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April Robin Martinig

Curriculum Vitae


Evolution & Ecology Research Centre EMAIL
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences WEBSITE
University of New South Wales PHONE 1-514-755-3878
Randwick, NSW, 2052, Sydney, Australia LANGUAGES English (native), French (fluent), Italian


• Authored 17 publications, including a first authored publication in Ecology Letters (impact factor 8.70) and a
sole-authored publication as the cover article for the Journal of Wildlife Management; additional 10 in prep
• Received a Banting PDF, Canada’s most prestigious postdoctoral fellowship, and an NSERC PDF
• Supervised two graduate students, 14 undergraduate students, and 25 research technicians
• Taught Ecology of Individuals and developed guest lectures for five additional courses
• Presented nine seminars and one panel, in addition to 38 scientific presentations
• Consistently recognized as one of the best oral presentations at professional meetings
• Reviewed 48 articles for 20 peer-reviewed journals
• Total funding received through scholarships and grants in excess of $507,000
• Volunteered with various organizations in Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, New Orleans, Panama, & Bolivia
• University of Alberta varsity wrestling athlete


2024 – 2026 Banting Postdoctoral fellow - University of British Columbia (Okanagan).

Mentor: Michael Noonan
2022 – 2024 NSERC Postdoctoral fellow - University of New South Wales.
Mentor: Shinichi Nakagawa
2021 – 2022 Postdoctoral fellow - University of Calgary.
Mentor: Kathreen Ruckstuhl


2016 – 2021 Ph.D. Ecology - University of Alberta.

Thesis: Behavioural and ecological predictors of dispersal outcomes in red squirrels
2014 – 2015 M.Sc. Biology - Concordia University.
Thesis: Evaluating the effectiveness of wildlife passages for small and medium-sized mammals in
2010 – 2014 B.Sc. Ecology (with distinction/magna cum laude) - University of Calgary.
Thesis: Effects of age and sex on social network associations in bighorn sheep at Sheep River
Provincial Park

Martinig | 1
2010 – 2014 B.Sc. Primatology (with distinction/magna cum laude) - University of Calgary.
Thesis: The role of cheek pouches in feeding competition and predation risk for Lowe’s guenons in


2023 Ecology of Individuals (ECOL 429, 64 students, co-instructor), University of Calgary

2023 Conservation Biology (BIOL 451, 110 students), University of Calgary
2023 Advanced Behavioural Ecology (ECOL 603, 20 students), University of Calgary
2023 Special Problems in Environmental Management (ENSC 502, 45 students), University of Calgary
2020 Northern Ecology (ZOOL 366, 70 students), University of Alberta
2017 Behavioural Ecology (ZOOL 371, 50 students), University of Alberta

2021 Principles of Ecology (BIOL 208; 350 students), University of Alberta
2019 Conservation Biology (BIOL 367, 80 students), University of Alberta *received commendation*
2018 Principles of Ecology (BIOL 208; 350 students), University of Alberta

2019 Plant Ecology (BOT 332; 60 students), University of Alberta

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (*student for whom I was the primary mentor, # indicates equal contribution)


27. Martinig, A. R., S. L. P. Burk*, Y. Yang, M. Lagisz#, and S. Nakagawa#. In preparation. Does philopatry pay?
Meta-analysis reveals little empirical support for dispersal being costly.

26. Ho, D.*, A. R. Martinig, A. G. McAdam, S. Boutin, J. E. Lane, and B. Dantzer. In preparation. Peer pressure:
juvenile survival is higher for behavioural extremes when accounting for conspecific density.

25. Martinig, A. R., M. H. Kent*, J. Thorley, D. Baloun, B. Dantzer, A. G. McAdam, J. E. Lane, and S. Boutin. In
preparation. Growth and fitness trade-off mediated by food caching in North American red squirrels.

24. Sanders, J. I.*, E. K. Studd, M. Gaidica, A. Wishart, B. Dantzer, E. R. Siracusa, S. Boutin, K. E. Ruckstuhl, J. E.
Lane, and A. R. Martinig. In preparation. A comparison of standardized personality assays and
accelerometer data in North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus).

23. Martinig, A. R., S. L. P. Burk*, Y. Yang, M. Lagisz#, and S. Nakagawa#. In preparation. How behavioural
phenotype is predictive of movement: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Martinig | 2
22. Noble, D., M. Lagisz, R. Almeida#, K. Bairos-Novak#, H. Balti#, M. Bertram#, L. Bliard#, J. Brand#, I. Byrne#, Y.-C.
Chan#, D. Clink#, Q. Corbel#, R. Correia#, J. Crawford-Ash#, A. Culina#, E. D’Bastiani#, M. de Souza Leite#, G.
G. Deme#, F. Dhellemmes#, S. Dimri#, S. Drobniak#, A. Elsy#, S. Everingham#, S. J. L. Gascoigne#, M.
Grainger#, G. Hossack#, K. A. Ivimey-Cook#, M. Jones#, I. Kačergytė#, G. Küstner#, D. Leibold#, M. M. Mair#, J.
Martin#, A. R. Martinig#, A. Mizuno#, I. Moodie#, D. Moreau#, R. O’Dea#, J. Orr#, M. Paquet#, R. Parajuli#, J.
Pick#, P. Pottier#, M. Purgar#, P. Recio#, D. Roche#, R. Royauté#, A. Sánchez-Tójar#, S. Shafiei Sabet#, I. Silva#, B.
E. Soares#, B. Szabo#, E. Takola#, E. Thoré#, B. Timilsina#, N. E. van Dis#, W. Verberk#, S. J. G. Vriend#, K.
Wild#, C. Williams#, N. Wu#, Z. Xirocostas#, Y. Yang#, and S. Nakagawa. Preprint practices and publication
pathways in ecology and evolution.

21. Lagisz, M., A. C. Bonoja#, M. Bertram#, A. Bonoja#, Y.-C. Chan#, S. Drobinak#, D. Gomes#, J. Martin#, A. R.
Martinig#, J. Orr#, M. Paquet#, P. Pottier#, S. Shafiei Sabet#, E. Takola#, E. Thore#, Y. Yang#, and S. Nakagawa.
In preparation. Do learned societies in ecology and evolution provide equitable access to their

20. Sánchez-Tójar, A., R. A. Almeida#, K. Anders Hovstad#, H. Balti#, K. Bairos-Novak#, M. Bertram#, L. Bliard#, I.
Byrne#, Y.-C. Chan#, C. Charron#, Q. Corbel#, M. de Souza Leite#, S. Drobniak#, M. Elsherif#, A. Elsy#, U.
Ernst#, K. Florko#, E. Gould#, M. Grainger#, A. Habrich#, K. Hanks#, A. Harshbarger#, E. Ivimey-Cook#, I.
Kačergytė#, S. Lamba#, B. Leavell#, C. Lei#, J. Martin#, A. R. Martinig#, G. Masoero#, I. Moodie#, D. Moreau#,
R. O’Dea#, C. Onoja Akogwu#, M. Paquet#, J. Pick#, P. Pottier#, M. Purgar#, T. Rizvi#, R. Royaute#, S. Shafiei
Sabet#, G. Siegmund#, I. Silva#, B. Spiecker#, B. Szabo#, E. Takola#, E. Thoré#, W. Verberk#, V. Vladimirova#, M.
Vrtílek#, S. Windecker#, G. Winter#, A. Wishart#, Z. Zajkova#, R. Zeiss#, and N. Moran. Open code and data
practices during peer review.

19. Baloun, D. E., A. R. Martinig, A. G. McAdam, B. Dantzer, S. Boutin, and J. E. Lane. In preparation. Episodic
hyperabundant food removes pressure to adapt a compensatory growth strategy for late-born red squirrels

18. Ruckstuhl, K. E., R. Chen*, I. Martin de Real, D. Coltman, J. Poissant, A. R. Martinig, P. Neuhaus, and J. Hogg.
In preparation. Don’t ewe leave me: factors affecting pair distance dynamics and coursing events in rutting
bighorn sheep.


17. Lagisz, M., B. Amin, U. Aich, A. Barnett, J. Beaudry, D. Borg, J. Elisee, C. Esteban Lara, K. Khan, A. R. Martinig,
S. Osata, M. J. Page, A. Pua, R. M. Ross, J. Rutkowska, A. Sánchez-Mercado, N. Trubanova, J. Wang, Y. Yang,
S. Nakagawa. In review (pnas-571170-04012024). Cross-disciplinary survey of access and assessment criteria
of "best paper" awards.

16. Pottier, P., M. Lagisz, S. Burke#, S. M. Drobniak#, P. Downing#, E. L. Macartney#, A. R. Martinig#, A. Mizuno#, K.
Morrison#, P. Pollo#, K. Ricolfi#, J. Tam#, C. Williams#, Y. Yang#, and S. Nakagawa. In review (RSPB-2023-2205).
Keywords to success: a practical guide to maximise the visibility and impact of academic papers.

15. Emmanuel, P.*, K. E. Ruckstuhl, S. Raveh, J. C. Gorell, D. Coltman, A. R. Martinig, and P. Neuhaus. In review
(ANBEH-S-24-00078). Factors affecting annual reproductive investment and success in female Columbian
ground squirrels.

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14. Gould, E., H. Fraser, T. H. Parker, S. Nakagawa, S. Griffith, P. Vesk, F. Fidler, …A. R. Martinig, et al. (+251
additional co-authors listed alphabetically by last name). Accepted. Same data, different analysts: variation
in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology.

13. Yuen, T.*, K. E. Ruckstuhl, A. R. Martinig, and P. Neuhaus. 2024. Born with an advantage: Early life and
maternal effects on fitness in female ground squirrels. Behavioral Ecology 35:1–7.

12. Nakagawa, S., E. Ivimey-Cook, M. J. Grainger, R. E. O’Dea, S. Burke, S. M. Drobniak, E. Gould, E. L. Macartney,
A. R. Martinig, K. Morrison, M. Paquet, J. L. Pick, P. Pottier, L. Ricolfi, D. P. Wilkinson, A. Willcox, C. Williams,
L. A. B. Wilson, S. M. Windecker, Y. Yang, and M. Lagisz. 2023. Method Reporting with Initials for
Transparency (MeRIT) promotes more granularity and accountability for author contributions. Nature
Communications 14:1788.

11. Martinig, A. R., H. J. Karst*, E. R. Siracusa, E. K. Studd, A. G. McAdam, B. Dantzer, D. M. Delaney, J. E. Lane, P.
Pokharel*, and S. Boutin. 2022. Animal personality: a comparison of standardized assays and focal
observations in North American red squirrels. Animal Behaviour 190:221–232.

10. Martinig, A. R., K. J. Mathot, J. E. Lane, B. Dantzer, and S. Boutin. 2021. Selective disappearance does not
underlie age-related changes in trait repeatability in red squirrels. Behavioral Ecology 32:306–315.

9. Neilson, E. W., C. T. Lamb, S. M. Konkolics, M. J. L. Peers, Y. N. Majchrzak, D. Doran-Myers, L. Garland, A. R.

Martinig, and S. Boutin. 2020. There’s a storm a-coming: Ecological resilience and resistance to extreme
weather events. Ecology and Evolution 10:12147–12156.

8. Peers, M. J. L, S. M. Konkolics, C. T. Lamb, Y. N. Majchrzak, A. K. Menzies, E. K. Studd, R. Boonstra,

A. J. Kenney, C. J. Krebs, A. R. Martinig, B. McCulloch, J. Silva, L. Garland, and S. Boutin. 2020.
Prey availability and ambient temperature drive carrion persistence in the boreal forest. Journal
of Animal Ecology 89:2156–2167.
Cover article
7. Martinig, A. R., M. Riaz*, and C. C. St. Clair. 2020. Interspecific encounters in wildlife passages:
prey may dilute risk of prey-trap by predators. Scientific Reports 10:11489.

6. Hendrix, J. G., D. N. Fisher, A. R. Martinig, S. Boutin, B. Dantzer, J. E. Lane, and A. G. McAdam. 2020. Territory
acquisition mediates the influence of predators and climate on juvenile red squirrel survival. Journal of
Animal Ecology 89:1408–1418.

5. Martinig, A. R., A. G. McAdam, B. Danzter, J. E. Lane, D. W. Coltman, and S. Boutin. 2020. The new kid on the
block: Immigrant males win big whereas females pay fitness cost after dispersal. Ecology Letters 23:430–438.

4. Martinig, A. R., and A. A. D. McLaren. 2019. Vegetated highway medians as foraging habitat for small
mammals. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:317–322.

Martinig | 4
3. Cooper, E. B., R. W. Taylor, A. D. Kelley, A. R. Martinig, S. Boutin, M. M. Humphries, B. Dantzer, J.
(ISSN 0022-541X)



November 2017

E. Lane, and A. G. McAdam. 2017. Personality is correlated with natal dispersal in North
Vol. 81, Issue 8, November 2017

Vol. 81
Issue 8

Mink Use of Wildlife Passages

Coyote Exploitation


Featured Article: Trace Elements and Wildlife

American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Behaviour 154:939–961.

2. Martinig, A. R. 2017. Using habitat suitability modelling to predict mink passage activity: a
cautionary tale. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:1439–1448.
Cover article

1. Martinig, A. R., and K. Bélanger-Smith. 2016. Factors influencing the discovery and success of wildlife
passages for smaller fauna. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:825–836.

4. Plante, J., A. R. Martinig, J. Gaitan, and J. Jaeger. 2016. Mitigation measures for small and medium-sized
mammals along Highway 175. Concordia University. News Bulletin No. 7.

3. Gaitan, J., A. R. Martinig, J. Plante, K. Bélanger-Smith, and J. Jaeger. 2015. Mitigating measures for small and
medium-sized mammals along Highway 175. Concordia University. News Bulletin No. 6.

2. Martinig, A. R., J. Plante, K. Bélanger-Smith, and J. Jaeger. 2014. Mitigating measures for small and medium
mammals: Highway 175. Concordia University. News Bulletin No. 5.

1. Jaeger, J. A. G., K. Bélanger-Smith, J. Gaitan, J. Plante, A. R. Martinig, M. Cheveau, and A. P. Clevenger. 2014.
Suivi de l’efficacité des passages à petite et moyenne faune le long de la route 175. End of year report
prepared for the Ministère des Transports du Québec.



2024 – 2026 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship ($140000)
2022 – 2024 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship ($90000)
2023 SORTEE Open Science Researcher Award finalist
2015 – 2022 Ecological Society of America Travel Support Grant (USD; $210, $225, & $225)
2018 & 2022 International Society for Behavioral Ecology Conference Travel Award (USD; $600 & $1500)
2021 International Association for Landscape Ecology Travel Grant (USD; $150)
2021 Alberta Chapter of The Wildlife Society Travel Grant ($38)
2020 Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship ($12000)
2020 Steve and Elaine Antoniuk Graduate Scholarship in Arctic Research ($13000)
2020 Bill Shostak Wildlife Award ($11000)
2020 Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement ($6000)
2020 Education Abroad Individual Award ($1250)
2020 Shell Enhanced Learning Fund Grant ($1500)
2020 Alberta Athletics Award ($1800)
2018 – 2020 NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral ($81667)
2019 President's Doctoral Prize of Distinction ($5800)
2019 Green & Gold Student Leadership and Professional Development Grant ($880.40)
Martinig | 5
2018 President's Doctoral Prize of Distinction ($10000)
2018 Graduate Students’ Association Academic Travel Grant ($500)
2018 British Ecological Society Training and Travel Grant (£500)
2018 Department of Biological Sciences Travel Subsidy ($300)
2016 & 2018 Jimmie Condon Athletic Scholarship ($1800 & $1800)
2016 & 2017 Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral level ($15000 & $15000)
2016 University of Alberta Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship ($10000)
2015 QCBS Excellence Award ($1998)
2015 Conference and Exposition Award ($825)
2015 Student Conference Travel Support Grant ($375)
2015 Departmental Support Grant ($150)
2013 & 2014 Jason Lang Scholarship ($1000 & $1000)
2012 Leadership and Student Engagement Activity Funding Grant ($650)
2012 International Studentship Award ($500)
2010 Dean's Merit Admission Award ($1000)
2010 University of Calgary Entrance Scholarship ($500)


2021 Runner-up for best presentation, Intl. Association of Landscape Ecologists Conference ($150 USD)
2021 Runner-up for best presentation, Wildlife Society Conference - Alberta ($150)
2021 Best presentation, Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference ($100)
2021 Best presentation, Northern Research Day Conference ($150)
2020 Warder Clyde Allee Competition finalist, Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society
2020 Best presentation, Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference ($100)
2020 Best presentation, Northern Research Day Conference ($150)
2019 Shortlisted for the Wildlife Society Publication of the Year award
2019 Second runner-up for best presentation, Wildlife Society Conference - Canada ($100)
2019 Second runner-up for best presentation, Northern Research Day Conference ($75)
2018 – 2019 Academic All-Canadian Award (exceptional student-athletes with GPA > 3.7)
2018 Runner-up for best presentation, Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference ($50)
2014 Best poster, Department of Biology Symposium
2013 & 2014 Dean’s List, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts

GRANTS (TOTAL ≈ $33 696)

2024 – 2026 Banting Postdoctoral Research Grant ($20000)
2017 & 2018 Northern Scientific Training Program Grant ($4034.48 & $3400)
2017 & 2018 UofA Northern Research Awards Grant ($3062.40 & $3199)


2024 NSERC USRA - Naomi Brunner ($7500)
2020 – 2021 NSERC USRA - Hayley Karst ($5625)
2018 – 2019 NSERC USRA - Laura Eliuk ($7400)
2018 – 2019 NSERC USRA - Rosemin Nathoo ($6896)
2017 – 2018 Undergraduate Research Initiative - Nicole Paskar ($5000)
2017 – 2018 NSERC USRA - Micah Dettweiler ($7200)
Martinig | 6

2022+ Deborah Ho, University of Michigan, M.Sc. Official supervisor: B. Dantzer.
2020+ Lia Le Brun Robles Gil, University of Saskatchewan, M.Sc. Official supervisor: J. Lane.

2024+ Naomi Brunner, University of Calgary. B.Sc. Project. Primary supervisor. Co-supervisor: R. Barclay.
2023+ Jonas Sanders, University of Calgary. B.Sc. Project. Primary supervisor. Co-supervisor: K. Ruckstuhl.
2023+ Patience Emmanuel, University of Calgary. B.Sc. Project. Co-supervisor: P. Neuhaus.
2023+ Roy Chen, University of Calgary. B.Sc. Project. Co-supervisor: K. Ruckstuhl.
2023 – 2024 Tanner Yuen, University of Calgary. B.Sc. Project. Co-supervisor: P. Neuhaus.
2020 – 2022 Miles Kent, University of Alberta. B.Sc. Project. Sole-supervisor.
2021 – 2022 Sean Bishop, University of Alberta. B.Sc. Project. Co-supervisor: S. Boutin.
2020 – 2021 Hayley Karst, University of Alberta. NSERC USRA. Co-supervisors: K. Mathot & S. Boutin.
co-authored publication
2018 – 2019 Charly Blais, University of Alberta. B.Sc. Honours Project. Co-supervisors: K. Mathot & S. Boutin.
2018 – 2019 Laura Eliuk, University of Manitoba. NSERC USRA. Co-supervisor: S. Boutin.
2018 – 2019 Rosemin Nathoo, Bishop’s University. NSERC USRA. Co-supervisor: S. Boutin.
2017 – 2018 Prashanna Pokharel, University of Alberta. B.Sc. Honours Project. Co-supervisors: K. Mathot & S.
co-authored publication
2017 – 2018 Mahnoor Riaz, University of Alberta. B.Sc. Honours Project. Co-supervisors: C. St. Clair & K. Mathot.
2017 Nicole Paskar, University of Alberta, Undergraduate Research Initiative. Co-supervisor: S. Boutin.
2016 – 2017 Micah Dettweiler, Emory University. NSERC USRA. Co-supervisor: S. Boutin.


2018 – 2020 Srivathsav Purushothaman (lab assistant) 2017 Micah Dettweiler (field assistant)
2019 Dakota Cipriano (lab assistant) 2015 Brie-Anne Breton (field assistant)
2019 Cassandra Brooke (lab assistant) 2014 Sandra Anastasio (lab assistant)
2019 Cindy Zhao (lab assistant) 2014 Catherine Farmer (lab assistant)
2019 Clarin Nobleza (lab assistant) 2014 Sayena Tabrizi (lab assistant)
2019 Annika Johnson (lab assistant) 2014 Carlos Zambrano (field assistant)
2018 Shotaro Shiratsuru (field assistant) 2014 Judith Plante (field assistant)
2018 Laura Eliuk (field assistant) 2014 Brandon Ian Wittet (lab assistant)
2018 Rosemin Nathoo (field assistant) 2014 Jaaved Singh (lab assistant)
2018 Ursula Dhillon (lab assistant) 2014 Tina-Louise Rossit (field assistant)
2017 Heather Sterling (field assistant) 2014 Carling Dewar (field assistant)
2017 Megan Szojka (field assistant) 2014 Dylan Robinson (field assistant)
2017 Nicole Paskar (field assistant)


Martinig | 7
2024 18. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Seminar Series - University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. What we
thought then, and what we know now: moving forward in movement ecology.
17. Biology Departmental Seminar Series - University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON. Stranger in a strange
land: practical applications and observations from the field.
16. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Seminar Series - University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Movement wrapped: what’s trending now?
15. Department of Biology Seminar Series - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON. Does philopatry
pay? (Depends who you ask).
2023 14. Evolution & Ecology Research Centre Seminar Series - University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia. I saw the sign: breaking down animal behaviour in wildlife structures.
13. Invited speaker. Advanced Behavioural Ecology - University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. Behaviour
dependent dispersal and life-history trade-offs in juvenile red squirrels.
12. Invited speaker. Conservation Biology - University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. Conservation at the
crossroads: Living on the verge.
11. Invited speaker. Special Problems in Environmental Management - University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB. Conservation at the crossroads: Living on the verge.
2021 10. Center for Population Biology Seminar Series - University of California, Davis - Davis, CA. Not
all risks lead to ruin: the long and short of dispersal.
9. Animal Welfare Program Seminar Series - University of British Columbia - Vancouver, BC.
Conservation at the cross-roads: living on the verge.
2020 8. Invited speaker. Red Deer River Naturalist - Red Deer, AB. Not all risks lead to ruin: the long and
short of dispersal.
7. Invited speaker. Northern Ecology - University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Physical and
behavioural adaptations to the cold: the world of red squirrels in the Yukon.
2019 6. Wednesday Night Seminar Series - University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Going the distance: the
local vacancy game and how it changes dispersal.
5. Wednesday Night Seminar Series - University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Movement during
dispersal: how to standardize among-individuals?
2018 4. Invited panelist. 47th Annual Alberta Museums Association Conference - Canmore, AB. Agents
of change at the mercy of change: field work, extreme weather and environmental stewardship.
2017 3. Invited speaker. Behavioural Ecology - University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Behaviour-
dependent dispersal and life-history trade-offs in juvenile red squirrels.
2015 2. Invited speaker. Journée scientifique - Parc National de la Jacques-Cartier, QC. L’efficacité des
passages à faune le long de la route 175 pour les mammifères.
2011 1. Invited speaker. Mathematical Innovation and Discovery - Banff, AB. First-year student’s
perspectives in the classroom.

CONTRIBUTED TALKS AND POSTERS (Coauthored presentations not listed)

2023 30. 12th Biennial International Conference on Ecology and Transportation - Burlington, VT.
Temporal clustering of prey in wildlife passages provides no evidence of a prey-trap.
2022 29. 107th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America & 16th Annual Canadian Society for
Ecology and Evolution Conference - Montreal, QC. Temporal clustering of prey in wildlife
passages provides no evidence of a prey-trap.

Martinig | 8
28. 19th Biennial International Society for Behavioral Ecology Conference - Stockholm, Sweden.
The new kid on the block: Immigrant males win big whereas females pay fitness cost after
2021 27. 20th Annual International Association of Landscape Ecologists Conference - Reno, NV.
Temporal clustering of prey in wildlife passages provides no evidence of a prey-trap, instead
vegetated highway medians act as foraging habitat.
Runner-up for best presentation; cash prize
26. 31st Annual Alberta Chapter of The Wildlife Society Conference - Camrose, AB. The new kid on
the block: Immigrant males win big whereas females pay fitness cost after dispersal.
Runner-up for best presentation; cash prize
25. 13th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton, AB. The new kid on the
block: Immigrant males win big whereas females pay fitness cost after dispersal.
Best presentation; cash prize
24. 25th Annual Northern Research Day Conference - Edmonton, AB. The new kid on the block:
Immigrant males win big whereas females pay fitness cost after dispersal.
Best presentation; cash prize
2020 23. 107th Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society: Festival of Ecology - virtual. The new kid
on the block: Immigrant males win big whereas females pay fitness cost after dispersal.
22. 10th Annual Kluane Red Squirrel Project Meeting - Saskatoon, SK. Daily local vacancies: how to
calculate a spatiotemporal metric in “real-time”.
21. 57th Annual Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society - Knoxville, TN. Going the distance:
the local vacancy game and how it changes dispersal.
Warder Clyde Allee Competition finalist
20. 12th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton, AB. Going the distance: the
local vacancy game and how it changes dispersal.
Best presentation; cash prize
19. 24th Annual Northern Research Day Conference - Edmonton, AB. Going the distance: the local
vacancy game and how it changes dispersal.
Best presentation; cash prize
2019 18. 9th Annual Kluane Red Squirrel Project Meeting - Edmonton, AB. Behavioural and ecological
predictors of dispersal outcomes in juvenile red squirrels.
17. 30th Annual Alberta Chapter and the Canadian Section of The Wildlife Society Conference -
Canmore, AB. Immigrant female red squirrels pay a fitness cost after settlement but males do
Second runner-up for best presentation; cash prize
16. 23rd Annual Northern Research Day Conference - Edmonton, AB. Immigrant female red
squirrels pay a fitness cost after settlement that males do not.
Second runner-up for best presentation; cash prize
15. 11th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton, AB. Immigrant female red
squirrels pay a fitness cost after settlement but males do not.
2018 14. 18th Biennial International Society for Behavioral Ecology Conference - Minneapolis, MN.
Causes and timing of mortality during dispersal for North American red squirrels.
13. Kluane Red Squirrel Project Webinar Series - Edmonton, AB. Progress update.

Martinig | 9
12. 10th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton, AB. Causes and timing of
juvenile mortality during dispersal.
Runner-up for best presentation; cash prize
2017 11. 7th Annual Kluane Red Squirrel Project Meeting - Saskatoon, SK. Dispersal and behavioural
consistency in juvenile red squirrels.
10. 6th Annual Kluane Red Squirrel Project Meeting - Guelph, ON. Dispersal and personality in red
9. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America - Portland, OR. Vegetated highway
medians as foraging habitat for mammals in an eastern Canadian boreal forest.
8. 9th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton, AB. Habitat suitability
modelling for mink passage activity: a cautionary tale.
2015 7. Quebec Ministry of Transportation - Quebec City, QC. L’efficacité des passages à faune le long
de la route 175 pour les mammifères de moyenne et petite taille.
6. 8th Biennial International Conference on Ecology and Transportation - Raleigh, NC. Why did the
mammal cross the road? Evaluating the effectiveness of wildlife passages for smaller mammals.
5. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America - Baltimore, MA. Evaluating passage
use for small and medium sized mammals in an Eastern Canadian boreal forest.
4. Quebec Ministry of Transportation - Quebec City, QC. L’été 2015.
3. Department of Biology Symposium - Concordia University, Montreal, QC. Taking a multispecies
approach to evaluating the effectiveness of wildlife passages for small and medium-sized
2014 2. Quebec Ministry of Transportation - Quebec City, QC. L’efficacité des passages à faune le long
de la route 175 pour les mammifères de moyenne et petite taille.
1. Department of Biology Symposium - Montreal, QC. From 3D to 2D: Road ecology.
Best poster

COAUTHORED PRESENTATIONS (BOLD indicates student for whom I was the primary mentor)

2023 12. Lightning talk by Lagisz, M. 5th annual conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary
Metaresearch and Open Science. What can we learn from Best Paper awards across disciplines?
11. Workshop by Lagisz, M. 10th annual International Open Science Conference - virtual. Achieving
granularity and accountability for author contributions with MeRIT.
10. Presentation by Baloun, D. 13th quadrennial International Mammalogical Congress -
Anchorage, AK. Episodic hyperabundant food removes pressure to adapt compensatory growth
strategies for late-born red squirrels.
9. Plenary presentation by Lagisz, M. 3rd Biennial Metascience23 Conference - Washington, DC.
Incentivising Open Science via research and publication awards.
2021 8. Presentation by Kent, M. H. 13th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton,
AB. Do squirrels shrink? Unusual findings in senescence and growth rate in North American red
7. Presentation by Karst, H. J. 13th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton,
AB. Convergent validity of personality measures in the North American red squirrel.
Best presentation; cash prize

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2019 6. Presentation by Blais, C. 11th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton, AB.
Behavioural type as a predictor of dispersal and outcome in juvenile North American red
squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus).
5. Presentation by Peers, M. J. L. 11th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton,
AB. The influence of abiotic and biotic factors on vertebrate scavenging communities.
2018 4. Presentation by Neilson, E. W. 103rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America - New
Orleans, LA. There’s a storm a-coming: Ecological resilience and resistance to extreme weather
3. Presentation by Pokharel, P. 3rd Annual Nepalese Scholars' Symposium - Edmonton, AB.
Behavioural consistency in juvenile North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus).
2. Presentation by Pokharel, P. 10th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton,
AB. Behavioural consistency in juvenile North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus).
1. Presentation by Riaz, M. 10th Annual Dr. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference - Edmonton, AB.
Do wildlife passages negatively affect prey? Evaluation of the prey-trap hypothesis.


2021 10. Ici Alberta/Radio Canada. 2021/05/08. “Chez les jeunes écureuils, avoir mauvais caractère peut
coûter cher.”
2020 9. Defender Radio Podcast. 2020/08/13. “Safe passage: exploring predator-prey dynamics in
wildlife corridors.”
8. La croisée with ICI Radio, Radio Canada. 2020/07/16. “Les passages pour la faune ne sont pas
des trappes pour les proies.”
7. The Homestretch, CBC Calgary. 2020/07/15. “Underpass wildlife research.”
6. Radio Active, CBC Edmonton. 2020/07/14. “Study on predators and wildlife passages.”
2019 5. University of Alberta Golden Bears and Pandas Athletics. 2019/12/13. “Chasing a Ph.D., varsity
wrestling, and squirrels.”
4. La croisée with ICI Radio, Radio Canada. 2019/12/13. “L'effet d'un déménagement différent sur
les écureuils mâles et femelles.”
3. CBC News at 6, CBC Television Network. 2019/12/13. “Squirrels have something in common with
2. Radio Active, CBC Edmonton. 2019/12/13. “Discovering things we didn't know about squirrels.”
2009 1. Athlete of the Week, CTV Television Network. 2009/09/11. “Wrestling on the track: April

2021 20. The Wildlife Society. 2021/05/25. “For red squirrels, there is no winning personality.”
19. University of Alberta Faculty of Science. 2021/05/03. “Winning personality: researchers look at
how squirrel personality influences odds of survival.”
18. Canadian Geographic (magazine). 2021/02/01. “Squirrel survivors.”
2020 17. Nature sauvage (magazine). 2020/11/20. “Des couloirs sécuritaires.”
16. The Wildlife Society. 2020/08/12. “Wild Cam: Types of scavengers vary based on live prey

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15. The Wildlife Society. 2020/08/07. “Wild Cam: Road underpass doesn’t trap small prey.”
14. University of Alberta Faculty of Science. 2020/07/21. “Snowshoe hare carcasses feed more then
the usual suspects, study shows.”
13. CBC News. 2020/07/14. “Wildlife corridors don't trap prey, University of Alberta research finds.”
12. The Wildlife Society. 2020/06/09. “Acquiring territory helps young red squirrels survive.”
11. University of Alberta Faculty of Science. 2020/06/08. “Home for the holidays: How securing
territory improves winter survival for squirrels.”
10. The Wildlife Society. 2020/01/03. “A red squirrel dilemma: should they stay or should they go?”
2019 9. St. Albert Gazette. 2019/12/20. “Immigrant squirrel sons “unsexy”.”
8. CBC News. 2019/12/13. “Leaving home benefits male squirrels but not females, study shows”
7. University of Alberta Faculty of Science. 2019/12/13. “Leaving home is beneficial for male
squirrels but not for females, study shows.”
6. The Wildlife Professional (magazine). 2019/10/01. “Small mammals use highway crossings, too.”
5. University of Alberta Faculty of Science. 2019/06/24. “Highway medians are a source of food for
wildlife, study shows.”
2017 4. ConcordiaNow. 2017/01/09. “How did the animals cross the road? Safely.”
2014 3. Journal de Montreal. 2014/12/14. “Des passages piétonniers pour animaux.”
2. ConcordiaNow. 2014/12/03. “Concordia research is making highways safer for small creatures.”
2011 1. Campus Life. 2011/09/06. “Faces of the University: This is April.”


Reviews since 2017 (48 total)

• Animal Behaviour (9) • Journal of Wildlife Management (1)
• Animal Conservation (2) • Journal of Zoology (3)
• Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2) • Landscape and Urban Planning (2)
• Biological Reviews (2) • Royal Society Open Science (1)
• Ecological Modelling (2) • Science of the Total Environment (1)
• Ecology & Evolution (2) • Transportation Research Part D: Transportation and
• European Journal of Wildlife Research (2) Environment (4)
• Journal for Nature Conservation (7) • Western Wildlife (1)
• Journal of Animal Ecology (1) • Wildlife Research (1)
• Journal of Environmental Management (1) • Wildlife Society Bulletin (1)
• Journal of Mammalogy (2)


• American Society of Mammalogists (2018)

• Animal Behavior Society (2020+)
• British Ecological Society (2017+)
• Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (2020)
• Centre d’étude de la forêt (2014 – 2016)
• Ecological Society of America (2022)
• International Association for Landscape Ecology (2021+)

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• International Society for Behavioral Ecology (2018+)
• Quebec Center for Biodiversity Sciene (2014 – 2016)
• Society for Open, Reliable, and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2023+)
• The Wildlife Society (2015+)


2021+ Junior Dinos Assistant Wrestling Coach - University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
• Support athlete development and oversee practices and tournaments for athletes (ages 12-18).
• 2024 Western Canada Championships U19 women second place and U17 women first place
• 2023 Wrestling Canada Cadet women provincial team award and club team award (highest team
rankings in Canada)

2021+ Climbing Instructor - Calgary Climbing Center, Calgary, AB.

• Teach youth and adult belay and bouldering programs.

2021 – 2022 Animal Admissions Counsellor - Calgary Humane Society, Calgary, AB.
• Handle animal surrenders, seizures, and abandonments.

2021 Field Technician - University of Calgary, Sheep River, AB.

• Responsible for data collection and monitoring of local Columbian ground squirrel populations.

2019 Field Coordinator - University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

• Organized field trip for 300-level Botany course.

2017 Field Technician Lead - University of Alberta, Kluane, YK.

• Responsible for data collection, field camp maintenance, and managed crew members.

2016 Adoption Counsellor - Calgary Humane Society, Calgary, AB.

• Assisted with adoptions, shelter operations and maintenance, and special events.

2015 Field Technician Lead - Concordia University, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, QC.

• Worked alongside Parks Canada, responsible for managing crew members and project take-

2015 Exam Invigilator - Concordia University, Montreal, QC.

• Administered all aspects of examinations and upheld the academic code of conduct.

2014 Field Technician Lead - Concordia University, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, QC.

• Worked alongside Parks Canada, responsible for the recruiting, hiring, training, and management
of crew members, as well as data collection and equipment maintenance.

2013 – 2014 Field Technician - University of Calgary, Kananaskis, AB.

• Fieldwork in Kananaskis, collected data as part of a longterm project on bighorn sheep.

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2013 Field Technician - University of Calgary, Boabeng Fiema, Ghana.
• Fieldwork in Ghana, collected data as part of a project on Lowe’s guenons.

2004 – 2010 Animal Caregiver and Secretary - Country Pet Resort, Carleton Place, ON.
• Handled money, answered phones, worked with and fed animals, cleaned kennels, and interacted
with customers all while under time constraints.


2020 – 2022 Scientific Outreach - USchool, Ermineskin Cree Nation and Edmonton area, AB.
• Spoke with grade 4-6 classes as part of USchool’s rural community outreach program. Included
the creation and delivery of a 40 minute course unit and three class activities.
• Communities served: Ermineskin Cree Nation, Hillview Elementary School, Mee-Yah-Noh School,
Norwood Elementary School, Prince Charles School, Sir John A. McDougall School, and St
Jerome's Science Academy.

2015 – 2022 Registration Support - Ecological Society of America, Montreal, QC (2022), Portland, OR (2017), and
Baltimore, MA (2015).
• Helped with registration, moderation, and technical support during organized sessions.

2019 Registration Support - Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Canmore, AB.
• Helped with conference set-up and registration.

2013 – 2016 Zoo Ambassador & Citizen Scientist - Calgary Zoo, Calgary, AB.
• Educated guests in penguin and deer enclosures; collected hippopotamus observational data.

2016 Primate Husbandry - Alouatta Sanctuary, David, Panama.

• Prepared food and enrichment activities, cleaned enclosures, and socialized howlers, capuchins,
spider monkeys, and tamarins.

2014 – 2015 Animal Intake and Handler - Montreal SPCA, Montreal, QC.
• Triaged incoming animals while helping people surrender their animals in English and French.

2014 – 2015 Emergency Department Volunteer - Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, QC.
• Enriched hospital experience for patients in waiting areas. Responded to emergency situations.

2013 – 2014 Pain and Palliative Caregiver - Carewest Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre, Calgary, AB.
• Supported those nearing the end of their lives through end-of-life sitting, and one-on-one visits.

2013 – 2014 Enhancer - Bow Habitat Station, Government of Alberta, Calgary, AB.
• Cared for hatchery fish (cleaned tanks, fed and counted fish, and monitored for disease).

2013 Cat Caregiver - Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society, Calgary, AB.
• General activities included feeding, cleaning, and the daily care of cats at the shelter.

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2010 – 2013 Volunteer Services - University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
• Meal Exchange Peer Helper, Centre for Community Engaged Learning (2013)
• International Student Peer Mentor, Centre for International Students and Study Abroad (2013)
• Sophomore Program Peer Helper, Office of Leadership and Student Engagement (2012-2013)
• Q Centre Program Assistant, Students’ Union (2011-2013)
• Campus Tours and Events Senior Leader and Guide, Enrolment Services (2010-2013)
• Special Events Volunteer, Enrolment Services (2010-2012)
• Food and Justice in New Orleans, Calgary Serves, New Orleans, Louisiana (2011-2012)

2010 Medical Internship - Centro de Salud, Projects Abroad, Cochabamba, Bolivia.

• Handled administration tasks, patients one-on-one, and helped deliver a baby.


National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) “Competition-Introduction” Certification, 2023

Climbing Wall Association (CWA) Climbing Wall Instructor Certification, 2021
Canadian Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Chemical Immobilization of Wildlife Certificate, 2019
Wilderness and Remote First Aid Certificate, Level C, 2018
Standard First Aid Certificate, Level C, 2018
Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) License, 2018
Wildlife Handling and Chemical Immobilization for Wildlife Professionals, 2018
Possession and Acquisition License, Non-/Restricted Firearms (CRFSC and CFSC), 2015
Aboriginal Relations Leadership Certificate, 2013
Career Education Program, 2012
Sophomore Leadership Program, 2012
Emerging Leaders Program, 2011
Student Success Seminars, 2011
Personal Wellness Workshops, 2011


Dr. Shinichi Nakagawa Dr. Stan Boutin Dr. Colleen St. Clair
+61-(0)2-9385-9138 +1-587-987-0109 +1-587-987-5082

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