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Guide to using FreeCodeCamp for the Decagon Home Study

FreeCodeCamp is a free learning programming resource to get you started

on your programming journey. This is a guide to help you navigate the
freecodecamp website to take ​EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED ​for this home
This home study is​ ​better taken on a computer system​ and not on a
mobile device (phones, tablets etc.). You are therefore ​strongly advised ​to
take the study on a computer system.

1. Visit​ ​​. ​You will see the page shown below.

2. ​Click on ​“​Start coding(it’s free)”​ ​ to get to the login/signup page as shown below.
3. Login with any of the social media platform or with your email.

4. If you selected login with email, you should see the page below. Enter your email


5. Enter the code sent to your email address in the textbox as shown below.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the next page and click on ​“Go to the coding curriculum”​ as

seen below.
7. ​You would be taken to the page shown below, ​but you are not to start studying it

yet!!​. Click on​ ​"Curriculum"​ at the top right-hand corner of the page to view the full

8. ​The page for the full curriculum is shown below. ​The only three topics​ you would be

studying are:

● Basic HTML and HTML5

● Basic CSS

● Basic Javascript
9. ​Take ​all​ the topics under ​“Basic HTML/HTML5”​ alone as shown below.
10. ​Take ​all​ the topic under ​"Basic CSS"​. ​Do not take other topics such as "Applied

visual design", "Applied Accessibility" etc. Do not study them for this home study

as you will not be tested based on those topics.

11. ​Take all the topics under ​"Basic Javascript"​ ALONE​. ​Do not take other topics

such as "ES6", "Regular Expressions" etc. You will not be tested on those

12. ​The interface for taking topic is as shown below. The platform is self-explanatory

and easy to follow. Go through with the topics carefully and sequentially. ​Your

knowledge of what you studied will be tested extensively.


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