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Can you describe the moment you realized you needed to take action after the Tubbs

● "Seeing my community in ruins was a wake-up call. The devastation made me
understand the urgent need to address climate change and help my community
What motivated you to focus on educating your community about sustainability?
● "I believe that knowledge is power. Educating the community about
sustainable living can have a lasting impact on preventing future disasters like
the Tubbs fire."
How did you start your journey towards rebuilding the community's gardens?
● "I began by removing invasive species in local gardens. It was a small step,
but it quickly grew into a larger effort with the help of volunteers from my
Why do you think clean-up drives are important for your community?
● "Clean-up drives are not just about cleaning; they're about understanding the
impact of our waste on the environment and how changing small daily habits
can contribute to a healthier planet."
What has been the most significant change in your community's attitude towards the
● "The biggest change has been in their mindset. Seeing the community start to
value sustainability and actively engage in environmental practices has been
the real victory."
How did your school contribute to the environmental movement you started?
● "My school embraced an environmental curriculum and switched to 100%
renewable energy. This not only supported the movement but also showed the
community what's possible when we commit to change."
What were some of the challenges you faced in getting people involved in your cause?
● "The hardest part was convincing people to see the urgency and join the cause.
It took time, but with every activity, more people began to understand and
How has your perspective changed since you began your environmental advocacy?
● "I've learned the importance of patience, optimism, and community. It's shown
me that change is possible when we work together towards a common goal."
What advice do you have for others who want to start their own environmental
● "Start small, focus on education, and show people the impact of their actions.
Building trust and a sense of community is key to driving change."
Looking forward, how do you plan to expand your environmental advocacy beyond
your community?
● "I'm hoping to inspire similar initiatives in other communities. By sharing our
successes and lessons learned, I want to spark a wider movement that leads to
lasting environmental change."

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