and contribute to bone loss. Addi-
Also, a role for proinflammatory cytokines has been suggested in tionally, certain facts have demonstrated the harmful effects of
the bone loss of chronic liver diseases [82]. Thus, it has been shown alcohol and iron on bone formation. A reduction in the grade of
in viral cirrhosis that serum concentrations of soluble tumor necro- bone formation has been observed in alcoholic patients on bone
sis factor receptor p55 (sTNFR-55) are significantly higher in pa- biopsies, with low serum levels of osteocalcin during alcohol in-
tients with osteoporosis and are inversely correlated with BMD take, which normalizes with abstinence from alcohol [24,27,93].
at the lumbar spine and femoral neck, and positively with urinary On the other hand, in hemochromatosis the deposits of iron may
deoxypyridoline [83]. A further mechanism that needs confirma- be responsible for low bone formation, due to the direct lesion-pro-
tion is the observation of a higher capacity of circulating mononu- ducing effects of iron on osteoblast activity [92,94].
clear cells to become osteoclasts in patients with chronic liver After liver transplantation, according to a unifying hypothesis
disease and osteopenia [84]. for cardiac, lung and liver transplantation, there seem to be two
Since vitamin K is involved in bone metabolism, mediating the main phases in post-transplant bone disease: the early and the late
carboxylation of glutamyl residues in bone proteins such as osteo- post-transplantation periods [55,95]. Before liver transplantation
calcin, vitamin K deficiency may be considered as another supple- there is a low bone turnover state, supported by biochemical and
mentary factor in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis in liver disease, especially histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsies. Shortly
90 N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94

after liver transplantation, in the first 3 months, there is a signifi- The frequency of follow-up BMD measurements remains debat-
cant and quantitatively large increase in bone turnover, substanti- able [4]. However, it is reasonable to recommend a BMD test annu-
ated by histomorphometric data [96] and early increase in the ally or every two years in patients with chronic cholestasis with
biochemical markers of bone resorption that exceeds bone forma- several additional risk factors for osteoporosis, as well as in pa-
tion markers [40,56,97]. Moreover, during this period, there is a tients receiving glucocorticoids and after liver transplantation;
trend towards a normalization of mineral metabolism disorders and at 3-year interval in those patients within the normal range
associated with end-stage liver disease. An improvement in gona- of BMD to exclude significant bone loss in the follow-up.
dal function is observed and 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, which Lateral X-rays of the dorsal and lumbar spine should also be car-
were low before transplantation, are significantly increased at ried out to disclose vertebral fractures [2,3]. In addition, circulating
3 months [40]. Taken together, the earliest period of rapid bone levels of calcium, phosphorous, 25-hydroxyvitamin D and parathy-
loss and high rate of fractures is associated with a high bone turn- roid hormone should be assessed. Disturbances in thyroid and go-
over with an uncoupling of resorption and formation. The normal- nadal function should be ruled out in particular cases. Biochemical
ization of liver function and a superimposed effect of markers of bone turnover may be assessed to monitor the individ-
immunosuppressive therapy, reliant on fairly high doses of gluco- ual response to anti-osteoporotic treatment. However, there is lit-
corticoids combined with cyclosporin or tacrolimus, with their sys- tle information on changes in bone markers in therapeutic trials in
temic effects, give rise to the picture during the early post- patients with chronic liver disease and practical guidelines for their
transplant period [55]. The second phase, which generally appears use in the clinical management of postmenopausal osteoporosis
6 months after transplantation, is characterized by an increase in are still lacking [99]. The indication of undecalcified transilial bone
both the histologic parameters as well as the biochemical markers biopsy is advisable only if a mineralizing defect is suspected, which
of bone formation [40,56,97]. At this time, bone loss at the lumbar is at present a very rare condition in chronic liver disease.
spine has stopped and BMD has begun to increase spontaneously. It is interesting to consider possible artifacts resulting in inaccu-
Similarly, there is an increase in the parathyroid hormone levels racy in BMD and bone markers measurements in patients with ad-
comparable to those of creatinine, as well as a rise in circulating vanced liver disease. Thus, we reported that collagen-related
osteocalcin [40]. This secondary hyperparathyroidism, likely re- markers of bone turnover do not accurately reflect bone remodel-
lated to the decline of renal function associated with cyclosporin, ing in PBC, since they are influenced by liver collagen metabolism.
may be a major contributor to the disorder of bone remodeling The close association of these markers with the histologic stage of
[98], with special implication in cortical bone loss. These features the liver disease and the serum amino-terminal propeptide of type
occur while patients are maintained on cyclosporin alone or com- III collagen levels, an index of liver fibrogenesis, supported this
bined with a low dose of glucocorticoids. The factors involved in affirmation [65]. In addition, central BMD measured by DXA in pa-
bone turnover in this second phase after transplantation are the tients with ascites may be falsely reduced. Both, Labio et al. and our
normalization of liver function and the gradual reduction in gluco- group have found that lumbar and total hip BMD values increase
corticoids, which are responsible for an increase in bone formation, after therapeutic drainage of ascites in end-stage cirrhotic patients
as well as a secondary hyperparathyroidism related to cyclosporin [100,101].
and tacrolimus administration.

Prevention and treatment

Modification of risk factors and supportive measures for bone health
The presence of risk factors for the development of osteoporosis
should be evaluated in patients with chronic liver disease, includ- The factors contributing to bone loss should, as far as possible,
ing the following: chronic alcohol intake, smoking, body mass in- be reduced to a minimum by stopping alcohol intake and smoking.
dex lower than 19 kg/m2, male hypogonadism, early menopause, As much physical activity as possible is advisable, as are exercises
secondary amenorrhea of more than 6 months, family history of aimed at improving the mechanics of spine. However, the optimal
osteoporotic fracture and treatment with glucocorticoids (5 mg/d exercise programme for osteoporosis in patients with chronic liver
of prednisone or over for more than 3 months). disease or after liver transplantation has not yet been determined.
There has been some debate about the indications of bone den- Specific recommendations should be given in patients with in-
sitometry in patients with chronic liver disease [4]. There is con- creased risk for falling.
sensus, however, that BMD should be evaluated in patients with Whenever possible, a balanced diet should be prescribed since
previous fragility fractures, exposure to glucocorticoids and before patients with advanced liver disease frequently have little appetite
liver transplantation [2,3]. Also, it seems appropriate to indicate and are malnourished. Supplements of calcium (1000–1500 mg/d)
assessment with a BMD test when the diagnosis of PBC is first and vitamin D (260 lg of 25-hydroxyvitamin D every 2 weeks or
made [2] or if any of the previously described risk factors are vitamin D3 with a dose of 800 U/D or 5000 U/wk, orally) or the dose
found, and the patient has chronic cholestasis [3] or cirrhosis [2], required to maintain normal levels should be provided. Particular
as well as after liver transplantation (Table 3). care should be taken with patients receiving resins, such as chole-
styramine, since their administration may reduce the intestinal
Table 3 absorption of vitamin D. The dose of glucocorticoids should be ad-
Recomendations for bone mineral density assessment. justed to the minimum necessary. Although calcium and vitamin D
Previous fragility fractures
supplements are recommended, there are no unequivocal data
Glucocorticoid therapy (>3 months; >5 mg/d prednisone) confirming the efficacy of these supplements for preventing bone
PBC at diagnosis loss in patients with liver disease.
Major risk factors for osteoporosis, particularly in chronic cholestasis and
Alcohol abuse Specific treatments
Before and after liver transplantation
Different drugs for osteoporosis have been proposed in patients
Postmenopausal women, low body mass index, male hypogonadism, early men- with liver disease, but most studies have included small numbers
opause, secondary amenorrea. of patients, and therefore it is difficult to come to any definite con-
N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94 91

clusions. Furthermore, no clear anti-fracture effect could be dem- trolled trial performed in Spain, including 79 liver transplant pa-
onstrated and except for osteoporosis in PBC and after liver trans- tients, indicated that 90 mg of pamidronate given within the first
plantation, no consistent studies have been carried out. 2 weeks and at 3 months after transplantation, preserves lumbar
There is no agreement concerning the appropriate time to start BMD during the first year without significant side-effects. How-
treatment, but patients with established osteoporosis, and there- ever, pamidronate did not reduce bone loss at the femoral neck,
fore with fragility fractures, should be treated to reduce the risk nor the development of fractures [114].
of further fractures. On the other hand, and taking into account Alendronate and zoledronic acid have also been evaluated in li-
that PBC patients with a lumbar or a proximal femur T-score lower ver transplant recipients. In a randomized controlled trial Atamaz
than < 1.5 have a high risk for vertebral fracture, it seems reason- et al. found that alendronate (70 mg per week) plus daily calcium
able to consider treatment in patients with chronic cholestasis and and 0.5 lg of calcitriol significantly increased BMD during the
BMD below this threshold [5], particularly if they have additional 2 years after liver transplantation, when compared with calcium
risk factors for osteoporosis. Likewise, it seems reasonable to treat and calcitriol alone. Alendronate was well tolerated without dele-
all patients immediately after liver transplantation, and before terious effects on liver function tests. However, alendronate did not
transplantation if they have osteoporosis. appear to offer protection against fractures in this study [111]. A
previous study using weekly alendronate also showed that alendr-
Bisphosphonates onate prevents bone loss associated with liver transplantation
Bisphosphonates are anti-catabolic drugs which increase bone [110]. Thirty-two patients were treated with infusions of zoledron-
mass and reduce the incidence of fractures in postmenopausal ic acid (4 mg) or saline within 7 days of transplantation and at 1, 3,
osteoporosis. Oral bisphosphonates are poorly absorbed in the 6 and 9 months after transplantation. Zoledronic acid treatment
intestine; they are not metabolized and rapidly cleared from the was associated with favorable effects on BMD at the lumbar spine,
circulation. Approximately 50% of the absorbed fraction concen- femoral neck and total hip, although temporary secondary hyper-
trates into the skeleton, and the remainder is excreted into the ur- parathyroidism and particularly hypocalcemia were observed after
ine. Their effects in patients with liver disease are not completely infusion in some cases. No effect was observed on the incidence of
conclusive, basically because of the scarce number of studies and fractures. The study concluded that zoledronic acid can prevent
the few treated patients [102–111]. Nonetheless, it has been dem- bone loss within the first year after liver transplantation [115]. An-
onstrated that cyclic administration of etidronate (a bisphospho- other study using zoledronic acid (4 mg) monthly for the first
nate with a narrow therapeutic window) is able to prevent bone 6 months, and again at 9 and 12 months in patients after liver
loss after two years of treatment and that alendronate increases transplantation, showed that treated patients had reduced bone
bone mass in PBC, comparable to what occurs in osteoporosis turnover and most importantly, a lower fracture rate [116].
due to other causes [106]. Serious adverse events were not ob-
served and potential harmful effects of alendronate such as esoph- Hormone therapy
agitis were not detected. One placebo-controlled trial of There is little information on hormonal treatment in patients
alendronate (70 mg per week) in patients with PBC also indicated with advanced liver disease since for years this approach was con-
that alendronate is able to increase bone mass after one year with sidered to be contraindicated in these patients. However, transder-
no or with only minor adverse effects [107,108]. Our results of mal estrogen treatment prevents bone loss or even increases BMD
once-weekly 70 mg alendronate in patients with PBC indicated in patients with PBC [117–121] or autoimmune cirrhosis with no
that this regimen was more effective in increasing BMD, with a adverse effects on liver disease. The efficacy and safety of short-
non-significant increased adherence and a better tolerability pro- term hormonal treatment with estradiol in postmenopausal wo-
file, than daily dosing in the treatment of low bone mass in pa- men after liver transplantation has also been analyzed and was
tients with PBC treated for one year. An interesting observation associated with an increase in lumbar and femoral neck BMD, to-
was that the effects of alendronate on BMD were lower in patients gether with a decrease in the serum levels of a marker of bone for-
with higher features of cholestasis [108]. Preliminary results of an- mation [122]. In this group of patients it must be taken into
other study comparing alendronate 70 mg weekly vs. ibandronate account that estrogen enhances hepatic metabolism of cyclospor-
150 mg monthly in PBC patients with osteoporosis or low bone ine A.
mass and fragility fractures, showed that both drugs have similar In males with hemochromatosis and hypogonadism, treatment
effects on BMD, but the adherence to treatment was superior for with testosterone and venesection is also effective [123]. One con-
monthly ibandronate, without adverse effects on liver tests [109]. cern about restoring testosterone levels in cirrhotic patients is that
Pamidronate, administered parenterally, has been evaluated in this might increase the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore,
patients with end-stage chronic liver disease, prior to and after li- the potential risk/benefit must be discussed with each patient be-
ver transplantation [41,112–114]. The studies have reported con- fore starting replacement therapy.
tradictory results with respect to the efficacy of this agent on Despite these results, hormone therapy is not considered to be
preventing bone loss and reducing the fracture rate. One study per- the most appropriate treatment, as there are other efficacious non-
formed in patients with low bone mass, the administration of hormonal agents with lesser side-effects for the treatment of
pamidronate every 3 months prior to and during 9 months after osteoporosis.
transplantation, demonstrated a certain reduction in the incidence
of fractures compared with a reference group of untreated patients Calcitonin
[41]. Another study using 30 mg of pamidronate every 3 months, The effect of calcitonin as an anti-catabolic drug in patients with
calcium (1 g/day) and vitamin D (1000 IU/day) for two years was liver disease is not clear. A pilot study carried out in PBC reported
associated with a significant increase in lumbar and femoral that the combined administration of calcitonin, calcium and vita-
BMD [113]. A third study, including 99 patients who, prior to trans- min D over 12 months was associated with lower bone loss than
plantation, randomly received 60 mg of pamidronate or were con- in untreated patients [124], and apparently the long-term effects
trol patients, did not show any favorable effect of pamidronate on were more favorable in patients with osteopenia [125]. However,
either bone mineral density or the rate of new fractures [112]. other studies have described negative results [126]. In transplant
These studies with pamidronate included few patients or were patients, the intramuscular administration of 40 IU/day of calcito-
inappropriately designed to detect bone loss and the capacity for nin over a period of one year was associated with a significant in-
reducing the risk of new fractures. The results of a placebo-con- crease in BMD [127]. However, the effects of calcitonin treatment
92 N. Guañabens, A. Parés / Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 503 (2010) 84–94

on bone mass and fracture rate are not clear, as in another 6-month Salud Carlos III, and FIS-08/0105, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innova-
study in patients with low baseline BMD (Z-score < 2), the drug ción, Spain.
was unable to prevent bone loss and decrease the rate of fragility
fractures during the first year after liver transplantation [128]. References

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