Literature Review Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Literature Review on Parental Involvement and Academic


Embarking on the journey of writing a literature review is akin to navigating a labyrinth of scholarly
articles, research papers, and academic discourse. However, when it comes to exploring the intricate
relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement, the task can be particularly
daunting. Unraveling the wealth of information, theories, and empirical evidence surrounding this
topic requires meticulous attention to detail, critical analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of
the underlying dynamics.

Parental involvement in education has emerged as a pivotal factor influencing students' academic
success. From early childhood to adolescence, the degree to which parents engage in their children's
learning journey can significantly impact their cognitive development, academic motivation, and
overall achievement. However, delving into the extensive body of literature on this subject demands
more than just skimming through articles and summarizing findings. It necessitates a systematic
approach that involves:

1. Thorough Research: To construct a robust literature review, one must cast a wide net across
various academic databases, journals, and scholarly repositories. Identifying key studies,
seminal works, and empirical research papers is paramount to gaining a comprehensive
understanding of the topic.
2. Critical Analysis:Merely compiling a list of references is insufficient. A literature review
demands critical analysis and synthesis of existing literature. Evaluating the methodological
rigor of studies, identifying gaps in research, and examining conflicting perspectives are
essential components of this process.
3. Organizational Structure: Crafting a coherent narrative that seamlessly integrates diverse
perspectives and research findings is a formidable challenge. Establishing a clear
organizational structure, whether chronological, thematic, or methodological, is crucial to
ensuring the readability and coherence of the literature review.
4. Synthesis of Findings: Synthesizing disparate sources into a cohesive narrative requires
finesse. Drawing connections between different studies, identifying patterns, and discerning
overarching themes are essential elements of synthesizing findings effectively.

While the task of writing a literature review on parental involvement and academic achievement
may seem overwhelming, assistance is readily available. At ⇒ ⇔, we specialize in
providing bespoke academic writing services tailored to your specific needs. Our team of
experienced researchers and writers is adept at navigating the intricacies of literature reviews,
ensuring that your paper is meticulously crafted to meet the highest academic standards.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the burden of
extensive research and writing, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your academic endeavors.
With our commitment to quality, professionalism, and timely delivery, you can rest assured that your
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Unlock the secrets of effective academic writing and embark on your journey towards academic
success with ⇒ ⇔. Contact us today to learn more about our services and take the
first step towards mastering the art of crafting a literature review on parental involvement and
academic achievement.
Jeynes (2007) asserts that this is because children are more likely to apply themselves and. Despite
increasing recognition that parental involvement in education, there is lack of consensus. Monadjem,
L.(2003). The development of a programme for parental involvement in senior. Sessional Paper No. 1
of 2005: A policy framework for educational. Mcmonor M. (2016). Parental involvement in the
classroom. Hountenvilli, A.J.and Conway, S. (2008). Parental involvement strongly impact student.
In Pakistan, Waqas Rafiq et al, (2013) explored the effect of parental involvement in the. The study
will utilize the quantitative research design approach. Full description Save Save Parental
involvement on student academic achieveme. Literature continues to support a positive relationship
between parent involvement and. Brannon (2018) adds that the increasing evidence of the benefits
of. United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF). (2008). Curriculum report.
Regardless of family background, the issue of parent expectations had the strongest effect on grade
12 test scores in all subjects” (qtd. The information given will be absolutely used to for this study.
Research suggests that parents, pupils and teachers benefit from increased parental involvement.
Again this was done among upper primary and in Tanzania. A study in. All the respondents will be
informed about the purpose of the study. Educational Research and Policy Studies. Vol. 2, Issue 5,
pp378. Conducive learning environments that incorporate meaningful mathematical experiences are.
Georgiou, S.N. (2008). Bullying and victimization at school: the role of mothers. British. Van Wyk,
J. N. (2008). A comparative perspective on the theories, policies and practices of. Kreider, H. (2002).
Getting parents “ready” for kindergarten: The role of early childhood. Rafiq Waqas, M. H., Fatima,
T., Sohail, M.M., Saleem, M. Khan, A. M. (2013). Parental. Koskei, B. K. (2012). Influence of socio-
economic background on academic performance of. On the contrary, research shows that inadequate
or poor. Sheldon (2009) said Several researchers and educators have recognised the important role of
a. Saxton, Jim (2000). Investment in Education: Private and Public Returns. More importantly, these
effective schools have made a real effort in reaching out to their. The children’s market has become
significantly more. CATALLYST Recently uploaded ( 20 ) Exit Essay - Save the Filipino Language
by Renz Perez.docx Exit Essay - Save the Filipino Language by Renz Perez.docx SOCIAL JUSTICE
Despite increasing recognition that parental involvement in education, there is lack of consensus.
Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2005: A policy framework for educational. Africa. South African Journal of
Higher Education, 21(3): 552-569. It is hoped that the results of this study may help fill in some
gaps that previous similar studies. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. A score of 1, 2, or 3 indicates that the
activity is not yet part of. This sample was too small to get sufficient data to. Lizasoain, Asencio and
Gaviria, (2015) added that parental involvement is an individual right. Educational Research and
Policy Studies. Vol. 2, Issue 5, pp378. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this
document as useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful
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Muola, J. M. (2010). The relationship between academic achievement motivation and home. The vast
majority of studies, regardless of children’s developmental level, assess school-based. Parental
involvement has been defined in various ways by various authors in the literature. For. Farooq et
at(2011) in his Empirical studies have indicated that some specific factors that play an. Large number
of research conducted in the past several decades showed a strong association of. On the other hand,
recent local and national reforms can improve our understanding of the extent to which children?s
success is influenced by what parents do. Calculation of an appropriate sample size generally
depends upon the. This study used a sample of 158 seven-year old participants, their mothers, and
their teachers. According to Levanda (2017) parental involvement includes a wide variety of actions
parents. This study is based on assumption that an academic achievement of students is a goal which
all. Otewa, F., Role, E., and Makewa, N. L. (2011). Parental factors affecting achievement of grade.
Kgaffe, M.M. 2001. Barriers to parent involvement in rural communities in North West. We use this
distinction to organize the literature and underline the open questions in each field. Barnard, W.
(2004). Parent involvement in elementary school and educational attainment. Creswell, J.W. (2013).
Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Research has also shown that
successful students have strong academic support from their. Semela, M.S. (2004). Parental
involvement in schools in the Motheo District of the Free State. Parents-teacher conferences and
parent-teacher face-to-face. The findings reveal a small to moderate, and practically meaningful,
relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement. In America, Topor, Keane,
Terri and Calkins (2010) examined two potential mechanisms of the.
Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education, 21(3): 552-569. This sample was too small to get
sufficient data to. CATALLYST Recently uploaded ( 20 ) Exit Essay - Save the Filipino Language
by Renz Perez.docx Exit Essay - Save the Filipino Language by Renz Perez.docx SOCIAL
FRIDAY 50 D. Parent involvement can broadly be defined as the ways in which parents support
their children’s. The vast majority of studies, regardless of children’s developmental level, assess
school-based. This research study will highlight the contributions that may help researchers and
policy makers. They can better assist their children in their work and. Solano-Gutierrez Education,
Mathematics Frontiers in Psychology 2023 The relationship between family involvement in students’
academic activities, their learning, and academic achievement has been widely studied. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. By completing the attached questionnaires and submitting to the researcher you will be
deemed. Lizasoain, Asencio and Gaviria, (2015) added that parental involvement is an individual
right. More importantly, these effective schools have made a real effort in reaching out to their. For
example, in some studies home-based parental involvement. B?ck Education, Sociology 2017
ABSTRACT Parents’ experiences and satisfaction with their child’s compulsory school are affected
by several factors. There are no known risks to respondents by participating in this study. A pilot
study will conducted in on primary school which has similar. Scholars can use them for free to gain
inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Singh, K., Bickley, P.G., Keith, T.Z.,
Keith, P.B., Trivette, P., and Anderson, E. (1995). The. RELATED TOPICS Political Science See
Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. Belfield,
C. R. and H.M. Levin, H.M. (2007). The Price We Pay: Economic and Social. It is important to note
that cross-sectional surveys are carried out within a. Olmstead, C. (2013). Using technology to
increase parent involvement in schools. Parental involvement is the degree to which a parent is
committed to his or her role as a parent. Wilder, S. (2014). Effects of parental involvement on
academic achievement: a meta-synthesis. Again this was done among upper primary and in Tanzania.
A study in. However, with regard to the content of what children learn, many parents fall short
because in. Mcmonor M. (2016). Parental involvement in the classroom. It will be explained that the
respondents who volunteered to. E. (2011). Promoting effective parenting practices and preventing
child behavior. Yet so far, economists have devoted little attention to determinants, levels and effects
of parental involvement.
Parent involvement can broadly be defined as the ways in which parents support their children’s.
Some of the most successful ways parents can get involved is through: expressing high but realistic
expectations; encouraging their child’s development and progress in school; and modeling the value
of learning, discipline, and hard work. The main purpose of the study is examine the relationship
between parental involvement and. United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
(UNICEF). (2008). Curriculum report. Brannon (2018) adds that the increasing evidence of the
benefits of. Secondly most of these were either qualitative or quantitative in. The members of the
Board of Governors may improve on the importance of parental. Reliability of the instruments
signifies the issue of consistency of measures or the ability of the. Hilgendorf, A. E. (2012). Through
a limiting lens: Comparing student, parent, and teacher. This has led to difficulty in comparing
findings across. If you accept to take part in the study you will be required. Despite increasing
recognition that parental involvement in education, there is lack of consensus. Educational Research
and Policy Studies. Vol. 2, Issue 5, pp378. This chapter will contain review of research literature.
Their participation in this study will be established to provide data. Pakistan. International Journal of
Humanities and Social Science,3(8). For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this
document as useful 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful
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Hountenvilli, A.J.and Conway, S. (2008). Parental involvement strongly impact student. It is
influenced by many factors including parental. Data collected will be edited coded, classified and
tabulated. Levanda, O. (2017). Parental involvement in school: A test of Hoover-Dempsey and
Sandler’s. Research suggests that parents, pupils and teachers benefit from increased parental
involvement. Kgaffe, M.M. 2001. Barriers to parent involvement in rural communities in North West.
In America, Topor, Keane, Terri and Calkins (2010) examined two potential mechanisms of the. Xin
Ma Education, Mathematics Contemporary Educational Psychology 2001 TLDR Results of survival
analysis indicated a significant decline in participation rate in the transition from Grades 11 to 12,
with control over achievement and attitude. The success of the future generation lies with the parents
of school-aged children. Chemagosi, M. J. (2012). Influence of Parental Involvement on Academic
Performance of Pre-. A total of 150 students of 9th class of secondary schools. Jeynes Education,
Sociology 2005 This meta-analysis of 41 studies examines the relationship between parental
involvement and the academic achievement of urban elementary school children. It is important to
note that cross-sectional surveys are carried out within a.
Martinez and Peres, (2004) observe different cultures and their education systems may differ in.
Kaberere, V., Makewa, T., Muchee, T., and Role, E. (2013). Parental involvement in high and.
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European. Education Officers (DEO) may
benefit from the study findings in a number of ways namely. This has led to difficulty in comparing
findings across. The questionnaire has an information sheet attached to it explaining the purpose of
the study, the. This chapter will discuss the methodology which will be used to conduct the research.
By modeling the value of learning, perseverance, and hard work, parents are laying the groundwork
for successful students. The scope of the study refers to the boundaries of the study in terms of
context, time, methods. The scale uses a 12 items. It has five responses on. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our. However, a more comprehensive view of parental involvement
envisaged. These include parenting style, parental expectations and. It illustrates how the
independent variables of parental participation in. Farooq et at(2011) in his Empirical studies have
indicated that some specific factors that play an. If you accept to take part in the study you will be
required. Barnyak and McNelly (2009) conducted a quantitative study to examine the practices and
beliefs. Kafas, P. (2009). Child Neglect. A Review; The Internet Journal of Forensic Science.
Mother's Involvementon Adolescent Academic Achievement: Analyses of Taiwan. The present study
however, will adapt four of thec Epstein. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Report this Document Save
Save Parental involvement on student academic achieveme. Professional qualification: certificate ( )
Diploma ( ) PGDE ( ) Bachelors ( ) Masters ( ) Others ( ). Although, parental involvement has now
come to be recognized as a key process in children’s. Reliability of the instruments signifies the issue
of consistency of measures or the ability of the. Solidarity: Value Differences between Immigrant
Groups and Generations. Journal of. Parents have a responsibility to their children, in addition to the
burden that society has places on our schools. Lizasoain, Asencio and Gaviria, (2015) added that
parental involvement is an individual right. This proposal is my original work and has not been
presented for any other degree, published or. The study may help in the designing and formulation of
parental school curricula by policy.
Service Teachers. Researchjournali’s Journal of Education, 4(1) PP. 1-7. The theory that if one sets
high expectations for oneself, one will fulfill those expectations is not a new one. Full description
Save Save Parental involvement on student academic achieveme. The children’s market has become
significantly more. Therefore without doubt all children need education and the. Van Wyk, J. N.
(2008). A comparative perspective on the theories, policies and practices of. In addition to setting
high expectations, successful parental involvement requires parents to be involved in their child’s
development and progress in school. The researcher developed questionnaire for students is based on
the framework of six types of. Parents have a responsibility to their children, in addition to the
burden that society has places on our schools. Robinson and Harris (2014) describe parent
involvement as practices that entail parent. In this regard, parental involvement is undeniably critical
(Mji, et al. Jeynes, W. (2017). The salience of the subtle aspects of parental involvement and
encouraging. Lemmer, E.N. (2007). Parent involvement in teacher education in South Africa. A pilot
study is a research conducted on a limited scale to test the feasibility of the study. Hountenvilli and
Conway (2008) conducted a research on how parental involvement impacts on. Parental involvement
has been defined in various ways by various authors in the literature. For. Wilder, S. (2014). Effects
of parental involvement on academic achievement: a meta-synthesis. E. (2011). Promoting effective
parenting practices and preventing child behavior. The study will be carried out in Kole, Ayer Sub
County in Uganda. Koros, P. K., Ngware, M.W., and Sang, A.K. (2009). Principals’ and students
perceptions on. It has been conceptualized parental involvement in education as the. This sample was
too small to get sufficient data to. The reliability index of the tools will be calculated using. This
proposal is my original work and has not been presented for any other degree, published or. Mau
Sociology, Education 1997 This study investigates the differences in parental influence on academic
achievement of Asian immigrants, Asian Americans, and White Americans. Kultar, S. (2007).
Quantitative social research methods. Parental involvement is the degree to which a parent is
committed to his or her role as a parent. Leighton Education, Psychology Frontiers in Education 2021
Parents play an important role in children’s academic achievement. The level of parental involvement
has significant effects on children’s academic performance. Research has also shown that successful
students have strong academic support from their.
Parents-teacher conferences and parent-teacher face-to-face. This proposal is my original work and
has not been presented for any other degree, published or. Singh, K., Bickley, P.G., Keith, T.Z.,
Keith, P.B., Trivette, P., and Anderson, E. (1995). The. Indicate your age bracket 25 -30 ( ) 31-35 ( )
36-40 ( ) 41-45 ( ) 46 and above ( ). The researcher will give teachers questionnaires to fill. In some
African countries especially South Africa, Uganda and Burundi, policies that support. Kafas, P.
(2009). Child Neglect. A Review; The Internet Journal of Forensic Science. In Kenya, Ciaraka
(2003) conducted a research that to establish the role of parents in facilitating. Related literature was
reviewed and gaps were identified. Robinson and Harris (2014) describe parent involvement as
practices that entail parent. The level of parental involvement has significant effects on children’s
academic performance. Secondly most of these were either qualitative or quantitative in.
Involvement in Part-time Work and Academic Performance: A Study on Khulna Uni. The study will
focus on exploring the influence of parental involvement on the students. Farooq et at(2011) in his
Empirical studies have indicated that some specific factors that play an. Hountenvilli and Conway
(2008) conducted a research on how parental involvement impacts on. Level of influence of parental
involvement on the selected tangub city nation. Parents have a responsibility to their children, in
addition to the burden that society has places on our schools. From the literature, we also observed
that while the relationship between parental involvement. Though there is ambiguity in the literature
surrounding type and extent of parental behaviours. Epstein (1995) parental involvement frame work
will. Chemagosi, M. J. (2012). Influence of Parental Involvement on Academic Performance of Pre-.
However, a more comprehensive view of parental involvement envisaged. Van Wyk, J. N. (2008). A
comparative perspective on the theories, policies and practices of. Kultar, S. (2007). Quantitative
social research methods. Mau Sociology, Education 1997 This study investigates the differences in
parental influence on academic achievement of Asian immigrants, Asian Americans, and White
Americans. It is influenced by many factors including parental. This introductory chapter will
provide the basis for this study. Olmstead, C. (2013). Using technology to increase parent
involvement in schools. The Michigan Department of Education found that 86% of the general
population believes that parental support is the best way to improve schools, and lack of this
involvement is the biggest problem (Elan, 2002).

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