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Research topic: Analysing the effectiveness of sustainable

transportation strategies in reducing carbon emissions and / or
promoting environmental sustainability

Identification of the role of transportation in climate change and environmental impacts is
crucially important in this modern era. The transformative era of technology and Industry 4.0
shows the requirement of critical assessments of contemporary transportation management to
minimise the environmental impacts on a large scale. However, this study effectively focuses on
the sustainable practices in the transportation sector and also creates a comparative analysis with
the traditional approaches in the sector. By identifying the new initiatives in the UK public
transportation and business supply chain, the quantitative and qualitative data analysis through
secondary data is the key approach of this study. Apart from that, the theoretical perspectives
through the recent literature review also ensures a higher degree of understanding in the current
scenario of the transportation management system. The dissertation structure effectively focuses
on the methodological approaches of thematic analysis through evaluating a vast range of
secondary data associated with sustainable practices in the modern transportation system. On the
other hand, the research strategy of this study shows a higher degree of academic integrity and
validity through adopting appropriate methods and techniques for evaluating this rising area of
research. Additionally, the ethical considerations in this study enhances the authenticity and
impacts of the research outcome by ensuring academic integrity of the researcher. The empirical
studies in recent years shows there is a gradual growth of sustainable transit which needs to be
assessed through addressing barriers and scopes in an extensive manner.
However, the strategic management of the contemporary transportation sector requires in-depth
knowledge and understanding on current barriers to develop a robust infrastructure and create
awareness on sustainable adoptions on a large scale. The analytical outcomes of this study
signifies the importance of focusing on the effective implementations of the new technological
models and digitalisation is playing a crucial role in sustainable transportation. The thematic
analysis in this research work significantly focuses on different areas like emission,
decarbonisation, climate change, governmental initiative in public transport and green logistics
management by the business organisations. Evaluating these factors essentially creates in-depth
knowledge and understanding by focusing on the evidential data from a diverse range of
authentic and relevant sources of recent research outcomes. However, the data calculation of
evidential data in this analytical process also emphasises on the objective approaches of
calculations by identifying the emission rate of a vehicles based on comparative data of the UK

and India. On the other hand, the recent business practices shows the importance of radical
innovations in this extensive globalised business management. This factor significantly focuses
on the economically viable approaches for shipping companies to develop responsible practices
towards pollution or waste management on a large scale. The researcher also effectively focuses
on the current business practices and innovative technological landscape which are influencing
the transportation management in a significant way.

I am grateful to my guide and mentor without whom this research work could not be possible to
complete effectively. I am also thankful to my peers who helped me in data collection and
motivated me in different stages of this dissertation. I want to express my warm regards to my
parents who consistently encourages me to achieve my goals.

List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Dissertation structure.........................................................................................13

Figure 2.1: Measured global CO2 emission due to road transportation on 2020....................16

Figure 2.2: Integrated framework approach for developing sustainable transportation system

Figure 2.3: Four-dimensional approach of sustainable transportation development..............18

Figure 2.4: Evidential and projected biofuel adoption in different mode of transport............20

Figure 2.5: Current global emission data by 8 major supply chain operations.......................22

Figure 2.6: Conceptual framework.......................................................................................25

Figure 3.1: Different layer of the research onion..................................................................26

Figure 4.1: Adoption rate of green transport in different EU countries.................................37

Figure 4.2: Graphical representation of changes in GHGs Emissions in a Span of 28 Years

through Sustainable Implementations in Transportation.......................................................39

Figure 4.3: New passenger vehicle types under the influence of sustainable transportation

Figure 4.4: Comparative data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions before and after
implementing sustainable transportation...............................................................................41

List of tables

Table 3.1: Gantt chart...........................................................................................................33

Table 4.1: TFL data showing positive changes through sustainable transportation in London

Table 4.2 Changes in GHGs Emissions in a Span of 28 Years through Sustainable

Implementations in Transportation.......................................................................................38
Table 4.3: CO2 emission data of the UK and India……………………………………………42

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................................9

1.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................9

1.2 Research background and problems..................................................................................9

1.3 Research gap.......................................................................................................................11

1.4 Research aim......................................................................................................................12

1.5 Research objectives............................................................................................................12

1.6 Research questions.............................................................................................................12

1.7 Research rationale.............................................................................................................13

1.8 Dissertation structure........................................................................................................13

Chapter 2: Literature review.................................................................................................14

2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................14

2.2 Significant role of sustainability in the development of transport strategy in the

supply chain department in contemporary businesses.........................................................15

2.3 Implementation of the theoretical models.......................................................................17

2.4 Advantage of sustainable transport development in the current global context.........20

2.5 Adverse impacts of avoidance of sustainable transport in the supply chain

management of contemporary business.................................................................................22

2.6 Recommendations of strategic approaches in the transport sector for minimising

environmental impacts............................................................................................................24

2.7 Literature gap....................................................................................................................25

2.8 Summary............................................................................................................................25

2.9 Conceptual framework......................................................................................................26

Chapter 3: Methodology........................................................................................................26

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................26

3.2 Research onion...................................................................................................................27

3.3 Research philosophy and justification.............................................................................28

3.4 Research approach and justification................................................................................29

3.5 Research design and justification.....................................................................................30

3.6 Research strategy...............................................................................................................30

3.7 Data collection....................................................................................................................31

3.8 Data evaluation..................................................................................................................32

3.9 Ethical considerations.......................................................................................................32

3.10 Timeline............................................................................................................................34

Chapter 4: Data collection and analysis................................................................................34

Chapter 5: Results and discussion.........................................................................................44

Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendation........................................................................47

6.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................47

6.2 Linking with the research objectives...............................................................................49

6.3 Recommendations..............................................................................................................50

6.4 Research limitations..........................................................................................................51

6.5 Future scope.......................................................................................................................51



Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
The transportation sector causes a significant amount of contribution to environmental impact
and climate change, which is currently showing a critical scenario in the global perspective.
However, aspects of Industry 4.0 essentially play a vital role for creating a highly integrated
approach to technology, stakeholder management and innovative models that can reduce the
adverse effects of transportation through public transport as well as efficient supply chain
management (Oláh et al., 2020). The UK Department for Transport emphasises on the significant
reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases by adopting sustainable
practices through policymaking and strategic incorporation. of stakeholders. For instance,
minimising the carbon footprint through adopting electric vehicles (EVs) and the Ultra Low
Emission Zone (ULEZ) is currently gaining potential in terms of minimising the environmental
impacts of transport operations. Apart from that, the adoption of these sustainable practices
needs to be assessed through consumer behaviour as well as the organisational approaches to
fostering the robust infrastructure in the sector (Stone, and Aravopoulou, 2018). On the other
hand, incorporating effective logistics management through an intermodal transport system is
currently playing a vital role for goods carriers and efficient freight management on a large scale
by the companies.
The current global data as well as the UK market assessment is showing a gradual growth of
sustainable principles and applications in the sector with the support of advanced technologies
through digitalised approaches. However, this research work significantly focuses on the
secondary study and offers a diverse range of authentic and relevant data related to sustainable
transportation practices in the UK as well as with a global perspective. The mixed approach
offers quantitative and qualitative data analysis essentially allowing the researcher to create an
in-depth knowledge and understanding by evaluating the current practices and scopes of
development and by addressing the current limitations (Bonilla et al., 2018). Critical assessment

of the current scenario through comparative approaches for assessing the barriers and scopes of
technology and sustainability adoptions as well as strategic implementations is playing a vital
role in this study to enhance the understanding on adoption of sustainable practices in the
transportation system.
1.2 Research background and problems
Issues like carbon and the Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission and adverse impacts on
environmental aspects in the contemporary world are playing a vital role for transportation
management. The rising causes of climate change is gaining attention on a large scale through
individual as well as organisational approaches throughout the world. However, Massaro et al.,
(2021), argue that the current context of climate change and environmental sustainability shows
the importance of rapid adoption of sustainable principles through circular infrastructure and
behavioural adaptations of eco-friendly transportation practices. According to Vickerman,
(2021), the comparative study of sustainable transportation as traditional transportation based on
fossil fuel wheels essentially shows the positive impacts of sustainable policies and the adoption
rate of sustainable transport systems.
The regulatory approaches by different countries show effective scope of trading approaches
focusing on sustainable logistics management. Industry 4.0 focuses on data based approaches
and quality management in the transport system which needs to identify the scopes of
development through technological incorporations in the transportation services sector. For
instance, Transport for London (TfL) shows the integrated approach of government and other
stakeholders and creating a multimodal transport system in the urban public transportation which
is user and environment friendly. These processes need to be aligned with sustainable policies
and the smart city developments which can impact positively in the economy as well as in
societies by ensuring environmental sustainability. The gross value added approach in
sustainable development also focuses on achieving Net Zero carbon emission by the year 2050
(Ma et al., 2021). Achieving these sustainable goals through adopting effective supply chain
management and innovative freight management is also playing a crucial role in the current
global transportation management by the business organisations.
1.3 Research gap
The current research developments extensively focuses on the sustainable principles and climate
change in terms of sustainable practices in the transportation sector. The assessments emphasise

on the goals and strategic approaches in the sector by evaluating the challenges and new
technologies to create sustainable solutions. However, an in-depth assessment of barriers and
scopes is needed to understand the overall scenario through the technological frameworks as well
as changing consumer behaviour (Wang et al., 2020). The strategic development of
transportation approaches through technological advancements and policymaking is playing a
crucial role in the contemporary world to minimise the environmental impact with long term goal
approaches. An extensive focus on adoption of sustainable practices and scopes of future
development is required by developing a comparative study of sustainable and traditional
1.4 Research aim
The aim of this study is to create in-depth knowledge and understanding on the importance of
sustainable transportation through implementing effective strategic approaches.
1.5 Research objectives
 To develop effective understanding on sustainable transportation development strategies
in business supply chain management and public transportation.
 To critically evaluate the advantages of sustainable transportation systems in the current
 To develop comparative study on the harmful impacts due to avoiding sustainable
transport management.
 To create strategic recommendations for developing a sustainable transportation sector by
assessing the challenges and scopes.
1.6 Research questions
 What is the significance of sustainable transportation development strategies in business
supply chain management and public transportation?
 What are the key advantages of sustainable transportation systems for creating positive
approaches on the current environment, economy, and society?
 What are the harmful impacts due to avoiding sustainable transport management?
 What are the strategic recommendations for developing a sustainable transportation
sector by assessing the challenges and scopes?

1.7 Research rationale
Focusing on the role of the transportation sector in environmental issues and climate change is
now a crucial factor in the contemporary world. Evaluating the multidimensional impacts of
transportation systems on environment, society and economy is essentially required to effectively
adopt sustainable practices in the sector. On the other hand, the influences of Industry 4.0
approaches through advanced technologies and organisational strategies and policies in the UK is
playing avital role now (Norouzi et al., 2020). Emphasising on the quantitative and qualitative
data for assessing the current impacts and scopes of development of sustainable transportation is
being considered as one of the most important factors in current studies. However, developing
knowledge and understanding through the critical and comparative assessment of sustainable
practices is essential to enhance understanding of future strategies of sustainable transportation
1.8 Dissertation structure
Chapter 1: Introduction
The introduction chapter develops the required research background by assessing the current
scenario of sustainable transportation practices. However, this chapter states the research
problems and research objectives based on the background context of the subject.
Chapter 2: Literature review
This chapter focuses on developing effective knowledge through evaluating the current relevant
studies and theoretical assessments on the associated research subject.
Chapter 3: Methodology
Methodology chapter essentially represents the defined approach of the adopted methods and
techniques in case of data collection, analysis and ethical considerations.
Chapter 4: Data collection and analysis
This chapter essentially emphasises on thematic analysis through secondary data evaluation
related to the research subject.
Chapter 5: Results and discussion
The fifth chapter incorporates the analytical process and outcomes through reasoning-based
evaluation of the research topic.
Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendation

Developing insight and strategic recommendations through achieving the predefined research
objectives is the key factor of this study.

Figure 1.1: Dissertation structure

(Source: Developed by the author)

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Overview
The contemporary business developments are significantly adopting sustainable strategies in
terms of supply chain management on a large scale. The recent studies are currently focusing on
new approaches of strategies along with the practices, which can assess the environmental
impacts throughout the businesses. However, different business sectors like retail or fast moving
consumer products (FMCG) need a higher degree of efficiency in transportation which can
impact on the environment significantly (Umar et al., 2020). Apart from that, these studies are
essentially emphasising on the challenges and the scope of transportation practices that can
minimise these impacts by reducing carbon emissions as well as other other hazardous impacts
on the environment. Moreover, it is evident that the contemporary and global business
environment is supporting environmental approaches as a fundamental factor of supply chain
management and that can emphasise on the transportation management in an effective way
(Taiebat et al., 2018). On the other hand, organisational changes in the retail and heavy
engineering industries are now demonstrating a strong focus on redefining transportation tactics
along with a considerable decrease in hazardous emissions in supply chain management.
Increasing the capability for advancements through technological incorporations driven by
sustainable principles is now playing a critical function for industries like heavy vehicles as the
rising concerns of hazardous emissions and waste generation is a big component in the
automobile industry.
2.2 Significant role of sustainability in the development of transport strategy in the supply
chain department in contemporary businesses
The contemporary global business context shows that the world economy is growing rapidly
with the enhancement of technological capability as well as the rising demand. This factor
essentially shows the importance of the logistics department which emphasises facts like large
scale impacts on the environment. For example, freight transportation is considered as one of the
major contributors of climate change due to the combustion of fossil fuels. On the other hand, the
emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) through these types of transportation systems has a long
term impact on the atmosphere which needs to be controlled in an efficient manner. The
sustainable mobility data signifies that the transport is causing a significant amount of impacts on
economic as well as societal developments in different areas of the globe which signifies 64% oil
consumption in the sector. Apart from that, the transportation sector signifies 27% energy usage
with 23% CO2 emissions related to energy generation and consumption (Vita et al., 2019).
However, these factors essentially implies the importance of strategic frameworks for the
development of transportation and logistics systems through business on a large scale. However,
the European Union (EU) is now emphasising on decreasing emissions in a measurable and
achievable way, signifying 80 to 95% within the year 2050. This factor essentially signifies
different low carbon transportation adoption by adopting the sustainable principles in the logistic

systems and transportation management of a business industry which incorporates a large
amount of fossil fuel.
Recent studies signify that this development essentially impacts on the environment on a large
scale. However, with the rising demand of consumption along with supply chain capacity
enhancement is being a critical factor in contemporary business management which shows the
requirement of effective assessment of a Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM)
approach. On the other hand, Mangina et al., (2020), suggest that the incorporation of Green
Supply Chain Management (GrSCM) is also playing a vital role in terms of logistics by
developing cost-effective approaches which can minimise the impacts on environment and
developing an integrated approach in the logistics system. This innovative process in terms of
technology as well as transportation management essentially focuses on the sustainable goals of
intermodal transport processes that can influence freight transportation in a significant way. In
recent years there is growing interest in the assessment of redefining the transportation process in
different industries for managing higher degree of efficiency and sustainability based on that
market demand of the product and services. As the technological capacity is increasing with
rising demand for different products in the global market, freight management is now playing a
vital role that needs to be accessed through innovation and strategic approaches. For example,
inefficient transformation processes like returning empty trucks is now being obsoleted and
intermodal transport is being popularised (Aragao et al., 2022). This approach signifies the
effective assessment of carbon footprint and interlinked impact of energy-efficient approach of
moving materials in a large steel container with the help of multiple transport modes like rail,
ship, and truck. Recent studies notify that this approach significantly reduces air pollution and
road congestion by prioritising rail mode for domestic transportation with avoiding diesel-based
freights like trucks.

Figure 2.1: Measured global CO2 emission due to road transportation on 2020
(Source: De Wolf et al., 2020)
A significant number of studies are focusing on the fact that though ships and planes have a
significant amount of carbon dioxide emissions through on road vehicles which signifies 75% of
transport emissions in current time (Govindan et al., 2020). However, these factors also signifies
the importance of reassessment of the public transport as well as supply chain logistics
management in a new way that can minimise carbon as well as other greenhouse gases on a large
scale. The statistical data signifies that passenger traffic will exceed by 80,000 billion passenger
kilometres signifying 50% increase in 2030 compared to the present along with freight volume
rising by 70% on a global scale (Aragao et al., 2022). This factor essentially emphasises on the
importance of strategic management of transportation systems in terms of business as well as
public transport approaches for minimising the long-term impact on the environment. The global
freight transport data represents the heavy-duty trucks by fossil fuel combustion used in supply
chain logistics created 1,183 metric ton CO2 emission in 2020 (De Wolf et al., 2020). However,
the sustainable mobility data also shows the importance of economic and social development and
challenges which significantly contribute to the environment.
2.3 Implementation of the theoretical models
Sustainable framework in transportation
The integrated framework approach for developing sustainable transportation significantly
emphasises on the contingency approach through assessing the different dimensions of
implementation and models. Incorporation of governmental policy for achieving sustainable
transformation plays a vital role to enable environmental sustainability practices by attracting

investments as well as developing regulations for adopting the sustainability practices. These
factors significantly play a vital role in improving the highway condition as well as carbon
emission and energy generation approaches. Apart from that, other economic situations are also
playing a vital role in the contemporary world for developing transportation systems for
minimising environmental impacts (Kumar, and Anbanandam, 2019). However, this framework
also focuses on the factors like social dimension for encouraging rural development and
generation in the automobile industry. For example, creating social changes gradually in Asian
countries like India and Indonesia is playing a vital role for issues like climate change in the
contemporary global market scenario. Creating an overall improvement through employment,
education and economic development in societies enhances the rate of sustainable energy
adoption which can improve the transportation system in a country.

Figure 2.2: Integrated framework approach for developing sustainable transportation system
(Source: Oláh et al., 2020)
However, green technology is playing a crucial role in the current scenario by eliminating the use
of fossil fuel, minimising pollution, and developing advanced technologies. Oláh et al., (2020),
argue that focusing on pollution control, oil spill, or real-time monitoring, advanced technologies
in this Industry 4.0 context are playing a vital role in global supply chain management, which
can minimise the environmental impact as well as develop a systematic adoption rate.
Incorporating fuel-efficient vehicles and innovations in energy is one of the most important
factors in the contemporary world in terms of a logistics management system. However, recent
studies notify that this framework also emphasises on the legal structure which can encourage
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of corporations to create major influences on
sustainability principles and practices (Kumar, and Anbanandam, 2022). On the other hand,
developing regulations and terms and conditions for business operations along with logistics and
supply chain management is one of the most important factors that can enhance sustainability
practices in transportation management. Environmental dimensions show multidisciplinary
practices by focusing on business and economic developments with long-term positive
environmental impacts through the transportation system. Apart from that, the integrated
framework signifies the importance of incorporating NGOs and government agencies which are
playing a vital role in terms of environmental dimensions to create initiatives for clean
atmosphere and protection of vegetation. These processes focus on the integrated approaches of
the corporate sector with transportation practices to create gradual improvement in terms of
Four-dimensional Transportation Approach

Figure 2.3: Four-dimensional approach of sustainable transportation development
(Source: Bibri, 2018)
The Global Development Research Center (GDRC) signifies the focus on broader access of
materials and services along with efficient mobility. Prioritising the higher degree of access by
defining goals related to climate change and energy efficiency plays a vital role in a sustainable
transportation system. On the other hand, the systematic development through long term
planning and implementation also signifies mixed-zoning by focusing on financial incentives as
well as development strategies for locational decision making and business development (Bibri,
2018). The decentralised approach in this model also emphasises on the urban planning and
broader transportation network to create a higher degree of accessibility to a large number of the
population. On the other hand, sustainable tourism is also playing a major role in the
transportation sector which needs to be identified and addressed and to adapt sustainability
practices. However, this model also emphasises on incorporation of Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) by the ecological economic and social spectrum to sustainability approaches
through the community development as well as economic performance (Michalina et al., 2021).
Moreover, incorporating climate mitigation and energy efficiency essentially allows the business
organisations and government agencies to emphasise on the effective practices in the sector.
However, a higher degree of integration of stakeholders for implementing technological
advancements and governance is playing a crucial role in this framework. According to de Sousa
Jabbour et al., (2018), creating better control and governance through regulation and prioritising
the goals essentially influencing strategic developments through the DDRC framework for
sustainable transportation. Apart from that, sustainable transportation needs to create a degree of
awareness among the population by encouraging public transit in a more environment friendly
2.4 Advantage of sustainable transport development in the current global context
Minimising pollution and waste along with the minimization of energy impacts is playing a vital
role for adopting sustainable transit on a large scale. However, there are multi-dimensional
benefits of sustainable transport from promoting health issues to climate change. Environmental
benefits signifies lower emission and systematic public transport which can also encourage
pedestrian friendly infrastructure in the cities. On the other hand, business operations and
logistics systems through sustainable transport. Reducing environmental impacts on a large scale

by improving air quality and minimising the depletion of Ozone layer is one of the most crucial
benefits of sustainable practices in the transportation sector. Moreover, energy efficiency policies
incorporated with broader sustainable transportation signifies the importance of minimization of
fossil fuel and incorporated electric vehicles that have a lower impact on the environment.
Approaches like decarbonization by the leading business organisations are now showing
significant potential by adopting responsible logistics management all across the world. Defining
short-term and long-term goals for sustainability adoptions in the supply chain management is
now showing positive impacts in organisational as well as societal level also. For instance,
current studies show that adoption of biofuel in the transportation sector is showing a gradual
growth in large freight systems driven by the business organisations and governmental policies
(Cassman, and Grassini, 2020).

Figure 2.4: Evidential and projected biofuel adoption in different mode of transport
(Source: Cassman, and Grassini, 2020)
Focusing on the intermodal transport system for goods carriage by the business organisations are
crucially improving the environmental impacts on a large scale. Apart from that, adopting
electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles essentially reduces petroleum mining and combustion on a
large scale. Adopting an advanced transportation system through urban development also
provides an efficient infrastructure for public transport that minimises congestion and encourages
cycling and pedestrians on a larger scale. These factors are essentially contributing to
environmental-friendly behaviours and climate change issues by minimising the traffic related

stressors. However, health and well-being is another significant factor which is promoted by
cycling and reducing air pollution on a large scale. These approaches can improve cardiovascular
diseases and overall health and well-being of a large number of populations in cities as well as
urban areas (Amankwah-Amoah, 2020). On the other hand, economic development by
integrating different organisations and systematic improvements is another factor of
sustainability and development in the transportation sector. Focusing on economic and social
equity is playing a vital role for sustainable transport which can significantly influence the
mitigation of climate change. The resilience and adaptation among the population and business
organisations for logistics management on a large scale through sustainable transport shows
long-term positive influence on health and climate change which is essential in the contemporary
world. However, improving the lives accessibility to the businesses organisations and residents
essentially creating overall improvement and well-being of a large number of the population by
adopting sustainable transportation practices in smart cities and other urban settings.
2.5 Adverse impacts of avoidance of sustainable transport in the supply chain management
of contemporary business
Supply Chain Management through sustainable transport is currently showing enormous levels
of positive impact in the long term. Alamoush et al., (2021), argue that the avoidance of
sustainable practices through transportation systems can lead to a vast range of negative effects
on environment, society as well as economy in current global business context. On the other
hand, the long term viability and operational efficiency is also a significant factor in the current
business management, which needs to identify the gaps in transportation management to improve
the overall impact on business as well as the environment. In contrast to that, as sustainable
transport significantly reduces greenhouse gases and carbon footprint, avoiding this approach can
cause significant air pollution, climate change and overall environmental degradation on a large
scale. Issues like climate change under environmental impacts through business operations is
now a crucial factor which needs to be addressed through these practices to minimise the
environmental degradation in a long-term manner (Nguyen et al., 2020). However, the current
global business sector is showing a significant inclination towards sustainable practices which
can play a vital role for branding and efficient business management. Avoiding sustainable
transport can damage the reputational benefits of a business and impact on profitability
significantly. Customers and stakeholders can be less interested in the traditional business

management approaches which need to be assessed through conscious and environmentally
responsible approaches in the current supply chain management strategies.

Figure 2.5: Current global emission data by 8 major supply chain operations
(Source: El Ayoubi et al., 2023)
The global business data signifies that 8 major supply chains in different business sectors are
currently causing more than 50% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission (El Ayoubi et al., 2023).
These emissions refer to the combustion of fossil fuels on a large scale to maintain global
logistics for the businesses. However, regulatory compliance issues is another crucial factor
which shows that the current global business context is driven by a large number of regulatory
approaches regarding the environment, society and ethical practices. Continuing traditional
transportation approaches can show non-compliance towards these regulations and rules which
can impact on business and lead to large scale financial losses. Apart from that, avoiding
sustainable transportation can cause supply chain disruptions by broadening that and gaps in
infrastructure and the overall transportation routes as the business organisations and
governmental policies are showing the importance of integrated supply chain practices.
Moreover, avoiding these practices can lead to vulnerability and disruptions in supply chain
management for the business organisations. On the other hand, Acar, and Dincer (2020), suggest
that sustainable transportation also shows a reduced competitiveness and global business
scenario which also impacts on accessibility of the products and services. Elimination of
sustainable practices in the logistics system of a business can reduce the competitive advantage
and market acceptance for the businesses from different industries. Apart from that, the rising

cost of fossil fuel and the limitation of petroleum is another significant factor which can be
turned into a more complex situation by avoiding sustainable transportation. Business
organisations utilise fossil fuels on a large scale through unsustainable transport or traditional
approaches to large freight systems. These factors impact adversely on the profitability as well as
the environmental benefits on a large scale due to the rising costs and limitation of the petroleum
2.6 Recommendations of strategic approaches in the transport sector for minimising
environmental impacts
Strategic decision making for adopting sustainable transportation for supply chain management
by the business organisations is now playing a vital role in the current business context.
Evaluating the challenges and complexities of the global business environment is showing an
inclination towards strategic and decision making. Effective framework developments for
developing effective infrastructure of transportation is playing a key role in this transformative
era of business development in the Industry 4.0 context (Tirachini, 2020). However, focusing on
green transportation and efficient logistics management is one of the major approaches for
adopting sustainable practices in transportation. Defining the low-emission goals and adopting
effective vehicles driven by battery and the alternative fuels is one of the most important factors
in the current scenario. Incorporating solar power and battery driven transportation systems has
the potential to create a higher degree of value generation by minimising environmental impacts
and creating social equity in developing as well as developed countries. On the other hand,
investment in these low emission vehicles is significantly showing an integrated approach of
green energy modernization transporter networks through integrated systems (Alonso-Muñoz et
al., 2022). Apart from that, creating awareness and promoting public transportation through
energy policies is another significant factor to create environmental sustainability.
Implementation of innovative freight management through intermodal approaches as well as
smart urban planning strategies is also playing a crucial role for adopting sustainable
transportation. Moreover, Zimon et al., (2020), suggest that the Industry 4.0 context also shows
the importance of adoption of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to optimise the traffic flow
and enhance the efficiency of a transportation system through developing a highly integrated
network. The technological advancements and digital revolution is playing a vital role for
effective logistics management that can create higher degree of efficiency and real-time

monitoring for the business organisations. Advancing information and communications
technology (ICT) is playing a vital role with the Industry 4.0 aspects to create higher degree of
adoption by creating highly efficient transportation networks which relies on logistics
management. Creating higher degree of stakeholders management by investing in smart solutions
by identifying technological advancements can also play a vital role in a sustainable
transportation system. On the other hand, re-evaluating the logistics management of the large
business organisations by incorporating Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) is also showing
significant potential through research and development in the current business context. These
approaches can essentially show a higher degree of renewable energy integration to create a
value-driven approach in the transportation system on a large scale.
2.7 Literature gap
The current studies on sustainable transportation systems for supply chain management and
broader aspects of Industry 4.0 approaches significantly focus on the business data of different
industries. The assessment of social and economic perspective is essentially required to
effectively understand the drivers of adoption of sustainable supply chain more effectively. On
the other hand, as the current global business environment is changing rapidly, effective
evaluation of the technology landscape is also crucially important to study sustainable
transportation practices on a large scale. However, this research approach significantly focuses
on the multi-dimensional approaches of sustainability practices through transportation to create
an in-depth understanding on current changes and drivers of adoptions by identifying the gaps
and scopes effectively.
2.8 Summary
Transportation sector is one of the major contributors in environmental impacts in the
contemporary world. The current studies of sustainable transportation essentially shows the
importance of short-term as well as long-term goals along with the technological developments
in the Industry 4.0 context to enhance the overall sustainability performance of a business
organisation. Deployment of renewable energy and evaluation of consumer behaviour is one of
the most important factors in this model to adopt effective strategies. However, emphasising on
the vehicle movement and networking essentially allows the organisations to implement eco-
friendly practices. The value-based approaches for creating accessibility and efficient mobility

through developing sustainable transportation is the key approach of this framework by assessing
long-term goals.
2.9 Conceptual framework

Figure 2.6: Conceptual framework

(Source: Developed by the author)

Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Introduction
The research methodology of this study significantly under appropriate methods and techniques
for evaluating the current scenario of the transportation sector. The secondary data analysis
through the thematic analysis approach essentially emphasises on the current developments of
sustainable transportation and compared with traditional approaches which are impacting on the
environment and climate changes. However, incorporation of qualitative and quantitative data
through this secondary data analysis approach essentially shows the importance of large and
varied the number of authentic and data related to sustainable transportation in the UK as well as
in a global perspective (Kapur, 2018). The statistical data from Transport for London TfL and
other organisational sources has the potential to create an in-depth knowledge and understanding

on the current challenges and scopes of sustainable development in the transportation sector.
However, critically analysing the secondary data from different authentic open sources through
reasoning based approaches allows the researcher to develop an in-depth knowledge and
understanding through systematic development of problem solving approaches in analytical
development. On the other hand, the strategic approach of the boolean logic for developing and
specific areas of assessment through thematic analysis is also a significant factor in this study to
enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness in the entire research process.
3.2 Research onion

Figure 3.1: Different layer of the research onion

(Source: Snyder, 2019)
Research onion represents the visual and constructional representation of adopted methods and
techniques in a research by defining and the systematic and development of analysis the different
approaches and the strategic development for the research methods. According to Snyder,
(2019), research onion essentially shows the unique significance of each adopted research
method and technique. However, the external layer of the research onion signifies the
philosophical and epistemological approach for defining and analysing the incorporated
knowledge in the study. On the other hand, the innermost layer essentially focuses on the core

approaches that offer data collection and analysis to achieve the research objectives. The second
layer of research approaches essentially there's an in-depth understanding of collected data by
interlinking with and is still no logical approach as well as the strategic development of analysis.
However, the strategic assessment of the overall results of methods and techniques essentially
allows the researcher to understand the appropriate research strategies based on research
subjects. This strategic approach in the constructive context of methodology has the potential to
enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the data collection and analysis process. The
strategic development of methodological approach ensures creating a clear direction for the
research which adds value in the overall results outcome.
3.3 Research philosophy and justification
Epistemological approach in research shows the overall perspective towards knowledge and its
element of the society with a broader perspective. The philosophical approach in knowledge
development essentially allows the researcher to develop a defined perspective and openness
based on collected data on a specific topic. Ruggiano, and Perry, (2019), suggest that research
philosophy has the potential to create an in-depth understanding of diverse knowledge and
develop operational strategies based on the results objective and problems in an efficient manner.
Positivism, interpretivism and realism are the most commonly used research philosophies in
contemporary academic scenarios based on the results subject and objectives. The operational
and behavioural traits of the researcher can be described using the research philosophy and
objectives. The research philosophy, on the other hand, is a large field that works with obtaining
specific areas of secondary data to achieve objectives significantly by sequential actions. This
research work incorporates interpretivism research philosophy to enhance the overall knowledge
and understanding on the current practices of sustainable transportation and in significance in an
extensive manner.
The interpretivism research philosophy has the potential to incorporate vast and diverse parts and
diverse perspectives related to the research problems. On the other hand, interpretivism research
philosophy allows the researcher to minimise information bias by creating a reasoning-based
approach on different perspectives on the evidential data. Moreover, the critical analysis
developed through the subjective and objective data analysis requires in-depth evaluation over
different perspectives, which can be achieved through interpretivism research philosophy by
minimising the information bias (Basias, and Pollalis, 2018). Apart from that, interpretivism

research philosophy largely relies on the personal meanings and motivations which can be
significantly effective for the emerging study subjects like sustainable transportation. However,
this research philosophy has the limitation of risk of information bias for relying on individual
values and understanding which needs to be addressed through the rational and reasoning-based
approaches to the knowledge.
3.4 Research approach and justification
The research approach refers to the overall framework of data collection and analysis that can
achieve a viable research outcome. Research approach essentially allows the researcher to
identify the scopes and challenges through the analytical approaches and that can create value in
the overall research outcome. However, inductive and deductive research approaches are the
most utilised approach in the contemporary academic scenario which focuses on the overall
strategic approach in analytical outcome. Inductive research approach focuses on identifying the
patterns and developing a new knowledge and concept based on analytical performance.
Compared to that, the deductive research approach relies on the establishing concepts and
identifies the patterns and theory reason to strengthen the knowledge (Park et al., 2020).
However, this research work essentially incorporates an inductive research approach to enhance
the overall knowledge and understanding on sustainable transportation practices and adverse
impacts for avoiding the traditional approaches.
As this research work focuses on the qualitative and quantitative data from a vast range of
secondary sources, the inductive research approach allows the researcher to focus on specific
areas of knowledge development. On the other hand, an inductive research approach has the
potential to emphasise on the evidential data in a reasoning-based manner. For significant
utilisation in empirical studies to enhance knowledge and the understanding, this research
approach relies on the practical approaches of knowledge and minimisation and
oversimplification through theoretical approaches with different perspectives (Sherif, 2018).
However, the inductive research approach has limitations like extensive subjectivity and
generalisation in some cases which needs to be assessed through the strategic approaches of
quantitative and qualitative data analysis based on the research problems. Apart from that, the
subjective approaches like an open-ended perspective on the collected data is also essential in
this study to enhance the overall understanding of scopes and challenges in the Industry 4.0
aspect of new technological advancements. These broader perspectives need to be assessed

through an inductive research approach to develop new knowledge and understanding that can
contribute in the future development in the transportation sector that can minimise the
environmental impacts on a large scale through future strategic developments.
3.5 Research design and justification
Research design fundamentally signifies the overall framework of methods and techniques to
study new areas of knowledge development. According to Sileyew, (2019), research design
effectively allows the researcher to understand appropriate methods and techniques which can
enhance the overall authenticity. And readability of the research outcome. On the other hand, it
also supports the methodological strategies by identification of problems through the collected
information and allows the researcher to create appropriate decision making in terms of strategy
and methods throughout the research work. However, explanatory, exploratory and descriptive
are the most commonly implemented research designs to evaluate studies in different manners.
This study effectively implements exploratory research design to evaluate the secondary data
analysis by focusing on the quantitative as well as qualitative data sets. Exploratory research
design has the potential to incorporate different perspectives from evidential data to create an in-
depth knowledge on a subject. As this research deals with and the comparatively new subject of
sustainable transport, development and its strategic incorporation for future exploratory research
design can essentially allow the researcher to help adopting and strategies for development
evolution. On the other hand, exploratory design is highly effective for studying new subject
areas which is also crucial for utilising in this research work. However, exploratory research
design has a limitation of generalisation and has limited control on the pre-existing knowledge
which is a significant factor for the methodological approach (Tarrant, and Hughes, 2020).
Moreover, researchers ensure a higher degree of integrity in focusing on the specific knowledge
to minimise this limitation by creating rational approaches towards data analysis. Apart from
that, the expiratory research design in this study essentially shows the higher degree of potential
new knowledge development and conceptual understanding, which can be essential for strategic
management, sustainable transportation development in a practical manner.
3.6 Research strategy
Research strategy essentially provides that constructional approach towards the methods and
techniques and to enhance the efficiency and overall effectiveness in the research. Defining the
appropriate technical approaches towards data collection and analysis is a significant factor for

research strategy to enhance the credibility of the analytical outcome (Hughes, and Tarrant,
2019). However, this research work incorporates thematic analysis through assessing the vast
range of secondary data related to sustainable transportation. This research work incorporates a
vast range of open sources like research journals articles, statistical publications and
governmental websites to enhance the knowledge and understanding on sustainable practices in
contemporary transportation management. The selection criteria of secondary sources focuses on
the relevant open sources and authenticity by evaluating the titles and abstracts of the
contemporary research journals and articles as the main approach for selecting the secondary
sources for evaluation. Identifying the organisational data in the UK along with the global
context in a reasoning based manner is one of the most crucial factors in this analytical approach.
The keyword approach for finding the secondary sources essentially shows the reasoning-based
technique for identifying the most appropriate sources through Google Scholar and Microsoft
Academic. On the other hand, the Boolean logic implementation for identifying the themes by
assessing the specific areas of knowledge development is another important methodical approach
in this study. These processes effectively focus on creating value and authenticity through the
analytical process that can contribute in strategic management of sustainable transportation
strategy and development in a systematic manner.
3.7 Data collection
Data collection is one of the approaches of a research methodology which signifies effective
incorporation of relevant and authentic data for evaluation based on the research problems and
objectives. Chatfield, (2020), argues that data collection needs to be aligned with the strategic
approaches by identifying the effective sources for critical evaluation. As this research consists
of thematic analysis through evaluation of a large number of secondary data, incorporation of
relevant information from different current research articles, journals and statistics statistical
sources essentially plays a vital role in this study. However, the strategic approach of data
collection essentially focuses on the selection criteria of authenticity, relevance and recent
research developments relating to impacts of sustainable transportation management on the
environment on a large scale (Tarrant, and Hughes, 2021). On the other hand, different
multidimensional factors like environmental impacts, climate change, consumer behaviour,
economy, as well as technological scopes are also playing a vital role for selection of data for the
study. Apart from that, the comparative approach of traditional transportation and sustainable

transportation is playing a vital role which shows the focus of data sources related to the
Industry. 4.0 approaches. However, the searching strategy in Google Scholar and Microsoft
Academic signifies the logical evaluation of relevant subjects in the desk-based approach.
Moreover, effective evaluation of the abstracts and titles of the research articles allows the
researcher to identify the authentic sources for the analysis in an efficient manner. The data
collection method in this research focuses on purposive sampling for minimising the efficiency
and enhancing the effectiveness of analytical outcomes. Focusing on the real-time approach
essentially ensures the higher degree of credibility over data incorporation that can create value
through the data analysis method.
3.8 Data evaluation
Data analysis is another crucial element in the methodology that signifies the logical evaluation
of collected information in a systematic manner. This research works incorporates thematic
analysis approach by focusing on specific areas of understanding and knowledge that can
create higher degree of understanding on sustainable transportation. The development of themes
through the Boolean logic signifies a higher degree of reasoning based approach for analysing
the quantitative and qualitative data collected from different open sources (Tarrant, and Hughes,
2020). However the strategic development of the evaluation process in this study signifies the
rational interpretation of data related to current practice in the contemporary transportation
sector. Moreover, this research emphasises on the broader perspectives of current development in
sustainable transportation through focusing on specific areas of assessment which can minimise
this limitation of inductive research approach. Apart from that, the critical evaluation method can
also increase the efficacy and efficiency of the research process by examining particular regions
in light of the challenges and objectives of the study. In addition, the analytical process plays a
vital role in locating the information that has the most impact and connecting it to a variety of
viewpoints via the reasoning (Largan, and Morris, 2019). This research work deals with
emerging concerns of climate change and environmental impacts as well as societal aspects
which require a broader perspective of knowledge and reasoning based assessment. The
reasoning-based approach of broader perspective of knowledge assessment also helps the
researcher to focus on wider perspectives on the collected data, which can lead to higher degree
of effectiveness in analytical outcome and credibility in the study.

3.9 Ethical considerations
Ethical considerations are playing a vital role in the current scenario of Research Development
which can ensure a higher degree of integrity in the research work. However, delivering credible
data in a systematic manner is an essential part of secondary research, developing knowledge
from original ideas and information. The researcher significantly focuses on the ethical practices
which signifies the importance of academic integrity and credibility. of analytical outcome and
that can contribute value in an extended manner however. Acknowledging the original ideas
through the appropriate referencing system is playing a vital role in this study and this factor
emphasises on the intention of providing credibility to the original research for contributing in
this analytical process (Martins et al., 2018). In addition, by guaranteeing an equitable
distribution of knowledge for better purposes, this referencing strategy raises the credibility of
the research environment overall. On the other hand, as this study deals with the contemporary
approaches of sustainable practices in organisational and governmental levels and the
incorporation of statistical data from the authentic sources essentially shows effectiveness with a
non-commercial approach. This factor ensures that this research work has no commercial gain
and is only derived for knowledge and understanding the related subject of sustainable
transportation in the contemporary world (Saha et al., 2020). Apart from that, this study ensures
no physical harm to any person or the societal aspects that can violate any kind of stability.
However, data collection and management also ensures the academic regulations and
confidentiality approaches along with the codes of conduct. Data management of a vast range of
knowledge development essentially enhances the ethical compliances in the academic research

3.10 Timeline

Table 3.1: Gantt chart

(Source: Developed by author)

Chapter 4: Data collection and analysis

Theme 1: Sustainability in transportation practices
Implementation of sustainability principles in the transportation sector signifies a wide range of
prospects in long-term manner for development. However, the UK government is now focusing
on the six priorities emphasising accelerating active transport, decarbonizing the private vehicles,
decarbonizing goods and services, logistics management solution for emissions with regional-
based approaches, and encouraging green technology and innovation along with a global
perspective in the country. According to Sdoukopoulos et al., (2019), the recent development for
this systematic development significantly incorporates recent innovations and the Industry 4.0
process for eco-friendly alternative offer car and long distance vehicle usage focusing on public

transport as well as supply chain management. Businesses are now being incorporated to the
sustainability principles on a large scale through policy development by the government and
environmental organisations like the European Federation for Transport and Environment
through T&E UK. Leaving the European Union (EU), the UK has the potential to develop its
own policies related to sustainable transport for accelerating the shift towards green adoption in a
more effective way. However, the post-pandemic era of business management shows a drastic
decrease in public transport users due to remote working practices. For instance the recent data
showing around 28% decrease in decrease of public transport by professionals which can impact
economically and minimise environmental impacts significantly (Gössling, 2020). On the other
hand, funding in the railway sector has been increased by £10.4 billion in 2020-21 signifying
incorporating eco-friendly technologies and sustainability practices (Brand et al., 2021). Apart
from that, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is now showing significant development in
recent years in the north and south to circular roads in the London borough ensuring 24 hours
and 7 days a week services.
Maintaining the emission standards through this approach is essentially the economic viability
and as well as decreasing environmental impact in recent years focusing on the public transports
like cars, vans, trucks and motorcycles. The current scenario of systematic approaches of
sustainability practices in the transportation sector in the global economy signifies the
importance of effective investment and stakeholder management to encourage activities on a
large scale. Focusing on daily charge for the drivers for driving in the specific zone with high
emission vehicles is the key approach of ULEZ. On the other hand, the Transport for London
(TFL) data shows significant changes in terms of emission, climate impact, and sustainable
resourcing for the transport system in the region. The comparative data signifies that operational
carbon emissions due to transport have decreased by 9% between 2019 and 2020 (TFL, 2021).
Apart from that, this data also ensures a higher degree of effective infrastructure development by
encouraging plantation and circular economy in the transportation sector in recent years.
However, the implementation of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is also expanding from
August to 2029 all across London to enhance the overall integrity and control in the traffic
management system.

Table 4.1: TFL data showing positive changes through sustainable transportation in London
(Source: TFL, 2021)
However, maintaining standard emission by party and this essentially encourages a higher degree
of a customer-centric approach by creating awareness among the population. The policies of
ULEZ directly impacts through the economic approaches which signifies drivers in different
regions of London need to pay £12.5 per day for operating high polluting vehicles. This
approach has the effectiveness in the governance of vehicle management in the city and which is
showing positive responses since 2015 (Transport for London-ULEZ, 2023). On the other hand,
the European Federation for Transport and Environment, Transport & Environment,
T&E UK also ensures a high degree of integrity in managing responsible transportation
management for public transportation in these regions. Apart from that, the scrappage scheme of
£110 million also supports the financial infrastructure transportation by minimising the usage of
high polluting vehicles in the area under Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). However, the
effective partnership with Euro Parking Collection (EPC) Plc and Online Electric Vehicles
(OEV) is now gaining effective management approaches in the public transport sector of the
country (Gimbert, and Earl, 2021). Redefining the responsible practices for minimising carbon
footprint and emissions are being incorporated through a highly integrated approach of transport
management in this Industry 4.0 environment.
Theme 2: Positive influences of sustainable transportation in current world

The UK transport sector has developed the long term goal of zero emission by 2050 by reducing
the carbon emission and GHGs from the road transport in a systematic manner. Location-based
approaches and long-term missions are essentially playing a vital role for tackling the issues like
climate change and environmental impacts. However, the country contributes to 37% of global
co2 emissions in the transport sector which is gradually decreasing through adopting sustainable
policies and practices in an extensive manner. The recent market development is ensuring
effective adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and the Green Finance Institute's data ensures the
effective incorporation of innovative technologies for minimising environmental impact (Dik et
al., 2022). Developing electric vehicle charging infrastructure and efficient battery technology is
playing a vital role in terms of circular economy as well as sustainable transportation
development in the current decade. However, the near zero approaches in recent times shows the
multi-dimensional approach of developing effective infrastructure which needs to be essentially
aligned with the new policies and governmental approaches in the UK, automotive
manufacturing and transport system. On the other hand, Kazancoglu et al., (2021), suggest that
emission from the aviation industry shows the 8% contribution of greenhouse gases in the UK
which needs to be assessed through economic aid as well as environmental development through
systematic management.

Figure 4.1: Adoption rate of green transport in different EU countries
(Source: Geels et al., 2022)
The country is now showing the potential in developing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) that can
contribute to the zero strategy developed in 2022. The TfL data is significant for showing the
incorporation of new ranges of battery driven buses in 2018 to contribute to sustainable
transportation practices through smart city approaches. On the other hand, green technologies
creating sustainable mobility with long term goals are playing a vital role in the country which
shows positive responses. The large nations in the EU like UK, Germany and France are
showing systematic planning for achieving net zero goals by creating holistic approaches in
sustainable development (Geels et al., 2022). Incorporation of electric vehicles and circular
economy focusing on recycling and responsible resourcing are playing a vital role in sustainable
transport frameworks. Moreover, the policy development in the country mandates 14% reduction
of fossil fuel usage by 2023 in the UK aviation sector which needs to be incorporated in

investment also (United Nations Department of Economic, 2021). However, the EU scheme
focused on emissions in the aviation sector in the European region shows a significant level of
reduction in CO2 emissions after the implementation of sustainable policies. The strategic
development in the aviation sector signifies domestic and external aviation in the region in terms
of emissions in recent decades. However, the significant decrease in the GHGs in the past two
decades shows the effective adoption of eco-friendly practices in transportation on a large scale.
The European region is now showing a drop in the production of hazardous gases like Carbon
Monoxide and a range of Nitrogen Oxides and Sulfur Oxides.

Table 4.2 Changes in GHGs Emissions in a Span of 28 Years through Sustainable

Implementations in Transportation
(Source: Developed by the author)

Changes in GHGs Emissions in a Span of 28 Years

through Sustainable Implementations in Transportation

81 78

60 57
44 40
40 32
27 23 26
20 10
6 4 3
1 1
CO NOx PM10 PM2.5 Benze Butadine Lead SOx

1990 2003 2018

Figure 4.2: Graphical representation of changes in GHGs Emissions in a Span of 28 Years
through Sustainable Implementations in Transportation
(Source: Developed by the author)
The gradual decrease in greenhouse gases shows the potential adoption of sustainable practices
in road and aviation transport systems now. The large-scale logistics management in European
region through re-evaluating freight management is playing a vital role in minimising the
emissions on a large scale also. However, a vertical study over a period of 28 years significantly
shows the decrease in carbon and other GHGs emissions in the region. The data shows that the
decrease in overall CO between 2090 and 2003 is 66%, and 86% between the years 2003 and
2018. On the other hand, hazardous air pollutants like NOx and SOx have also decreased
noticeably in this time period of implementation of sustainability policies and practices. In this
extensive level of globalisation period, industrial emission is a crucial factor which is showing
positive response through sustainable developments. For instance, the Transport and
Environment statistics show a 43% decrease and 54% in NOx emissions in between 1990-2003
and 2003-2018. This factor shows the positive impact of sustainable adoptions in the overall
transportation system during this period. The Department for Transport in the UK has the policy
of improving the overall sustainable performance by focusing on Greening Government
Commitments in between the years 2021 and 2025. Reducing emissions and environmental
impacts as the short-term and medium-term step for achieving Net Zero by 2050 is the main
approach of these policies. On the other hand, creating responsible approach in terms of social
and environmental contexts is the crucial factor of these sustainable policies through the
transportation adoptions. However, the comparative studies in the recent year shows systematic
growth of adoption rate of electric vehicles (EVs) as well as wind technologies by the business
organisations to maintain the logistics management on a large scale. Developing effective freight
control through regulations and policies has the potential to minimise the overall impact on
environment as well as social equity in an extensive manner.

Figure 4.3: New passenger vehicle types under the influence of sustainable transportation
(Source: United Nations Department of Economic, 2021)
The net zero transition through sustainable transport focusing on local as well as global
approaches shows systematic growth through strategic frameworks for adopting new
technologies through digitised approaches of communication and monitoring. On the other hand,
the strategic incorporation of active transportation in public transport is another essential factor
in the UK to encourage sustainable mobility on a large scale. Developing charging infrastructure
for increasing the adoption rate of electric vehicles is now one of the most important approaches
in the country. Compared to that, other European Union (EU) countries like Sweden and
Luxembourg focus on economic incentives to promote green transport in the country. This factor
shows fast transformation in shifting towards sustainable transportation significantly (Hafner,
and Raimondi, 2020). Apart from that, different research areas like renewable energy, battery
technology, and innovative circular practices also play a crucial role for the reduction of carbon
footprints through responsible supply chain management. However, the sustainable approach
essentially focuses on the public transportation as well as business development approaches and
by incorporating a diverse and effective range of stakeholders that can minimise environmental
impacts by adopting effective business models. Achieving the sustainable goal agenda is

significantly showing an effective transportation shift by phasing out fossil fuels for the marine
and aviation sector by incorporating strategic and development.
Theme 3: Issues with avoidance of sustainable transportation
The traditional approaches based on fossil fuels have enormous levels of environmental impacts
that cause issues like climate change, biodegradation, depletion of Ozone layer along with social
inequality. Air and water pollution due to long freights by marine and aviation is another crucial
factor in current global business management. As contemporary global business developments
show extensive levels of supply chain development for goods carriage, the lack of sustainable
practices in logistics management causes large-scale degradation of the environment and long-
term impacts on the business development practices. Domestic transport in the UK generated 122
million tonnes (Mt) of CO2 emissions in 2019. Transport accounts for 27% of all greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions in the UK, approximately 455 MtCO2, making it the highest emitting sector
(Helmers et al., 2021). The emissions have decreased by 1.8% since 2018 due to the increase of
incorporation of sustainable strategies. However, avoiding sustainable strategies for transport
management can lead to GHGs emissions like methane (CH4), CO2, or nitrous oxide (N2O)
which are associated with long term impacts on the atmosphere and extreme weather events. The
recent data on the UK domestic transportation shows a gradual decrease in GHGs emission after
the implementation of green approaches in transportation which is also evolving through more
strategic and technological expansion of capacities (Hu et al., 2021). On the other hand, the
recent sustainable practices also ensures social integrity by improving holistic improvements of
employment, health and education on a large scale.

Figure 4.4: Comparative data of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions before and after
implementing sustainable transportation
(Source: Hu et al., 2021)
Factors like lack of electric vehicles adoption and dependency on fossil fuel driven vehicles
signifies the air pollution and health issues in the urban settings. On the other hand, mining of
petroleum on a large scale is another crucial factor in this growing demand. According to
Falchetta, and Noussan, (2021), Different nations are emphasising on reducing the mining
process and adopting sustainable practices to minimise the long-term impacts on soil, water, and
atmosphere at an extensive level. Apart from that, avoidance of sustainable transport approaches
also ensures lower energy efficiency and traffic congestions in the cities.
UK Transport Transport
Total UK India
Yea Sector UK Rate Sector India Rate
Vehicles Vehicles
r Emissions (per vehicle) Emissions (per vehicle)
(Millions) (Millions
(MtCO2e) (Million
125.20 22.50 5.56 97.20 9.92 9.80
126.80 24.90 5.09 106.80 11.80 9.05
131.00 27.20 4.82 118.70 17.30 6.86
134.30 29.60 4.54 139.30 28.54 4.88
123.40 30.30 4.07 177.60 40.01 4.44
122.20 31.10 3.93 268.60 61.05 4.40
99.00 32.70 3.03 300.20 82.61 3.63

*Formula: Dividing Colum of total UK Transport Sector Emissions by Total UK Vehicles for
finding the emission rate per vehicle.
Dividing Colum of total India Transport Sector Emissions by Total UK Vehicles for finding the
emission rate per vehicle.

Table 4.3: Representation of comparative emission rate of per vehicle in Mt CO2 in the UK and
(Source: Developed by the author)

Comparison of Emission per Vehicle in the UK
and India
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

UK Rate (per vehicle) India Rate (per vehicle)

Figure 4.4: Graphical representation of comparative emission rate of per vehicle in Mt CO2 in
the UK and India
(Source: Developed by the author)
As the current global market is showing rising demands of commodities and services, adopting
green supply chain management is crucial to contribute to the SDGs by creating responsible
practices. The data shows that the emission rate per vehicle significantly dropped in the early
2000s due to the implementation of the Task Force on Integrated Transport Policy for
Sustainability in 2020 by the Planning Commission and the National Urban Transport Policy
(NUTP) in 2006. On the other hand, the UK data signifies a drop in emission rate in the middle
of the 1990s as the Government Panel on Sustainable Development implemented the UK
sustainability strategy in 1994. The country emitted a total of 794 MtCO2 in 1990, whereas the
transport sector emitted 125.2 MtCO2 that year ensuring 15.77% of total emission. However, the
calculation of these empirical data essentially finds the average rate per vehicle by dividing the
column of total emission due to vehicles by the total number of vehicles in each year. It is
efficient process to identify the impacts of sustainable policies and practices by evaluating the
rate of emission based on the total amount of emission in a year. Apart from that, the calculative
approach in this data set essentially justifies the importance of accuracy and efficiency through
implementing the formula of gaining average emission rate by a car. However, the comparative
study of the UK and India shows the drop in emission rate per vehicle in India after adopting
sustainable policies and environmental measures in the late 1990s and early 20002. The graph
signifies a drastic decrease in the rate of emissions in India after implementing these strategic
approaches by the government and the Planning Commission in the country. The comparative
study of the UK and developing country India shows that the implementation of sustainable
transportation in the UK is more effective over the period of 1990 to 2020. The emerging
economy of India signifies extensive growth of vehicles in this period along with high emission
rate. The country has 300.2 MtCO2 emission with a total vehicle of 321.4 million in 2020.
Comparatively, UK transportation refers to a lower rate of emission growth and a significant
23.43% drop in 2020. However, avoiding the sustainable approaches can significantly create
natural resources depletion and inefficient resource allocation which creates complexities and
ergonomic costs for the governments and business organisations. Mitigating the negative impacts
of traditional approaches ensures a higher degree of responsible practices in public transport and
logistics management by the business organisations.
Theme 4: Strategic recommendations for sustainable transportation development
Assessing the technological scopes and innovative strategic frameworks has the potential to
enhance the adoption rate of sustainable practices in the transportation sector. Adopting a
thorough and strategic approach that takes into account all facets of the transport system is
essential to promoting sustainable transport growth. Ecer, (2021), suggests that evaluating the
new approaches of supply chain management and public transport development strategies are
playing a crucial role in this Industry 4.0 scenario to enhance the capacity and efficiency through
sustainable mobility. However, allocate funds for the expansion and improvement of the bus,
train, tram and underground networks. Creating innovative strategies through technological
adoptions can enhance the sustainability performance in the transportation sector effectively. On
the other hand, increase service frequency, dependability, and coverage to transform public
transportation into a practical and appealing replacement for private vehicles (Chofreh et al.,
2021). Investing in infrastructure for walking and cycling, such as designated bike lanes,
pedestrian walkways, and bike-sharing programmes, is necessary in nations like the UK.
Policy development and strategic frameworks through the collaborative approaches can play a
vital role in adopting sustainable practices in the transportation context. The EU countries are
essentially focusing on encouraging the adoption of electric cars (EVs), which can create a
reliable charging infrastructure to attract a large number of consumers. Assessing the

contemporary global market and partnership, enhancing manufacturing and distribution capacity
of eco-friendly cars, developing awareness and encouraging EV adoption, placing charging
stations in metropolitan areas, business districts, and along key highways can be significantly
effective. According to Yazdani et al., (2020), design cities to be pedestrian-friendly, eliminating
the need for long-distance travel and reliance on private cars. In addition, embrace smart urban
planning rules that support multimodal freights and compact, mixed-use communities.
Additionally, the UK government's implementation of low-emission zones in urban areas to
prevent high-polluting vehicles from accessing specific regions is another successful strategy
that can enhance air quality and promote the use of cleaner transportation options. Apart from
that, start initiatives to raise public knowledge about the effects of travel on the environment and
the advantages of sustainable solutions. Lin et al., 2021), argue that encouraging people to
choose sustainable mobility options while promoting behaviour change can be another effective
approach to promote sustainability practices. As effective stakeholder management is one of the
most crucial factors in sustainability development, working collaboratively towards sustainable
transportation goals encourages cooperation between government organisations, corporate or
private sector partners, and community organisations can enhance sustainability performance

Chapter 5: Results and discussion

The thematic analysis focusing on different areas of sustainable transportation essentially shows
the gradual improvement in the past two decades. The governance from the organisational
regulations as well as governmental apparatus is also playing a crucial role in adopting
sustainable practices in the UK, however, aligning with the advanced technologies and
digitalized approaches is now playing a vital role in the Industry 4.0 aspects of industrial
development (De Roo et al., 2019). However, it is evident that recent studies extensively focus on
innovations and innovative models for adopting and sustainable practices in transportation
systems on a large scale, reevaluating freight management for the business organisations. Re-
evaluating the supply chain strategies for the business organisations has gained potential in this
context. On the other hand, the public transport management is also showing a significant focus
on regional approaches to the initiatives like the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London.
Zhao et al., (2020), suggest that these approaches essentially show the importance of strategic
adoption of sustainable development by focusing on different dimensions like pollution and
traffic management along with the innovative long distance freight management and integrated
approach in the overall logistics system. Apart from that, the collaborative approach with
business organisations as well as different environmental organisations is also playing a vital role
for accelerating adoption of sustainable practices in transportation. These factors essentially
require in-depth understanding of current practices and technological capacities to evaluate with
a new scope of sustainable transportation practices. However, the quantitative analysis also
shows the objective approaches for data analysis by different data related to emission and
pollution in different regions. For example, the emission data of greenhouse gases essentially
plays a vital role in this study and by focusing on specific areas of carbon and other hazardous
gas emission. Moreover, the assessment of the short-term, medium-term and long-term goals for
achieving Net Zero is also a significant factor in the contemporary studies to create an in-depth
understanding of the governmental approaches in the UK ( Wang et al., 2021). The effective
strategic approaches show promising improvement by adopting strategies and effective models
to achieve these goals within a specific timeframe.
However, the qualitative data analysis significantly focuses on the comparative study of
sustainable transportation and traditional transportation by showing differences in recent years.
This factor essentially shows the potential of strategic analysts for identifying the benefits and
scopes of development in the contemporary scenario of transportation development emphasising
on the UK data. This study essentially shows the adverse impacts of avoiding sustainable
transportation on a large scale and identifies the current challenges. Assessing the current
technological expansion of capacities in the Industry 4.0 context is playing a vital role for
adoption practices in the contemporary transportation system ( Bibri, 2018). However, the
reasoning-based thematic data analysis shows that the current global market is showing a higher
degree of demand which can lead to expansion in transportation practices. And creating impact
on environment, society and economy. On the other hand, focusing on customer centric services
in public transport is also showing significant potential to develop sustainable practices on a
large scale. Incorporation of SDGs in the national and organisational level shows the importance
to develop and achieve the environmental goals of our business organisations as well as public
The study essentially shows the adverse impacts of avoiding these approaches which can lead to
inefficient transportation management causing ecological as well as economic damage. However,

Tomej, and Liburd, (2019), argue that mitigating the negative impacts of our traditional approaches
needs to assess the current challenges and identify the scopes to enhance the overall performance
of the transportation system. Apart from that, the public transportation system and also adopting
decarbonisation strategies on a large scale through the approaches like smart cities under
innovative models. These approaches are essentially focused on critical concepts like climate
change to enhance the overall performance of sustainability practices or in the transportation
sector. On the other hand, the current market data also emphasises on the domestic as well as the
global transportation sector in terms of the UK aviation industry as the aviation sector
contributes a significant amount of environmental impacts. According to Ng et al., (2021), re-
evaluating the fuels generation and the elimination of fossil fuels is playing a vital role to
minimise environmental impacts on a large scale. This factor effectively shows the significant
importance of innovations and research and development to implement new strategic models for
transportation operations in the contemporary world.
That thematic data analysis essentially signifies the specific areas of research by incorporating a
vast range of authentic data on recent development of sustainable transportation. Incorporation of
a diverse set of objective perspectives through the data from European Federation for Transport
and Environment allows the researcher to create in depth knowledge on the current practices in
the transportation sector. However, focusing on the environmental and economic practices, this
data essentially shows the objective approaches towards emissions and pollution on a larger
scale. Apart from that, the significance of transportation practices through sustainability
development also shows gradual improvement and through visits and data that can contribute to
future strategic developments (Vulevic et al., 2020). The effective stakeholder management and
green financing also play a vital role in current conduct to enhance the strategic incorporation in
terms of sustainable transportation practices. On the other hand, national data as well as the
global perspective is playing a vital role in this area also to enhance overall understanding on
sustainable practices. The industry 4.0 practices like real-time monitoring and the innovative
model and designing auto transport management through circular economy is also playing a vital
role for creating sustainable practices in transportation. On the other hand, the business
organisations are adopting the Industry 4.0 approaches in supply chain management which is
emphasising on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure to enable
sustainable practices in a more efficient manner.

Extensive focus on recent developments and governmental initiatives are playing a crucial role in
this study to create effective insights on the current sustainability practices in the public
transportation sector. By focusing on data assessment related to transport management focusing
on emission and environmental impacts, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) essentially
focuses on the integrated network through data assessment related to pollution and as well as
traffic systems (Fischer, 2023). Moreover, gaining potential by innovating sustainable aviation
fuel (SAF) in the aviation sector and rapid growth of green energy also needs to be assessed in
the current global context (Budd, and Ison, 2020). The rising adoption of electric vehicles (BEVs)
in consumer markets as well as supply chain management is showing an extensive degree of
potential in sustainable practices in transport by promoting circular economy practices. However,
the implementation of biofuel and green energy is evolving with expanding the capacity that can
create value in the sustainable transportation sector in a multidimensional manner. The study also
emphasises on contemporary sustainability practices like circular economy in transportation
systems to identify the overall positive impacts on environment focusing on strategic
developments. However, incorporation of customer behaviour assessment in terms of adapting
sustainability practices like electric vehicles and other sustainability principles is a crucial factor
in the contemporary world. The subjective as well as objective approaches through thematic
analysis and significantly evaluates these areas of development and to enhance the overall
knowledge and understanding. However, the research shows that complexities and barriers like
inefficient collaboration and rigidity in adopting sustainability practices in different areas of
modern transportation is one of the most crucial factors in current and transportation scenarios.
Moreover, this factor signifies that more effective governmental as well as organisational
approaches are needed to to identify the gaps and develop scopes for improvement ( Pan et al.,

Reasoning-based analysis signifies the importance of effective adoptions of technological models

to enhance the overall performance and efficiency that can minimise the environmental impacts
in the transportation sector. On the other hand, the qualitative data analysis along with the
subjective approach essentially focuses on the importance of digital processors and information
and communication technology (ICT) to create a higher degree of integrity through sustainable
transportation management. These processes are crucial for creating a high degree of integration
and effective stakeholder management to encourage innovation and the implementation of

innovative business models focusing on public transport as well as business supply chain. Apart
from that, these strategic developments are playing a vital role for minimising environmental
impacts in an expanded manner. Apart from that, as the technological landscape is expanding,
understanding the true scope of developments is essential to enhance sustainability through these
new technologies. Creating a higher degree of integration is one of the most significant
approaches to effectively adopt sustainability practices in transportation systems that can
minimise environmental impacts significantly (Zhao et al., 2020). On the other hand, focusing on
climate change and pollution is gaining potential in recent years by aligning the strategies with
the SDGs. The current data essentially shows the positive response in terms of environmental
changes and climate change by minimising the GHGs emission and adopting carbon neutral
strategies for business organisations.

Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendation

6.1 Conclusion
This research work significantly focuses on the current practices and the significance of
sustainable transportation by focusing on different areas of development. The research shows
that these approaches essentially emphasises on the qualitative and quantitative data analysis
through analysis by incorporating a large and vast range of secondary and data relevant to the
subject. However, as the contemporary world signifies an expanding demand globally,
transportations sector is playing a vital role in contributing to environmental impacts, which can
create significant levels of issues like environmental impacts and climate change. Adopting
sustainable principles through broader practices has the potential to minimise these impacts on a
large scale, which needs to be developed through strategic management in the transportation
sector. On the other hand, the subjective data analysis in this research focuses on comparative
study of before and after the implementation of sustainable practices in the transportation sector.
These aspects are essentially emphasising on the evidential data of reason to identify the barriers
and scopes that can improve the scenario focusing on different organisational approaches as well
as governmental initiatives. The decarbonisation goals by the UK government and business
organisations are playing a vital role in this study which is providing effective insights on
contemporary sustainable practices. On the other hand, evaluating the societal and economic

impacts through businesses and public transportation is also playing a vital role in this research
However, developing the carbon neutral goals by the governments and business organisations
essentially need to emphasise on the strategic developments under governmental and
organisational policies to enhance sustainable practices in the transportation system. On the other
hand, it is evident that creating governance and control is also required to enhance the
effectiveness of strategic implementations that can minimise the environmental impacts on a
large scale. As the study significantly focuses on the specific areas of research related to
sustainable transport, the evaluation of pollution and consumer behaviour for driving the
adoptions like usage of electric cars is also showing a crucial role. However, data evaluation
through the objective approaches of vertical studies show a significant improvement in the case
of air pollution due to the adoption of sustainable practices in the transportation system in
Europe. Additionally, emphasising on the recent research data and vertical study data in this
research essentially fulfils the understanding on sustainability adoptions and its positive impacts
on environment. The comparative study clearly shows the adverse impacts of avoiding
sustainable transportation and positive influences of implementing the sustainable practices in
the transportation system. The data analysis has the significant potential for future developments
and strategic management of sustainable transport by assessing the challenges and scopes of
6.2 Linking with the research objectives
Objective 1: To develop effective understanding on sustainable transportation development
strategies in business supply chain management and public transportation.
This research objective emphasises on the role of sustainable transportation in the contemporary
business context to reduce environmental impacts. However, the thematic analysis significantly
incorporates a vast range of recent data based on research outcomes to understand the influences
of sustainable practices. The subjective reasoning-based approach essentially shows the recent
sustainable practices in transportation systems which are gaining potential. On the other hand,
the strategic implementations in organisational and governmental levels in the UK is effectively
focusing on minimisation of carbon and GHGs emissions by adopting sustainable goals.
However, the current practices and their impacts on the environment, climate change, economy

and society is showing a significant level of positive impacts through sustainable adoptions on a
large scale.
Objective 2: To critically evaluate the advantages of sustainable transportation systems in the
current context.
Achieving the second objective essentially shows the importance of recent developments and the
ongoing adoption process of sustainable practices in the transportation sector. Thematic analysis
through the secondary data evaluation effectively focuses on the evidential data analysis through
the quantitative and qualitative data incorporations. On the other hand, the literature review of
this study also shows the importance of highly integrated approaches in the transportation sector
which are playing a vital role in contemporary transportation management. The theoretical
approach also signifies the Four Dimensional approaches focusing on effective urban planning,
climate mitigation, energy efficiency, and sustainable tourism to create positive impacts. The
critical assessment of the Global Development Research Center (GDRC) essentially creates
effective insights on the current developments and benefits of sustainable transportation in an
extensive manner.
Objective 3: To develop comparative study on the harmful impacts due to avoiding sustainable
transport management.
The third research objective deals with the importance of sustainable transportation through a
comparative approach with the traditional approaches in the transportation sector. The effective
data evaluation essentially shows that avoiding sustainable practices and extensive usage of
fossil fuels and inefficient energy management has created enormous level of adverse impacts on
the environment. Issues like climate change are being assessed to implement sustainable
practices in transportation on a large scale by defining and achieving the long-term goals. On the
other hand, the shift towards green energy and biofuel in aviation and road transportation is
gaining potential. Innovating green energy and the influences of Industry 4.0 aspects are playing
a vital role for these adoptions on a large scale.
Objective 4: To create strategic recommendations for developing a sustainable transportation
sector by assessing the challenges and scopes.
This research objective provides an in-depth understanding of current barriers and scopes and
develops strategic recommendations through technological advancement and strategic
regulations. However, assessing the current global scenario, achieving Net Zero approach in

transportation and organisational supply chain management is the key to develop sustainable
practices. This research shows the importance of effective stakeholder management and
consumer behaviour assessment to enhance the overall adoption of sustainable practices in the
transportation sector. For instance, focusing on aviation and long distance freight management
through supply chain management is also playing a vital role in contemporary transportation
management. Moreover, eliminating fossil fuels in logistics management and public
transportation is playing a vital role in minimising GHGs and carbon emissions.
6.3 Recommendations
Identification of current barriers
Effective assessment of the contemporary scenario of sustainable transportation and finding the
gaps is essential to develop future strategies. This factor can help the governments and business
organisations to develop effective strategic approaches to minimise environmental impacts
(Söderholm et al., 2019).
Exploring he technological scopes
Implementation of digitalised approaches and new technologies is playing a crucial role for
expanding the implementations of sustainable transportation ( Secundo et al., 2020). Effective
assessment of Industry 4.0 has the potential to expand capacity of sustainable transportation
Developing effective regulatory policies
Policy developments and regulations are one of the most important factors in adopting
sustainable practices on a large scale. Governmental interventions and organisational
interventions in a responsible manner can enhance the sustainability performance in a broader
Creating global awareness
This factor can essentially enhance the sustainable practices adoption rate among the consumers
as well as the business organisations ( Razmjoo et al., 2022). Apart from that, creating value
through effective campaigns and initiatives can significantly improve the sustainable practices in
the transportation sector.
6.4 Research limitations
This study significantly deals with the secondary data and a combination of primary research
could enhance overall effectiveness of the analytical outcomes regarding sustainable

transportation practices. Apart from that, the combined primary research would be more
beneficial for developing a deeper grasp and knowledge of the current business context, but time
constraints and a constrained financial budget were also significant factors in this study.
However, the limited time and resources is a crucial factor for data incorporation and evaluation
in this study which also signifies the limitation on the broader data accumulation from personal
experiences of the participants through a primary study.
6.5 Future scope
This study deals with the contemporary environmental concerns and tries to eliminate the
traditional transportation practices by adopting sustainable developments effectively. The
analytical findings of this study also offer a higher degree of accountability in understanding the
environmental implications because they draw secondary data from a wide range of authentic
and pertinent sources related to modern sustainable transportation practices. In this rapidly
changing period of global market development and Industry 4.0 context, this research project has
the potential to provide knowledge and understanding related to the subject in future research

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Research context First level coding Second level Major themes


practices for
system Influences of Sustainability in
sustainability transportation

Sustainable practices in approaches
transportation transportation
strategic sector
developments in
the UK
Analysing the
effectiveness of
sustainable Influences of
transportation strategies sustainability
Impacts of
in reducing carbon practices in
sustainable Positive influences of
emissions and / or transportation
transport in sustainable
contemporary transportation in
environmental Global context in
global scenario current world
sustainability terms of

assessment of
Adverse impacts of
traditional and
avoiding Issues with avoidance
sustainable of sustainable
transport practices transportation
on a large scale
Impacts of
transport in supply
chain management

frameworks for
Assessment for

minimising strategic Strategic
environmental developments to recommendations for
impacts adopt effective sustainable
sustainable transportation
Assessment of transportation development
scopes in the UK
market to develop


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