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Development and Implementation of Global Digital Health Goods


Institutional affiliation




Health systems are essential in advancing universal health coverage and achieving

sustainable development in healthcare. Technological advancement presents an opportunity to

create systems that will ensure seamless operations in the health sector and protection of

sensitive patient data. Governance of health systems is a global challenge that negatively impacts

operations and medical data security (Sheikh et al., 2021). For this reason, there is need to enact

robust changes that will ensure development of credible health systems that can enhance medical

operations. The first step towards achieving reforms in the health sector is to develop policies

that support responsible governance of health systems. Policy development revolves around

setting standards that streamlines different systems into a cohesive infrastructure. Essentially,

streamlining health systems will help seal the loop holes in data accuracy and management to

strengthen management, monitoring and program delivery.

There are various aspects that I hope to learn from effecting the changes in health system

governance. Policy development is a vital learning point since it will enhance my understanding

on the process of developing and implementing policies that will ensure high standards in health

system governance. Further, I hope to learn about the importance of embracing technology in

health systems, Medical records are crucial in providing reliable health services hence the need

to embrace technology to ensure data accuracy, security and management. Apart from learning

the technical aspects of creating dynamic health systems, this is an opportunity to review the

current health systems and their impact on the quality of health services.

In my quest to develop reforms for health system governance, I hope to work with key

faculty members in medical school. The first faculty member is the dean academic learning and

innovation. The input of the faculty member will be integral in embracing an innovative

approach to create a digital health system. In addition, I hope to work with the senior lecturer

research and evaluation. The faculty member leading the research and evaluation department will

provide useful insights on the ideal research approach and subsequent evaluation of the ideas to

implement the digital health governance system. Ultimately, working with the relevant faculty

members presents an opportunity to benefit from their wealth of experience that will ensure I

develop a system that provides solutions to shortcomings in past systems and introduce a

futuristic aspect to my governance approach.



Sheikh, K., Sriram, V., Rouffy, B., Lane, B., Soucat, A., & Bigdeli, M. (2021). Governance roles

and capacities of ministries of health: A multidimensional framework. International

journal of health policy and management, 10(5), 237.

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