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NAME: _____________________________________

CLASS: _____________ DATE: _________________



1. Listen and check () the appropriate alternative.

a) The boy’s name is…

( ) Alan.
( ) Edward.
( ) Philip.

b) His birthday is on:

( ) January 11th.
( ) April 11th.
( ) April 12th.

c) His father’s birthday is in:

( ) April.
( ) May.
( ) June.

d) The boy’s grandfather and

grandmother visit him in:
( ) April.
( ) June.
( ) May.

e) His mother’s birthday is on:

( ) August 7th.
( ) August 17th.
( ) August 27th. Image by:

Brick by Brick 4 – Unit 7 | Test 1

2. Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).

Image by:

The city of São Paulo has lots of spaces dedicated to culture. The Latin
America Memorial is one of these spaces. It was inaugurated on March 18,
1989. The Latin America Memorial is a monument to the cultural, political,
economic and social integration of Latin America.
Based on: <
latina/>. Accessed on November 18, 2021.

a) ( ) The month of inauguration of the Latin America Memorial is March.

b) ( ) The Latin America Memorial was inaugurated on March 18, 1997.
c) ( ) It is a monument to the city of São Paulo.
d) ( ) Oscar Niemeyer and Darcy Ribeiro are people involved in the creation
of the Latin American Memorial.

3. Complete Julian’s travel plans.

Trip to São Paulo, Brazil – When and Where

September 1 _____ - Visit the Latin America Memorial
September 2 _____ - Hang out with friends around Paulista Avenue
September 3 _____ - Visit MASP and Casa das Rosas
September 4 _____ - Visit the Museum of the Portuguese Language
September 5 _____ - Ibirapuera Park
September 6th - Visit a football stadium
September 7 _____ - Independence Park and the Ipiranga Monument

Brick by Brick 4 – Unit 7 | Test 2

4. Read the sentences and circle in, on or at.

a) The Latin America Memorial is closed in / on / at Mondays (except for the


b) The park opens in / on / at 6 a.m.

c) We arrive in São Paulo in / on / at March.

d) My birthday is in / on / at October.

e) Brazilian Independence Day is in / on / at September 7th.

5. Put the words or expressions in order to write sentences.

a) home / at / arrive / We / 7 p.m. / .


b) museum / The / Sundays / closes / on / .


c) May / in / Mother’s Day / Brazilians / celebrate / .


d) on / The / is / party / April 5th / .


e) starts / movie / 5 p.m. / at / The / .


Brick by Brick 4 – Unit 7 | Test 3

6. Break the code to discover when three special days are celebrated in
Brazil. Complete.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7

H=8 I=9 J = 10 K = 11 L = 12 M = 13 N = 14
O = 15 P = 16 Q = 17 R = 18 S = 19 T = 20 U = 21
V = 22 W = 23 X = 24 Y = 25 Z = 26

a) Tiradentes Day is on 21st.

1 16 18 9 12

Image by:

b) Brazilian Republic Day is on
14 15 22 5 13 2 5 18

Images by:

c) Children’s Day is on 12th.

15 3 20 15 2 5 18

Image by:

Brick by Brick 4 – Unit 7 | Test 4

Gabarito e orientações

Activity 1 a) T
Leia o enunciado e as questões com os b) F (O ano de inauguração do Memorial
alunos. Diga que eles vão ouvir um da América Latina é 1989. O ano de 1997
menino falando sobre algumas datas se refere ao ano em que o antropólogo
importantes para ele. Oriente-os a Darcy Ribeiro faleceu.)
assinalar a alternativa adequada em cada c) F (De acordo com o texto, o local é um
item. Reproduza o áudio pelo menos três monumento “to the cultural, political,
vezes, dando uma pequena pausa entre economic and social integration of Latin
uma frase e outra para que todos possam America.”)
realizar a atividade com mais segurança. d) T

Script Activity 3
Hi, my name is Edward. Some months Leia o enunciado para os alunos e
are very special to me. pergunte o que eles entenderam sobre o
In April, it’s my birthday. It’s on April 12th. que deverão fazer. Confirme ou
In May, it’s my father’s birthday. His esclareça que eles deverão completar as
name is Alan. datas da programação de viagem de
In June, my grandfather and my Julian. Chame a atenção deles para a
grandmother visit us. data fornecida como exemplo:
In August, it’s my mother’s birthday. It’s September 6th - Visit a football stadium).
on August 7th. Happy birthday, Mom! Ressalte que eles deverão completar as
demais datas com th, st, nd ou rd, de
Respostas acordo com o que aprenderam na Unit 7.
a) Edward
b) April 12th Respostas
c) May September 1st
d) June September 2nd
e) August 7th September 3rd
September 4th
Activity 2 September 5th
Peça aos alunos que observem a foto September 6th
que acompanha o texto e pergunte se September 7th
algum deles reconhece o local. Promova
um rápido levantamento de hipóteses Activity 4
para auxiliá-los a reconhecer a imagem Leia o enunciado e as frases com os
do Memorial da América Latina, na alunos. Oriente-os a circular a preposição
cidade de São Paulo. Oriente os alunos a adequada em cada frase. Certifique-se
ler o texto e responder se as afirmações de que eles notem que há três
são verdadeiras ou falsas. Para as alternativas em cada item e que somente
afirmações verdadeiras, peça que uma delas deve ser escolhida.
escrevam a letra T (true); para as
afirmações falsas, peça que escrevam a Respostas
letra F (false), de acordo com as a) on
informações fornecidas no texto. Após a b) at
correção, incentive os alunos a corrigir as c) in
afirmações falsas. d) in
e) on

Brick by Brick 4 – Unit 7 | Test 5

Activity 5
Explique aos alunos que eles deverão
colocar as palavras e expressões na
ordem correta para formar frases. Diga
que eles poderão se orientar pela inicial
maiúscula, a qual indica ser esse o início
das frases, na maioria dos casos.
Lembre-os de colocar ponto final nas

a) We arrive home at 7 p.m.
b) The museum closes on Sundays.
c) Brazilians celebrate Mother’s Day in
d) The party is on April 5th.
e) The movie starts at 5 p.m.

Activity 6
Leia o enunciado e explique aos alunos
que eles deverão completar as frases
com os meses em que os três eventos
são comemorados no Brasil. Diga que,
para tanto, eles deverão se orientar pelo
conteúdo do boxe abaixo do enunciado
(o código) para saber quais letras
compõem o nome do mês em cada item.
Aproveite a oportunidade para conversar
com os alunos sobre a importância de
conhecermos nossa história e cultura.





Brick by Brick 4 – Unit 7 | Test 6

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