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The graphs show the changes in the UK industry steel between 1970 and 2000.

tonnes vs thousand) (Đề thi ngày 16/05/2020)
The graphs indicate the varia0ons in employment figures working in UK steel industry and
number of steel for total demand, produc0on and import in this country during the 30-year
period from 1970 to 2000.

Overall, this period witnessed a no0ceably gradual decline in the number of workers in this
field. Furthermore, the downward was also showed in total steel demand and steel
produc0on while the opposite was true for that number of steel imported in that 0me.

In the first year of surveyed year, 1970, there was exactly 50000 thousand employees
working in UK steel industry. ALer 10 years, this figure saw a slight drop to 4000 thousand in
1980 and subsequently kept this decline trend, with a highest rate to 1990, with about 2000
thousand. Finally, in 2000, this figure reached the lowest point at about 15000 thousand of
employees aLer dipping slowly during last period of 10 years.

It is clear that the number of produced steel in UK experienced a plummet throughout this
period, from over 150.000 tones in beginning year to about 25.000 tones in final year.
Conversely, the number of steel being imported into UK showed a gradual escala0on, which
was from nearly no contribu0on on that number of UK in 1970 to approximately 25000
tones in 2000. Generally, despite how much increase in imported steel figure was, the total
demand of UK residents in steel was s0ll slow down, star0ng at 200000 tones in 1970 and
reaching to 1000000 tonnes in 2000, which was also the lowest figure in 30 years.

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