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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7

Diet Recommendation System based on Different

Machine Learners: A Review
M egh Shah Sheshang Degadwala Dhairya Vyas
2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS) | 978-1-6654-0052-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICAIS53314.2022.9742919

Research Student, Associate Professor, M anaging Director,

Dept. of Comp. Eng., Dept. of Comp. Eng., Shree Drashti Infotech LLP,
Sigma Institute of Engineering, Sigma Institute of Engineering, Vadodara,
Vadodara, Gujarat, India Vadodara, Gujarat, India Gujarat, India

Abstract— “ In today's culture, many people suffer from a and diabetes. Dietary variables are also a significant
range of ailments and illnesses. It's not always simple to contribution to levels of malnutrit ion, obesity, and overweight,
recommend a diet right away. The majority of individuals are according to the Global Burden of Disease Study, and
frantically trying to reduce weight, gain weight, or keep their unreasonably restrictive diets are responsible for 11 million
health in check. Time has also become a potential stumbling preventable early deaths each year [3]. Food recommendation
block. The study relies on a database that has the exact amounts is a vital job in food computing since it aims to locate
of a variety of nutrients. As a result of the circumstance, a
acceptable food products for users based on their individual
program that would encourage individuals to eat healthier has
requirements. As a result, it plays an essential part in human
been created. Only three sorts of goods are recommended: weight
loss, weight gain, and staying healthy. The Diet Recommendation
dietary decision- making.
S ystem leverages user inputs such as medical data and the option When compared to other types of suggestion, food advice
of vegetarian or non-vegetarian meals from the two categories has its unique set of qualities. In the case of food preference
above to predict food items. We'll discuss about food learning, this is a key phase in the process of making meal
classification, parameters, and machine learning in this post. This recommendations. Food choice, on the other hand, is
study also includes a comparative re view of the advantages and
influenced by a variety of variables, including taste
disadvantages of machine learning methods. Finally, we'll discuss preferences, perceptual differences, cognitive restraints,
future research directions for the diet guidance system. ” cultural familiarity, and even hereditary influence1. As a result,
Keywords— Diet Recommendation, Machine Learning, proper food preference learning is more difficult to achieve in
Clustering, Health Factors, vegetarian and non-vegetarian this situation.
The paper review d iet reco mmender method was developed
I. INT RODUCT ION in order to encourage a healthy lifestyle in Mauritius. The
A significant component in human existence is the state of remaining sections of the paper are organised as follows:
one's health. People are neglecting their physical and mental Section II describes the associated works of the present paper
health as a result of their hectic schedules and heavy diet guidance system and the significance of these studies.
workloads. Physical inactivity is the most serious concern Section III describes the work done in the area of methodology.
facing today's age, The World Health Organization says so. A study of deep learning approaches for recommendation
People who desire to live a healthy lifestyle should follo w their systems is presented in Section IV, which co mpares machine
normal eating and exercise routines. In order to be healthy and learning classifiers with deep learning methods for
preserve their health, humans need a certain quantity of recommendation systems. Finally, Section V provides a rough
nourishment. According to [1, 2], dietary factors are a major outline of the flo w and considers potential future
contributing factor to the rapid rise in the prevalence of obesity developments.

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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7


logistic regression, naive bayes, Recurrent Neural Network

(RNN), Mult ilayer Perceptron (MLP), Gated Recurrent Un its
II. RELAT ED W ORKS (GRU), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (LSTM). For
Thi Ngoc Trang et al [1] demonstrate how their technique inclusion in the medical dataset, 30 individuals' data with 13
may be utilised to give a complete evaluation of current features of various ailments, as well as 1000 items, were
research on healthcare recommender systems: Nonetheless, this gathered via the internet and hospitals. There are eight features
research varies from previous related overview studies in that it in the product area. Before being submitted to deep learning
provides insight into recommended scenarios and approaches. and machine learning-based techniques, the properties of this
This type of proposal includes food suggestions, medication IoMT data were analysed and further encoded. The results
recommendations, health status predictions, healthcare service reveal that the LSTM approach beats the competition in terms
recommendations, and healthcare professional of forecasting accuracy, recall, precision, and other F1-
recommendations. They also present real-world examp les to measures, among other things, when compared to competing
assist students gain a full understanding of recommendation machine learning and deep learning methodologies. 97.74
systems. Based on their most current reports and personal percent accuracy is obtained using the LSTM deep learning
health facts, they feel their System may be fundamentally model. Similarly, permitted classes get accuracy, recall, and
advantageous for physicians to recommend diet and exercise, F1-measure scores of 98 percent, 99 percent, and 99 percent,
which they believe is a huge breakthrough. To do this, they respectively, but not-allowed classes achieve precision, recall,
have divided the system into two modules: 1. Health and F1-measure scores of 89 percent, 73 percent, and 80
monitoring; 2. Reco mmendations for diet and physical activity. percent, respectively.
The system would suggest that the reports be restored to Firstyani Imannisa Rah ma et al [5] how a system may use
normal during follow-up sessions in the Health Monitoring data from the COVID-19 Task Force in this province, as well
module. as the Indonesian Dietary Recommendations, to help decide
Wenbin Yue et al [3] declare that the goal of this work is to which nutrition is necessary by recovered patients after
provide a comprehensive examination of traditional discharge. The following criteria were us ed to calculate body
recommendation methodologies and applications in the mass for the prototype of this system: Weight of the Age
healthcare field. Content-based recommendation (also known Group 3, Vegetable Consumption 4, Fat Consumption 4, Salt &
as CF reco mmendation), collaborative filtering (CF Sugar Consumption 2, and Sports Body Mass Pattern 1 =
recommendation), and hybrid recommendation are three major 0.34980639174099 and Pattern 2 = 0.65019360825901 are the
recommendation methodologies discussed. Following that, a Pattern Preference values obtained after cranking the two
high-level overview of five health-related application patterns used: Pattern 1 = 0.34980639174099 and Pattern 2 =
scenarios, including dietary advice, lifestyle advice, training 0.65019360825901. Pattern 2 has the highest preference value
advice, patient and physician decision-making, and illness that can be used as a recommendation: 0.65019360825901.
prediction, among others has been offered. Finally, some of the Ro meshwar Sookrah et al [6]. It consists of a
most critical challenges confronting this new and developing recommendation engine that uses content-based filtering and
profession are recognised, along with compelling reasons. machine learning algorith ms to recommend hypertensive
Celestine Iwendi et al [4] explore how their system may be patients personalised diet plans based on factors like age, food
utilised to gather data. This research framework aims to preferences, allergies, smoking and alcohol consumption,
implement both machine and deep learning algorithms such blood pressure, and dietary intake, among others. The system is

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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7

based on a smartphone application that is simp le to use and purpose of the proposed technique is to improve the accuracy
carry about. The application has aided users in regulating and of the pre-training model. The author of the essay offers a
reducing their blood pressure, according to the findings of a client-server architecture for a prototype system. The client
survey. submits an image detection request, which is subsequently
processed by the server. There are three key software
Weiqing Min et al [7] present an uniform paradig m for
components in the prototype system: a pre-trained CNN model
meal advice. The primary concerns that impact food training module for classification, a text data training module
recommendation are identified in the article, including the
for attribute estimation, and a pre-trained CNN model training
inclusion of varied context and domain information, the module for attribute estimation.
creation of a personal model, the study of unique food
attributes, and the application of machine learning. Following Samuel Manoharanand et al [15] introduced a k-clique
that, we'll go through some of the present solutions to these embedded deep learning classifier reco mmendation system for
issues, as well as some of the research challenges and future suggesting diets to patients in paper, and it has been effectively
potential in this field. As far as known, this is the first survey to implemented. The K-clique was added to the recommendation
focus on food suggestion in the multimed ia industry and to system in order to improve the precision and accuracy of the
create a collection of research papers and technologies that will deep learning classifier, which had previously failed (gated
be valuable to academics in the subject. recurrent units). To establish a dataset for empirical study of
the proposed system, patient information was obtained from
Berkeley N. Limketkai et al [8] talk on how to utilise the mu ltiple sources, including the internet and hospitals. A total of
system. As computing technology has evolved throughout
50 patients were studied, with thirteen features of various
time, it has made it easier to integrate digital technology into
illnesses, and a total of 1,000 goods were studied, with eight
the medical industry, which is now being followed by similar feature sets. Before being given to the deep learning classifiers
applications in clinical nutrition. This paper discusses a variety
for categorization, all of these features were encoded and
of uses of such technologies for nutrition, including the use of organised into many groups. The improved precision and
mobile apps and wearable technology, as well as the
accuracy observed for the developed system experimentally are
development of decision support systems for parenteral feeding compared with machine learning techniques such as logistic
and the use of telehealth for remote nutritional evaluation.
regression and Nave Bayes, as well as other deep learning
Junkang Zhao et al [9] Dietary pattern analysis is one way classifiers such as the MLP and RNN, to demonstrate the
of inquiry that might be used to better understand the complex proficiency of the K-clique deep learning classifier-based
relationship between nutrition and health. Although there are recommendation system (K-DLRS).
various statistical methodologies available, the literature Iigo Orue Saiz et al [16] attempt to determine what research
favours more conventional methods such as dietary quality
have been conducted and what recommendation systems have
ratings, principal component analysis, factor analysis, been used for this goal during the previous five years in the
clustering analysis, and reduced rank regression, among others.
major databases. One observation that can be made fro m the
Several innovative techniques have been assessed and explored results obtained is that the existing works place a strong
in depth very infrequently, if at all.
emphasis on the recommendation system (which is usually
Wickramasinghe et al [10], the strategy that may be collaborative filtering) and less emphasis on data description or
employed in this study is to treat the sickness by following a the sample under investigation; the indices used for the
suitable diet plan and then using classification algorithms to calculation of calories or nutrients are not specified.
discover the most appropriate diet plan. The suggested work Consequently, it is vital to work with open data or well-
agreements correspond to the recommendation of various described data, which enables the experience to be replicated
dietary programmes for CKD patients based on their blood by other parties, or at the very least to be similar, in order to be
potassium levels, as predicted by the potassium zone for CKD successful. The society has placed a high importance on the
patients. Multiclass Decision Jungle, Multiclass Decision development of healthy habits, particularly diet-oriented
Forest, Multiclass Neural Network, Multiclass Logistic behaviours, in recent years, and this has become one of its most
Regression, and Multiclass Logistic Regression are among the important priorities.
algorithms employed in the experiment. The results show that M. Geetha et al [17] emp loy a machine learning technique
the Multiclass Decision Forest approach exceeds the other
to analyse the body of a person with a pre-medical history and
classification methods in terms of accuracy, with a score of forecast the future health status over the course of a calendar
99.17 percent.
year. It g ives diet advice systems that take into account present
Anonnya Banerjee et al [12] proposed the Nourishment and prior food consumption records, and it recommends correct
Recommendation Framework (NRF), in which user input is diet reports in a more dependable way than before.
received fro m children, assess the data, and provide an output
that provides a better diet plan as a final result. Its purpose is to III. M ET HODOLOGY
provide nutritional meals matched to the age, development, A. Datasets:
gender, and health records of children aged 8 to 13.
 “In [3] example of a formalised the dataset that was
During the training phase of the prototype system, Zhidong utilised to perform this project consists of a collection
Shen and colleagues present a neural network that classifies of different food products as well as the time period
food into defined categories, as described in [14]. The major during which the food must be eaten, i.e., dinner,

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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7

breakfast, and lunch, among other things. In addition , comparable to the items on which the user has taken
the collection provides information about whether a action. The most common method of determin ing
certain food item is vegetarian or not. Food.csv may be whether or not a user loves an item is to look at both his
found at L exp licit feedback (rating) and imp licit feedback
project/blob/master/food.csv.” (browsing and purchase history).
B. Pre-Process D. Machine Learning
 “ Normalization [4,12] normalisation is the process of  The Support Vector Machine (SVM) “ may be used to
reducing a dataset to a single range of values which is solve both classification and regression problems. The
done since the dataset has a variety of scale values; Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a widely used
some are single digit values, some features have two Supervised Learning tool for solving classification and
digest values, and some features have three-digit values; regression issues. The goal of the SVM technique is to
to bring all of the values into a single scale in order to find the best line or decision boundary for categorising
improve the performance of machine learning models, n-dimensional space into classes, such that subsequent
min-max normalisation is used. In this study, min-max data points may be easily placed in the correct category
scaling is used to normalise data that fall between 0 and after the first. A hyperplane is a boundary that indicates
1 on the scale.” the best possible choice. The extreme points/vectors that
will help in the creation of the hyperplane are chosen
 Data “ encoding [4,16,17] is performed after inconsistent using SVM. The mechanism utilised is a Support
and duplicate values have been eliminated fro m the Vector Machine, and support vectors are the most
dataset, in accordance with the findings of this study. severe examp les of this approach. SVMs may be
Following that, the nominal characteristics are classified into two groups.” [2,4,8]
translated to numerical values. The reason for this is
because backend operations in machine learning models  The Naive “ Bayes approach, which is based on the
are performed on numeric values before they are Bayes theorem, is an efficient supervised learning
implemented using a machine learning model, hence strategy for classification tasks. The Naive Bayes
doing so will improve performance. The non-numeric Classifier is a basic and effective classification
data used in this study was transformed to numeric data approach that assists in the building of fast machine
before being used in the data encoding process. Before learning models that produce accurate predictions. It has
providing input to the proposed model, backend a wide range of uses. It's a probabilistic classifier, which
computations were conducted on numeric values rather means it generates predictions based on the chances of
than nominal values using machine learning ” methods. something existing. Spam filtering, sentiment analysis,
and article categorization are just a few of the uses for
C. Features Selection: the Naive Bayes Algorithm. It's typically utilised for
 “It is possible to pick features by using the recursive text classification assignments that require a lot of data
feature elimination (RFE) approach, which fits a model to ” train with. [3,6,9]
and eliminates the weakest feature (or features) until
the desired number of features is obtained. Features are  The “ Decision Tree is a supervised learning strategy that
ranked according to the model's coef_ or feature may be used to tackle classification and regression
importance’s_ attributes, and by recursively problems. However, it is most commonly used to solve
eliminating a s mall number of features per loop, RFE categorization issues. The core nodes in this tree-
attempts to eliminate any dependencies or collinearity structured classifier contain dataset properties, branches
that may exist in the model. RFE is a type of represent decision rules, and leaf nodes offer the
dependency and collinearity elimination algorith m. conclusion. A decision tree is made up of two nodes:
When submitting an RFE, a certain number of features the Decision Node and the Leaf Node. Choice nodes are
must be retained; however, the exact number of used to make any kind of decision and have a lot of
features that must be retained ” is not always known in branches, whereas Leaf nodes are the consequence of
advance. [14]. such decisions and have no more branches. The
evaluations or tests are carried out in line with the
 In [14,16] technique selects attributes based on a features of the dataset given. The components described
decision tree, which is used for the selection process. It in the issue or decision are used to create a visual
creates a structure that looks like a flow chart, with representation of all possible solutions to a problem or”
nodes signifying tests on different attributes. Each option. [1,12,15]
branch corresponds to the result of a test, and each leaf
node represents a prediction about a class. The property  Ext ra “ Trees Classifier (Extra Trees Classifier) is an
that does not form a component of the tree is deemed ensemble learning strategy that generates a
irrelevant and is thus thrown away. classification result by integrating the results of
numerous de-correlated decision trees gathered in a
 Content-based filtering [2] is a method that is often used "forest" into a single classification result. Despite the
in the development of features. In a content-based fact that it uses a simpler technique to build the decision
recommendation system, new products will be offered trees that make up the ensemble, it may often produce
to a user based on their content characteristics that are results that are on par with, if not better than, those

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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7

achieved using the random forest algorithm. It's also TABLE II. MACHINE LEARNING
straightforward to use, since it just has a few key Method Pros Cons
hyperparameters to adjust, as well as clear instructions Support SVM is a simpler algorithm. SVM is a binary
on how to change their” values. Vector Make very accurate classifiers. classifier; pair-wise
Machine Less over-fitting, more noise- classifications may be
 The “ K-Nearest Neighbor technique is based on the [1,4,6] resistant. utilised to perform
Supervised Learning methodology and is one of the multi-class
most often used Machine Learning algorith ms. The K- classifications.
Because it is
NN approach assumes that the new case/data and past computationally
cases are comparable, and it places the new examp le in costly, it is sluggish.
the category that is closest to the existing categories. Decision tree During pre-processing, less A slight change in the
The K-NN algorith m stores all of the existing data and [6,7,2] work is required for data data can result in a
classifies incoming data points depending on how preparation. substantial change in
Data does not need to be the decision tree's
similar they are to previous data. This means that new
normalized or scaled. structure, resulting in
data may be swiftly sorted into a well-defined category In addition, missing values in instability.
using the K-NN approach, saving time and effort. the data have little impact on It takes longer to train
Although the K-NN technique may be used for both the decision tree-building the model.
regression and classification, classification is the most process. Because of the
common use. The K-NN approach makes no A decision tree paradigm is intricacy and time
simple to understand and required, it is rather
assumptions about the data it is given because it is a implement. costly.
non-parametric algorithm. The KNN approach only Insufficient for
saves data during the training phase, and when new data predicting continuous
is received, it is classified into a category that is values and using
extremely similar to the data it recorded during the regression.
K-Nearest Training data that is resistant to When it comes to
training ” phase. [1,6,14,16]
Neighbor noise distance learning, it's
 Random “ Forest is a well-known machine learn ing [8,11] If the training data is not always apparent
substantial, it is effective. the sort of distance to
approach for learning new things that use the supervised utilize or which
learning technique. Depending on the scenario, machine characteristic to
learning may be applied to both classification and employ to get the
regression problems. It is based on ensemble learning, greatest results.
which is a method for combining several classifiers to Random Improves the accuracy. Longer Training
Forest [8] Reduce over fitting Period Due to
solve a complex problem and improve the model's
It can be used to solve both Complexity
performance. Random Forest is a classification classification as well as
technique that combines the results of many decision regression problems.
trees on different subsets of a dataset and averages the
results in order to improve the dataset's projected TABLE III. DEEP LEARNING
accuracy. The random forest collects predictions from
Method Pros Cons
each tree and forecasts the ultimate conclusion based on Increased efficiency. Takes more time to
CNN [15]
the majority of votes collected, rather than relying on a It is simple to categories. train
single decision tree. The more trees in the forest, the Deals with a large amount of Complex
more accurate the model gets, and the risk of ” data
overfitting is reduced. [2,4,5,9,10] Handles a wide range of data
RNN [15] Every piece of knowledge It is quite tough to
IV. COMPARAT IVE ST UDY accumulated through time. It is train an RNN.
only effective in time series When utilizing tanh or
This section will go through the most commonly used prediction since it has the relu as an activation
machine learn ing algorithms and transfer learning algorithms, ability to recall past inputs. function, it won't be
as well as their advantages. There are other disadvantages. able to handle very
lengthy sequences.


As shown in figure 1 tentative system flow which will work
for future direction for making diet recommendation system.

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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS-2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-0052-7


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