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18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL.

Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

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Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local

setup included
Prometheus is a powerful tool used for collecting metrics from a variety of devices.
PromQL is a query language used to fetch necessary data used to analyze and for a
graphical representation using tools such as Grafana.

Ivan Polovyi · Follow

Published in Level Up Coding
12 min read · Jun 19

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18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Prometheus stores data as a time series. Each entry in Prometheus consists of a
metric name, a set of labels, a UNIX timestamp, and a sample collected at that

In the example above, we have a metric that reflects the total of HTTP requests
performed to a particular endpoint and is called: 2/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding


This metric has a list of labels, one indicates an HTTP response code, and another
the endpoint (handler). The time stamp indicates that this metric was sampled every
30 seconds.

Metrics type
Now we have to understand how Prometheus collects the data. From the
Prometheus server perspective, there are no different types of metrics and the
server used all data as untyped time series. At least at the moment, remember that
this can change in the feature.

The differentiation exists only in client libraries used to gather metrics. So the client
libraries have 4 types of metrics.

Counters as the name suggests it is used to count some events. This type should be
used for a metric that only goes up or can be reset to a zero value. For example,
request counts of some endpoint, messages sent to a queue or topic, etc.

A gauge is similar to a counter, as it is a single numeric value but it can go up and

down. This type is used to represent the usage of computer resources, for example,
the percentage of memory, or percentage of CPU used at any given time. It can be
used to represent a number of container instances or a number of threads at a
particular timeframe. In this case, it can go up and down.

Histogram sample observations usually duration of some event, such as HTTP

request and response. It samples them by their frequency or count, putting the
gathered values in pre-defined buckets. The Prometheus client library uses a set of
default buckets (e.g. for the Go client library, it uses .005, .01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1,
2.5, 5, 10). If custom values for buckets are required it can be overridden. Buckets
are used to track the distribution of an attribute over a number of events.

A histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response

sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all
observed values. 3/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

The summary works similarly to the histogram, but on top, it provides some
additional parameters. Such as a total count of observations and a sum of all
observed values. And it calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time

PromQL data types

Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) is a query language used to select and
aggregate data stored in Prometheus, in real-time.

When querying data by PromQL the Prometheus will represent data in 4 different
formats: String, Scalar, Instant, and Range vectors.

The String type represents text and is currently unused. The Scalar type represents
numerical values.

The vector in Prometheu's perspective is a set of related time series. And you
remember that Prometheus stores all its data as a time series.

The instant vector represents a set of time series where every timestamp maps to a
single data point at that “instant”.

The range vector doesn’t represent only one value, like the instant vector, it
represents a set of values measured between two timestamps. The square brackets
are used to specify a time range (duration). 4/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Run Prometheus locally

The easiest way to learn how PromQL works is to create a Prometheus instance on
the local machine using Docker and Docker Compose.

The docker-compose file is below:

version: "3.8"

container_name: prometheus
image: prom/prometheus:v2.44.0
user: root
- ./prometheus:/etc/prometheus
- --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus-config.yaml 5/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

- --log.level=debug
- "9090:9090"
- prometheus-network


This file defines one container based on the Prometheus Docker image with version
2.44. This container has one volume mapped that contains a Prometheus
configuration file. The configuration file is below:

scrape_interval: 15s

- job_name: 'prometheus'
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['localhost:9090']

This file defines the scrape config. Based on it Prometheus will collect its own
metrics. Using these metrics we can perform a variety of queries.

To create a container run the following command from the directory where the
docker-compose file is located:

docker compose up 6/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Now the Prometheus UI can be accessed using the browser on the address:


Timeseries selectors
To select a specific instant vector the easiest way is to type its name in the prompt: 7/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

As you can see this query returned more than one result. To select the required
information we can use label selectors. These selectors go in curly braces appended
after the name of the metric.


For example, if the requirement is to select a metric with the label “handler” equal
to “/metrics” we use the following syntax:


The following operators can be applied to label selectors:

| Operator | Meaning |
| -------- | -------------------- |
| = | equals |
| != | not equals |
| =~ | regex matches |
| !~ | regex does not match |

When we need to select all metrics but one collected from the metrics handler we
use the following query:

prometheus_http_requests_total{handler!="/metrics"} 8/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

We can select metrics by multiple labels separated by the coma. Consider such a
query as a query with an AND operator:


A very useful operator is a regex operator, it allows to create of flexible queries like
the below:


This query uses a pipe (|), and it behaves as an OR operator. 9/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

The wild card can be used in regex expressions like so:


This query selects metrics containing “v1” inside the label handler. The wild card
“.*” can be applied in front and at the back of the value or both.

All the above queries apply to range vectors, the only additional thing we have to
add is duration, which goes into square brackets. In brackets, we specify a number
followed by the time unit.

| Unit | Meaning |
| -------- | --------------|
| ms | milliseconds |
| s | seconds |
| m | minutes |
| h | hours |
| d | days (24h) |
| w | weeks (7d) |
| y | years (365d) |

Time units can be combined like so:

prometheus_http_requests_total{handler="/metrics"} [1m30s] 10/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Offset modifier
The offset modifier is used to shift the time offset for individual instant and range
vectors in a query.

prometheus_http_requests_total{handler="/metrics"} offset 10m

This query returns a sample that was taken 10 minutes in the past relative to the
current time.

The query returned a result that was collected 10 minutes ago. To better understand
how it works below I executed a query that returned a range vector with a range of
11 minutes. When we get the timestamp and convert it to date time it will be a date
and time exactly 10 min ago.

In the same way, the offset can be applied to a range vector: 11/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

prometheus_http_requests_total{handler="/metrics"}[1m] offset 10m

Binary arithmetic operators

The following binary operators can be applied in PromQL with scalar and instant

| Operator | Meaning |
| -------- | --------------|
| + | addition |
| - | substraction |
| * | multiplication|
| / | division |
| % | modulo |
| ^ | power |

Used with scalar values it will result in a scalar value.

When applied with a scalar value and instant vector the scalar value is applied to
each element of an instant vector 12/35
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When we apply a binary operator with instant vectors the result is going to be a new
vector containing elements that are present in both vectors. 13/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Comparison operators
The following comparison operators can be applied

| Operator | Meaning |
| -------- | --------------------|
| == | equals |
| != | not equals |
| > | grater-than |
| <= | less-than |
| >= | grater-than or equal|
| <= | less-than or equal |

Applied to the scalar value will give a boolean value (0-false, 1-true). When using
those operators with scalars we have to add a special “bool” modifier.

When the operator is used with scalar and instant vectors the result of the query will
be a new vector with only values that are matching to the applied operator.

prometheus_http_requests_total==7 14/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

When we apply a comparison operator with instant vectors the result is going to be
a new vector containing elements that are present in both vectors.

Set binary operators

Can only be applied to Instant Vectors:

| Operator| Meaning |
| --------| ------------------------------------------------------------------|
| and | new vector with element that matches in both |
| or | new vector which is the union of all unique elements |
| unless | new vector which elements which are not present on the left side |

When running the following query no result will be found, because there are no
matching elements in both vectors 15/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

prometheus_http_requests_total{handler="/api/v1/query"} AND prometheus_http_req

When using the OR operator the result will be as follow

This query returns all elements present in both vectors. And the query with the
Unless operator returns elements from the left side vector that are not present in
the right side vector. 16/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Aggregation operators
Prometheus has a wide variety o aggregation operators that can be applied to instant
vectors. The sum aggregator calculates the sum of all elements in the vector.


Min and max aggregators calculate the lowest and highest value in the vector:

min(prometheus_http_requests_total) 17/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding


The avg calculates the average of the vector:

avg(prometheus_http_requests_total) 18/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

The count aggregator returns the number of elements in the vector


The aggregator count_values counts a number of elements in the vector with the
same value.

count_values ("prometheus_http_requests_total", prometheus_http_requests_total) 19/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

The aggregator tork returns n largest values from the vector:


And the bottomk works in the opposite way

bottomk(2,prometheus_http_requests_total) 20/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

The operator group does what its name says groups elements and returns 1


We can aggregate a vector by specific labels, like so by appending a “by” modifier.

sum(prometheus_http_requests_total) by (code) 21/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

If we want to exclude some labels we can add a special modifier “without”:

sum(prometheus_http_requests_total) without (code)

We can use aggregators over time for range vectors such as


This aggregator calculates the average in the vector in a specified range.

Prometheus has plenty of aggregators that can be applied to range vectors. They are
sum_over_time, min_over_time, max_over_time, count_over_time, and many more. 22/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Prometheus offers us a wide variety of functions. The first function that we going to
check is absent. This function checks if an instant vector has any elements. Returns
an empty vector when a vector passed to this function contains elements and
returns 1 when a vector doesn't have values.


If we need to get the same result but for a range vector, we have to use the following
function: 23/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Prometheus has mathematic functions such as abs, ceil, and floor.

The function clamp converts the lowest values to the value specified as a second
parameter and converts the largest values specified as a third parameter.


From the screen, we can see that this function converted the highest sample from
6162 to 6000 and the lowest from 2 to 3.

There are 2 more versions of this function clamp_min and clamp_max


clamp_max(prometheus_http_requests_total{handler=~"/metrics|/api/v1/labels|/api 24/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

Those functions will make graphics look a bit nicer, by removing extreme spikes.

Prometheus has a set of functions to work with date and time, such as day_of_month,
day_of_week, and more.

Day of month returns the day of the month (1–31) for every timestamp in a UTC
format. And the day of the week returns the day of the week (1–7) for every
timestamp in UTC format.

The time function returns near the current timestamp

The function timestamp returns the timestamp on which each element of a vector
was sampled. 25/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding


If we need to sort the instant vector we can use sort and sort_desc functions. First
sorts the vector in ascending order and the second in descending order.



Open in app


The complete project can be found here: 26/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding

GitHub - polovyivan/prometheus-query-language
Contribute to polovyivan/prometheus-query-language development
by creating an account on GitHub.

This tutorial is about PromQL, a tool that can help you extract important
information from the metric of your system. It also helps to create a visualization of
metrics and define alarms that will alert you about a problem in your system.

Thank you for reading! Please like and follow. If you have any questions or
suggestions, please feel free to write in the comments section or on my LinkedIn

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Prometheus Metrics Logs Microservices Programming 27/35
18/10/2023, 18:16 Introduction to Prometheus PromQL. Local setup included | by Ivan Polovyi | Level Up Coding


Written by Ivan Polovyi

1.1K Followers · Writer for Level Up Coding

I am a Java Developer | OCA Java EE 8 | Spring Professional | AWS CDA | CKA | DCA | Oracle DB CA. I started
programming at age 34 and still learning.

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