Rapid Weed Adaptation and Range Expansion in Response To Agriculture Over The Past Two Centuries

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EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY for 29 gene ontology (GO) biological process

terms related to growth and development;
Rapid weed adaptation and range expansion in reproduction; cellular metabolic processes;
and responses to abiotic, endogenous, and ex-
response to agriculture over the past two centuries ternal stimuli, including responses to chem-
icals (table S1). The importance of chemical
Julia M. Kreiner1,2*, Sergio M. Latorre3,4, Hernán A. Burbano3,4, John R. Stinchcombe5, inputs in shaping weed agricultural adapta-
Sarah P. Otto2,6, Detlef Weigel4, Stephen I. Wright5 tion is clear in that the most significant agri-
culturally associated SNP {raw P value = 8.6 ×
North America has experienced a massive increase in cropland use since 1800, accompanied more 10−11; [false discovery rate (FDR)–corrected]
recently by the intensification of agricultural practices. Through genome analysis of present-day and Q value = 0.00062} falls just 80 kb outside the
historical samples spanning environments over the past two centuries, we studied the effect of gene protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)—the
these changes in farming on the extent and tempo of evolution across the native range of the common target of PPO-inhibiting herbicides (Fig. 2B).
waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus), a now pervasive agricultural weed. Modern agriculture has PPO-inhibiting herbicides were widely used in
imposed strengths of selection rarely observed in the wild, with notable shifts in allele frequency the 1990s and have had a recent resurgence
trajectories since agricultural intensification in the 1960s. An evolutionary response to this extreme to control and slow the spread of glyphosate-
selection was facilitated by a concurrent human-mediated range shift. By reshaping genome-wide resistant weeds (26, 27). Other genes with the
diversity across the landscape, agriculture has driven the success of this weed in the 21st century. strongest agricultural associations include
ACO1, which has been shown to confer oxi-

dative stress tolerance (28); HB13, involved
gricultural practices across North America part in natural, riparian habitats (16, 17), which in pollen viability (29) as well as drought and
have rapidly intensified over the past provides an opportunity to investigate the time salt tolerance (30); PME3, involved in growth

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two centuries through cropland expansion scale and extent of contemporary agricultural through germination timing (31); CAM1, a regu-
(1), monoculture plantings (2, 3), and adaptation. The genetic changes underlying lator of senescence in response to stress (32, 33);
increased chemical inputs (4, 5). Since weediness are particularly important to under- and both CRY2 and CPD, two key regulators of
the beginning of the 1800s, cropland usage stand in A. tuberculatus because it has recently photomorphogenesis and flowering through
has expanded from 8 million to 200 million become one of the most problematic agricul- brassinosteroid signaling (34–37) (table S2).
hectares in Canada and the United States tural weeds in North America as a result of its These changes are consistent with agricultural
alone (1). Since the mid-1900s, development widespread adaptation to herbicides, its per- selection to grow in high-stress and high-
of new crop varieties—including high-yield sistence in fields across seasons, and its strong disturbance environments among fast-growing
and herbicide-resistant wheat, corn, and soy ability to compete with both soy and corn crops. Natural-versus-agricultural allele fre-
(6, 7)—has greatly improved the efficiency of (18, 19). Determining the roles of newly arisen quency differentiation (FST) is highly corre-
food production in all farming sectors. Com- mutations, genetic variants predating the onset lated with the CMH test statistic (Pearson’s
bined with increased reliance on pesticides, of environmental change (20, 21), migration correlation coefficient r = 0.987), with 78% (98%)
fertilizers, irrigation, and large-scale mecha- across the range (22), and their interactions of CMH focal SNPs overlapping with the top
nization, this global transformation is often (23, 24) will inform the temporal and spatial 0.01% (0.1%) of FST hits (fig. S1). Despite neg-
referred to as the agricultural Green Revolution scales at which contemporary adaptation occurs ligible genome-wide differentiation among en-
(8–10). Pesticide effectiveness, however, has and management strategies should be used. vironments suggesting widespread gene flow
been limited by the evolution of resistance To understand how changing agricultural (FST = 0.0008; with even lower mean FST be-
across numerous pest species (11–14). Although practices have shaped the success of a ubiq- tween paired sites = −0.0029; Fig. 2C), our re-
technological innovation for efficient food pro- uitous weed, we analyze genomic data from sults suggest that strong antagonistic selection
duction has risen with increasing global food contemporary paired natural and agricultural acts to maintain spatial differentiation for par-
demands, the concomitant landscape conver- populations alongside historical herbarium sam- ticular alleles, with 403 SNPs showing a CMH
sion has become one of the foremost drivers ples collected from 1828 until 2011 (Fig. 1). With Q < 0.10 (251 after aggregating linked SNPs).
of global biodiversity loss (15). this design, we identify candidate agriculturally To further investigate the extent to which
Species that have managed to survive, and adaptive alleles (i.e., those that occur at consist- herbicides shape adaptation to agriculture,
even thrive, in the face of such extreme envi- ently higher frequencies in agricultural compared we assayed patterns of environmental dif-
ronmental change provide notable examples of with nearby natural sites), track their frequencies ferentiation by known herbicide-resistance
rapid adaptation on contemporary time scales across nearly two centuries, and link the tempo variants. Eight such alleles were present in
and illustrate the evolutionary consequences of weed adaptation to demographic changes contemporary samples, only six of which were
of anthropogenic change. One such species and key cultural shifts in modern agriculture. common (table S3): a deletion of codon 210
is the common waterhemp (Amaranthus within PPO (38), a copy number amplifica-
tuberculatus), an agricultural weed that is The genome-wide signatures of tion and a nonsynonymous mutation within
native to North America and persists in large agricultural adaptation 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase
To find alleles favored under current farming (EPSPS) conferring resistance to glyphosate her-
Department of Botany, University of British Columbia,
practices, we looked for those that were con- bicides (39), and 3 separate nonsynonymous
Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2Biodiversity Research Centre, sistently overrepresented in extant populations mutations within acetolactate synthase (ALS)
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 3Centre collected in agricultural habitats compared with conferring resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbi-
for Life’s Origins and Evolution, Department of Genetics,
neighboring riparian (natural) habitats (25) cides (19). Although these resistance alleles
Evolution and Environment, University College London, London,
UK. 4Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute using Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel (CMH) tests were at intermediate frequencies in agricul-
for Biology Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. 5Department of (Fig. 2A). Alleles associated with agricultural tural populations, ranging from 0.08 to 0.35,
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, environments [the 0.1% of single-nucleotide they tended to be rarer but still frequent in
Toronto, ON, Canada. 6Department of Zoology, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. polymorphisms (SNPs) with the lowest CMH natural populations, ranging from 0.04 to 0.22
*Corresponding author. Email: julia.kreiner@ubc.ca P values; n = 7264] are significantly enriched (Fig. 2C). Four of six common resistance alleles

Kreiner et al., Science 378, 1079–1085 (2022) 9 December 2022 1 of 7


Herbarium Herbarium
Collection Collection
Year Environment
2000 Ag

1950 Nat


Population Pairs

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B 5
Sample Size

1850 1900 1950 2000
Collection Year

Fig. 1. Sequenced waterhemp collections through space and time. (A) Map of 17 contemporary paired natural-agricultural populations [n = 187, collected and
sequenced by Kreiner et al. (25)] along with 108 newly sequenced herbarium specimens dating back to 1828 collected across three environment types: agricultural
(Ag), natural (Nat), and disturbed (Dist) (metadata provided in data S2). (B) Distribution of sequenced herbarium samples through time.

show significant allele frequency differences for EPSPSamp to 5.03 for the PPO210 dele- signatures of temporal evolution using newly
across environments (EPSPSamp: F = 9.02, tion; Fig. 2D and table S3). Thus, the spread of collected whole-genome sequence data from a
P = 0.008; PPO210: F = 53.39, P = 1.04 × 10−11; these four common herbicide-resistance alleles set of historical herbarium samples (n = 108)
ALS574: F = 4.95, P = 0.028; ALS376: F = 4.37, appears to be constrained either by more con- dating back to 1828. These samples provide
P = 0.038), two of which are among the strongest sistent selection against resistance in herbicide- snapshots of the genetic changes that have
signals of differentiation genome-wide. Natural- free, natural environments or by particularly occurred over this time period and across envi-
versus-agricultural FST at the PPO210 deletion, high rates of migration of susceptible alleles ronment types, with collections from natural
0.21, is higher than anywhere else in the ge- from natural into agricultural environments. In and weedy (agricultural and disturbed) hab-
nome and is even stronger when calculated comparison, for the top 30 independent CMH itats (Fig. 1). Of the 165 loci for which we had
within population pairs (FST = 0.27) (Fig. 2C). outliers, the costs per migrant that has arrived sufficient information in the historical SNP
Similarly, the EPSPS amplification is ranked in natural environments were about equally set (sequenced to 10× coverage, on average),
20th among genome-wide biallelic FST values likely to be stronger or weaker (12/28, 42%) 151 were segregating with the same reference-
at 0.14 (within-pair FST = 0.22), in support of than the benefits per migrant in agricultural alternate allele combination (i.e., 11 were
herbicides as a foremost driver of agricultural environments (fig. S2). This population genetic dropped because of multiallelism), and only
adaptation (Fig. 2D). inference provides a previously unused and three were invariant. To model allele frequency
To infer the importance of selective trade- sensitive alternative to experimental studies of change through time at these alleles, we im-
offs in adaptation across natural and agricultural fitness costs that vary greatly depending on plemented logistic regressions of genotypes
environments, we implemented a Wright-Fisher context (40), highlighting the potentially im- (within-individual allele frequencies) at each
allele frequency–based migration-selection bal- portant role of resistance costs across a diverse locus by collection year, where twice the slope
ance model for these four differentiated resist- set of individuals within complex agricultural of the logit-transform is equivalent to the
ance alleles as well as the top 30 independent and natural environments. In these field set- strength of selection (s) in a diploid model of
CMH outliers. Assuming that these alleles tings, further work is necessary to understand selection [where s is the fitness difference be-
are at a steady state between migration and the contributions of temporal and spatial het- tween homozygotes, assuming additivity; see
selection, we inferred that the costs of resist- erogeneity in both migration and selection for materials and methods for model and simu-
ance per migrant that has arrived into natural and against resistance across the landscape. lations (41)].
environments are consistently higher than the Consistent with the rapid change in land
benefits of resistance per migrant that has Agriculturally adaptive alleles change rapidly use and farming practices in the recent past,
arrived into agricultural environments (per- With the genome-wide set of 251 modern the frequency of these 154 contemporary agri-
migrant cost-to-benefit ratio ranges from 1.39 agriculture-associated alleles, we searched for cultural alleles has increased substantially over

Kreiner et al., Science 378, 1079–1085 (2022) 9 December 2022 2 of 7


Fig. 2. Signals of contemporary agricultural adaptation, gene flow, and gene ALS. (C) Distribution of FST values between all agricultural and natural

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antagonistic selection across the genome in A. tuberculatus. (A) Results samples for ~3 million genome-wide SNPs (minor allele frequency > 0.05).
from CMH tests for SNPs with consistent differentiation among environments Vertical lines indicate FST values for the 10 candidate genes named in (A).
across contemporary natural-agricultural population pairs. A 10% FDR (D) Population-level frequencies of six common herbicide-resistance alleles
threshold is indicated by the lower dashed horizontal black line, whereas across geographically paired agricultural and natural habitats sampled
the Bonferroni-corrected P < 0.1 cut-off is shown by the upper dashed in 2018 (pairs connected by horizontal lines). The first four columns are
horizontal gray line. Red points indicate focal agricultural-associated SNPs nonsynonymous variants in ALS and EPSPS followed by EPSPSamp (a 10-Mb-
after aggregating linked variation (r2 > 0.25 within 1 Mb). Candidate scale amplification that includes EPSPS) and an in-frame single-codon
agriculturally adaptive genes for peaks that are significant at a 10% FDR deletion in PPO. Estimates of per-migrant natural cost–to–agricultural benefit
threshold are named. (B) CMH results from the scaffold containing the most ratio (C:B) are shown in the top right corner for the four resistance
significant CMH P value, corresponding to variants linked to the PPO210 alleles with significant (indicated by asterisks) allele frequency differences
deletion conferring herbicide resistance and to the nearby herbicide-targeted (AFD) across environment types in a multiple linear regression.

the past two centuries. Whereas in natural to notably strong selection, even when esti- these loci (the number of SNPs within 1 Mb
environments agriculturally associated alleles mated over century-long time periods. The with r2 > 0.25) (frequency change: F = 5.16, P =
have increased by 6% on average since 1870— 154 agriculture-associated alleles collectively 0.024, r = 0.12; strength of selection: F = 3.99,
the earliest time point at which we have col- exhibit a selective strength of ~s ¼ 0:022 since P = 0.048, r = 0.058; fig. S6), consistent with
lections across environment types—these same the 1870s in agricultural and disturbed habi- theoretical expectations for the genomic sig-
alleles have increased by 22% in disturbed and tats. However, these alleles exhibit much weaker natures of recent positive selection (43, 44).
agricultural environments (Fig. 3A). This ob- selection, ~s ¼ 0:0056, in natural habitats [agri- We next investigated how well the trajectory
served change greatly exceeds the expected cultural and disturbed null interquantile range = of modern agricultural alleles reflects the rise
change over this time period, based on genome- (0.0026, 0.0068); natural null interquantile of industrialized agricultural regimes over the
wide patterns that reflect drift, migration, se- range = (−0.0018, 0.0018)]. An open question past century. When we split our samples into
lection, and demographic change [null 95% in evolutionary biology is what distribution those that predate versus those that come after
interquantile range for allele frequency change of selection coefficients underlie adaptation the intensification of agriculture during the
in natural sites = (−2.7, 2.0.%); for change in (42). We estimate that selection on agricultural- Green Revolution, we find that the increase in
agricultural and disturbed sites = (3.3, 7.9%)]. associated loci varies between −0.196 and 0.150 frequency of agricultural alleles was negligible
We generated these null expectations by ran- in natural habitats and between −0.090 and in agricultural and disturbed environments be-
domly sampling a set of 154 loci with the same 0.372 in agricultural and disturbed habitats, fore the 1960s (predicted 1870-to-1960 change =
distribution of contemporary allele frequencies reflective of left- and right-skewed distribu- 0.005). By contrast, change subsequent to 1960
(fig. S4) and calculating their frequency change tions, respectively (Fig. 3B and fig. S5). The nearly completely accounts for the observed
through time across herbarium samples, sep- top 15 agriculture-associated alleles that we rise in frequency of modern agricultural alleles
arately in each environment, 1000 times [see infer have experienced the strongest selection (predicted 1960-to-2018 change = 0.219 versus
materials and methods (41)]. That the observed over the past ~150 years include SNPs that map total 1870-to-2018 change = 0.221) (Fig. 3C).
change in natural environments is also more near PPO, ACO1, CCB2, WRKY13, BPL3, and Corresponding estimates of selection by logistic
extreme than what is expected is consistent ATPD (table S4). We find that both the total regression using only data from before 1960
with ongoing migration of agriculturally se- frequency change of agriculture-associated show no evidence of selection on these loci in
lected alleles and subsequent costs in natural alleles and the estimated strength of selection disturbed and agricultural habitats [~s ¼ 0:0008,
environments. in agricultural and disturbed environments null interquantile range = (−0.0044, 0.0020)]
The considerable increase in frequency of are positively correlated with the extent of or in natural habitats [~s ¼ 0:0006, null inter-
these alleles across environments corresponds contemporary linkage disequilibrium around quantile range = (−0.004, 0.004)]. However,

Kreiner et al., Science 378, 1079–1085 (2022) 9 December 2022 3 of 7


Agricultural/Disturbed Natural
A 1.00 B
Empirical Range Ag/Dist
Allele Frequency

0.75 of Allele Freq. Nat

Quantile in Ag/Dist
-10 - 2%

0.50 2 - 19%
19 - 48%
48 - 89% 10

0.00 0
−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
1880 1920 1960 2000 1880 1920 1960 2000
Year Year Strength of Selection
Cropland use

Cropland use
per capita

per capita
sag/dist= 0.0016 sag/dist= 0.054
s = 0.198
snat= 0.0006 snat= 0.026

1.00 1.00

Allele Frequency
Environment 0.2 Allele
Allele Frequency

0.75 Ag/Dist 0.75 ALS122, s= {- , }

Nat ALS197, s= {- , }
0.50 0.50 ALS376, s= {0.046, }

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2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 ALS574, s= {0.088,0.334}
ALS653, s= {0.058, }
0.25 0.25
EPSPS106, s={0.106, }
PPO210, s={0.194, }
0.00 0.00

1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000

Year Year

Fig. 3. Genomic signatures of agricultural adaptation through time. (over both loci and individuals) of allele frequencies, whereas dots represent
(A) Agricultural allele frequency trajectories for each of the 154 focal SNPs raw genotype data for each locus and sample from which the allele frequency
in agricultural and disturbed habitats (left) and in natural habitats (right). trajectory is estimated. Cropland use per capita in North America data
Trajectories are colored by the empirical range of the allele frequency change are from (1), reflecting the intensity of agricultural practices. (D) The
quantile in agricultural and disturbed habitats. Transparent lines indicate trajectory of alleles at known herbicide-resistance loci through time, fit by
those with nonsignificant evidence of selection at a = 0.05 after FDR = 10% logistic regression for each of the biallelic resistance alleles present in our
correction. (B) The distribution of selective strengths on agricultural alleles contemporary data (excluding EPSPSamp with its complex allelic structure).
in natural (dark gray) and agricultural and disturbed (light gray) habitats Dots represent genotypes for each historical and contemporary sample at
between 1870 and 2018. (C) Environment-specific agricultural allele each herbicide-resistance locus. The 95% CIs of the maximum likelihood
frequency trajectories before and after the start of agricultural intensification estimates of selection between 1960 and 2018 are provided in the legend for
in 1960 (vertical dashed line). Large circles represent moving averages each resistance allele.

samples collected after 1960 reflect a marked environment collections are absent from our 0.194), EPSPS106 (s > 0.106), and ALS574 (s >
shift in selection—a collective ~s ¼ 0:054 in historical samples, consistent with the sug- 0.088) (Fig. 3D and table S3).
disturbed and agricultural environments and gested importance of resistance adaptation
a collective ~s ¼ 0:028 in natural environments from de novo mutation (13, 45) and a particu- Concurrent temporal shifts in ancestry
[agricultural and disturbed null interquantile larly recent increase in their frequency. Only 3 underlie agricultural adaptation
range = (0.0064, 0.0020); natural null inter- of 108 historical samples show variation for Finally, we explored whether historical de-
quantile range = (−0.0056, 0.0054)] (Fig. 3C herbicide resistance—two samples homozygous mographic change over the past two centuries
and fig. S8). Together, these results suggest for resistance at ALS574 and one heterozygous has played a role in agricultural adaptation.
that although most contemporary agricultural for resistance at ALS122—all of which were Early taxonomy described two different
alleles were present in historical populations, sampled after the onset of herbicide applica- A. tuberculatus varieties as separate species, with
these alleles only became associated with agri- tions in the 1960s (Fig. 3D). Resolving the very few distinguishing characteristics [seed dehis-
cultural and human-managed sites over the past low historical and much higher contemporary cence and tepal length (16)]. Sauer’s 1955 revision
century, on time scales and at rates consistent frequencies of resistance, we estimate that of the genus, which used herbarium speci-
with the rapid uptake and intensification of since the approximate onset of herbicide use mens to gauge the distribution and migration
agrochemicals, controlled irrigation, and mech- in 1960, these seven resistance alleles have of congeners over the past two centuries
anization in agriculture. collectively experienced a selective strength (46), led him to describe an expansion of the
The historical trajectory of known herbicide- of ~s ¼ 0:198 (logistic Z value = 2.11, P = 0.035) southwestern var. rudis type [at the time,
resistance alleles epitomizes extreme selec- per year across environment types. Maximum A. tamariscinus (Sauer)] northeastward into the
tion over the past 50 years (Fig. 3D). Five of likelihood–based estimates of selective strengths territory of var. tuberculatus [A. tuberculatus
seven known biallelic herbicide-resistance for each resistance allele are significant for five (Sauer)] sometime between 1856 to 1905 and
alleles present in our contemporary, paired- of the seven and are strongest for PPO210 (s > 1906 to 1955. Our sequencing of >100 herbarium

Kreiner et al., Science 378, 1079–1085 (2022) 9 December 2022 4 of 7


A B Kansas Missouri Illinois Ohio Ontario

1.00 1.00

Time Span
0.75 1828-1920 0.75
Proportion var. rudis Ancestry

Proportion var. rudis Ancestry

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00

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−95 −90 −85 −80 −75

-20 0

-20 0

-20 0

-20 0

-20 0
19 -192
19 -198

19 192
19 -198

19 192
19 -198

19 192
19 -198

19 -192
19 -198









C Herbarium Herbarium + Contemporary D
1.00 Env.
Proportion var. rudis Ancestry

Proportion var. rudis Ancestry


0.50 0.7

−95 −90 −85 −80 −75 −95 −90 −85 −80 −75 0.3 0.4 0.5 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2
Longitude −log10(CMH p-value) Ag−Nat XPEHH
100 kb average 100kb average

Fig. 4. Temporal shifts in the distribution of var. rudis ancestry have third quartiles of ancestry. (C) Increasing sorting of individual-level var. rudis
facilitated polygenic agricultural adaptation. (A) Longitudinal clines in var. ancestry into agricultural environments (Env.) on contemporary time scales.
rudis ancestry over three time spans, illustrating the expansion of var. rudis (D) Environment-specific metrics of selection [CMH P value and cross-population
ancestry eastward over the past two centuries. In (A) to (C), dots represent extended haplotype homozygosity (XPEHH)] across the genome in 100-kb
individual-level ancestry estimates. (B) The distribution of individual-level windows positively correlate with var. rudis ancestry in agricultural but not
var. rudis ancestry by state and through time, illustrating state-specific natural habitats (XPEHH by environment: F = 10.97, P = 9.3 × 10−4; CMH by
changes in ancestry. Horizonal lines within each distribution represent first and environment: F = 108.51, P < 10−16).

samples dating back to 1828, combined with of subpopulations) = 2 (fig. S9) across three and Missouri) but also the recent introduc-
349 contemporary sequences (25, 47), allowed time spans—1830 to 1920, 1920 to 1980, and tion of var. tuberculatus ancestry into the most
us to directly observe the change in the distri- 1980 to 2018 (time span: F = 5.47, P = 0.0045)— western part of the range in Kansas (Fig. 4B).
bution of these two ancestral types, adding and particularly so in the east (time span × A. tuberculatus demography thus appears to
further temporal resolution to Sauer’s mor- longitude: F = 5.49, P = 0.0045), consistent have been markedly influenced by human-
phological observations of the species’ range with a recent expansion of var. rudis ancestry mediated landscape change over the past two
shifts, and to assess the role of agriculturally (Fig. 4A). Furthermore, we see strong state- and centuries, consistent with the massive recent
adaptive standing genetic variation across province-specific shifts in ancestry through time expansion of effective population size that we
varieties. in our historical sequences (time span by state had previously inferred from contemporary
Range-wide, we see clear shifts in the dis- interaction: F = 4.22, P = 7 × 10−5), highlighting samples over this same time frame (45). That
tribution of var. rudis ancestry based on not only the shift of var. rudis eastward (with this shift has been most notable over the
fastSTRUCTURE (48) inference at K (number increases through time in Ontario, Ohio, Illinois, past 40 years is further consistent with the

Kreiner et al., Science 378, 1079–1085 (2022) 9 December 2022 5 of 7


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24. M. Szűcs et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114, 13501–13506 the sequencing of herbarium specimens. J.M.K. performed
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in this species refutes the idea of agricultural Evolution 76, 70–85 (2022). J.M.K. wrote and revised the paper with inputs from all authors.
26. F. E. Dayan, S. O. Duke, in Hayes’ Handbook of Pesticide Competing interests: D.W. holds equity in Computomics,
populations existing as separate to natural eco- Toxicology, R. Krieger, Ed. (Academic Press, 2010), which advises breeders. D.W. consults for KWS SE, a plant breeder
systems (51). Despite substantial gene flow, pp. 1733–1751. and seed producer. The authors declare no other competing

Kreiner et al., Science 378, 1079–1085 (2022) 9 December 2022 6 of 7


interests. Data and materials availability: All new sequence Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www. Tables S1 to S4
data have been archived at the NCBI Sequence Read Archive science.org/about/science-licenses-journal-article-reuse References (54–68)
(BioProject ID PRJNA878842). Scripts and accompanying Data S1 and S2
metadata have been archived on Github (www.github.com/ SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
jkreinz/TemporalAdaptation) and on Zenodo (53). License science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abo7293 Submitted 25 February 2022; resubmitted 24 June 2022
information: Copyright © 2022 the authors, some rights reserved; Materials and Methods Accepted 17 October 2022
exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Figs. S1 to S13 10.1126/science.abo7293

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