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Undying or often named just a zombie because of his look and lore.

It’s a Dota 2
character whose advantage is strength. Usually, his role is a support or tank on the
lane. Abilities of this character allow him to harass enemies and secure his carry
for easy farm. His first skill is “Decay”. It can gives strength to your character by
stealing it from opponent and at the same time causing damage to him. If there are
more living creatures around, effect of this skill will rise and it really helps in big
fights. The second one is “Soul Rip”, not necessary at the beginning but then you
can use it to heal your team a little bit or hit hostile. After that, there is so useful
feature for the battle – “Tombstone”. This tower spawn small zombies which are so
quick and annoying, they will chase the enemy to beat him. Also all your team can
hide in it if you bought item “Aghanim’s shard”. And the last one is “Flesh
Golem”. It’s an ultimate that makes Undying several times bigger and adds many
pros such as more health points, more damage from you and strength. So it makes
your character a huge giant who is quite difficult to kill at full HP. About purchase,
firstly I buy Arcane Boots to often use first skill and restore mana for myself and
my teammates. Then there is “Blade Mail” which protects against enemy attacks
and works like a cactus or mirage, causing them damage. Then it all depends on
the game and the characters of the enemy and my team .

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