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Hello my dear friend.

I read your last letter and happy to share with you my

own way how to prepare for exams. I haven’t some extraordinary ideas about it,
but if you want I will tell.
Firstly about schedule. I prefer to study in the morning, that’s why most of
my preparing lessons are at this time. As I read in scientific article, our brain works
better in the first half of the day and it’s right about me. So by my plan, firstly I
woke up, study, and only when I can do what I want. Also I recommend u sport
activity at free time. It really helps with mentality and hormonal background, so as
a result you will be in good mood for studying. For food as you asked I cant say
that I have some diet, I just eat everything I ate before, the main thing is not to be
hungry. Because without food u will not have strength foe learning.
So it was my way of preparing to the end of school. I will be glad if it
somehow helps you. Good luck on the exams!

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