2 Matura 2015 Repetytorium PR Grammar Section 10 Test Ab

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Test 10A

Grammar Section 10
NAME .......................................................................................................... DATE ....................................
CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 20 minutes)

1 Underline the correct item. 4 Fill in the gaps with the introductory
verbs from the list in the correct form.
1 I was disappointed when Ben asked/said/told
me the results of last night’s match.
 complain  warn  boast  inform  allow
2 Kathryn said she would join the gym
tomorrow/the following day/next day.
1 ‘Don’t play with matches!’ he told us.
3 He asked/told/said me whether I had a good
He …………………. us not to play with matches.
time on holiday.
2 ‘You can use my laptop,’ Mary said.
4 Ann said that she had injured herself earlier
Mary …………………. me to use her laptop.
today/that day/this week.
3 ‘This book is boring,’ she said to her friends.
5 Eric said/told/asked that London is a beautiful
She ………………..…………. to her friends that
the book was boring.
(5 x 4 = 20)
4 ‘Football practice has been cancelled today.’
Ken said to me.
2 Turn the sentences into reported
Danny …………………. me that the football
practice had been cancelled that day.
1 ‘Why didn’t you tell me about Saturday’s training 5 ‘I’m the best player in the team,’ Henry said.
session?’ George asked. Henry …………………. about being the best
............................................................................ player in the team.
2 ‘I haven’t spoken to Michael since last week,’ (5 x 4 = 20)
said Robert.
............................................................................ 5 Complete each sentence so that it has
3 ‘Pandas live in China,’ the teacher said. a similar meaning to the first sentence.
............................................................................ Include the word in bold.
4 ‘Don’t go near the oven!’ Dad told us.
............................................................................ 1 ‘Yes, I’ll come for a jog with you,’ Hattie said to
5 ‘I was studying all day yesterday,’ he said to her. me. (AGREED)
............................................................................ Hattie .................................................... with me.
(5 x 4 = 20)
2 ‘I’ll come to all your matches,’ Danny’s father told
3 Turn the following into indirect
Danny’s father ....................................................
questions using the verbs in brackets.
....................................................... his matches.
1 ‘When did you first start doing gymnastics?’
3 ‘I didn’t borrow the tennis racket, I swear,’ said
(I want to know)
Freddy. (DENIED)
Freddy ................................................................
2 ‘How does it feel to be crowned champions?’
............................................... the tennis racket.
(I’d like to know)
............................................................................ 4 ‘I’ve been practising every day for the past
3 ‘What are the most popular TV series?’ month,’ said Sally. (CLAIMED)
(Have you any idea) Sally ...................................................................
............................................................................ ............................................. for the past month.
4 ‘Who broke the window?’ (I wonder)
5 ‘We think you should try a less dangerous sport,’
my sister said to me. (ADVISED)
5 ‘How long will it be before the stadium doors
My sister ............................................................
open?’ (Could you tell me)
..................................... a less dangerous sport.
(5 x 4 = 20)
(5 x 4 = 20)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura 2015 Repetytorium poziom rozszerzony

Test 10B
Grammar Section 10
NAME .......................................................................................................... DATE ....................................
CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 20 minutes)

1 Underline the correct item. 4 Fill in the gaps with the introductory
verbs from the list in the correct form.
1 Bill asked/said/told that Rome is a beautiful city.
 allow  boast  complain  inform  warn
2 Chris said that he had injured himself earlier
today/this week/that day/.
1 ‘You can use my laptop,’ Joan said.
3 I was disappointed when Ross asked/said/told
Joan …………………. me to use her laptop.
me the results of last night’s match.
2 ‘Volleyball practice has been cancelled today.’
4 Ben said he would join the gym next
Danny said to me.
day/tomorrow/the following day.
Danny …………………. me that the volleyball
5 She asked/said/told me whether I had a good
practice had been cancelled that day.
time on holiday.
3 ‘I’m the best player in the team,’ Ken said.
(5 x 4 = 20)
Ken …………………. about being the best player
in the team.
2 Turn the sentences into reported
4 ‘This book is boring,’ he said to his friends.
He ………………..…………. to his friends that
1 ‘I was studying all day yesterday,’ she said to the book was boring.
him. 5 ‘Don’t play with matches!’ she told us.
............................................................................ She …………………. us not to play with
2 ‘Pandas live in China,’ the teacher said. matches.
............................................................................ (5 x 4 = 20)
3 ‘Don’t go near the oven!’ Mum told us.
............................................................................ 5 Complete each sentence so that it has
4 ‘I haven’t spoken to Robert since last week,’ said a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Maggie. Include the word in bold.
5 ‘Why didn’t you tell me about Wednesday’s 1 ‘I’ve been practising every day for the past
training session?’ Laurie asked. month,’ said Rachel. (CLAIMED)
............................................................................ Rachel ................................................................
(5 x 4 = 20) ............................................. for the past month.
2 ‘We think you should try a less dangerous sport,’
3 Turn the following into indirect
my brother said to me. (ADVISED)
questions using the verbs in brackets.
My brother ..........................................................
1 ‘What are the most popular TV series?’ ..................................... a less dangerous sport.
(Have you any idea)
3 ‘Yes, I’ll come for a jog with you,’ Mia said to me.
2 ‘How long will it be before the stadium doors
Mia ....................................................... with me.
open?’ (Could you tell me)
............................................................................ 4 ‘I’ll come to all your matches,’ Tom’s mother told
3 ‘Who broke the window?’ (I wonder) him. (PROMISED)
............................................................................ Tom’s mother .....................................................
4 ‘When did you first start doing gymnastics?’ ....................................................... his matches.
(I want to know)
5 ‘I didn’t borrow the tennis racket, I swear,’ said
5 ‘How does it feel to be crowned champions?’
Ian ......................................................................
(I’d like to know)
............................................... the tennis racket.
(5 x 4 = 20)
(5 x 4 = 20)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Matura 2015 Repetytorium poziom rozszerzony

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