Senior Product Perspectus

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‭Kylie Wittnebel‬

‭Product Prospectus‬

‭Mr. Rudebusch‬


‭Kylie’s Product Prospectus‬

‭For my senior product prospectus, I am creating a pamphlet informing pet owners on‬

‭neutering and spaying their pets. The pamphlet will include information about why you should‬

‭spay or neuter your pet and when you should do it. The information will help pet owners make‬

‭easier decisions when determining their pets’ health. On the first page there will be an appealing‬

‭picture of a pet and their owner with the title. On the next page the header will be a commonly‬

‭asked question, followed by an answer to fill the rest of the page with other little details. The rest‬

‭of the pages will follow the same format. I want to answer all potential questions that might arise‬

‭when trying to decide to get your pet neutered or spayed, while not overwhelming my reader. I‬

‭want my pamphlet to be light, easy to read, and grab the attention of the readers.‬

‭In order to make this pamphlet I will need to find a design that will fit the image I have in‬

‭my head. To find this design I will be looking on canva and maybe some other websites as well,‬

‭if I don’t find what I’m looking for. After I find a design I will have a lot of research to do for my‬

‭topic so I can inform my readers with accurate and useful information. I plan to look and find a‬

‭design by Wednesday, February 15th. So, I give myself enough time to conduct my research.‬

‭Once I finish finding my design I want to research 1 to 2 topic ideas a week to stay on top of my‬

‭project. I plan on finishing my whole product a week before the due date. This way, if I need to‬

‭make any more changes, I have enough time and fresh eyes.‬

‭The part that I am looking forward to the most about this project is making the design and‬

‭customizing it to my style. I am also looking forward to answering some of the questions that I‬

‭have myself about this topic. I am excited to learn and share what I learn. One part that I think‬

‭will be particularly hard is researching and checking the credibility of my resources. In order to‬

‭make sure all of my research is credible, I will look into the website I am using and make sure‬

‭whoever made the website is credible. Dr. Hennen, my mentor, would also be another great‬

‭source. Plus, I wouldn’t have to worry about credibility because veterinary science is a‬

‭continuing education job. She would be up to date about any and all procedures, along with when‬

‭pet owners should do them because she has had lots of experience.‬

‭Overall, I have given myself a good outline of how I want things to look. So, finding a‬

‭design and getting started is going to be the first hill I have to tackle. Once I find a design,‬

‭everything will start flowing, it will be hard to put the project down. I am very excited to start‬

‭this project and can’t wait to see what I learn.‬

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