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Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

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Transitions sit to stand and stand to sit in persons post-stroke: Path of centre T
of mass, pelvic and limb loading – A pilot study
Julie Vaughan-Graham , Kara Patterson, Dina Brooks, Karl Zabjek, Cheryl Cott

Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto, 160-500 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 1V7, Canada


Keywords: Background: To explore the movement patterns utilized by persons post stroke from the simultaneous per-
Pelvic loading spective of pelvic and limb loading with the path of centre of mass during the movement transitions sit to stand
Limb loading and stand to sit.
Centre of mass Methods: A descriptive pilot study where kinetic and kinematic data were collected and compared between the
Sit to stand
contribution made by the less affected versus more affected lower limb and trunk during sit to stand and stand to
Stand to sit
sit following stroke. Movement analysis was undertaken using force-plates and a 3D VICON motion capture
Post-stroke system.
Findings: Data were successfully collected on nine subjects of whom four presented with left side more affected
and eight were male. Two patterns were demonstrated for pelvic loading, four patterns for limb loading and five
patterns for deviation of centre of mass. There were no consistent patterns of movement demonstrated depen-
dent upon the more or less affected side. There was no consistent relationship between pelvic and limb loading
and deviation of centre of mass throughout the movement phases.
Interpretation: In contrast to assumptions often made with respect to limb loading, we found large variability in
movement patterns utilized by person's with a hemiparetic presentation during sit to stand and stand to sit. The
findings suggest that movement problems encountered by persons post-stroke are complex and identifies lim-
itations with respect to current measurement techniques.

1. Introduction impairments (Teasell et al., 2009), and up to 40% have limited to no

walking ability (Kollen et al., 2006). Whilst there has been considerable
Sit to stand (SitTS) is one of the most basic activities of daily living study on the motor behavior involved in gait (Beyaert et al., 2015),
(Hu et al., 2013), a primary determinant for independence, and equally there is less evidence on the motor behavior of sitTS (Boyne et al., 2011;
as important as ambulation (Camargos et al., 2009; Etnyre and Thomas, Camargos et al., 2009; Hu et al., 2013; Lomaglio and Eng, 2005; Silva
2007). SitTS requires greater lower limb joint torque and range of et al., 2013) and even less on the motor behavior involved in the
motion than either walking or climbing stairs (Lomaglio and Eng, transition of standTS in persons post-stroke (Chen et al., 2010; Dubost
2005). Performing sitTS requires the generation of force equal to body et al., 2005). In the few studies that have been done, asymmetrical limb
mass plus gravity, as well as ensuring appropriate postural control to loading and modifying the anterior/posterior and lateral displacement
transition from a large to small base of support (Boyne et al., 2011; of the centre of mass (CoM) have been identified as common movement
Chou et al., 2003; Hu et al., 2013; Silva et al., 2013). Infact, sitTS re- problems in both sitTS and standTS in persons post-stroke (Briere et al.,
quires more lower limb joint torque and range of motion than either 2010; Chen et al., 2010; de Souza Rocha et al., 2010; Roy et al., 2007).
walking or climbing stairs (Lomaglio and Eng, 2005). A primary focus of neuro-rehabilitation is the recovery of functional
Stand to sit (standTS) is also an essential daily activity but it has activities with a particular emphasis on movement performance
been investigated much less than SitTS, with the primary concern being (Beyaert et al., 2015; Vaughan-Graham et al., 2015). The nature of
how well the individual is able to control the body's downward velocity, neuroscientific research on movement requires that specific aspects of
requiring eccentric muscle control (Chen et al., 2010). human movement such as timing, trajectory, coordination, postural
Approximately 40% of stroke survivors have moderate to severe sway, and body configuration need to be identifiable and measurable

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Vaughan-Graham), (K. Patterson), (D. Brooks), (K. Zabjek), (C. Cott).
Received 25 July 2018; Accepted 8 November 2018
0268-0033/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

Table 1
Inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

30–70 years of age Previous history of neurologic disease, such as Parkinson's disease, pontine and/or
1st episode of stroke or acquired brain injury resulting in hemiparesis cerebellar lesions, peripheral neuropathies
> 12 weeks < 24 months post neurological injury Botox injection to the lower limb within 12 weeks of study enrollment
Attending community based neuro-rehabilitation Receptive aphasia
Able to sitTS and standTS independently without the use of the upper limbs, an Orthopedic lower extremity pathology or rheumatoid conditions which affect sitTS and
assistive device or orthosis standTS
Able to maintain independent standing for at least 60 s Auditory or visual deficits that could prevent data collection
Passive ankle dorsiflexion to 90°
Able to understand instructions in English
Ability to provide informed consent

(Powell and Williams, 2015; Vaughan-Graham et al., 2018), whereas 2.1. Sample size justification and recruitment
clinicians require a broad holistic understanding that integrates all as-
pects of movement and are primarily interested in the movement pat- All participants were community-dwelling adults aged between 35
terns utilized (Harbourne and Stergiou, 2009; Vaughan-Graham et al., and 70 years who had sustained adult-onset of 1st stroke or acquired
2017). brain injury with resulting hemiparesis (Table 1). Ten participants were
No studies to date have specifically described the movement pat- recruited from community rehabilitation clinics who were participating
terns utilized by persons post stroke from the simultaneous perspective in out-patient physiotherapy. This sample size is consistent with similar
of pelvic and limb loading with the path of COM during these move- studies whose samples were between 12 and 18 participants with
ment transitions. This pilot study was developed to provide important stroke. For example, Roy et al. (2007), and Camargos et al. (2009),
information on (i) feasibility; (ii) protocol procedures; (iii) refining investigated lower limb asymmetry and the effect of foot position in 12
measurement and data collection procedures; and (iv) data quality to stroke patients. Duclos et al. (2008), evaluated the effect of foot posi-
facilitate planning of a larger scale study (Brooks and Stratford, 2009). tion on sitTS in 18 stroke subjects, Chen et al. (2010), investigated leg
In this pilot study, we explored movement patterns utilized by persons load sharing strategies and sitting impact forces in the standTS transfer
post-stroke during sitTS and standTS through the simultaneous inter- with 18 stroke subjects, and de Souza Rocha et al. (2010) investigated
pretation of pelvic and foot centre of pressure (CoP) measures and the the effect of constraint of the non-paretic lower limb, using a step, with
deviation of CoM from midline. This information will further clinicians' 12 stroke subjects.
understanding of sitTS and standTS movement impairments due to
stroke thereby guiding remediation of these movement transitions to
enhance outcomes. 2.2. Experimental protocol and data collection

Each participant attended for a single evaluation comprising five

2. Methods successive sitTS and standTS transitions with a 1 minute rest period
between each sitTS. The participants were barefoot, dressed in shorts
This was a descriptive pilot study where kinetic and kinematic data and sleeveless T-shirt and were seated in a standardized position on a
were collected and compared between the contribution made by the bench (armless and backless) at standard chair height (45 cm) in which
less affected vs more affected lower limb and trunk during sitTS and two force plates were embedded. The participants placed themselves
standTS following stroke. Movement analysis was undertaken using into the sitting position and were provided with instruction on the
force-plates and a 3D VICON motion capture system. Ethics approval standard sitting position as follows: sitting on the bench with each is-
was granted for this study by the Health Sciences Research Ethics chial tuberosity located on a separate force plate and with two thirds of
Board, University of Toronto (protocol reference #29399). the femurs supported, arms positioned as close as possible to body, feet
placed symmetrically, each foot placed on a force plate embedded in

Table 2
Operationalization of pelvic/limb loading and deviation of COM (refer to Supplemental Tables 5, 6 & 7).
Pelvic and limb loading (N)
Towards more affected side > than ± 1 standard deviation on the more affected side
Similar loading Means of both limbs within ± 1 standard deviation of each other
Towards less affected side > than ± 1 standard deviation on the less affected side

Deviation of centre of mass (CoM) (mm)

Towards more affected side Mean > than ± 1 standard deviation from 0 towards the more affected side
No deviation Mean within ± 1 standard deviation of 0
Towards less affected side Mean > than ± 1 standard deviation from 0 towards the less affected side

J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

Table 3
Participant demographics.
Subject ID Sex M/F Age (Yrs) Diagnosis Time since onset (months) More affected side R/L Brace Y/N Gait aid

#2 M 69 Benign meningioma 15 L N None

#3 M 60 Aneurysm 11 R N None
#4 M 26 Neurocytoma 10 L N None
#5 M 56 Left CVA 9 R N Single point cane
#6 M 58 Hemorrhagic left basal ganglia CVA 20 R N Quad cane with supervision
#7 F 52 Left CVA 19 R N Trekking pole indoors only
#8 M 66 Right CVA 25 L N Single point cane
#9 M 51 Right CVA 21 L Y Quad cane
#10 M 56 Left CVA 20 R Y Trekking pole

Legend: male (M); female (F); years (Yrs); cerebrovascular accident (CVA); right (R); left (L); yes (Y); no (N).

the floor, knees positioned as close to 105° flexion as possible, with the 2.3. Data analysis
distance between the lateral malleoli corresponding to hip width. Foot
placement was marked to ensure consistency between trials. The in- Descriptive statistics (mean and one standard deviation) were cal-
struction provided to the participant was: “You may stand-up at a culated from trials 2, 3 and 4 for pelvic and limb loading and maximal
comfortable speed, remain standing for three seconds and then sit displacement of the CoM. Kinematic and kinetic data were averaged
down”. Limb loading and path of centre of mass (CoM) were recorded over these 3 trials.
continuously throughout the five trials as described below. The sitTS and standTS movement transitions were analyzed and
described with respect to distribution of loading and path of CoM.
Associated analysis/calculations of measures of interest were analyzed
2.2.1. Limb loading
at five time points during the sitTS and standTS movements: (i) initial
Two AMTI BP400600-OP (Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc.,
sitting; (ii) mid-point between sitTS; (iii) stationary stand; (iv) mid-
Watertown, USA) force-plates, placed side by side and embedded in the
point between standTS; and, (v) terminal sitting. Pelvic and limb
bench measured pelvic loading. Two AMTI OR6-7000 (Advanced
loading, and deviation of CoM were operationalized with respect to
Mechanical Technology Inc., Watertown, USA) multi-axial force-plates,
‘towards more affected side’, ‘towards less affected side’, or ‘similar
placed side by side and embedded in the floor measured limb loading.
loading/no deviation from midline’ (Table 2). Plots for limb/pelvic
Initial measurement of the participant's body mass was made in
loading and deviation of CoM were created with respect to the phase of
standing for 10 s on each floor force plate. Centre of pressure measures
movement. Participants were classified based on the similarity of the
were recorded throughout the sitTS and standTS movement transitions.
Force-plate data was acquired at a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz and
stored for further analysis offline. Post signal processing of the data
3. Results
included filtering the data using a 6 Hz dual low pass Butterworth filter.
Additional feature extraction was performed in Matlab (Mathworks,
Ten participants successfully completed five successive sitTS and
Natick, USA).
standTS transitions with a 1 minute rest period between each sitTS.
Data were successfully collected on nine subjects. Data were incomplete
2.2.2. Path of the centre of mass for participant #1 due to post-processing issues with force-plate data
A VICON motion analysis system (Vicon LA, Culver City, USA) was and were not included in the analysis. Four participants presented with
used to attain a 3D movement model using a 14 link segment model the left side more affected and eight were male (Table 3).
involving placing reflective markers (diameter = 14 mm) to create an
anthropometric model (Winter et al., 2003). The 3D motion capture 3.1. Distribution of pelvic loading (Fig. 1)
data was acquired at a sampling frequency of 100 Hz. A modified
“Winter” model using 32 markers was utilized to specifically identify Eight of the nine participants presented with no change in pelvic
movement of the thorax, pelvis and lower limbs. Using this anthropo- loading at intial and terminal sit (Pattern I). Of those eight, four [#02,
metric model, anterio-posterior/medial-lateral trunk and pelvic dis- 03, 04, 08] demonstrated higher pelvic loading towards the more af-
placement, initial/transitional and terminal positions of the upper, fected side (Pattern I-i), one [#07] demonstrated similar loading
lower limbs and head were established. The midline of the base of (Pattern I-ii), and three [#06, 09, 10] demonstrated pelvic loading to-
support was defined as the mid-point between the lateral borders of the wards the less affected side (Pattern I-iii). Only one participant [#05]
feet. The position of the markers were reconstructed to estimate the demonstrated a change in pelvic loading from similar loading at initial
mean maximal displacement of the CoM from midline during the sitTS sit to increased loading on the less affected side at terminal sit (Pattern
and standTS movement transitions. II) (Table 5 Supplemental data).

J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

Paern I Paern II

Fig. 1. Pelvic loading patterns.

3.2. Distribution of limb loading (Fig. 2) in standing and shifts to the more affected limb at terminal sit. One
participant [#03] demonstrated pattern III, in which limb loading was
There were four patterns of limb loading demonstrated. Five of the shifted to the less affected side at initial sit, shifted to similar loading at
nine participants [#02, 05, 06, 9, 10] demonstrated pattern I, in which mid-point up, shifted towards the less affected side in standing, shifted
limb loading is towards the more affected limb or similar loading at to similar loading at mid-point down and finally shifted to the less af-
initial sit, shift towards the less affected limb during the movement fected side at terminal sit. One participant [#07] demonstrated pattern
transition and then shift back towards the more affected limb or similar IV, presenting with similar loading at initial sit, shifted to the less af-
loading at terminal sit. Two participants [#04, 08] demonstrated pat- fected side at mid-point up, shifted to similar loading in standing and
tern II, in which limb loading is towards the more affected limb, shifts mid-point down and shifting to the less affected side at terminal sit
towards the less affected limb at mid-point up, shifts to similar loading (Table 6 Supplemental data).

J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

Pa ern I Pa ern II

Pa ern III & IV

Fig. 2. Limb loading patterns.

J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

3.3. Deviation of centre of mass (CoM) (Fig. 3) towards the more affected side, pattern I-ii. Three participants [#02,
07, 08] demonstrated pattern II, in which the CoM is deviated towards
There were five patterns of deviation of CoM demonstrated. Three the more affected side at initial sit, becoming less deviated during the
primary patterns (I, II & III) represent seven of the nine participants' movement transition and deviates back to the more affected side at
[#02, 04, 05, 07, 08, 09, 10] movement behavior. Three participants terminal sit. One participant [#05] demonstrated pattern III, in which
[#04, 09, 10] demonstrated pattern I, in which there was no change in the CoM deviates from midline towards the less affected side and back
the deviation of CoM throughout the movement transition, two parti- towards midline. One participant [#03] demonstrated pattern IV, in
cipants [#09, 10] were consistently deviated towards the less affected which the CoM is deviated towards the less affected side until standing
side, pattern I-i, whilst one participant [#04] was consistently deviated and then shifts towards midline at mid-point down and terminal sit.

Paern I Paern II

Paern III Paern IV and V

Fig. 3. Deviation of centre of mass.

J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

One participant [#06] demonstrated pattern V, in which the CoM is 4. Discussion

deviated towards the more affected side until standing, becomes mid-
line at mid-point down and deviated to the less affected side at terminal The purpose of this study was to describe and characterize pelvic
sit. and limb loading simultaneously with the path of the CoM during sitTS
In summary, five of the nine participants [#02, 04, 06, 07, 08] and standTS movements in persons post-stroke. The results of this study
demonstrated their CoM deviated towards the more affected side at demonstrate tremendous variability in pelvic and limb loading and
initial sit, only one participant [#05] demonstrated no deviation at deviation of the CoM during the functional activity of sitTS and standTS
initial sit, the remaining three participants [#03, 09, 10] were deviated despite all participants having a hemiparetic presentation.
towards the less affected side at initial sit. Of the five participants The SitTS and standTS movement transitions place significant bio-
[#02,04,06,07,08] whose CoM was deviated towards their more af- mechanical, postural and muscular demands on an individual, thus it is
fected side at initial sit; four [#02, 06, 07, 08] deviated their CoM to- not surprising that these activities are significantly compromised in
wards midline during the mid-point up to mid-point down phases; three persons post-stroke (Boyne et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2013). Asymme-
[#02, 07, 08] deviated their CoM back towards the more affected side trical limb loading and difficulty in controlling the CoM during the
at terminal sit; and one [#04] remained deviated to the more affected movement transitions are common movement problems associated with
side throughout the entire movement transition (Table 7 Supplemental both sitTS and standTS (Briere et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2010; de Souza
data). Rocha et al., 2010; Roy et al., 2007).
Centre of pressure (CoP) measures, derived from force-plates, pro-
vide information on the centre of the distribution of the total force
3.4. Combined pelvic/limb loading and COM patterns (Table 4) applied by the body segment on the supporting surface (Shumway-Cook
and Woollacott, 2012). Unfortunately, CoP measures do not provide
At ‘initial sit’ three of nine participants [#02, 04, 08] presented with information on the role of the whole foot in contact with the floor,
pelvic/limb loading and deviation of CoM to the more affected side. therefore only providing a limited view, as the alignment of the foot
One of the participants [#05] presented with similar limb/pelvic and the interaction of the whole foot with the floor has the potential to
loading and no deviation of the CoM. influence weight-bearing, postural control and balance (Bourane et al.,
At ‘mid-point up’, three of nine participants [#05, 09, 10] presented 2015; Fraser et al., 2016; Kelly et al., 2012; McKeon and Hertel, 2007;
with limb loading and deviation of CoM to the less affected side. Parsons et al., 2016; Thompson et al., 2011).
In standing, four of nine participants [#03, 05, 09, 10] presented CoP measures are traditionally interpreted as an indication of the
with limb loading and deviation of CoM to the less affected side. amount and variability in limb loading and, therefore, an assumption is
At ‘mid-point down’, two of nine participants [#09, 10] presented that the more affected limb of the person post-stroke will register a
with limb loading and deviation of CoM to the less affected side, and lower CoP, as well as increased variability, due to reduced motor
three of nine participants [#02, 03, 08] presented with similar limb control (Parsons et al., 2016; Roy et al., 2006). However, the results of
loading and no deviation of the CoM. this study suggest a more complex presentation. A number of our par-
At ‘terminal sit’, three of nine participants [#02, 04, 08] presented ticipants demonstrate higher pelvic and limb loading on the more af-
with pelvic/limb loading and deviation of CoM to the more affected fected side at initial and terminal sit, in addition to the CoM being
side. deviated to the more affected side. If this increased limb loading on the
There does not appear to be more of a relationship between de- more affected side was due to the inactivity of the limb, the passive
viation of CoM with initial limb or pelvic loading. However, there ap- weight of the limb as a result of the stroke, one would expect the in-
pears to be less of a relationship between deviation of CoM and limb creased loading to be consistently higher throughout the movement
loading during mid-point up than during standing and mid-point down, transitions. However, this is not the case, as often the increased limb
as well as less of a relationship between deviation of CoM with terminal loading shifts to the less affected limb during the mid-point up and mid-
sit limb load than pelvic load. point down phases. This is contrary to the prevailing assumption that
loading and deviation of CoM would be towards the less affected side at

Table 4
Combined pelvic/limb loading and deviation of centre of mass per movement phase.
Phase of Initial sit Mid-point up Standing Mid-point down Terminal sit
#/more Deviation Pelvicl Limb Deviation Limb Deviation Limb load Deviation Limb Deviation Pelvic Limb load
affected side CoM load load CoM load CoM CoM load CoM load
#02/L A A A A S A S O S A A A
#04/L A A A A LA A S A S A A A
#07/R A S S O LA A S A S A S LA
#08/L A A A O LA O S O S A A A

L: left.
R: right.
CoM: centre of mass.
A: loading towards the more affected limb.
S: similar loading between limbs (within 1 SD).
LA: loading towards the less affected limb.
Red = loading towards more affected side; Blue = loading towards less affected side; Green = similar loading and no deviation of COM.
O: no deviation (mean < 1 SD either towards or away from more affected limb).

J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

all times for person's post-stroke. and trunk are becoming more evident in motor control research
Although higher loading was recorded on the more affected limb in (Mochizuki et al., 2006; Silva et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2013).
both sitting and standing for some participants, this higher loading The corticoreticulospinal pathways comprise ipsilateral and bi-
shifted to the less affected limb during the sitTS and standTS movement lateral pathways and contribute to the generation of anticipatory
transition phases. This suggests that the participants maybe using force (feedforward) postural control (Darian-Smith, 2009; Klous et al., 2011;
generation through their more affected limb differentially between the Santos et al., 2010; Schepens et al., 2008). There is clear evidence
static and dynamic phases of movement. Although the participants supporting the theory of ipsilateral feedforward stability for con-
were generating a higher loading through their more affected limb, tralateral limb movement (Krishnan et al., 2011; Krishnan et al., 2012).
specifically in the static postures of sitting and standing, this loading Therefore, it is conceivable that higher loading through the more af-
was not utilized to assist the sitTS or standTS movement transitions, fected limb is an atypical response to stabilize the body due, in part, to
hence contributing to the asymmetrical nature of post-stroke movement the loss of ipsilesional truncal postural stability. Another possible ex-
(Roy et al., 2007). planation is the involuntary recruitment of inappropriate motor activity
These results raise a number of questions for research and clinical of the more affected lower limb in order to either maintain sitting and/
practice. Specifically, with respect to CoP measures, it would appear or to complete the sitTS/standTS task. However, irrespective of the
that the loading measured does not differentiate between functional mechanism resulting in increased limb loading of the more affected
weight-bearing and non-functional load-bearing. Clinically, functional limb in sitting, this was often not translated into higher loading of the
weight-bearing implies that the person is able to appropriately organize more affected limb during the mid-point up, standing and mid-point
the alignment of body segments with respect to gravity and the body down phases. Thus, loading responses of the pelvis and limbs in sitting
segment in contact with the supporting surface such that the appro- do not appear to be a good indication of how the limbs and trunk will
priate muscular activity is generated to complete the movement, or actually respond in movement. Therefore, if limb loading measures are
maintain a posture, whilst controlling the CoM within the base of used alone to indicate possible improvements in weight-bearing,
support (Vaughan-Graham et al., 2018). In contrast, non-functional loading during dynamic phases of movement, in particular the mid-
load-bearing implies the ability to maintain a force with respect to the point up of sitTS, may be the most optimal indicator of improvement.
body segment in contact with the supporting surface, however, this Additionally, consideration of using pressure mapping of the feet, in
force generation does not functionally contribute to the maintenance of addition to CoP measures, may provide useful information on pressure
a posture or movement performance and is not necessarily congruent distribution of the entire sole of the foot furthering our clinical un-
with the location of the CoM. derstanding on the differences between weight-bearing vs. non-func-
Higher pelvic and limb loading, and deviation of the CoM towards tional load-bearing.
one side of the body is generally interpreted as the individual has a Participation in experimental studies investigating the effectiveness
greater degree of weight-bearing to that side. However, whilst the force of various neuro-rehabilitation interventions typically revolves around
plate measures higher loading, for example to the more affected side, grouping participants by their medical diagnosis. This assumes that
this may be interpreted as above, or alternatively it could be due to: (a) persons with a similar diagnosis, such as right or left cerebrovascular
passive loading of those body segments because there is insufficient accident (CVA), present with similar movement problems and, there-
motor control to maintain a symmetrical posture; or (b) atypical force fore, it is assumed that such persons will respond in a similar manner to
generation primarily through the more affected limb, or in fact a the interventions. However, this study highlights the inherent hetero-
combination of both (a) and (b). geneity in the clinical presentation of persons with cortical lesions and
In clinical practice it is quite common to observe a person post- contradicts the assumption that participants with cortical lesions will
stroke in which the pelvis and trunk are deviated to the more affected demonstrate increased pelvic and limb loading as well as deviation of
side in sitting. Since the CoM is a virtual point at the centre of the total the CoM towards the less affected side. This degree of heterogeneity
body mass and is dependent upon body segment alignment (Wu and may be one explanation why grouping persons in studies by their
MacLeod, 2001), it is conceivable that this is why the CoM is also de- medical diagnosis alone when investigating the effectiveness of inter-
viated to the more affected side. Clinically, this is not interpreted as ventions produces inconclusive results as differences in functional
appropriate weight transfer and weight-bearing to the more affected weight-bearing vs. non-functional loading as well as the control of the
side but is explained as a result of loss of truncal and pelvic motor CoM will ultimately influence the persons response to interventions.
control due to the CNS lesion. Therefore, stratifying person's post-stroke with respect to movement
We also observed pelvic loading at initial sit as similar or more diagnosis, in addition to medical diagnosis, may assist in identifying
towards the less affected side whilst the CoM remained deviated to the those persons who may benefit the most from specific interventions.
more affected side. Or conversely, increased pelvic loading to the more The patterns described in the current study warrant further investiga-
affected side at initial sit whilst the CoM was deviated to the less af- tion as a potential basis for movement diagnosis for sitTS and standTS.
fected side. This suggests that despite a homogenous hemiparetic pre- This study has a number of limitations including: (i) A small sample
sentation the organization of pelvic loading and deviation of CoM is size with a broad inclusion criteria. However, this sample size is con-
considerably heterogenous. sistent with similar studies (Roy et al., 2007) (Camargos et al., 2009;
Perhaps a more difficult question to resolve is why some of the Chen et al., 2010; de Souza Rocha et al., 2010; Duclos et al., 2008); (ii)
participants are generating a higher force through their more affected the study participants had been participating in neuro-rehabilitation for
limb in sitting. Some possible explanations could include that the differing amounts of time which may have contributed to the diversity
person is seeking sensory information through their more affected limb in the results; (iii) all study participants were required to be able to
due to the loss of cutaneous and proprioceptive feedback. This would be sitTS and standTS independently for data collection purposes, therefore
consistent with some recent findings suggesting that postural sway is the results are likely not reflective for persons requiring assistance for
exploratory rather than an error correcting strategy (Carpenter et al., sitTS; (iv) the bench was not height adjustable and this may have af-
2010; McKeon and Hertel, 2007) and, that cutaneous information fected pelvic and limb loading at initiation and termination of the
through the feet is integral to balance and postural control in persons movement transitions; and, (v) inconsistency in marker placement
post-stroke (Parsons et al., 2016). An alternative possible explanation could influence the construction of the anthropometric model from
could be the loss of reciprocal innervation between both sides of the which the deviation of CoM was determined. This was minimized
body as a result of the cortical lesion. Although the most apparent loss through application of the markers by the same person in addition to
of motor control is contra-lesional, particularly in the limbs, the con- the accuracy of the VICON spatial model being < 1 mm (Winter et al.,
tribution of the ipsi-lesional pathways particularly in the lower limbs 2003). However, this proof of concept with respect to simultaneously

J. Vaughan-Graham et al. Clinical Biomechanics 61 (2019) 22–30

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