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Is Corn the Answer?

Right now, the United States relies heavily on fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and

natural gas for its energy. Due to the increasing energy crisis, the United States is

constantly seeking new sources of renewable energy. Corn can be used as an energy

source. One of the ways that scientists have discovered is the use of corn to create

ethanol. Considering both the immediate effects and long-term damage caused by the

production of corn for ethanol, does not provide a helpful solution. The costs to the

climate and the environment are far too important.

Corn ethanol is a renewable fuel and it is supposed to be a cleaner source of

energy. It was recognized as an additive to traditional petroleum-based automotive

fuels that will decrease air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and our dependence

on foreign oil. However, opponents counter that growing corn and converting it into

ethanol uses more energy than we recover when we burn the ethanol for fuel. Corn

ethanol may well be worse for the climate than fossil fuels, causing damage to both the

economy and the environment. Many believe that it is not more efficient than fossil

fuels and raises the price of food, since livestock and humans can eat it.

According to Canary Media, “the amount of corn it takes to fill an SUV with

ethanol could feed a person for a year. A large amount of fossil fuel is required to

produce, grow, harvest, transport, and especially process a gallon of ethanol, eating up

much of the difference in carbon emissions between ethanol and regular gasoline.

If we were really serious about our long-term food and climate crises, we would

not keep using productive land to grow fuels that make both crises worse. Land is
much more efficient at growing food than growing energy. Recent studies have

confirmed that using productive land to grow fuel is a climate disaster.

Brandon Miller of Green Garage, states that “despite the benefits attributed to

this renewable form of energy, critics say that the distance covered by a car or vehicle to

reach a certain place or destination is shorter with the use of ethanol. This means that it

takes more gallons of ethanol to cover a certain distance as opposed to using petroleum

fuel.” This makes ethanol not cost-effective. Also, some experts believe that ethanol

causes problems with car engines, causing people more money repairing and replacing

their cars.

The controversy about corn ethanol still continues with both sides pushing their

views. But it is this writer’s opinion that corn ethanol is not the answer to our current

energy crisis and global hunger.

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