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Programme Course Code Title

DSC 25: Database

M.Sc. ( SS) 18SSI25
Management Systems

Preamble: To familiarize the students with Database Management System concepts

and equip them to handle the Oracle implementation of the DBMS.

Unit I:
Basic Concepts: Data Modeling for a Database: Entities and Their Attributes -
Relationships - The Three Level Architecture Proposal for a DBMS –Mapping between
views - Data Independence - Components of a DBMS: Classification of DBMS Users
- DBMS Facilities - Structure of a DBMS - Advantages and Disadvantages of a
DBMS. Introduction to the Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases -
Database Schema – keys - Schema Diagrams.

Unit II:
Introduction to SQL: Overview of the SQL Query Language-SQL Data Definition-
Basic Structure of SQL Queries - Additional Basic Operations –Set Operations – Null
values - Aggregate Functions-Nested Subqueries - Modification of the Database -
Formal Relational Query Languages: The Relational Algebra.

Unit III:
Database Design and the E-R Model: The Entity-Relationship Model-Constraints -
Entity-Relationship Diagrams - Relational Database Design: Features of Good
Relational Designs- Atomic Domains and First Normal Form - Decomposition using
Functional Dependencies - Decomposition using Multivalued Dependencies.

Unit IV:
PL/SQL: Introduction - The PL/SQL Execution Environment-The PL/SQL Syntax -
Understanding the PL/SQL Block Structure - Oracle Transactions: Concurrency
Control in Oracle: Locks – Cursors - Error Handling in PL/SQL.

Unit V:
Stored Procedures: What are Procedures? Where do Procedures Reside? -
Advantages of Procedure - Syntax for Creating Stored Procedure - An
Application Using a Procedure - Stored Functions: What Are Functions? -
Advantages of Functions - Syntax for Creating a Stored Function -An Application Using
a Function - Deleting a stored function- Database Triggers: Use of Database
Triggers - Types of Triggers - Syntax for Creating Trigger - Deleting a Trigger- An
application using database triggers - PL/SQL: Records: Table-Based-Records-
Cursor-Based- Records-Programmer-Defined – Record -PL/SQL tables - Built-In
Packages: The dbms_output Package-The dbms_sql Package.

CIA : 25 Marks; End Semester : 75 Marks

Text Books:

A. Bipin C. Desai; An Introduction to Database Systems; Revised First Edition;

Glogotia Publications Private Limited, 2014.
B. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S.Sudarshan; Database System Concepts;
Sixth Edition, Tata MC-Graw Hill Publications Private Limited, 2011.
C. Ivan Bayross; Commercial Application Development Using Oracle Developer
2000; Second Edition; BPB Publications, 2010.
D. Rajshekhar Sunderraman; Oracle 10g, Programming A Primer, Pearson
Education, 2011.

Reference Book:
A. Rajesh Narang; Database Management System; Second Edition; PHI
Learning Private Limited, 2012.

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