Social Media - A Double Edged Sword

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It is true that social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, the argument that it has

made people less socially active is not entirely accurate. In fact, social media has provided new
ways for people to connect and interact with each other, both online and offline.

During the pandemic, Social Media made it possible to stay connected with friends and loved
ones all the time. We can easily know what is happening in their lives. It allowed us to
communicate with multiple people at the same time by sharing posts.

While some may argue over the fact that social media has decreased the in personal
connection, It is beacuse, Social Media can prove a quick and easy way of communication
without any physical presence, It just makes things better and easier!

Not only this, but social media has brought in new forms of social interaction where people with
the same interest can connect with each other and develop a bond! platforms like instagram,
facebook, twitter allow people to connect and collaborate with each other allowing them to have
a sense of belonging. It gives us the opportunity to build real connections with people we can
really relate to.

Social Media has also made it easy for people to organize events where people from all over
the world can participate where they can meet new people and improve their social network! Let
us take an example which we all can relate to- Suppose there's a re-union which is going to be
held, you wont expect the organizers to physically go to each and everyone's house and invite
them right? a simple text would do the work!

Inconclusion, while it's true that social media can replace some face-to-face
social interactions, it's also clear that it has created new opportunities for
social connection and engagement. The key is to strike a balance between
online and offline social activities, and to use social media in a way that
enhances, rather than replaces, in-person social interactions.

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