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Ch-wise Q's & Answers

Hornbill Prose

Ch. 5 Silk Road

Hornbill Poetry

Ch. 4 Childhood


Ch. 3 Mother’s Day

*Click above to jump to the respective Chapters of this pdf

5 Silk Road
—Nick Middleton

The story, 'Silk Road' is written by Nick Middleton. The chapter is about the
narrator’s journey from the slopes of Ravu to Mount Kailash to complete the Kora.
The route that the narrator takes is known as the Silk Road. This account of the Silk
Road describes the hardships and challenges that the narrator encounters during
his journey to Mount Kailash.

Significant Morals
Characters in Brief
The Author– He is a Professor of Geography at Oxford University and an
environmental consultant.
Tsetan– He is the owner of the car hired by the author for the journey, as well
as a tourist guide.
Norbu– He is a Tibetan, working at an academy in Beijing who wants to carry
out the pilgrimage to Mount Kailash.

Chapter in Detail
Departure from Ravu
Daniel, an interpreter, and Tsetan, a tour guide, as well as the author, left
Ravu. Since, they were headed to Mount Kailash, where it would be quite cold,
Lhamo, the woman who had given them lodging at Ravu, offered the author
a present of a long-sleeved sheepskin coat before they left. Tsetan was aware
of a shortcut to reach the mountain. If there was no snow, he claimed, the trip
would go smoothly.
Character's Mood
 Confident
Example 1. Extract Based:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
A FLAWLESS half-moon floated in a perfect blue sky on the morning we said
our goodbyes. Extended banks of cloud like long French loaves glowed pink
as the sun emerged to splash the distant mountain tops with a rose-tinted
blush. Now that we were leaving Ravu, Lhamo said she wanted to give me a
farewell present. One evening, I’d told her through Daniel that I was heading
towards Mount Kailash to complete the kora, and she’d said that I ought to
get some warmer clothes.
(A) What farewell present did Lhamo give to the author?
(a) Long-sleeved sheepskin coat
(b) Pashmina shawl
(c) Wollen scarf
(d) Wollen gloves
(B) The figure of speech used in the line ‘banks of cloud like long French
cloves’ is ....................... .

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(C) Which of the following facts can be inferred from the above extract?
(a) Lhamo didn’t try to understand the author.
(b) Daniel was the translator of the author.
(c) Moon and Sun were both visible in the sky.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(D)Why did the author travel to Mount Kailash?
(E) Who was Tsetan?
Ans.(A) (a) long-sleeved sheepskin coat
L hamo gifted the author a long-sleeved sheepsking coat to keep him
warm in the cold of Mount Kailash. Hence, (a) is correct.
(B) simile
Explanation: Simile has been used in the line ‘banks of cloud like long
French cloves’ because the word 'like' has been used here. Hence, (a)
is correct.
(C) (d) Both (b) and (c)
Explanation: Daniel was the translator of the author. The half moon
in the morning means the moon was also seen in the morning along
with the sun. Hence, (d) is correct.
(D) The purpose of the author's journey to Mount Kailash was to complete
the Kora, which was a sacred religious ritual according to Hindu and
Buddhist tradition.
(E) Tsetan was a local Tibetan, whose profession was to ferry visitors or
tourists to places of interest in Tibet.

Silk Road 3
words meanings synonyms antonyms
Void empty space vacant occupied
En masse together as a whole incomplete
Clogged jammed blocked open
Daubed spread on the surface smeared wipe
Hunks large pieces mass whole
Exited came out of retire entered

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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following quotes best describes the idea of the story?
(a) A lack of focus leads to lack of progress.
(b) Determination is an inside job.
(c) Don’t be afraid of being a beginner.
(d) Anything is possible as long as you’re focused, determined and
you really want to do it.
Ans.(d) Anything is possible as long as you're focused, determined and you
really want to do it.
Explanation: The story talks about the hardships and the challenges
faced by the author in his journey to Mount Kailash. It talks about his
focus and determination to go there and his possibility of achieving his
goal with focus and determination. Hence, (d) is correct.
Extract Based Questions
2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Further on, where the plains became more stony than grassy, a great
herd of wild ass came into view. Tsetan told us we were approaching
them long before they appeared. “Kyang,” he said, pointing towards a
far-off pall of dust. When we drew near, I could see the herd galloping en
masse, wheeling and turning in tight formation as if they were practising
manoeuvres on some predetermined course. Plumes of dust billowed
into the crisp, clean air.
(A) The phrase ‘more stony than grassy’ means:
(a) terrain had become hilly.
(b) terrain now had less greenery.
(c) terrain had become plain.
(d) both (a) and (b).
(B) Fill in the blank with an appropriate answer:
The word which means the same as manoeuvres' is ............. .
(C) What are ‘drokbas’?
Ans.(A) (d) both (a) and (b)

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Explanation: As they moved ahead, the greenery was reducing and
the terrain had started to become hilly. Hence, (d) is correct.
Explanation: The synonym of the word ‘manoeuvres’ is movement. It
means a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
(C)Drokbas are the people, men or women, who were tending their flocks
in the rocky wilderness. They wear long-sleeved sheepskin coat to
protect themselves from the cold of the high mountains.

SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)

[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in about 40 - 50 words:
3. Who was Norbu? How did the other strike friendship with Norbu?
 [Delhi Gov. QB 2022]
Ans. Norbu was a Tibetan scholar who used to write articles about holy lake.
He was working at an academy in Beijing. It was his first to the place. He
knew a bit of English. This brought him closer to author. He suggested
that they should hire some yaks to carry their luggage and start their
journey. He turned out to be an ideal companion.
4. Describe the hardships and mishaps that the writer faces on his
journey to Darchen. [Diksha]
Ans. The author arrived in Darchen with a cold and a plugged nose as a result
of the extremely cold winds at Hor. He struggled to breathe and could
only use one nostril. He struggled to fall asleep at night. He felt better
when he sat up.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in about 120 - 150 words:
5. What difficulties did the author encounter and overcome when he set
out to reach Mount Kailash? [Delhi Gov. QB 2022]
Ans. The narrator, Nick Middleton, had to tackle harsh conditions in order to
reach Mount Kailash. The path was completely covered in snow, and
because it was so steep, they couldn't go around it. They overcame it
in some way. The risk was that they would trip. They threw dirt in all

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directions, totally covering the snow. Tsetan drove the car across the snow
and the narrator and Daniel stepped out to reduce the burden. He had a
headache as a result of the low air pressure. Due to the low pressure, the
gasoline of the car also expanded, which could be dangerous for them.
The narrator also experienced severe cold symptoms and respiratory
difficulties in Darchen because of blocked sinuses. He took the help of a
Tibetan doctor and felt better.

Silk Road 7
–Markus Natten

In the poem ‘Childhood’, the poet, Markus Natten wonders about his lost childhood.
Childhood is the stage of innocence in which the child believes in others and lives
with unconditional love. The poet thinks of the moments when he lost his innocence
and realises the hypocrisy of the people around him. These people pretend to be
nice to each other but in reality, do not like each other. He finally comes to the
conclusion that his childhood went to some unknown place or is hiding in the face
of an innocent infant.

About the Poet

Poem in Detail
Poetic Devices
Significant Morals
About the Poet
Markus Natten is a poet from Norway. He wrote famous and profound poems,
the most popular poem is ‘The Childhood’. He attained immense popularity
and recognition for his poem.

Poem in Detail
Stanza 1
When did my childhood go?
Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,
Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven,
Could not be found in Geography,
And therefore could not be,
Was that the day!
The poet wonders when he lost his childhood. He reflects that maybe it was
the day when he crossed the age of eleven or it was the stage when he
realised the concepts of hell and heaven, did not exist in reality and geography
textbooks did not have the location of any such places. The poet wonders that
he might have lost his childhood when he gained his rational outlook towards
Poet's Mood
 Nostalgic; contemplating
Example 1. Extract Based:
Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
When did my childhood go?
Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,
Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven,
Could not be found in Geography,
And therefore could not be,
Was that the day!
(A) Which of the following words DOES NOT mean 'ceased'?
(a) End (b) Halt
(c) Stop (d) Prolonged
(B) In the given stanza, the poet says, 'Was that the day!' Which day is
being talked about here?

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(C) What does the poet realise about hell and heaven?
(a) They can be found in his geography books.
(b) They do not exist in reality.
(c) They are found in stories.
(d) They are created by humans.
(D)Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer.
The poetic device used in the given stanza is .............. .
(E) State whether the given statement is TRUE or FALSE.
The tone of the poem is melancholic.
Ans.(A) (d) Prolonged
Explanation: The word 'ceased' means to stop or bring something to
an end. The word, prolonged, means to continue something for a long
time. All the other words except 'prolonged' are synonyms of cease
Hence, (d) is correct.
(B) In the given stanza, the poet is wondering about his lost childhood. He
is asking himself if it was the day when he was no longer eleven years
(C) (b) They do not exist in reality.
Explanation: The poet has come to a realisation that hell and heaven
do not exist in real life as they cannot be found in geography books.
Since, they can't be located anywhere on the world map, he concludes
that they are just imaginary places. Hence, (b) is correct.
(D) Antithesis
Explanation: The poetic device used in the given stanza is ‘Antithesis’
in the phrase ‘Hell and Heaven’. Antithesis is the use of opposite terms
written together to highlight the contrast.
(E) True
Explanation: The tone of the poem is melancholic and sad. The poet is
sad that his childhood has gone. It cannot come back and things have
changed over the years. He misses being a carefree child.
Stanza 2
When did my childhood go?
Was it the time I realised that adults were not all they seemed to be,
They talked of love and preached of love,
But did not act so lovingly,
Was that the day!

Childhood 3
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Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
Ceased come to an end stop commense
Preached talked or spoken taught discourage

4 English Core Class XI

OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]

1. According to the poet, Adulthood is a period when his thoughts and

perceptions are:
(a) changing (b) remain same
(c) identical (d) equivalent [Diksha]
Ans.(a) changing
Explanation: According to the poet, adulthood is the phase when a
person's thoughts and opinions about the world keep changing. For
example, when the poet was a child, he used to think that hell and
heaven existed in real life. However, as he gained maturity, he came to
the understanding that these are just imaginary places and cannot be
located on a map.
Extract Based Questions
2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
When did my childhood go?
Was it when I found my mind was really mine,
To use whichever way I choose,
Producing thoughts that were not those of other people,
But my own, and mine alone
Was that the day!
(A) What does the phrase ‘my mind was really mine’ really mean?
(a) The poet produce his own thoughts.
(b) The poet could use his own mind.
(c) The poet does not need anyone's influence.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(B) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer.
The literary devices used in the given extract are ............ .
(C) How in the poet's opinion, do childhood and adulthood vary?
Ans.(A) (d) Both (a) and (b)
Explanation: The poet had realised that his mind was of his own and
he could use it the way he wanted. Nobody can control his mind and
he was capable of forming own thoughts. He could also take mature
decisions. Hence, (d) is correct.
(B) alliteration

Childhood 5
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Explanation: The poetic device is alliteration. An example of alliteration
is 'my mind'. Here, the first consonant of the word is being repeated.
(C) Childhood has been considered by the poet as a blissful period in one’s
life, where a child trusts everyone. Whereas, adulthood is marked by
rational and creative thoughts, the ability to perceive a situation well,
differentiate between right and wrong, and learn new things. In this
stage of life, one also learns to be double-faced and crafty.

SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)

[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in about 40 - 50 words:
3. What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood? [Delhi Gov. QB 2022]
Ans. The poet regards childhood as an important stage in the process of
growing up. Childhood is a period of make-believe. A child readily accepts
whatever the elders say. He is far away from the harsh realities of life.
4. What is the focus of the poem 'Childhood'?  [Diksha]
Ans. The main focus of the poem 'Childhood' is the loss of innocence when
a person attains maturity and an understanding of the world. An infant
has the purest heart and an innocent face. He believes everything that
is said by an adult and is incapable of differentiating between good
and bad. However, as a person grows up, he or she gains a sense of
individuality and is able to rationalise well.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in about 120 - 150 words:
5. Today's materialistic society is responsible for the loss of innocence in
a person's life. Write an article on this topic in about 120 - 150 words.
Ans. Loss of Innocence in Today's Time
by Roshni
We live in a world where it has become quite difficult to discern
someone's real intentions. People have turned into hypocrites as their
words contradict their actions. It is impossible to trust someone blindly.
And if you are doing that, it's a sign that you are a fool who is living a
lie. Society plays a significant role in shaping a person's thoughts. Even a
truly knowledgeable and innocent individual might quickly be swayed by
the wrong crowd. Once this happens, it becomes impossible to escape a

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trap like this. Even if a person who has a history of committing many sins
and betraying the trust of others wants to change for the better, society
won't let him do that. In today's materialistic society, people only care
about possessing luxurious homes and lavish cars. A person is not known
for his positive characteristics but is well known for his ability to deceive
others. We must alter our behaviour before it is too late.

Childhood 7
3 Mother's Day
–J.B. Priestly

This play focuses on the challenging circumstances faced by mothers and wives in
households. They tirelessly work and care for every family member, yet receive little
appreciation or assistance. Their pivotal role is often overlooked, and their efforts go
unacknowledged. Mrs. Pearson, portrayed as a mother mistreated by her husband and
children, seeks help from her friend, Mrs. Fitzgerald, to bring about a transformation in her
family. Eventually, all family members recognize their wrongdoing, leading to a change in
their attitudes and behavior towards Mrs. Pearson.

Characters in Brief
Chapter in Detail
Significant Morals
Characters in Brief
Mrs. Fitzgerald– She is Mrs. Annie Pearson’s neighbour. She is quite strong-
willed, knows magic, and helps Mrs. Annie Pearson rehabilitate the spoiled
members of her family.
Mrs. Annie Pearson– She is a pleasant but anxious woman whose excessive
love and care has spoiled her two children and husband.
Doris Pearson– She is Mrs. Annie Pearson’s daughter, aged around twenty
years. She fails to understand her mother’s struggle and doesn’t help her with
home duties.
Cyril Pearson– He is Mrs. Annie Pearson’s son, who is equally demanding and
never sympathises with his mother.
Mr. George Pearson– He is Mrs. Annie Pearson’s proud husband who is not as
respected in society as one expects. He dominates his wife, but is ridiculed in
the club where he is a member.

Chapter in Detail
Introduction of Mrs. Annie Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Annie Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgerald are next-door neighbours. Apart from
this, there is no similarity between them. Annie is a pleasant and nervous-
looking woman in her forties. Fitzgerald is older and heavier, with a bold
personality. Annie has a soft voice, whereas Mrs. Fitzgerald has a deep,
throaty voice.
Mrs. Fitzgerald is a fortune teller. She has learned this art from the East. She is
reading Annie’s fortune. She advises Annie to be strict and become the ‘boss’
in her family. Actually, Annie is not treated well by her family. At present, Mrs.
Annie Pearson has been reduced to the status of an unpaid domestic servant
who does all the work at home without even being requested for it or thanked
later on.
Character’s Mood

 Sad; burdened
Example 1. Extract Based:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
MRS. PEARSON: [dubiously] I—keep dropping a hint...
MRS. FITZGERALD: Hint? It’s more than hints your family needs, Mrs. Pearson.
MRS. PEARSON: [dubiously] I suppose it is. But I do hate any unpleasantness.

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And it’s so hard to know where to start. I keep making up my mind to have it
out with them but somehow I don’t know how to begin. [She glances at her
watch or at a clock ] Oh—good gracious! Look at the time. Nothing ready and
they’ll be home any minute and probably all in a hurry to go out again.
(A) In the above extract, ‘them’ refers to:
(a) the daughter of Mrs. Pearson.
(b) the family of Mrs Fitzgerald.
(c) Mr. Pearson and his son.
(d) both (a) and (c)
(B) Explain any one possible inference that can be drawn about Mrs.
Pearson's personality after reading the extract.
(C) Mrs. Pearson - I keep dropping a hint...
Why, according to you, has the author used ellipsis points? What does
it suggest?
(D)Complete the sentence with ONE word.
Mrs. Fitzgerald is the ................. of Mrs. Pearson.
(E) Mention an assumption that can be made regarding the connection
between Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Pearson based on your reading of
the extract.
Ans. (A)(d) both (a) and (c)
Explanation: In the above extract, Mrs. Pearson is talking to Mrs.
Fitzgerald that she wants to take her stand in front of her family but
she just doesn't know how to take the first step. Hence, (d) is correct.
(B) One can infer that Mrs. Pearson has a submissive personality. She is
a woman who easily gets worried when her house chores are not
completed on time. She can't tolerate her family disrespecting her
anymore, but she doesn't know how to express her true feelings and
make them understand.
(C) The author has used ellipses points to suggest that Mrs. Pearson was
hesitant to stand up for herself in front of her family members. Unlike
Mrs. Fitzgerald, she doesn't have a bold and strong personality.
(E) One can infer that Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Pearson shared a close
bond with each other. Mrs. Pearson shares her family problems and her
feelings with Mrs. Fitzgerald. She seems deeply concerned about Mrs.
Pearson, and is willing to go to any extent to restore Mrs. Pearson's
respect in the family.

Mother's Day 3
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Word Meaning Synonym Antonym

Guffaw laugh loudly shriek of laughter cry

contempt disgust scorn respect

Airily carelessly lightly thoughtfully

4 English Core Class XI

OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mrs. Pearson tells George that he is being ...................... at the club.
(a) respected
(b) laughed upon
(c) called names
(d) both (b) and (c) [Delhi Gov. QB 2022]
Ans.(d) both (b) and (c)
Explanation: Mrs. Pearson tells her husband, George Pearson that he is
famously made fun about at the club and they call him, ''Pompy-ompy
Pearson'' because they think he is slow and pompous. Hence, (d) is correct.
Extract Based Questions
2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
CYRIL: [moving to the table; annoyed] Why not?
MRS. PEARSON: [calmly] I couldn’t bother.
CYRIL: Feeling off-colour or something?
MRS. PEARSON: Never felt better in my life.
CYRIL: [aggressively] What’s the idea then?
MRS. PEARSON: Just a change.
CYRIL: [briskly] Well, snap out of it, Ma —and get cracking. Haven't too
much time.
(A) What do the given lines reveal about the personality of Cyril?
(B) Fill in the blank.
The phrase 'feeling off colour' means .............. .
(C) Cyril gets aggressive when Mrs. Pearson refuses to prepare tea
for him. What does this suggest about Mrs. Pearson's relationship
with her family?
(D) Mrs. Pearson refuses to prepare tea for Cyril because:
(a) she is tired.
(b) she is busy smoking and drinking.
(c) she wants him to do his work.
(d) she wants to break the monotony.

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Ans.(A) We can say that Cyril is a bit hyperactive, too aggressive, and has a bit
of an anger issue. He want his work done immediately and does not
care about his mother's feelings. When Mrs. Pearson tells him that the
tea is not ready, he gets annoyed and later, turns argumentative.
(B) feeling ill
 xplanation: The phrase 'feeling off colour' means feeling ill. As soon
as Cyril reaches his home, he asks Mrs. Pearson if the tea is made or
not. Mrs. Pearson tells him that she didn't bother making tea for him.
Cyril asks her if all is good with her.
(C) Cyril acts aggressively because his mother has not prepared the tea
for him. This indicates that Mrs. Pearson is not treated nicely by her
family members. They take her for granted, and expect her to do their
work while they unwind.
(D) (d) she wants to break the monotony.
Explanation: Mrs. Pearson explains Cyril that she didn't bother to
prepare tea for him because she wants to break the monotony. She is
bored of doing the same thing every single day. Hence, (d) is correct.

SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)

[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in about 40 - 50 words:
3. Who is Doris Pearson?
Ans. Doris is Mrs. Pearson’s spoilt daughter. She is a pretty girl in her mid
twenties. She never cares about her mother. She just gives her order and
expects her to do all her tasks without questioning her. She shows no
concern towards her mother and is only interested in spending quality
time with her boyfriend, Charlie Spence.
4. How is Mrs. Pearson different from Mrs. Fitzgerald?
[Delhi Gov. QB 2022]
Ans. Mrs. Pearson is a pleasant but troubled looking woman in her forties.
Mrs. Fitzgerald is older than Mrs. Pearson and has a strong and sinister
personality. Mrs. Pearson is soft spoken with a touch of suburbanity
while Mrs. Fitzgerald has a deep voice with an Irish accent.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in about 120 - 150 words:

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5. The play is an ironical portrayal of the status of the mother in a
family. Write a speech stressing the need to value women.
 [Mod. Delhi Gov. QB 2022]
Ans. Exploitation of Women in Domestic Settings
Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. I am Roshni of Class
XI. Today, I would like to share my views on the exploitation of women.
A woman shoulders all the responsibilities at home and works for long
hours day and night. Nevertheless, she gets mistreated by her family
members. This is a burning issue all over the world.
A homemaker is regarded as an unpaid domestic servant. Her tolerance
is taken for granted by her children and husband. They expect her to
complete their tasks without any questioning, and if she refuses to do so,
they get irritated. A feeble woman continues to get mentally tortured as
she is unable to speak out against these harmful acts.
There is an urgent need to protect such women. A union should be
established to aware them of their rights. They deserve all the respect
and appreciation in the world. I hope my words will make you think
about the issue.

Mother's Day 7

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