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26/4/22, 20:22 Writing Production: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / E4D2NV / Tema 1 / Writing Production

Comenzado el Tuesday, 19 de October de 2021, 08:23

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Tuesday, 19 de October de 2021, 08:30
Tiempo 7 minutos 4 segundos
Calificación 2,80 de 3,00 (93%)

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 2,80 sobre 3,00

You are going to write a composition about what you do to stay in shape. This composition should be about 100 words.

Staying in shape is one of my main goals throughout my week. I have read on the internet that the minimum to stay healthy is doing any
physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Therefore, I believe I am right on the edge of staying healthy.

My most favorite physical activity is playing soccer. Usually I play three times a week and each time for two hours. Although, it is fair to say
that that would be the ideal week. Because of my job, I usually can't make it to the games which start at 7 o'clock. Sometimes I have to work
late until 8 o'clock. Because of that, generally I play at least once a week.

What I like the most of soccer is scoring a goal. There's just so much joy and emotion where scoring that only a soccer player may
understand. Also, I really like it because it is good cardio which I need.

it is fair to say that that would ???

◄ Use of Language

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26/4/22, 20:22 Writing Production: Revisión del intento 2/2

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