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A student investigated the effectiveness of three different antibiotics.

Figure 1 shows how the student set up an agar plate.

Figure 1

The student used aseptic techniques to make sure that only one type of bacterium was growing
on the agar.

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(a) Describe two aseptic techniques the student should have used.

1 ________________________________________________________________



2 ________________________________________________________________



The student placed the agar plate in an incubator at 25 °C for 48 hours.

Figure 2 shows the agar plate after 48 hours.

Figure 2

(b) Which antibiotic is the least effective?

Give a reason for your answer.

Least effective antibiotic _______________

Reason ____________________________________________________________



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(c) Calculate the area where no bacteria were growing for antibiotic C.

Use π = 3.14

Give the unit.










Area = ____________________ Unit __________


(d) Suggest one way the student could improve the investigation.


(Total 9 marks)

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Rose black spot is a disease of roses.
(a) What type of microorganism causes rose black spot?

Tick one box.

A bacterium

A fungus

A protist

A virus


(b) Explain how different types of organism defend themselves against microorganisms.









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(c) A student tried to grow some bacteria in the laboratory.

The diagram shows some of the apparatus used.

This is the method used.

1. Remove the lid of the Petri dish.

2. Remove the lid of the bottle containing the bacteria.
3. Use the inoculating loop to remove some of the bacteria from the bottle.
4. Spread the bacteria over the agar using the inoculating loop.
5. Put the lid back on the Petri dish.
6. Put the Petri dish into an incubator at 25 °C for 24 hours.

Steps 1−5 could cause the sample of the bacteria on the petri dish to be contaminated.

Give three improvements to the method to prevent contamination.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________


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(d) Why did the student grow the bacteria at 25 °C rather than at 40 °C?

Tick one box.

So the bacteria grew more quickly

So the bacteria grew more slowly

To prevent the growth of a harmful pathogen

To save money

(Total 11 marks)

(a) Complete the equation for photosynthesis. Draw a ring around each correct answer.
hydrogen alcohol

light energy
Carbon dioxide + nitrogen glucose + oxygen

water methane


Some students investigated the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in

The diagram shows the apparatus the students used.

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The closer the lamp is to the pondweed, the more light the pondweed receives.

The students placed the lamp at different distances, d, from the pondweed.

They counted the number of bubbles of gas released from the pondweed in 1 minute for
each distance.

(b) A thermometer was placed in the glass beaker.

Why was it important to use a thermometer in this investigation?







(c) The students counted the bubbles four times at each distance and calculated the correct
mean value of their results.

The table shows the students’ results.

Number of bubbles per minute

d in cm
1 2 3 4 Mean

10 52 52 54 54 53

20 49 51 48 52 50

30 32 30 27 31 30

40 30 10 9 11

(i) Calculate the mean number of bubbles released per minute when the lamp was 40
cm from the pondweed.



Mean number of bubbles at 40 cm = ______________________


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(ii) On the graph paper below, draw a graph to show the students’ results:

• add a label to the vertical axis

• plot the mean values of the number of bubbles
• draw a line of best fit.

Distance d in cm

(iii) One student concluded that the rate of photosynthesis was inversely proportional to
the distance of the lamp from the plant.

Does the data support this conclusion?

Explain your answer.







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(d) Light intensity, temperature and concentration of carbon dioxide are factors that affect the
rate of photosynthesis.

Scientists investigated the effects of these three factors on the rate of photosynthesis in
tomato plants growing in a greenhouse.

The graph below shows the scientists’ results.

Light intensity in lux

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A farmer in the UK wants to grow tomatoes commercially in a greenhouse.

The farmer read about the scientists’ investigation.

During the growing season for tomatoes in the UK, natural daylight has an intensity higher
than 30 000 lux.

The farmer therefore decided to use the following conditions in his greenhouse during the

• 20°C

• 0.1% CO 2

• no extra lighting.

Suggest why the farmer decided to use these conditions for growing the tomatoes.

You should use information from the scientists’ graph in your answer.












(Total 17 marks)

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A group of pupils investigated the way in which the colour of light affects photosynthesis.
The pupils:

• put a piece of pondweed into a test tube of water

• shone light from a lamp with a red light bulb onto the pondweed

• counted the bubbles of gas produced by the pondweed every minute for three minutes.

The diagram shows the experiment.

The pupils repeated their experiment using a yellow light bulb, a green light bulb and a blue light

(a) (i) What was the independent variable in the investigation?


(ii) To make the investigation fair the pupils needed to control some variables.

Suggest one variable that the pupils should have controlled during their investigation.


(iii) It is better to count the bubbles every minute for three minutes than to count all the
bubbles in three minutes.




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(b) The table shows the pupils’ results.

Number of bubbles produced in one minute

Colour of bulb
1st minute 2nd minute 3rd minute Mean

Red 24 19 21 21

Yellow 18 14 15 16

Green 6 4 3 4

Blue 32 34 32 33

Algae are tiny organisms that photosynthesise.

In natural light algae grow very quickly on the sides of a fish tank.
The algae make it difficult to see the fish.

(i) What would be the best colour of light bulb to illuminate the fish tank to reduce the
growth of algae?

Use the results in the table to help you to decide.

Draw a ring around one answer.

red yellow green blue


(ii) Explain why the colour you have chosen is the best.




(Total 6 marks)

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Table 1 shows information about some food components in cow’s milk.
Table 1

Recommended Daily
Value per
Allowance (RDA) for a
500 cm3
typical adult

Energy in kJ 1046 8700

Fat in g 8.4 70.0

Salt in g 0.5 6.0

Calcium in mg 605 1000

Vitamin B-12 in µg 4.5 2.4

(a) How much more milk would a typical adult have to drink to get their RDA for calcium
compared with the amount of milk needed to get their RDA for vitamin B-12?







Volume of milk = ______________________ cm3


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(b) Describe how a student could test cow’s milk to show whether it contains protein and
different types of carbohydrate.



















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A scientist investigated the effect of bile on the breakdown of fat in a sample of milk.

The scientist used an indicator that is colourless in solutions with a pH lower than 10, and pink in
solutions with a pH above 10.

This is the method used.

1. Add 1 drop of bile to a test tube and one drop of water to a second test tube.

2. Add the following to each test tube:

• 5 cm3 of milk
• 7 cm3 of sodium carbonate solution (to make the solution above pH 10)
• 5 drops of the indicator
• 1 cm3 of lipase.

3. Time how long it takes for the indicator in the solutions to become colourless.

The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Time taken for the indicator to become

colourless in seconds

Solution with bile 65

Solution without bile 143

(c) Explain why the indicator in both tubes became colourless.







(d) Give the reason why the measurement of the time taken for the indicator to become
colourless might be inaccurate.



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(e) Explain the difference in the results for the two test tubes in Table 2.






(Total 16 marks)

Lipase is an enzyme that digests fat.

(a) (i) Complete the equation to show the digestion of fat.

Use the correct answer from the box.

glucose glycerol glycogen

fat fatty acids + ___________________


(ii) Name one organ that makes lipase.


(b) Some students investigated the effect of bile on the digestion of fat by lipase.

The students:
1 mixed milk and bile in a beaker
2 put the pH sensor of a pH meter into the beaker
3 added lipase solution
4 recorded the pH at 2-minute intervals
5 repeated steps 1 to 4, but used water instead of bile.

Suggest two variables that the students should have controlled in this investigation.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


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(c) The graph shows the students’ results.

(i) Why did the pH decrease in both investigations?



(ii) Bile helps lipase to digest fat.

What evidence is there in the graph to support this conclusion?



(iii) Suggest one reason why the contents of both beakers had the same pH at the end of
the investigations.


(Total 7 marks)

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Amylase is an enzyme found in the human body.
Amylase breaks down starch into sugars.

(a) Where is amylase produced in the human body?

Tick one box.

Liver and pancreas

Liver and stomach

Salivary glands and pancreas

Salivary glands and stomach


(b) Enzymes speed up chemical reactions.

Explain how amylase breaks down starch.







(c) One sugar in the body is glucose.

Glucose is used for respiration.

Give one other use for glucose in the body.


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(d) A student investigated the effect of temperature on the activity of human amylase.

This is the method used.

1. Put 2 cm3 of 1% starch solution into a boiling tube.

2. Put 2 cm3 of amylase solution into a second boiling tube.
3. Put both boiling tubes into a water bath at 20 °C.
4. After 5 minutes, mix the amylase and the starch together in one boiling tube.
5. After 30 seconds, add a drop of the starch and amylase mixture to a drop of iodine
solution in one well of a spotting tile.
6. Repeat step 5 until the iodine solution no longer changes colour.
7. Repeat steps 1 – 6 at 40 °C and at 60 °C and at 80 °C

Why did the student leave the starch and amylase solutions in the water bath for 5 minutes
in step 3?



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(e) The temperature of the human body is 37 °C

The diagram below shows the results of the investigation at 20 °C and at 80 °C

Complete the diagram to show the results you would expect at 40 °C and at 60 °C

You should write a tick or a cross in each well of the spotting tile.


(f) There are different ways to investigate the breakdown of starch by amylase.

One other method is to measure the concentration of starch present in the solution every
30 seconds.

Why is this method better than the method the student used?





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A colorimeter can be used to measure the concentration of starch present in the solution
every 30 seconds.

A colorimeter measures the amount of light that cannot pass through a solution.

This is known as absorbance.

Below shows a graph of absorbance against concentration of starch.

(g) The absorbance of the solution at 40 °C was 0.56 arbitrary units after 30 seconds.

What was the concentration of starch in this solution?


Concentration of starch = ____________________ %


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(h) The concentration of starch in the solution at 20 °C after 1 minute is different from the
concentration at 40 °C after 1 minute.

Explain why.





(i) Predict the absorbance for the solution at 80 °C after 30 seconds.

Give a reason for your answer.

Absorbance = ______________________ arbitrary units

Reason ____________________________________________________________



(Total 16 marks)

The image below shows part of a root from a cress plant.


(a) What type of microscope was used to create the image above?


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(b) The magnification of the cress root in the image above is × 200.
There are 1000 micrometres (μm) in a millimetre (mm).

Calculate the real length of the root hair, X.

Give your answer in micrometres (μm).





Real length X = ____________________ μm


(c) Root hair cells take up water from the soil.

Explain one way in which the root hair cell is adapted to this function.





The table shows the water uptake by a plant’s roots on two different days.

Mean water uptake in cm3 per hour

Cold day 1.8

Hot day 3.4

(d) Explain why the mean rate of water uptake is higher on a hot day than on a cold day.







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(e) The concentration of mineral ions in the soil is lower than in root hair cells.
Root hair cells take up mineral ions from the soil.
Root hair cells contain mitochondria.

Explain why root hair cells contain mitochondria.








(Total 12 marks)

A student prepared some onion cells.

The student viewed the onion cells using a light microscope.

This is the method used.

1. Cut an onion into pieces using a sharp knife.

2. Peel off a thin layer of onion epidermis from one piece of onion.

3. Place the onion epidermis onto a microscope slide in a single flat layer.

4. Add three drops of iodine solution.

5. Slowly lower a cover slip at an angle onto the onion epidermis.

6. Place the slide on the stage of the microscope.

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(a) The table below shows a risk assessment for this experiment.

Complete the table.

Hazard Risk Plan to minimise risk

Iodine solution is May cause allergic reaction

an irritant or skin rash

Sharp knife


(b) Give a reason for each of the following steps in the method.

A thin layer of onion epidermis is used.




Iodine solution is added to the onion epidermis.




The cover slip is lowered onto the onion epidermis at an angle.




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Figure 1 shows what the student saw under the microscope at a magnification of ×400.

Figure 1

(c) The length of cell Z in Figure 1 is 4.8 cm.

Calculate the real length of cell Z.

Give your answer in micrometres (µm).













Real length of cell Z = _______________µm


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Figure 2 shows the student’s drawing of Figure 1.

Figure 2

(d) Give two ways the student could improve the drawing in Figure 2.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________


(e) Onion cells can be seen using an electron microscope.

Give two ways onion cells would look different when seen using an electron microscope.

1 _________________________________________________________________


2 _________________________________________________________________

(Total 14 marks)

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Cells, tissues and organs are adapted to take in different substances and get rid of different
10. substances.

The table shows the concentration of four ions outside cells and inside cells.

Concentration outside Concentration inside cells

cells in mmol per dm3 in mmol per dm3

Sodium 140 9

Potassium 7 138

Calcium 2 27

Chloride 118 3

(a) Use information from the table above to complete the following sentences.

Sodium ions will move into cells by the process

of __________________________________ .

Potassium ions will move into cells by the process

of __________________________________ .

(b) Some students investigated the effect of the different concentrations of sugar in four drinks,
A, B, C and D, on the movement of water across a partially permeable membrane.

The students:

• made four bags from artificial partially permeable membrane

• put equal volumes of 5% sugar solution in each bag

• weighed each bag containing the sugar solution

• placed one bag in each of the drinks, A, B, C and D

• after 20 minutes removed the bags containing the sugar solution and weighed them

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The diagram below shows how they set up the investigation.

(i) The bag in drink A got heavier after 20 minutes.

Explain why.





(ii) In which drink, A, B, C or D, would you expect the bag to show the smallest change in

Tick (✔) one box.



(iii) Explain why you think the bag you chose in part (b)(ii) would show the smallest




(Total 8 marks)

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A student carried out an investigation using chicken eggs.
This is the method used.

1. Place 5 eggs in acid for 24 hours to dissolve the egg shell.

2. Measure and record the mass of each egg.

3. Place each egg into a separate beaker containing 200 cm3 of distilled water.

4. After 20 minutes, remove the eggs from the beakers and dry them gently with a paper

5. Measure and record the mass of each egg.

Table 1 shows the results.

Table 1

Mass of egg without Mass of egg after 20

shell in grams minutes in grams

1 73.5 77.0

2 70.3 73.9

3 72.4 75.7

4 71.6 73.1

5 70.5 73.8

(a) Another student suggested that the result for egg 4 was anomalous.

Do you agree with the student?

Give a reason for your answer.




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(b) Calculate the percentage change in mass of egg 3.





Percentage change in mass = ______________________


(c) Explain why the masses of the eggs increased.







(d) Explain how the student could modify the investigation to determine the concentration of
the solution inside each egg.










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Chicken egg shells contain calcium. Calcium ions are moved from the shell into the cytoplasm of
the egg.

Table 2 shows information about the concentration of calcium ions.

Table 2

Concentration of calcium
ions in arbitrary units

Egg shell 0.6

Egg cytoplasm 2.1

(e) Explain how calcium ions are moved from the shell into the cytoplasm of the egg.






(Total 12 marks)

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Mark schemes
(a) any two from:
1. • sterilise equipment / surfaces (before use)
• (use) sterilised agar
ignore ‘clean’ unqualified
ignore wash hands
allow description of how to sterilise equipment
allow description of how to sterilise agar
• secure lid of the Petri dish with (adhesive) tape
• only lift lid of Petri dish a little (when setting up plate) or lift lid of Petri dish at an
angle (when setting up plate)

(b) B


it kills the fewest bacteria

it has the smallest area where no bacteria were growing
allow it has the smallest clear / white area
an incorrect answer for one step does not prevent
allocation of marks for subsequent steps
ignore calculation and subtraction of filter paper disc
area from total area

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(c) (correct measurement)

Note: In Exampro, the measurement of 1.1 cm or 2.2. cm will depend on the

printing of the exported diagram and should therefore be checked by the
teacher/student using this mark scheme.

r = 1.1 (cm)
r = 11 (mm)
allow d = 2.2 (cm)
d = 22 (mm)
allow a tolerance of ±1 mm

(recall of the equation)


3.14 x 1.12
3.14 x 112
allow correct calculation / substitution using an incorrect

= 3.799(4) (from 3.14 x 1.12)

= 379.9(4) (from 3.14 x 112)
allow 3.8
allow 380

correct unit
(3.7994) cm2
(379.94) mm2
do not accept unit with no attempt at working / answer

(d) any one from:

• repeat and calculate a mean
• repeat and eliminate anomalies
• use a control disc
allow description of control disc e.g. disc with water /
nothing ignore set up a control
• use different types of bacteria

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(a) a fungus
2. 1

(b) Level 3 (5-6 marks):

Relevant points (reasons / causes) are identified, given in detail and logically linked to form
a clear account.

Level 2 (3-4 marks):

Relevant points (reasons / causes) are identified, and there are attempts at logical linking.
The resulting account is not fully clear.

Level 1 (1-2 marks):

Points are identified and stated simply, but their relevance is not clear and there is no
attempt at logical linking.

Level 0
No relevant content

Indicative content

defence description of defence

animals skin sebum / oils to kill microbes

dead layer difficult to penetrate

nose hairs keep out dust and microbes

trachea / bronchi mucus traps microbes

cilia moves mucus

stomach (hydrochloric) acid kills bacteria

white blood cells produces antibodies

produces antitoxins
engulf microbes / phagocytosis

plants cell wall tough / difficult to penetrate

waxy cuticle tough / difficult to penetrate

dead cells / bark fall off, taking pathogens with them

production of kill bacteria


fungi antibiotic kill bacteria


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(c) any three from:
• sterilise agar (before use)
• sterilise (Petri) dish before use
• disinfect bench (before use)
• pass inoculating loop (through flame)
• secure lid with (adhesive) tape
• minimise exposure of agar / culture to air / lift and replace lid as quickly as possible
• dip loop into ethanol (after flaming)
• keep the lid on the plate for as long as possible
minimise exposure of agar to air
only tilt the lid off (rather than remove it)
• flame the neck of the bottle

(d) to prevent the growth of a harmful pathogen


(a) LHS = water

3. 1

RHS = glucose

(b) any three from:

• (measure) temperature
ignore reference to fair test
• to check that the temperature isn’t changing
• rate of reaction changes with temperature
• temperature is a variable that needs to be controlled
allow lamp gives out heat

(c) (i) 10
correct answer = 2 marks

allow 1 mark for:

allow 1 mark for correct calculation without removal of anomalous

result ie 15

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(ii) graph:
allow ecf from (c)(i)

label on y-axis as ‘number of bubbles per minute’


three points correct = 1 mark

allow ± 1 mm

four points correct = 2 marks


line of best fit = smooth curve


(iii) as distance increases, rate decreases – pro

allow yes between 20 – 40

but should be a straight line / but line curves – con / not quite pro
allow not between 10 – 20
if line of best fit is straight line, allow idea of poor fit

(d) any four from:

• make more profit / cost effective

• raising temp. to 25 °C makes very little difference at 0.03% CO 2
• (at 20 °C) with CO 2 at 0.1%, raises rate
• (at 20 °C with CO 2 at 0.1%) → >3x rate / rises from 5 to 17
• although 25 °C → higher rate, cost of heating not economical
• extra light does not increase rate / already max. rate with daylight
accept ref to profits c.f. costs must be favourable

(a) (i) colour of light / bulb / lamp

allow wavelength for colour
allow bulb alone
do not accept light / colour unqualified

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(ii) any one from eg

• temperature
allow heat

• light intensity or distance between lamp and plant / tube

allow amount / brightness of light
ignore light unqualified

• carbon dioxide
allow symbols

• other light in room

allow use a dark room

• mass / size / amount / age / type of pondweed

allow same piece of pondweed
ignore pondweed unqualified

• volume / amount of water

ignore reference to time

(iii) improved reliability

allow for reliability or less likely to lose count


can spot anomalies / changes

allow reference to calculating a mean / average
ignore reference to accuracy / precision / fair

(b) (i) green


(ii) any two from:

ignore references to colour

• least / less bubbles / gas / oxygen / mean

reference to least / less needed only once, in context, for 2 marks

• least / less photosynthesis

• least / less glucose / sugar / carbohydrate / food made

only penalise no once, ie
no bubbles = 0 mark
no bubbles so no photosynthesis = 1 mark
allow most / more green light reflected (by chloroplasts)

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(a) (for calcium)

allow any correct rounding to minimum 3 significant

allow alternative route with correct rounding

(for vitamin B-12)

allow alternative route with correct rounding


560 / 559.8 / 559.78 / 559 (cm3)

allow only correct answer based on values given for
vitamin B-12 and calcium
an answer of 560 / 559.8 / 559.78 / 559 (cm3) scores 3
an incorrect answer for one step does not prevent
allocation of marks for subsequent steps

(b) Level 2: Scientifically relevant facts, events or processes are identified and given in
detail to form an accurate account.

Level 1: Facts, events or processes are identified and simply stated but their
relevance is not clear.

No relevant content

Indicative content

• Biuret reagent (allow CuSO4 and NaOH) tests for protein

• add Biuret reagent to milk

• solution will turn (from blue) to lilac if positive

• iodine solution tests for starch (ignore iodine unqualified)

• add iodine solution to milk
• solution will turn (from orange / brown) to blue / black if positive

• Benedict’s reagent tests for sugars

• add Benedict’s reagent to milk and boil / heat (allow any temperature above 60 °C)
• solution will turn (from blue) to (brick) red / brown / orange / yellow / green if positive

for level 2, reference to all three food tests is required

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(c) lipase breaks down fat into fatty acids (and glycerol)
do not accept if ‘glycerol’ is contradicted

(and) fatty acids lower the pH


(and when) fatty acids cause the pH to be below 10 (the indicator becomes

(d) observation of colour change is subjective / based on opinion

ignore human error unqualified
ignore experimental error or examples of this

(e) bile emulsifies fats

allow a correct description of emulsification (i.e. breaks
fat from large droplets into smaller droplets)
do not accept a description of chemical breakdown

creates a larger surface area (of fat)


(so) lipase can break down fat (to produce fatty acids) more quickly / effectively
allow fatty acids produced by action of lipase more

(a) (i) glycerol

6. 1

(ii) pancreas / small intestine

accept duodenum / ileum
ignore intestine unqualified

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(b) any two from:
• type of milk
• volume / amount of milk
• vol. bile equals vol. water
• volume of lipase
• concentration of lipase
• temperature
ignore time interval
ignore solution unqualified
do not allow pH
ignore starting pH
ignore volume / amount of bile / water
ignore concentration of bile
accept amount of lipase if neither volume nor concentration given

(c) (i) fatty acid (production)


(ii) faster reaction / digestion (with bile)

pH decreases faster (with bile)
takes less time (with bile)
steeper fall / line (with bile)
allow use of data
ignore easier

(iii) all fat / milk digested

same amount of fatty acids present
(lower pH) denatures the enzyme / lipase
allow all reactants used up
ignore reference to neutralisation
allow enzyme won’t work at low pH
do not allow enzyme killed

(a) salivary glands and pancreas

7. 1

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(b) starch / substrate fits into active site (of enzyme)

shape of active site is unique / complementary to substrate

allow converse
substrate is specific to active site / enzyme
allow enzyme has a high specificity for substrate
bonds (within starch / substrate
between sugar molecules) are broken

(c) converted to new carbohydrates / glycogen / named organic compound (e.g. protein / fat)

(d) to allow (the starch and amylase / solutions) to equilibrate (to the temperature of the water
to get the starch and amylase / solutions to the same temperature / 20 °C
to get the starch and amylase / solutions to the (same) temperature of the water bath

(e) 40 °C
all wells contain a symbol
must contain at least two crossed wells at the end
allow final three wells crossed

60 °C
all wells contain a symbol
must have fewer crossed wells at the end than at 40 °C

allow all wells ticked (✔)

for either mp do not allow a crossed well followed by a ticked well

(f) more accurate

allow (so) closer to (the) true value

(because) it is a quantitative measure

allow (it’s) an actual value as opposed to an opinion
less / not subjective
allow colour is only qualitative

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(g) 0.07 (%)

(h) starch is broken down less quickly (at 20 °C)

allow converse

because, at 20 °C, substrates / enzymes / molecules have less (kinetic) energy


(i) 1.08 (arbitrary units)


at 80 °C, enzyme / amylase has denatured

allow description of denaturation
do not allow enzyme is killed

so starch is not broken down (at all)

allow the concentration of starch is still 0.5%

(a) electron (microscope)

8. 1


an answer of 150 (μm) scores 2 marks


150 (μm)
if answer is incorrect allow for 1 mark sight of 0.015 / 0.15 / 1.5 / 15
allow ecf for incorrect measurement of line X for max 1 mark
(c) either
large surface area
allow (vacuole contains) cell sap that is more concentrated than soil
water (1)

for more / faster osmosis

create / maintain concentration / water potential gradient (1)


allow thin (cell) walls

for short(er) diffusion distance


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(d) (on hot day) more water lost
allow converse for a cold day if clearly indicated

more transpiration
more evaporation

so more water taken up (by roots) to replace (water) loss (from leaves)

(e) (aerobic) respiration occurs in mitochondria

do not accept anaerobic respiration

(mitochondria / respiration) release energy

do not accept energy produced / made / created

(energy used for) active transport


to transport ions, against the concentration gradient

from a low concentration to a high concentration

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Hazard Risk Plan to minimise risk

wash skin immediately (after

wear gloves
Iodine solution is an May cause allergic reaction or or
irritant skin rash
clean up spills
allow method to prevent spills
e.g. use a dropper bottle
ignore do not spill

cut away from the body

cut on a chopping board
Sharp knife may cut you / someone / skin keep fingers away from blade
(when cutting)
allow description of how to carry
knife safely
ignore use a blunt knife

1 mark for each correct row


(b) thin layer

(to) help see individual cells
allow so light can penetrate

iodine solution
(to) stain / see the parts of the cell
allow visible named sub-cellular structures e.g. nucleus, cytoplasm,
cell wall, starch grains
ignore chloroplast
ignore (to) stain the cell

at an angle
(to) prevent / reduce air bubbles

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(c) recall of equation
maginification =


magnification =

ignore use of equation triangle

rearrangement of equation
size of real object =


length of real object =

allow recall and rearrangement of equation implied at any stage



allow substitution of incorrectly converted value


0.012 (cm)
allow answer using incorrectly converted value

120 (µm)
allow conversion to µm at any stage

(d) any two from:

• include the magnification / scale
• use continuous lines or ensure no gaps in lines
• do not draw overlapping cells
• draw (wider) cell walls
• do not shade
allow do not colour
• draw all the cells present
• draw correct cell shapes
• do not have gaps between cells
• draw nuclei in correct location
• label cell part(s)
allow label named cell part(s)
ignore make it neater

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(e) (would) look more magnified / bigger
ignore reference to zoom

(cell would) have more detail

(would) be at a higher resolution
(could) see more sub-cellular structures
sub-cellular structures seen in detail
allow correct examples of sub-cellular structures such as
ribosomes, mitochondria, cell membrane
ignore chloroplast
allow (could) be in 3D
allow would be in black and white

(a) diffusion
10. 1
active transport
this order only

(b) (i) concentration (of sugar) in the bag was higher (than in the drink)
allow concentration (of sugar) in the drink was lower (than in the


higher concentration of water outside the bag or in the drink / boiling tube
allow higher water potential outside the bag or lower water potential
inside the bag

(so) water moved in (to the tubing)

allow water moves down its concentration gradient
do not allow sugar moving

by osmosis
allow diffusion (of water)
do not allow sugar moving by osmosis or water moving by active

(ii) B

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(iii) close(st) to the concentration in the bag or to 5%
allow small(est) diffusion gradient or close(st) to an equilibrium

(so rate of) diffusion / osmosis is slow

allow (so) less water moves in (to the bag)
ignore ref. to sugar

(a) (yes, because) the mass change (of egg 4) is much lower than the others
allow because it / egg 4 has gained (over) 50% less
mass than the others
allow it / egg 4 has gained 1.5 g and the others have all
gained more than 3 g (unit required)


or equivalent

4.6 (%)
allow 4.558 / 4.56 (%)
allow any correct rounding of 4.558011049723757
an answer of 4.6 / 4.56 / 4.558 scores 2 marks

(c) (mass increased because) water entered by osmosis


from a dilute solution in the beaker to a more concentrated solution in the egg (cell)
allow from an area of high water concentration in the
beaker to an area of low water concentration in the egg
allow ref to water potential
allow ref to ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ solutions
ignore along / across concentration gradient
do not accept ‘amount’ in place of concentration

through a partially permeable membrane

allow semi-permeable / selectively permeable

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(d) use five (or more) different concentrations of salt / sugar solution (in beakers)
allow any number of concentrations provided it is more
than four

(by) plotting percentage change (in mass / volume) on / using a graph


determine the concentration where the curve / line crosses the zero percentage
change (in mass / volume)

(e) (ions are moved) from an area of low concentration to high concentration
allow against the concentration gradient
allow in terms of solution
do not accept molecules

(by) active transport


(which) requires using energy

do not accept idea of energy being created

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Examiner reports
(a) (i) There were many correct answers referring to ‘colour’ of ‘the light’, ‘the bulb’ or ‘the
4. lamp’. Here ‘bulb’ alone, without qualification was accepted, as it was the bulb that
had been changed in the investigation, however neither ‘lamp’ nor ‘light’ without
qualification were considered sufficient as, in the context of the potential variables in
this type of investigation, they were ambiguous. Few made reference to ‘wavelength’
of light. A few candidates failed to answer the question and instead gave the aim of
the investigation ‘to find out the way in which the colour of light affects
photosynthesis’, i.e. a copy of the first line in the question stem; these candidates
were not awarded the mark as their understanding of ‘independent variable’ was
unclear. Those who lacked the understanding of the required variable often
suggested ‘time’, ‘number of bubbles’ or ‘pondweed’.

(ii) A similar pattern of success was evident, the commonest responses referring to the
‘amount’ of ‘pondweed’ or of ‘water’. Although the examiners were willing to accept
the loose term ‘amount’ here, candidates should be encouraged to use correct
scientific terminology, such as ‘mass’, ‘length’ or ‘volume’ so that their intentions are
clear. Other common correct answers referred to the ‘light intensity’ or the ‘distance
between the lamp and the tube/pondweed’. ‘Temperature’ was acceptable without
qualification but if qualified this had to be correct, ‘of the water’. References to
‘carbon dioxide (concentration)’ were rare. ‘Time’, offered by a minority of candidates,
was not accepted.

(iii) Many candidates suggested a whole list of possibilities often within the one answer,
so suggestions such as ‘to improve the accuracy and reliability’ were common. The
examiners elected to ignore suggestions such as ‘accuracy’, ‘precision’, ‘validity’ and
‘fairness’ for this mark; however this will not always be the case and candidates
should ensure that they become familiar with the correct terminology. Other
candidates took different approaches and suggested ideas regarding calculation of
‘average/mean’ or that counting for one minute intervals would ‘reduce the chance of
losing count’, both of these ideas were credited, although those who suggested that
‘you are more likely to lose count’ had not read the question sufficiently well.

(b) (i) The majority of candidates correctly identified ‘green’ as the best colour, a significant
minority however, thought that ‘blue’ would be best. Some candidates went on to
explain their reasoning, referring to ‘fewest bubbles’ meaning ‘least photosynthesis’,
in part (b)(ii), and were rewarded with both marks

(ii) A significant proportion only made one or other of these points, showing the need to
explain their logic in as much detail as possible. Those who had chosen ‘blue’ in part
(b)(i) almost inevitably had the wrong line of thought, often believing that more
bubbles would ‘agitate the water’ and would ‘prevent the algae growing. Those
selecting ’yellow’ usually did so for aesthetic reasons such as being ‘nice and bright’
or ‘more like the sun’ so the fish would ‘be comfortable’. Candidates again showed
their lack of security regarding the products of photosynthesis, with confusion and
occasional contradiction, as to whether the bubbles were composed (largely) of
oxygen or carbon dioxide. Although it was not necessary here to name the gas, those
who chose the incorrect one lost the ‘least bubbles’ mark. A few candidates gained
credit for pointing out that green light would be ‘reflected by chlorophyll’, a clear
indication of good understanding.

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(a) The most common reason why students who took the right route but did not achieve full
5. marks for this question was incorrect rounding part way through the calculation, e.g., a
value of 266.6 being used rather than 266.7. It was common for students to write down a
long string of decimal places in their calculations.

(b) Generally this question was well answered with 48% achieving three or more marks. Most
students made good attempts to gain full marks and often wrote at length. The test for
protein was well known by the majority of students. However, the need to describe both the
starch test and the test for glucose was not recognised by a significant number of students,
who often gave only the former.

In the starch test, students needed to refer to iodine solution, rather than just iodine. When
describing the test for sugars, the need for heat was often omitted, with some students only
referring to a water bath, rather than a hot water bath. Some students confused the colour
changes for positive results.

(c) Those students who started their answer with the idea that the lipase was breaking down
fat into fatty acids (and glycerol) often went on to achieve full marks. However, many
students attempted to describe their answers in terms of the neutralising effect of bile and
thus resulted in no marks.

(d) Many students gave the correct reason, referring to the subjective nature of the values.
However, a significant number suggested that the measurement of time might be
inaccurate due to a human error or a stop clock that was not accurate.

(e) There were a number of students who confused the answers with that for question 07.3. It
was not uncommon for students to suggest that bile is an enzyme or described their
answers in terms of the pH of bile or its effects on pH of the mixture.

Those students who recognised that the difference was due to emulsification of the fat in
milk often went on to describe the consequence on surface area. However, the final mark
was often poorly explained or lacked detail, with students often suggesting that the bile,
rather than the lipase, broke down the fat more quickly.

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This was the first of three standard-demand questions common to both the Foundation and
6. Higher Tier papers. This question was about the digestion of fat.

(a) (i) Less than half of Foundation Tier students were able to select the answer glycerol as
a product of fat digestion; ‘glucose’ being a common error.

(ii) About the same proportion knew that lipase was made in either the pancreas or the
small intestine, the most prevalent errors being the ‘liver’ and the ‘stomach’, and
some answers lacked specificity − for example, the ‘intestines’.

(b) Approximately two-thirds of students were able to give at least one variable that should
have been controlled in the investigation of the effect of bile on the digestion of fat. Far too
many considered ‘time’ to be significant, although the 2-minute interval for taking pH
measurements was entirely arbitrary. Another common, incorrect answer was ‘pH’, this
actually being the dependent variable. Where substances in the reaction mixture were
mentioned, it was often the ‘amount’ that was stated rather than the volume or the
concentration. Some students correctly identified temperature as a control variable.

(c) (i) Despite an equation having been given in part (a)(i) which showed that fatty acids
were produced when fat was digested, hardly any Foundation Tier students were
able to relate the fall in pH shown in the graph to fatty acid production. Many strange
ideas were suggested about the nature of bile and water and their supposed effects
on pH, although some students at least realised that an acid was produced in the
reaction. Many students clearly did not understand the pH scale and stated that a fall
in pH represented a decrease in the amount of acid present.

(ii) It was evident to almost half the students that the faster fall in pH in the presence of
bile provided evidence that bile helped lipase to digest the fat.

(iii) Only one-tenth of students could offer a suitable explanation for the levelling off of
the pH towards the end of the investigation − such as the fat having been completely
digested or the pH now being so low that the enzyme was denatured.

(a) Over 60% of students gained the first mark point for identifying a plan to minimise the risk
9. when using iodine solution. The second mark point for the sharp knife was less frequently
awarded as students were less able to give a valid method to minimise the risk. The most
common incorrect response referred to wearing goggles. Responses were often vague
such as ‘place it away from you’. Some students abdicated responsibility completely by
recommending that the teacher or an adult cut the onion and some were more imaginative
and suggested buying pre-cut onion. A few candidates transferred their knowledge from
other subjects e.g. technology and talked about specific knife grips that protect the fingers.

(b) Just over 10% of students achieved full marks in this question. Reponses for marking
points 1 and 2 often lacked sufficient detail or failed to answer the question, for example
describing that the layer is only one cell thick for MP1 and suggesting staining organelles
that could not be seen with a light microscope for MP2. Similarly, some students
concentrated on the problems of a thick slice, rarely giving an adequate converse
argument. Those who scored at all on MP1 generally referred to light penetration rather
than the alternative of seeing individual cells. MP2 responses often stopped at staining the
whole cell, rather than its individual parts and some students described the test for starch.
The purpose of the cover slip was well understood. Incorrect answers mostly referred to the
angle of the coverslip having something to do with reflecting light to see the sample better.

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(c) This question was well answered, with 50% of students scoring 5 out of 6 marks, and few
scoring below that. The most common error was an incorrect conversion to micrometres.
Many students fail to recognise that they need to convert centimetres to millimetres before
converting to micrometres and many divide by factors of 1000 rather than multiply.

(d) In this question, some students found it difficult to articulate themselves, often contradicting
themselves or tying themselves in knots by not reading their final response over for
mistakes. Answers such as ‘add labels’, or ‘label organelles / structures’ that couldn’t be
seen with a light microscope were not creditworthy.

(e) Despite this being a common question that students seem to be familiar with, many
struggled to articulate the idea of greater magnification and resolution when faced with the
idea in the context of actual cells. Just over 50% of students gained full marks. Students
sometimes showed their lack of understanding of resolution, frequently giving two
alternative answers for MP2, and failing to recognise that these alternatives are due to the
effects of higher resolution, thus gaining only 1 mark overall.

(a) Most students could correctly identify when ions would move by diffusion and some could
also identify when active transport would occur to move ions from low to high
concentration. However, a significant minority thought that osmosis would move ions from
low to high concentration.

(b) (i) This question required students to recognise that water would move into the partially
permeable bag containing a more concentrated sugar solution and then explain why
this occurred. However, it is clear that students still struggle with the detail of
osmosis. Very few could give an explanation gaining two or three marks for this and
two thirds of all students gained no credit.

Those students who did gain credit, seemed to appreciate that water moved into the
bag, but failed to be able to clearly explain why. A significant minority stated that
sugar moved. For the first marking point, many students failed to make a comparative
statement and simply compared the solution in boiling tube A with the other tubes, as
opposed to comparing the concentration gradient between the bag and solution in
that tube. A misconception commonly seen was in the expression of the relative
concentrations, ie ‘water moves from a high concentration in the tube to the lower
concentration in the bag’.

This answer would be credit worthy if the student had added ‘of water’, eg ‘water
moves from a high concentration of water in the tube to the lower concentration in the

Other common errors seen included:

• Weak descriptions of concentration gradients.
• Students stating the sugar moves as well as, or instead of, the water. Stating
that the ‘solution moved’ includes the sugar and therefore is not credit worthy.
• Active transport of the sugar occurring, failing to appreciate it is an artificial
membrane, and as such is not living.
• Using statements such as ‘lots of’ in place of ‘high concentration of’.
• Not stating the direction of water movement.
• Not stating where there was a high concentration of water molecules, and
simply giving a textbook (rote learned) definition of osmosis.

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(ii) One third of all students recognised which of the bags would give rise to the smallest
change in mass. When students did not gain credit, this was most commonly
because they chose bag D.

(iii) A quarter of all students appreciated the general idea that the bag was closest in
concentration to the solution and therefore there would be the smallest change in
mass. As such, many of these gained the first marking point. The students that did go
on to attempt marking point 2 commonly did not gain credit as they did not use good
scientific terminology in their explanation. The use of the term ‘amount’ is insufficient
for concentration but was commonly seen.

Common errors seen included:

• Students struggling to explain the term ‘concentration gradient’ clearly.
• Use of poor wording, such as ‘amount’ or ‘easily’ frequently let students down.
• Stating the bag was full so no more solution could enter.
• As in part (b)(ii), many students stated that ‘active transport of the sugar
occurs’, failing to appreciate that it is an artificial membrane, and as such is not
• Students frequently gained a mark for marking point 1, but then did not give the
consequences of this,
eg ‘so less movement occurred’
‘so molecules moved in less’
‘so less water moved in’

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(a) The vast majority of students could correctly identify when ions would move by diffusion
and some could also identify when active transport would occur to move ions from low to
high concentration. However, a significant minority thought that osmosis would move ions
from low to high concentration.

(b) (i) This question required students to recognise that water would move into the partially
permeable bag containing a more concentrated sugar solution and then explain why
this occurred. However, it is clear that students still struggle with the detail of
osmosis. Approximately one quarter could give a full explanation for this and gained
full credit but a third of all students gained no credit. Students seemed to appreciate
that water moved into the bag, but failed to be able to clearly explain why. A
significant minority stated that sugar moved. For the first marking point, many
students failed to make a comparative statement or simply compared the solution in
boiling tube A with the other tubes, as opposed to comparing the concentration
gradient between the bag and solution in that tube. A misconception commonly seen
was in the expression of the relative concentrations, ie ‘water moves from a high
concentration in the tube to the lower concentration in the bag’. This answer would be
credit worthy if the candidate had added ‘of water’, eg ‘water moves from a high
concentration of water in the tube to the lower concentration in the bag’.

Other common errors seen included:

• Weak descriptions of concentration gradients.
• Students stating the sugar moves as well as, or instead of, the water. Stating
that the solution moves includes the sugar and therefore is not credit worthy.
• Active transport of the sugar occurring, failing to appreciate it is an artificial
membrane, and as such is not living.
• Using statements like ‘lots of’ in place of ‘high concentration of’.
• Not stating the direction of water movement.
• Not stating where there was a high concentration of water molecules, and
simply giving a textbook (rote learned) definition of osmosis.

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(ii) Most students recognised which of the bags would give rise to the smallest change in
mass. When students did not gain credit, most commonly this was because they
chose bag D.

(iii) Most students appreciated the general idea that the bag was closest in concentration
to the solution and therefore there would be the smallest change in mass. As such,
many gained the first marking point. The students that did go on to attempt marking
point 2 most commonly did not gain credit as they did not use good scientific
terminology in their explanation. The best answers gaining full marks were concise,
and applied good clear scientific terminology in their answers. The use of the term
‘amount’ is insufficient for concentration, but was commonly seen.

Common errors seen included:

• Students struggling to explain the term ‘concentration gradient’ clearly.
• Use of poor wording, such as ‘amount’ or ‘easily’ frequently let students down.
• Stating the bag was full so no more solution could enter.
• As in part (b)(ii), many students stated that ‘active transport of the sugar
occurs’, failing to appreciate that it is an artificial membrane, and as such is not
• Students frequently gained a mark for marking point 1, but then did not give the
consequences of this, eg ‘so less movement occurred’ ‘so molecules moved in
less’ ‘so less water moved in.’

(a) Some students stated 'no, because they all increased'. This indicates that they only paid
11. cursory attention to the numbers on the table and did not scrutinise them in sufficient detail.

Those who recognised that the result was anomalous did not go far enough in describing
their reason, recognising that it was lower than the other values, rather than being much
lower. A few students quoted values derived from the table but omitted the unit.

(b) 54% of students achieved both marks here. However common errors included using 75.7
as the denominator and incorrectly rounding their final answers. Whilst a specific number of
significant figures were not required, when students round their values, they’re expected to
do so correctly.

(c) The great majority of students recognised that this question involved osmosis and that
water was passing into the egg. Students’ description of the difference in concentration
often had responses that referred to both solute concentration and water concentration,
although most students realised that the (solute) concentration was greater inside the eggs
than outside.

Answers that referred only to amount of water in the beaker / egg did not gain credit. A
number of students omitted reference to the nature of the membrane and so failed to gain
this final mark.

(d) Many students found this question very demanding with 6% achieving at least one mark.
Those who appeared to understand the basic ideas required still did not achieve marks as
the question asked for details of the modifications required. Thus simply putting eggs into
different concentrations of solution was insufficient; as was looking for an egg which gave
no change in mass.

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Due to the positive and negative changes, determining where any line crossed the x-axis
was also insufficient as the axis could be drawn at different points on a graph, instead,
students needed to refer to the zero-percentage change in mass.

(e) This question was generally well answered with 40% achieving full marks. The majority of
students recognised that the calcium ion concentration was higher in the cytoplasm and
thus deduced that active transport was involved, requiring energy.

Once more, students who referred to energy being made, created or produced could not
gain credit for the final marking point.

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