Practical 4 Chem340

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Wednesdiay,06 March 2024 Practical 4:Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Speetroscop} AIM This experiment aims to determine the concentration of Copper, Iron, and Mee ea feo Magnesium content in tea samples, namely green tea, Rooibos te, and five roses. ad determine the concentrations of the following elements in standard solution, to prep element standard solution to obtain quantitative measurements for the ICP-OES. Abstract Concentrations of the following selected metals (Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn) in tea leaves were investigated. Samples included green tea, Rooiboos, and Sroses tea. Metal determinations were performed using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Where the standard solutions and their intensities were identified using the ICP-OES and used to plot calibration curves. In green tea it was found to have high amounts of iron, and manganese content compared to other samples, whereas Sroses has a significant concentration content of magnesium, it was found that rooibos has the least metal concentration out of all 3 samples. Taking this into consideration, green tea must be the most beneficial beverage in terms of human health as it contains the most necessary metals namely iron, mangattese and magnesium, while 5 roses have significant concentrations of these metals too, green tea is still at an advantage. Results |. Ifthe samples were to dry out, this would lead to the loss of volatile elements, thus Guusing sample volailisation, additionally, allowing the sample to dry out will alle wv {fe sample to return to its original solid state which will impact analyte recovery. ] 2. Since this is a wet digestion technique, nitric acid is required to digest the samples to analyse the metals that will be in the solution, with this the ‘sample scan be analyzed by ICP. Table 1:preprared multi-clement standards(ppm) [Elements | Standard 1 | Standard Standard 3 | Standard 4 0.05 0.2 04 0.8 i ; Eas : 0.25 10 2.0 4.0 5.0 10 1.25 5.0 10 20 25 40 0.5 2.0 40 8.0 10.0 20.0 Powered by CamScanner The multi-working standard contains 10 x concentrations of standard 5 from the table | above. CiVieC2V2 cu (1000ppm)(V)=(10ppm)(100mL) V=ImL Which means, ImL of the copper solution is used to make 10ppm copper that is in the multi clement working standard, The same was done for Mg, Mn, and Iron to caleulate 250ppm- 100ppm and 50 ppm of the elements respectively. Fe (1000ppm)(V1)=(S0ppm)(100mL) V=5 Mg (1000ppm)(V1)=(250ppm)(100mL) Vi=25mL Mn (1000ppm)(V)=(100ppm)(100mL) Vi=10mL ‘Table 2: Concentrations of the elements in the multi-clement working standard and volumes of the 1000ppm standards to prepare the multi-element working standard. ELEMENT, Concentration of elements _| Volume of elements. Fe SOppm. SmL. [Mg_ 250ppm, 25mL Mn 100ppm 10mL. Cu 10ppm imL 7 y From the multi-element working standard, 6 standard solutions had to be mixed. Where the volume from the multi-element solutions was determined,using CiV1-C2V2 Standard 1. CIVi =C2v2 10ppm V1 = (0.05pm) (100mL) V1 =0.5ml of working solution Fe standard 2 10ppm V1 = (0.2ppm) (100mL) V1 =2 mL of working solution Powered by CamScanner Powered by CamScanner Powered by CamScanner Powered by CamScanner Emission intensity vs concentration | | a mee Emission Intensity ee 2s 2 ¥=S2473x4 3187. CConcentration(ppm) 23 3 3s 4 as Figure 11; Calibration curve of Mg standards Emission intensity/au plotted as the function of concentration/ppm ‘Table 12: Mass of samples(g) _ ‘Samples Runt Run2 Run3 GreenTea, 0.1029, 0.1049) 0.1099 Rooibos 0.1002 0.103 0.1001 Five Roses 0.1017 0.1013 0.1001 Table 9: Samples of teas with Emission intensity/au for Cu Sample Emission Intensity Greenteal (6376.447617 Greentea2 5941217418 Greentea3 6195.00249 Rooibos! 3607.274633, Rooibos? 4360.281484 Rooibos3 4768.142255 FiveRoses] 7891.442282 Fiveroses2 16939.09476 [Fiveroses3 10183.06375 Table 10: Samples of teas with emission intensity for Fe Sample Emission Intensity Greenteal 41095.91148 0 3.7615 . Calculation for greentea 1 for iron Y=31503x-1095.1 Y=41095.91 X=1.3393 mg/L, 1.3393 x0,25 0.3348 mg x 1000 334.8173, Powered by @ CamScanner a X=2.196 me «1000 2196.25 Table 12 : Table 13: Masses calculated from the calibration curves (ug/g) Sample copper Fe Mg __ Mn 1 Greenteal | 3.76 334.817 _| 4996.75 i z 2196.25 Rooibos 1 2S 36.39 4215 788 SRoses 1 4.287 174.5 5748.079 | 755.47 4. Yes, the tea samples have a significant difference. Green tea has the most metal content followed by five roses then lastly by rooiboos. The metal content of the tea is differentiated by the regions at which the tea leaves are grown, and the degree of oxidation it undergoes. Depending on where the tea leaves are grown, factors such as soil type, and the environment, the metal content will vary. Thus the tea leaves will be different. There’s a high amount of manganese and agnesium present in green teas as compared to all other elements while copper and Of in dominate in Five Roses tea samples 4, So, the samples are different in terms of ¥ composition concerning the trace elements, Cu, Mg, Mn and Fe. 5. Prepare multi-element standards can be di, since element compatibility, and solubility will be affected and will result in the possible precipitation of one or more elements in the standard, and the elements can cause interference with each other vy them difficult to analyze them because they combine. Figure; Drawing of ICP-AES and components. Peristaltic Pump; The fluid sample is pumped into the nebulizer via the peristaltic pump certs the sample to aerosol, which will be transferred to the spray chamber and ito the spray chamber along with the sample.Spray chamber filters from the aerosol, where the large mist particles settle down as swept into the torch assembly into the plasma. The meray source: to get atoms sufficiently energised that they emit light RF generators generates an oscillating electro-magnetic field where the radiation is sent to the load coil, the load oil is where yhich then transfers the radiation to the torch. p Nebuliser: conv injects humidified Argon gas out the uneven, large droplets waste into the rain, and the finest particles are the radiation from the RF generator travels to w1 ‘hich has argon flowing into it and will form an plasma in the RF field. Transducer - converts gneray from one form to another. Usually, it converts a signal in one form of energy to a signal in nother. Torch: makes the gas pass through at a high velocity. The transfer optics focuses the nce slit whereas the detector reads out the intensity measured from the plasma image on the entra sample.A monochromator/wavelength isolation device is responsible for directing the wanted light or focusing it by blocking the unwanted wavelengths therefore providing monochromatic Tight or it transmits a mechanically selectable narrow band of wavelengths of light or other radiation Powered by @ CamScanner ecause it has excellent Rives the Freedom from matrix effects and provides a Tight View for any sample 8. Furthermore, using bo g b using both neta ine have found a very wide dynamic range, As the dynamic range shifts lower ‘view. Italso has a tolerance to dissolved solids like that of a dedicated axial. The torch lifetimes are shorter, and the torch is longer than the radial design. The slots or holes get a radial view. 8. References 1) Anna Szymezycha-Madeja(2015) - Determination of essential and non-essential elements in green and black teas by FAAS and ICP OES simplified — multivariate classification of different tea products, Microchemical Journal 2)Charles, B., & Fredeen,|k. J. (1997). Concepts, instrumentation and techniques in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Perkin Elmer Corp, 3(2), 115.

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