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‭Shadowing Day 1‬

‭ ime:‬‭2:45pm - 6:15pm‬
‭Place:‬‭Northern Peak Chiropractic‬
‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing‬‭: 3.5 Hours‬

‭ oday, I got there and they brought me into a room right away where a Chiropractor named‬
‭Bethany was waiting for me. There were multiple regular adjustments today. The first patient‬
‭was a middle-aged woman that just needed a readjustment. I got there at the end of the‬
‭adjustment so I didn’t see much of it. Afterwards, I followed Bethany into the next room where‬
‭there was another middle aged woman with 3 little girls, who were all patients. One of the little‬
‭girls had some ribs out of place, so Bethany adjusted her. The mother was next. She had been‬
‭painting all weekend so she had some neck pain. She did some massaging on the neck and‬
‭then she adjusted her neck. Next was the youngest of the daughters that just came in for an‬
‭adjustment. Lastly was the middle daughter. Bethany did an adjustment on her and then she‬
‭also had some arm pain so she helped her with that.‬

I‭ was then put with a Chiropractor named Devon. The next patient was another middle aged‬
‭woman who came in with some hip and neck pain. Devon used the massage gun to loosen all‬
‭of her muscles and then adjusted her. The next patient was a middle aged man that came in‬
‭with neck pain. He had been there before for some back pain and he had found out that he had‬
‭fractured vertebra T12. Devon had been readjusting him for that, which did help. Then it was the‬
‭end of the day. There were quite a few regular adjustments that happened in between each but‬
‭they are all about the same.‬

I‭ really enjoyed shadowing here because I learned a lot about what goes on at the chiropractor.‬
‭I thought it was interesting that chiropractors look at babies, adults, and toddlers. I didn’t think‬
‭that babies could be adjusted. They can be adjusted for many different reasons, such as‬
‭digestion, congestion, and to correct nerve tension. They can also help with a baby favoring a‬
‭side. If a baby is looking one way for a while, they like to face that way for a long period of time.‬
‭The chiropractor can help them start to look away from favoring a side.‬
‭Shadowing Day 2‬
‭ ime:‬‭6:45am - 5:00pm‬
‭Place:‬‭Northern Peak Chiropractic‬
‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing:‬‭10.25 Hours‬

‭ oday I started shadowing Dr. Devon McMullin. First, he had a few patients that just came in for‬
‭weekly adjustments. He then took me to the back and we went over the scans. This took awhile‬
‭because he went very in depth explaining the scans. I was then put with Bethany and she had a‬
‭6 month old baby. The baby was favoring the right side so she did some exercises that would‬
‭help the patient keep moving his head both ways. Bethany brought me into the back and she‬
‭explained to me what they do differently for pregnant women and babies. She told me that they‬
‭normally do massaging in the pelvic region. Then she explained why some babies might come‬
‭in and that is because some babies might have some pooping problems, spitting up problems‬
‭and/or the baby is favoring a certain side.‬

‭ ethany then had a patient that was 2 months old. The baby had some spitting up problems and‬
‭he was favoring his right side. So she did some stretches with him. Then she picked him up and‬
‭held him in her arms and did some movement with his lower back and hips. The mother was‬
‭next and she just did some adjusting. I was then put with Devon. He had a patient come in with‬
‭some neck and shoulder pain. He used the massage gun and loosened his muscles. He then‬
‭adjusted and proceeded to look at his neck. He did some stretches with his neck and massaged‬
‭it. Devon then sent him home with some stretches and exercises to do to help his neck and‬
‭shoulder. Devon does a lot of regular adjustments and Bethany normally works with women and‬

I‭ really enjoyed shadowing here because I learned that when you go to the chiropractor for the‬
‭first time they take scans of your spine. There is a thermal scan and an electromyography. The‬
‭thermal scan is used to measure the heat along the spine. This shows the nerve tensions in the‬
‭spine that may be causing pain. The electromyography is used to find muscle tension. This will‬
‭help find where the patient is having the most problems.‬
‭Shadowing Day 3‬
‭ ime:‬‭6:50am - 3:00pm‬
‭Place:‬‭Northern Peak Chiropractic‬
‭Total Hours Spent Shadowing‬‭: 8 Hours‬

‭ oday, when I got there we had to wait a few minutes for patients to start coming in. I started the‬
‭day with Doctor Bethany. Once the first patient came in we got started. The first patient was a‬
‭middle aged man that came in for a regular adjustment and also lower back pain. After his‬
‭regular adjustment, Bethany used the massage gun to loosen the muscles. Then she had him‬
‭lay down and she did a lot of rotation movement in his lower back. Then we went to the next‬
‭patient. She was an older woman with a regular adjustment along with lower right butt pain and‬
‭right shoulder and wrist pain. After Bethany did the adjustment. She did some massaging in the‬
‭butt. Then she had the patient sit up so she could look at the shoulder and wrist. Bethany used‬
‭the integrator, an instrument that r‬‭eplicates the‬‭complete thrust and movement elements of‬
‭toggle recoil, and used it on her wrist. She also used the massage gun on her shoulder. The‬
‭next patient was a pregnant mom that was 37 weeks with a regular adjustment and front left‬
‭pelvic pain with right ankle pain. Bethany did the adjustment and then did some leg movement‬
‭for the pelvic area. Then she used the integrator on her ankle and then she pulled it. This would‬
‭help crack the ankle to relieve some pain. The next was a middle aged woman that had some‬
‭neck and back pain. Bethany did an adjustment and just focussed a little more on the neck and‬
‭back areas. There were lots of regular adjustments in between each patient but there were all‬
‭the same.‬

‭ hen we got back from lunch, I was with Doctor Devon. The first patient was a young lady with‬
‭neck pain. He did a regular adjustment and continued to look at the neck. He did more adjusting‬
‭in the neck and then used the massage gun to loosen the muscles. The next patient was an‬
‭older woman with right ankle pain. Devon did an adjustment and then looked at the ankle. He‬
‭checked to see how much mobility and strength she had in her foot by having her push against‬
‭her foot. He then used the integrator and pulled her ankle. Then there was a mom that brought‬
‭in a newborn and a toddler. The toddler just had a regular adjustment. The newborn had trouble‬
‭with digestion and congestion. I was with Bethany with this patient because she normally deals‬
‭with moms and babies. So, Bethany would push on the baby’s tummy and then hold the baby at‬
‭an angle and move its hips. She would also use a little finger cover and put her finger to the roof‬
‭of the baby’s mouth and move it around. This can help with congestion. Next was a patient with‬
‭jaw pain. Bethany did a regular adjustment and then looked at her jaw. She used the finger‬
‭cover and placed her finger in the patient's mouth. Then she did some massaging to relieve the‬
‭pain. There were also more regular adjustments in between each patient but all were the same.‬

I‭ really enjoyed shadowing here because I learned a lot about what chiropractors can all do. I‬
‭learned that a chiropractor can help with jaw, ankle, wrist, shoulder, knee and hip problems. I‬
‭always thought that chiropractors just worked on backs and necks. Overall, I learned a lot about‬
‭chiropractic in the 3 days I was shadowing.‬

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