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Siddharth Answer Writing/ é ae Presentation Answer Writing/Presentatio! Con Par Paragraphs/ —_ | Always divide your Answer into Paragraphs or Bullets [1,2,3,..]. It makes it easier Bullets for the examiner to check that you have mentioned all the relevant points in your Answer and improves your score. Case Studies | Answer to Case Studies must be divided into 2 parts:- (A) Legal Provisions and {B) Case Analysis with Conctusion, ‘Note= There is no need to divide the Answer into 3 parts as many people suggest. It makes the Answer repetitive. You don’t have to repeat the same point again and again in your Answer. It is irritating for the examiner anc he/she thinks that you are unnecessarily increasing the length of the answer to compensate for lack of knowledge. ‘Note: You don’t have to put headings “Legal Provisions” and “Case Analysis, ‘with Conclusion” in your Answer. Just write them in separate paragraphs. Section ‘Although it is best to write Section Numbers & Case Laws, BUT it is next to Numbers & impossible to remember All Section Numbers & the names of all Case Laws. Case Laws (A) If you remember it for sure, then write it, else skip it {B) Atleast try to learn the star-marked Sections numbers. (C) Regarding the names of the Case laws, from my experience, I can tell you that itis impossible to learn the names of the Case Laws. It is better and easier to learn the Judgement and the Logic/Reason behind the Judgment. ‘ote: Please don’t over-use the phrase “As per the Relevant Provisions...” Examiner notices this trick. Don't try to irritate the examiner with cheap tricks. If you don’t remember the Section and Case Law name, just write the Answer directly with the relevant theory. It is not compulsory to start an answer with the phrase, "As per....”. To-The-Point | Sometimes the Legal Provision has 5 points in a Topic BUT the question is based Answer only on 1 of those 5 paints. So, you should write only the relevant point of the Legal Provision and not all the 5 points unnecessarily. There is no extra marks for that and you will lose a lot of time. Instead explain that relevant point properly. MCQ or ‘Many students have this doubt as to what should be attempted first Descriptive It does not matter. Start with whatever Questions you know the Answer to — whether it is Objective or Descriptive. Leave space for the remaining questions in that series. Speed & Speed is of paramount importance. You often hear that students were unable to Handwriting __| attempt the entire paper due to lack of time. That's a blunder. © Siddharth Agarwal. All Rights Reserved. Answer Writing/ Presentation So, write fast. No need to decorate the Answer. Handwriting should be readable, not beautiful. ‘Another dilemma faced by the student is whether he/she can use Diagrams and ‘Tables for answering in exam. The answer is YES. Diagrams and Tables are easy to remember and their popularity has grown phenomenally in recent times. Even the examiners are comfortable with it and there is no reason to worry. (A) For LAW. you can write the Answers in your own language. No problem at all. (B) For AUDIT, Book Language is a must. You have to write the points mentioned in the Book and in Book language. Own language is not rewarded properly in Audit Subject, whether it is Inter or Final, although FINAL students suffer more inthis case, IFreading time is given in your Exam, then make the mast out of t= (A) Read the entire question paper very fast and i ‘what you know and ‘what you don’t know. {B) If possible, scribble the points beside the Question itself, so that you don’t forget the points later on while writing the Answer. (C) Once the Bell rings, start writing with rocket speed. Tdeally 3 hours (180 minutes) are to be divided equally on 100 marks leaving us 18 minutes for every Mark in Exam, BUT practically this rarely happens. Some Answers take less time in writing and some Answers take more time. For stance, MCQs typically take less time in writing and carry more marks. Even in Descriptive Questions, Some Answers can take lot of time. So, you have to balance it out. My Advice to you is that try to attempt at least 30 marks in the FIRST HOUR. ‘Managing the First hour is most important. If you can successfully do that, you will ick up momentum for the remaining 2 hours and attempt full 100 marks. Carry the relevant stationery as per Exam guidelines in excess of requirement so that you don't face any trouble in case of exigency or contingency. There is no standard or prescribed Answer length. Every Question is unique and the topic on which it is based has varying length. So, don’t worry about the length of the Answer. Some Answers, by their very nature are short and you cannot expand it to half-a-page. Many students try to increase the length of their Answer by drawing margins on both sides, It is pointless. Examiner can easily see through your tactics. Only Left Margin is sufficient which is used by the examiner for awarding you marks. © Siddharth Agarwal. All Rights Reserved.

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