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National Research Grants Portal

(Beta Version)

User Manual
About this Manual ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Registration process ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Researcher’s Required Biographical Data .................................................................................................... 5
Personal Information ................................................................................................................................. 6
Academic Qualifications ............................................................................................................................ 7
Scientific publications ................................................................................................................................ 7
Experience ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Researcher home page............................................................................................................................... 10
Create a research proposal......................................................................................................................... 10
Research Proposal .................................................................................................................................. 11
Files (to upload supporting documents) .................................................................................................. 12
Team members ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Team member types: ........................................................................................................................... 13
Add a consultant: ................................................................................................................................. 15
Add assistant: ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Enter the research time plan: ...................................................................................................................... 17
Enter budget details to search: ................................................................................................................... 18
Facilities / Resource: ............................................................................................................................... 18
Trips: ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Other services: ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Scientific publication: ............................................................................................................................... 19
Presentation of ethics forms:....................................................................................................................... 20
Type of samples in the research: ............................................................................................................ 20
Ethics Table: ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Research proposals: ................................................................................................................................... 22
Contact the Authority: .................................................................................................................................. 25
Invitation reviews: ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Alerts page: ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Research Grants Portal User Manual

National Research Grants Portal
User Manual

About this Manual

 The research management system of the Research, Development and Innovation Authority (RDIA)
allows researchers to login and address all necessary requirements for scientific research funding.
 Researchers are considered the main user of the system, and the scientific research journey
commences upon their registration.
 Researchers login to the system using their username and password.
 By providing their email account and mobile number details, users are configured to received
alerts and notifications whenever the research proposal status changes or an alert related to the
proposals is generated.
 Upon entry of research biographical data, submissions and management of research proposals
will be activated.

Registration process
 To register as a researcher please go to the following URL “” and click
on “External User Registration” as highlighted below:

Research Grants Portal User Manual

 From the drop-down menu, select Researcher Registration and fill out required information:

 Upon successful registration, an email with the login details and a link to set up your password
will be sent.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

 Researchers can now login to the system using their username and password at

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Researcher’s Required Biographical Data
 When accessing the system for the first time, the researcher must enter their CV and fill the
required profile information.

 The researcher can enter their data also, by clicking on the “user icon” at the top of the page, as
shown below:

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Personal Information

 User is required to enter all mandatory fields in order to proceed with use of the system.

 The entered data will not be saved unless the "Save Personal information" button is clicked.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Academic Qualifications

 Details of the last academic qualification to be entered along with awarding institute.

 The entered data will not be saved until the "Save" button is clicked.
 The remaining fields are optional, and the researcher can proceed to submit his proposal as
explained in the next steps.

Scientific publications

 This field is optional, and the researcher can proceed to submit his proposal as explained in the
next steps.

Research Grants Portal User Manual


 This field is optional, and the researcher can proceed to submit his proposal explained in the
next steps.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Research Grants Portal User Manual
Researcher home page
 The main page provides the researcher with many different options, through which they can
review the latest research proposals:

Create a research proposal

 A research proposal is created from the researcher home page, by clicking on the research
support -> research proposal -> “Create a new request” box, as shown the following figure:

 After clicking on the "Create Research Proposal" box a new window is opened to enter relevant
research proposal information.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Research Proposal

 On the Research Proposal tab, (image below)

 All mandatory fields are to be filled in order to proceed... As for the research ID, this id is
automatically generated when the researcher clicks “Submit a research proposal and send it to
the Authority” button. Upon selecting the type of grant the research center field shall be filled,
and then the proposed duration of the research should be entered in months.
 Use of any biological samples or infectious Material should be noted.
 Then the remaining fields in this section must be filled:
o Research Specialization
o Research Title in Arabic and English
o Summary of the research proposal in Arabic and English.

 Once all mandatory fields have been entered, by pressing the :Save: button the user will be taken
to the next step.
 Modifications/amendments can not be made after sent button has been clicked.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Files (to upload supporting documents)

 The Files tab enables the user to attach any supporting documents such as, the Feasibility study
or related papers; they can be in PDF format only.

Team members

 All anticipated team members are to be captured in this tab along with their relevant details.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Team member types:
 Members of the research team are categorized as:
o Co-researcher
o Assistant
o Consultant
 Contact details for each team member per category are required where applicable and available.
 To add a team member who is already registered on the NPRG, choose the team member type
and select “From inside the system” as shown below.

 By entering at least one field and clicking the search button a list is displayed from which a team
member can be selected and added to the proposal.
 For each registered researcher added to the proposal there is a requirement to also state whether
not there will be any reward (allowances):

Research Grants Portal User Manual

 Details of the participant researcher will appear in the Co-Researchers tab at the bottom of the
page, as shown below:

 Process to be repeated to include all team members

 The researcher’s information and request status will be displayed until the invitation to participate
is accepted or rejected.
 The proposal lead researcher can delete participant researchers and withdraw the invitation from
them by clicking on delete the researcher.
 Upon entering research team member details, the system sends an approval request to each
member. The member has the following two options:
o Either approves the participation, and thus the status of participation appears to the lead
researcher as (accepted), and the researcher details will appear in the research
submission screens in the advanced stages.
o Or to refuse the participation and will show the status of participation rejected.
 When the lead researcher has finished adding the participating researchers, clicking on the Return
button to the Team window will complete the addition.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Add a consultant:
 The consultant data will be filled automatically by choosing the consultant if they are part of the
system, or manually filled by the lead researcher if the consultant is from outside the system, as
shown below:

 The Consultation type of consultant must be determined whether he is registered in the system
or from outside the system and inside the Kingdom or outside the Kingdom, and the field of
consultation and the duration of the consultation shall be also chosen. Based on that, the cost of
the consultation will be calculated according to the category.
 Consultation cost field will not be editable and will be calculated automatically after saving the
inputs, and the date of the beginning and the end of the contract must be entered for each
 After clicking on the add consultant button, the researcher can click on the return button to the
staff entry window to complete the entry.
Add assistant:
 The assistant data shall be filled automatically by searching choosing the assistant if they are part
of the system, or manually filled by the lead researcher if the assistant is from outside the system,
as shown the following figure:

Research Grants Portal User Manual

 The category of the assistant must be determined whether they are registered in the system or
from outside the system, and the period is entered and based on that the assistant’s reward will
be calculated.
 After clicking on the add assistant button, the main researcher can press the return button to the
staff entry window to complete the entry.
 When the researcher clicks on the back button in the team management window, the team that
has been added will be displayed, each according to its rank, as shown below:

 The button next is clicked to proceed and complete the entry of the research proposal data.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Enter the research time plan:

 The tasks are entered according to the total period of the research proposal. The tasks can be
assigned to the researcher, to the co-researchers, or to all together. The months in which the task
will be completed must be determined within the framework of the overall time plan for the
 After completing the fields, the researcher will click on the Add Task button, and the details of the
entered task will be displayed at the top of the page. It is possible to enter more than one task,
and upon completion of entering the tasks, the researcher shall click on the return to the research
to complete the entry of the research data:

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Enter budget details to search:

 The budget details are divided according to several items, and in each tab records are added, and
the researcher can modify or delete the entered records and enter more than one record:
Facilities / Resource:


Other services:

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Scientific publication:

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Presentation of ethics forms:

Type of samples in the research:

 A reference appears only on the samples that were selected during the submission of the research
proposal. In this section, three operations must be performed to be able to move to the next
section. The lead researcher must first review the controls, conditions, and ethical obligations,
and then open the registration page website and then click on the option to generate the
confidentiality of information pledge file
Ethics Table:
 The system only allows the researcher to click on the samples form, according to the type of
samples that the researcher have previously chosen while filling out the research proposal data:
 When the researcher clicks on the ethics form, the following fields will be displayed to be filled
 After filling the required fields, the researcher shall click on Save ethics Form.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

 Note: the researcher can enter research proposal data and save it for completion at a later time,
by clicking on the Save button. Once the proposal is considered complete, it can be submitted by
pressing the Process button next to each research proposal.
 After sending to the Authority, the researcher will not be allowed to modify the research proposal
until the deanship requests it.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Research proposals:
 The list of the research proposals and ongoing research in the current research cycle are displayed
in this module with key information and application status. There exists the option to search,
process and delete, as shown below:

 The research proposal will not be open for modifications once it has been sent to the Authority,
therefore when clicking on the "Process" button for research proposals sent to the Authority, the
information related to the proposal will be displayed.
 The researcher can click on the research proposal and filter at the top of the page, and several
fields will appear for searching for a specific research proposal, as shown in the following figure:

 When the researcher clicks on the search button, the information that have been previously
entered will be displayed, without option to modify the fields.

Research Grants Portal User Manual

 The researcher can also download the automatically generated research proposal file as shown
below :

 The researcher can also display the research participants and view the status of each participating
researchers whether the participation invitation addressed to them was accepted or rejected, or
if the invitation is still without a decision as shown below:

 The researcher can also view the entered time plan by entering the search time plan at the bottom
of the page:

 The researcher can view the budget for their research proposal by clicking on "Budget Details".
The details of the budget will be displayed, whether for the rewards of the participants in the

Research Grants Portal User Manual

research or for the budget elements. At the end of the page, the total budget for this research
proposal will be displayed:

 From the Ongoing Research page, the researcher can create a new research proposal by clicking
on the button at the top of the page. As shown in the following figure:

Research Grants Portal User Manual

Contact the Authority:
 The researcher can send Enquiry or complaint to the Authority, through the Deanship
Communication form:

Invitation reviews:
 On this page the researcher can review the research projects they have been invited to
participate, the page begins with the search and filter options in the research project to ease the
process of finding a specific research project as shown in the following figure:

 The research project or group of research projects that the researcher was invited to participate
in will be displayed, as well as the details of the projects and a set of options available for the

Research Grants Portal User Manual

 The researcher can review the research project details and view the research project files, and
can either accept or reject the participation invitation as shown below:

Alerts page:

 The researcher can receive and review alerts within the system
 The researcher can also view the alerts at the top of the page, where the number of alerts will
appear in a red circle, as shown below:

Research Grants Portal User Manual


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