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Teaching Julius Caesar to tenth graders serves multiple purposes beyond just understanding

the play itself. Studying Julius Caesar can provide opportunities for developing a recognition of
historical context and its impact on literature along with literary analysis and critical thinking
skills. Additionally, studying Shakespeare can help students develop an appreciation for classic
literature. While a more contemporary play could generate similar goals, Julius Caesar's
historical and cultural significance can add depth to the learning experience.

Moreover, I could consider incorporating more interactive activities like role-playing scenes to
address students' struggles. Also, it may be beneficial for me to show the film at this point to
enhance understanding. While altering plans may be challenging, it's never too late to adapt
and find new ways to engage students effectively.

Additionally, tenth-grade students may have little dramatic backgrounds. Some students may
have viewed or had a role in a play. Furthermore, previous teachings may have focused on
basic elements and play structures.

Overall, teaching Julius Caesar to tenth graders enhances historical understanding, literary
analysis, and critical thinking skills, fostering an appreciation for classic literature through
interactive activities like role-playing and film viewing. This approach considers students' limited
dramatic experience and prior focus on basic elements and play structures.

You bring up a very good point that I had not considered, “Students are often more engaged
when they can relate to the content”. I agree that students are more likely to be engaged if the
content is something that they can relate to. I do try to find articles and texts that I know my
students will enjoy reading in my class. For example, I recently used an article about the game
Roblox to teach context clues. I noticed my students were more alert and thoughtfully
participated in the class discussion. The relatable content appeared to have encouraged my
students to want to share their thoughts and reactions.

Your response resonates with my beliefs that studying the language of Julius Caesar can
indeed offer numerous benefits to students. The complex language used in Julius Caesar can
expose students to a wide range of vocabulary, and help them improve their word knowledge
and usage. Additionally, analyzing the intricate language and themes in the text can challenge
students to improve their comprehension skills by understanding deeper meanings and
nuances. Julius Caesar offers a multitude of opportunities for students to interpret characters'
motives, themes, and historical contexts, enhancing their critical thinking and interpretation
skills. Overall, studying Julius Caesar can be a valuable learning experience for students.

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