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Curriculum Vita for

Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Curriculum Vita for

Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Full Version


Candidate Full Professor of Computer Information Systems 2024

Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems 2014
Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems 2010

Expertise ‫الخبرات‬

Academia, Elearning and Education, ICT Industry, National

Expert on Cybersecurity, Startups and Business Innovation,
Modern Media Technologies, Researcher.
PERSONAL INFO ‫ ﺻناﻋﺔ تكنولوجيا‬،‫ التعلم اﻹلكتروني والتعليم العالي‬،‫العمل اﻻكاديمي والبحث العلمي‬
‫ الشركات الناشئﺔ واﻻبتكار‬،‫ خبير وطني ﻓي اﻷمن السيبراني‬،‫المعلومات واﻻتﺻاﻻت‬
Name: Dr. Eng. Islam Amro ، ‫تقنيات اﻻﻋﻼم الحديثﺔ‬.
Born: 79.20.11
P.O Box 1132
Ramallah, Palestine Ph.D. Computer Information System 2009 Ph.D thesis “Speech Compression Exploiting Codebooks And
Mobile: +972 599 9999 54 Hamming Correction Code Compounder”.

Res.: +972 229 556 24 Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Jordan.

ORCID: 0000-0002-3429-2115
M. Eng. Electronic and Computer Engineering 2005
h-index: ISLAM AMRO
Master thesis” VoIP Data Rate reduction using linear prediction
coefficients redundancy”. “first electronic engineering thesis in
Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine 2005

B. Eng. Computer Systems Engineering 2002

Graduation Project: Medical Smart cards system Design and

implementation Including both card and reader design with necessary
drivers, and pre dos operating system (assembly), with web based
card access system, java based system used for medical profiling.
Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron Palestine 2002

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Key National Roles and Achievements

• Building the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2023-2027 for the government of Palestine.
‫ للحكومة الفلسطيﻧية ﺑتكليف من اﻻسكوا‬2027-2023 ‫ﺑﻧﺎء اﻻستراتيجية الوطﻧية لﻸمن السيﺑراﻧي‬

• National Consultant for Norway Registers Development AS projects implemented in Palestine in digital
payments 2022. 2022 ‫المستشﺎر الوطﻧي لمشﺎريع تطوير السجﻼت الﻧرويجية المﻧفذة ﻓي ﻓلسطين ﻓي مجﺎل المدﻓوعﺎت الرقمية‬

• Advising the Palestinian Technopark on creating national hub for innovation in artificial intelligence in
Palestine since 2023. ‫تقديم المشورة لتكﻧوﺑﺎرك الفلسطيﻧي ﺑشأن إﻧشﺎء مركز وطﻧي لﻼﺑتكﺎر ﻓي الذكﺎء اﻻصطﻧﺎعي ﻓي ﻓلسطين مﻧذ عﺎم‬

• Advising Local Corporate businesses on building national products on artificial intelligence in banking
and retail sector 2024 ‫تقديم المشورة للشركﺎت المحلية واﻻشراف علﻰ ﺑﻧﺎء مﻧتجﺎت وطﻧية تعتمد علﻰ الذكﺎء اﻻصطﻧﺎعي ﻓي قطﺎع‬
‫الﺑﻧوك والتجزئة‬

• Advising and Provdining solutions of SIEM and SAOR level for the ministry of interior in Palestine since
2022. 2022 ‫تقديم المشورة ﺑشأن حلول أﻧظمة التحكم والمراقﺑة ﺑوزارة الداخلية ﻓي ﻓلسطين مﻧذ عﺎم‬

• Graduate Courses Teaching Applied Cryptography includes teaching DES,RSA,PKI, AES, Hashing and
data integrity Algorithms, DigitalSignature, Digital Trust and Systems Security. ‫استﺎذ مسﺎقﺎت اﻻمن السيﺑراﻧي وعلم‬
‫ و حوكمة اﻻمن السيﺑراﻧي وتقﻧيﺎت اﻻعﻼم المعﺎصرة ﻓي الدراسﺎت العليﺎ ﻓي الجﺎمعة العرﺑية اﻻمريكية‬،‫الﺑيﺎﻧﺎت والمصﺎدقة الرقمية‬

• Drafting laws and regulations for law enforcement agencies in Palestine in the fields of Forensics and
digital Crimes, understanding digital evidence, device and media analysis, investigativemethods,
technical and legal reporting. 2021 ،‫صيﺎغة القواﻧين واللوائح الخﺎصة ﺑأجهزة إﻧفﺎذ القﺎﻧون ﻓي ﻓلسطين ﻓي مجﺎﻻت الجرائم الرقمية‬
‫ والتقﺎرير الفﻧية والقﺎﻧوﻧية‬،‫ وأسﺎليب التحقيق‬،‫ وتحليل اﻷجهزة والوسﺎئط‬،‫وﻓهم اﻷدلة الرقمية‬

• Leading The national team for Tawjihi online during COVID 19 crisis in Palestinian in coordination with
Minister of education and Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation in 2020. ‫قيﺎدة الفريق الوطﻧي للتوجيهي إلكتروﻧيﺎ‬
2020 ‫خﻼل أزمة ﻓيروس كوروﻧﺎ ﻓي ﻓلسطين ﺑﺎلتﻧسيق مع وزارة الترﺑية والتعليم وهيئة اﻹذاعة والتلفزيون الفلسطيﻧية عﺎم‬.

• As a UNESCO consultant, supervised the establishment of Palestine education television 2021. ‫كمستشﺎر‬
‫ اﻻشراف علﻰ تأسيس تلفزيون ﻓلسطين التعليمي‬،‫لدى اليوﻧسكو‬

• Writing the national Laws and regulations on eLearning in Palestine under the discretion of Ministry of
education and accreditation committee in the ministry 2020. ‫كتﺎﺑة القواﻧين واﻷﻧظمة الوطﻧية للتعليم اﻹلكتروﻧي ﻓي ﻓلسطين‬
2020 ‫تحت إشراف وزارة الترﺑية والتعليم وهيئة اﻻعتمﺎد ﻓي الوزارة‬

• Establishing Red Team and Threat Hunting for Palestinian Security forces 2017 ‫إﻧشﺎء الفريق اﻷحمر ومطﺎردة‬
‫التهديدات لقوات اﻷمن الفلسطيﻧي‬

• UNESCO Consultant on Open Educational resources and leading author of OER first Arabic reference
published by Queen Rania Foundation and ministry of education in Jordan 2018. ‫مستشﺎر اليوﻧسكو للموارد‬
‫التعليمية المفتوحة والمؤلف الرئيسي للمرجع العرﺑي اﻷول للموارد التعليمية المفتوحة الذي ﻧشرته مؤسسة الملكة راﻧيﺎ ووزارة الترﺑية والتعليم ﻓي‬

• Implementing digital signature solutions of document management systems based on Microsoft PKI and
KDC and other open source technologies 2012-2014 for national agencies. ‫تﻧفيذ حلول التوقيع الرقمي ﻷﻧظمة‬
‫ إدارة المستﻧدات المعتمدة علﻰ‬Microsoft PKI ‫و‬KDC ‫ للوكﺎﻻت الوطﻧية‬2014-2012 ‫وغيرهﺎ من التقﻧيﺎت مفتوحة المصدر‬

• Leading the national team on building a civil registry system for the ministry of interior and boarders
management software 2010-2012 ‫المشﺎركة ﻓي قيﺎدة الفريق الوطﻧي لﺑﻧﺎء ﻧظﺎم السجل المدﻧي لوزارة الداخلية وﺑرﻧﺎمج إدارة الحدود‬

• Extensive experience in key authentication protocols and approaches with integrations between different
operating systems, web technologies, authentication protocols, certificates, cross-sigining and root
certificates structures. ‫خﺑرة واسعة ﻓي ﺑروتوكوﻻت وأسﺎليب المصﺎدقة الرئيسية مع التكﺎمل ﺑين أﻧظمة التشغيل المختلفة وتقﻧيﺎت‬
‫الويب وﺑروتوكوﻻت المصﺎدقة والشهﺎدات والتوقيع المتﺑﺎدل وهيﺎكل الشهﺎدات اﻻكتروﻧية‬

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

• Solid experience in corporate IT projects managements.


Founding Member of The National Center for Digital Transformation Since June 2023

‫عضو مؤسس ﻓﻲ المركز الوطنﻲ للتحول الرﻗمﻲ ﻓﻲ الجامﻌﺔ الﻌربيﺔ اﻻمريكيﺔ‬

National Coordinator of Palestine Cybersecurity conference Since Aug 2023

‫المنسق الﻌام لمؤتمر ﻓلسطين الدولﻲ لﻼمن السيبرانﻲ‬

National Advisor for the Government of Palestine on Cybersecurity Since Jan 2023

‫المستشار الوطنﻲ لﻼمن السيبرانﻲ للحكومﺔ الفلسطينيﺔ – منظمﺔ اﻻسكوا‬

Dean of Faculty of Modern Science Since Jul 2022

‫عميد كليﺔ الﻌلوم الحديثﺔ ﻓﻲ الجامﻌﺔ الﻌربيﺔ اﻻمريكيﺔ‬

Associate Professor of Cyber Security in Arab American University Since Jan 2022

‫استاذ مشارك ﻓﻲ الدراسات الﻌليا ﻓﻲ اﻻمن السيبرانﻲ ﻓﻲ الجامﻌﺔ الﻌربيﺔ اﻻمريكيﺔ‬

University President Assistant for ICT and Media Production 2015-2022

‫مساعد رئيس جامﻌﺔ القدس المفتوحﺔ لشئون التكنولوجيا واﻻنتاج اﻻعﻼمﻲ‬
Director of Al-Quds Educational Channel
‫مدير ﻓضائيﺔ القدس التﻌليميﺔ‬ 2016-2022
General Supervisor of e-Learning in Al-Quds Open University. 2018-2022
‫المشرف الﻌام علﻰ التﻌليم اﻻلكترونﻲ ﻓﻲ جامﻌﺔ القدس المفتوحﺔ‬
President advisor for ICT in Bethlehem university 2013-2015
‫مستشار رئيس جامﻌﺔ بيت لحم لشئون تكنولوجيا المﻌلومات‬
Acting Head of Master Degree Program of Media Management. 2020-2022
‫مسئول برامج الماجستير ﻓﻲ اﻻعﻼم الحديث وعلم الحاسوب ﻓﻲ جامﻌﺔ القدس المفتوحﺔ‬

BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS ‫الكتب المنشورة‬

Open Educational Recourses (OER), Published By Queen Rania

Center of Excellence, Ministry of Education in Jordan. UNESCO
funded, ISLAM AMRO et el.

Four Chapter of Open Educational Resource QOU curricula

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (ORCID: 0000-0002-3429-2115) ‫اهم المنشورات ﻓﻲ المجﻼت العالمية‬

I.Amro . ,”Speech Compression Exploiting Hamming Correction Code Compressor”, IEEE Conference on
Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.

I.Amro . ,” Markovian Model for Packet Loss in EUMEDConnect Network”, IEEE Conference on Computational
Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.

I.Amro . ,” Higher Compression Rates for Code Excited Linear Prediction Coding Using Lossless Compression”,
IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, Madrid, Spain, June

I. Amro, “Short Segment Cumulative Modeling Algorithm for Markovian Model on Packet Loss”, IEEE International
Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Compiegne, France, October 2013.

I. Amro, “Higher Compression Rates for Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction”,
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin, Berlin, September 2013.

I.Amro, “ Higher Compression Rates for ITU-T G.729”, IEEE 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modeling and Simulation,
Cardiff, UK, September , 2013.

I.Amro, “ Dynamic Estimation Algorithm for Markovian Model for Packet Loss”, IEEE 8th EUROSIM Congress on
Modeling and Simulation, Cardiff, UK, September , 2013.

Amro I. et el,(2011)”Speech compression exploiting linear prediction coefficients codebook and Hamming
correction code algorithm”, International Journal of Speech Technology archive Volume 14 Issue 2, June 2011

Amro I,(2011)”Simplified road map for temporal packet loss modeling”, TERENA Organization proceeding,
Prague, Czech Rp.

Amro I,(2009)”Exploiting genetic algorithms in enhancement of Arabic documents retrieval”, IEEE Morocco
chapter, Morocco.

Amro I,(2008) “speech compression with linear prediction Neural networks”, EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Hodali I. S., Amro I. Y. . (2004)., The Implementation of e-Learning in Al-Quds Open University , The International
Hellenic Conference on ICT, Athens, Greece.

Amro I. Y., Abdel Nour H. I., (2005). VoIP Data Rate Reduction Using Linear Prediction Coefficients Redundancy.
Arab World Conference on ICT, Amman, Jordan.

Amro I. Y., Abdel Nour H. I., (2006). VoIP Data Rate Reduction Using Linear Prediction Coefficients Redundancy.
International IEEE Symposium of Speech Processing, Casablanca, Morocco.


Amro I. Y., (2003). The implementation Academic data exchangers. Al-Quds Open University magazines,

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro


Feb 2012 - December 2015

Sept 2014 - March 2015
IT Consultant for a Palestinian Security Forces, PGI,
Bethlehem University, Consultant/Project Manager
Palestinian Police on e-Crimes.
on information technology Projects
Jan-2012 - Sept-2012
Sept 2013 - Sept 2014
Al-Quds Open University,
Committee Leader for establishment of the Faculty
Head of Information and Communication Technology
of Digital Media in QOU.
Department and the Faculty of Information technology
and applied sciences. council.
Sept-2012 - Jan 2015
Vice President Assistant for Academic Affairs.
Since 2010
Al-Quds Open University,
Since July 2012
Member of Information Technology and applied
TMS security firm, Senior IT Consultant.
Designing security systems for outdoor facilities,
telecom towers.
Since 2008
Al-Quds Open University,
March 2012 - Sept 2012
Information Technology and communication center,
UNESCO Palestine Consultant in IT exploitation
Systems Engineering Department
in education, consulting on capacity building in
Position: Head of systems Development and
educational sector.
Planning Unit.

Al-Quds Open University,
Information Technology and communication center,
Systems Engineering Department
Position: QOU space Channel Project Manager.

Al-Quds Open University,
Information Technology and communication center,
Systems Engineering Department
Position: Networking and Systems Engineer
Position Task: maintaining 32 sites WAN inside and
outside Palestine, connectivity, performance and
security wise.

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro


Project Name Donor Name Project Purpose
Supporting Distance UNESCO Establishing Educational Television for the 2020-2021
Learning in Palestine through Ministry of education in Palestine, I served as
the Establishment of an an individual Consultant. Complete project
Educational TV Broadcasting plan and budget were delivered
Channel for the Ministry of
‫دعم التﻌلم عن بﻌد ﻓﻲ ﻓلسطين من‬ UNESCO ‫اﻻشراف علﻰ تأسيس ﻓضائيﺔ ﻓلسطين التﻌليميﺔ لوزارة التربيﺔ‬ 2020-2021
‫خﻼل إنشاء ﻗناة تلفزيونيﺔ تﻌليميﺔ تابﻌﺔ‬ ‫تم تسليم خطﺔ‬. ‫ الﻌمل كمستشار ﻓردي‬،‫والتﻌليم ﻓﻲ ﻓلسطين‬
‫لوزارة التربيﺔ والتﻌليم‬ ‫المشروع والميزانيﺔ كاملﺔ‬

Developing the Regulations German Developing ELearning Regulations for 2021

and Instructions for E-learning Government. Ministry of Higher Education in Education.
in Palestine Individual Consultant, Delivered Law Draft
and Strategic Document on eLearning in
‫تطوير أنظمﺔ وتﻌليمات التﻌلم اﻹلكترونﻲ‬ ‫الﻌمل كمستشار مستقل لتطوير ﻻئحﺔ التﻌلم اﻹلكترونﻲ لوزارة الحكومﺔ اﻻلمانيﺔ‬ 2021
‫لﺻالﺢ وزارة التربيﺔ والتﻌليم الﻌالﻲ وهيئﺔ‬ ‫اعداد مسودة القانون والوثيقﺔ‬. ‫التﻌليم الﻌالﻲ ﻓﻲ التربيﺔ والتﻌليم‬
‫اﻻعتماد والجودة ﻓﻲ ﻓلسطين‬ ‫اﻹستراتيجيﺔ حول التﻌليم اﻹلكترونﻲ ﻓﻲ ﻓلسطين‬

Final External Evaluation of UNITED Nations Delivered a complete analytical report on 2017
the Ministry of Education and the Education for all initiative (individual
Higher Education and United consultant(
Nations Education for All
Package (EFA(
‫التقييم الخارجﻲ النهائﻲ لوزارة التﻌليم‬ ‫اﻻمم المتحدة‬ ‫تقديم تقرير تحليلﻲ كامل عن مبادرة التﻌليم للجميع (استشاري‬ 2017
‫والتﻌليم الﻌالﻲ وحزمﺔ اﻷمم المتحدة‬ ‫)ﻓردي‬
‫( للتﻌليم للجميع‬EFA)

Framework of the UN WHO and Worked with several Palestinian Ministries 2017
Partnership to Promote the UNESCO and seven united nations organizations
Rights of the Persons with in Palestine (UNESCO, UNRWA, WHO,
Disabilities Project UNICEF, ILO, UNDP, and The higher
commissioner office( on evaluating the
Palestinian efforts in serving people with
disabilities according to the UNPRP
‫مشروع إطار مشروع الشراكﺔ اﻷمميﺔ‬ WHO and ‫الﻌمل مع الﻌديد من الوزارات الفلسطينيﺔ وسبع منظمات‬ 2017
‫لتﻌزيز حقوق اﻷشخاص ذوي اﻹعاﻗﺔ‬ UNESCO ‫تابﻌﺔ لﻸمم المتحدة‬
،‫ منظمﺔ الﺻحﺔ الﻌالميﺔ‬،‫ اﻷونروا‬،‫ﻓﻲ ﻓلسطين (اليونسكو‬
‫ برنامج اﻷمم المتحدة‬،‫ منظمﺔ الﻌمل الدوليﺔ‬،‫اليونيسيف‬
‫ ومكتب المفوض اﻷعلﻰ )حول تقييم الجهود‬،‫اﻹنمائﻲ‬
‫الفلسطينيﺔ ﻓﻲ خدمﺔ اﻷشخاص ذوي اﻹعاﻗﺔ وﻓق مبادرات‬
‫برنامج اﻷمم المتحدة ﻹعادة تأهيل اﻷشخاص ذوي اﻹعاﻗﺔ‬

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Project Manager: Consulate The project aims at equipping students 30/9/2013

English Language Summer General of the with the language basics to enable them to To
Camp communicate with one another in different 30/9/2014
United States
situations. Hence, English-In-Camp aims
of America, at promoting the use of English as a
Jerusalem communicative tool in various real situations.
Students will enjoy and have fun when using
the language in the camp

‫مدير مشروع تجمﻌات تﻌليم‬ ‫ﻗنﺻليﺔ الوﻻيات‬ ‫ويهدف المشروع إلﻰ تزويد الطﻼب بأساسيات اللغﺔ‬ 30/9/2013
‫اللغﺔ اﻻنجليزيﺔ لطلبﺔ الجامﻌات‬ ‫المتحدة ﻓﻲ القدس‬ ‫لتمكينهم من التواﺻل مع بﻌضهم البﻌض ﻓﻲ المواﻗف‬ To
‫ يهدف برنامج‬،‫ومن ثم‬. ‫ المختلفﺔ‬English-In-Camp 30/9/2014
‫إلﻰ تﻌزيز استخدام اللغﺔ اﻹنجليزيﺔ كوسيلﺔ‬
‫تواﺻل ﻓﻲ مواﻗف حقيقيﺔ مختلفﺔ‬.

Project Manager: Community The project is the first of its kind in the 1/2/2014
Mobile Educational Computer Development region. It aims to improve the quality of To
Center Improve Educational and Resilience education in the marginalized C areas 29/2/2016
Opportunities in Marginalized Programme located South of Hebron, through providing
Areas in Area C in Hebron (CRDP( an educational center equipped with a
Governorate through the computer lab and a library on a truck
United Nations traveling between the marginalized areas
Development and schools to be used by the students
Program and the local community. This project
(UNDP(. is implemented in cooperation with the
Municipality of Yatta and Al-Samu’u and the
Directorate of Education of South Hebron.

‫مركز الكمبيوتر‬: ‫مدير المشروع‬ UNDP ‫يهدف المشروع‬. ‫يﻌد المشروع اﻷول من نوعه ﻓﻲ المنطقﺔ‬ 1/2/2014
‫التﻌليمﻲ المتنقل تحسين الفرص التﻌليميﺔ‬ ‫إلﻰ تحسين جودة التﻌليم ﻓﻲ المناطق المهمشﺔ الواﻗﻌﺔ جنوب‬ To
‫للمهمشين ﻓﻲ منطقﺔ ج ﻓﻲ محاﻓظﺔ‬ ‫ من خﻼل توﻓير مركز تﻌليمﻲ مجهز بمختبر‬،‫مدينﺔ الخليل‬ 29/2/2016
‫الخليل‬ ‫حاسوب ومكتبﺔ علﻰ متن شاحنﺔ تتنقل بين المناطق المهمشﺔ‬
‫ هذا‬.‫والمدارس ليستخدمها الطﻼب والسكان المحليون‬
‫المشروع ينفذ بالتﻌاون مع بلديﺔ يطا والسموع ومديريﺔ تربيﺔ‬
‫جنوب الخليل‬

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Project Manger: Community The project aims to improve the quality of 1/7/2016
Mobile Educational Computer Development education in marginalized areas (C( in The To
Center Improve Educational and Resilience northern Jordan Valley region, through 31/5/2017
Opportunities in Area C in Programme providing an educational center equipped
Tubas Governorate (CRDP( with a computer lab and a library on a truck
through the traveling between marginalized areas and
United Nations schools which do not have a computer
Development laboratories,, to be used by students
Program and the community in cooperation with
(UNDP(. village councils, local governance and the
Directorate of Tubas

‫مركزالكمبيوتر‬: ‫مدير المشروع‬ ‫برنامج تنمية المجتمع‬ ‫يهدف المشروع إلﻰ تحسين جودة التعليم في المناطق‬ 1/7/2016
‫التعليمي المتنقل تحسين التعليم‬ ‫وقدرته ﻋلﻰ الصمود‬ ‫ من خﻼل توفير‬،‫المهمشة (ج )في منطقة اﻷغوار الشمالية‬ To
‫فرص في المنطقة ج في‬ (CRDP) ‫مركز تعليمي مجهز بمختبر حاسوب ومكتبة ﻋلﻰ متن شاحنة‬ 31/5/2017
‫محافظة طوباس‬ ‫من خﻼل برنامج اﻷمم‬ ‫تتنقل بين المناطق المهمشة والمدارس التي ﻻ يتوفر فيها‬
‫المتحدة اﻹنمائي‬ ‫حاسوب مختبرات ﻻستخدامها من قبل الطﻼب‬
(UNDP) ‫والمجتمع بالتعاون مع المجالس القروية والحكم المحلي‬
‫ومديرية طوباس‬

Project Manager: UNESCO office The project aims at develop A Self-Learning 14/8/2017
Promoting OER Concepts, in Cairo and Open Online Training Course to raise the To
Reuse, and Practices in the in partnership OER awareness and assist academics and 14/12/2017
Arab Countries with Ministry teachers from the Arab countries (Jordan
of Education and Palestine( in acquiring and reinforcing
and Higher the skills and knowledge they need in order
Education- to exploit the rich potential of e-Content.
Jordan They will learn how to incorporate OER in
their courses; ways to reuse e-Content and
what are the easy tools to develop OER for
their students; how and where to publish
and share their OER and how to establish
sustainable communities for sharing
initiatives, thoughts and experiences. As
a part of this project, a Training of trainers
(TOT( workshops was held in Palestine and
Jordan in using the Self-Learning Open
Online Training Course.
You can access the application through the
following link:

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro
Project Manager: Consulate The project aims to build the national 4/11/2017
Increase the capacities of General of the capacities among journalists in the concept To
Citizens in investigative United States of investigative journalism by providing 31/10/2018
Journal by providing training to of America, intensive training to selected 30 journalists
Journalists. Jerusalem in WB GS who are working in different
mass media including our TV. The training
purpose is create a team that will be pioneer
and change agents to use the investigative
journalism techniques to influence the
people and support them for social and
political change

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Project Manager: Consulate This project targets establishing a joint- 1/10/2020

General of the PhD degree in Computer Science between To
Developing a Joint Graduate
United States Georgia State University (GSU( and Al-Quds 30/9/2023
degree & a Joint Research
of America, Open University (QOU( and to promote joint
Jerusalem research in Computer Science between
the two universities. In order to achieve this
goal, QOU and GSU will work together on
developing the curricula for the joint-degree
program and on the capacity building
of the faculty at QOU to administer and
run their part of the program. The main
role of GSU is to share its expertise in
curricula development and to provide any
necessary pedagogical training to QOU
faculty. Establishing such program stemmed
from the fact that both QOU and GSU are
committed to globalization of education. In
addition, in line with the Palestinian national
strategy of promoting scientific research and
encouraging innovation.

Project Manager: Belgian This project aims to build the capacity 1/8/2021
Development of young Palestinian youth especially To
Skilled Young Palestine -
Agency in (vulnerable youth and adolescents( in the 31/3/2023
Improving Resilience and Job
cooperation field of the 21st century skills (employment
opportunities for Youth
with the Ministry and resilience tracks( and to be able to
of Labor compete in national, regional, and global
And to provide the youth, especially
disadvantage female with flexible facilities
at their doorsteps to develop project ideas
in a collaborative learning environment, by
directing them to financial products.
Project Manager: UNESCO The project aim to provide a comprehensive 1/10/2021
analysis of the media sector, mainly public To
Assessing Media Institutions
Strategic Management and and private media institutions, including 1/9/2022
Extending Media Information TV and radio stations, newspapers, online
Literacy in the Palestinian news agencies, and PR companies, in order
Higher Education to understand how these institutions are
incorporating strategic management into
their work as a method of achieving viability.
Furthermore, the project aim to extend
Media Information literacy education in
higher education institutions, mainly among
media students, through two outcomes:
interactive training for students from many
local universities; and authoring a specialized
book in media literacy.
Project Manager: UNESCO The project aims to conduct needs and 5/8/2020
gap assessment for MoE, to help and To
Supporting Distance support the establishment of an Educational 20/8/2020
Learning in Palestine through TV broadcast channel to ensure the
the Establishment of an continuation of teaching and learning to all
Educational TV broadcast children and youth in Palestine during the
Channel for the Ministry of COVID-19 pandemic.
Higher Education.

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Project Manager: ACTED This project is implemented in partnership 10/9/2020

With MA’AN with Information and Communication To
Interactive Content 2/5/2021
Digitalization Development Technology Center, the open learning Center
Center within and the Continuing Education Center to
a project titled help in creating, designing and supporting
“Supporting the delivery of digital contents-courses to
sustainable the project platform (Moodle(. In addition,
and inclusive to build the capabilities in this area that
growth in the will benefit wide range of unemployed
Palestinian young graduates and young Palestinian
territory through entrepreneurs.
digital inclusion”


 Supervising Authoring the First Arabic OER reference (2018)

 Implementing and releasing 17 mobile course for QOU on google play (
 Landing the University OER Team ( (2017)
 Implementing privet university slides sharing portal for eLearning purposes (
 Implementing a privet university MOOC portal based on EDX with 7 moocs (
 Development of university digital repository for QOU university with more than 30,000 asset. (https:// (2017)
 Development of university video tube portal with more than 2000 educational videos developed within the
university ( (2016)
 Development of content development criteria for eLearning content (2016).
 Development of collaborative book authoring tools based on share point (2015).
 Supervising External Cooperation Programs, Ministry of finance, Financial Training Center, (2013) .
 Supervising QIF Projects (2012)
 QOU-privet sector partnership business development (2011)
 Initiating cooperation program with the ministry of interior(2010).
 Initiating cooperation program with the Palestinian Police (2010)
 Participation in stratigic and technical planning for the Arab Regional Network (Spain 2009, Rome 2010)
 Participation of core system design for Al-Quds Open University along with 12 team Members (2007)
 Construction of Regional VPN for Al-Quds Open University between Palestine-Jordan and KSA(2006).
 Complete Proposal plan with business analysis for Al-Quds Open University Space Channel Project (2007).
 Planning for the EUMED CONNECT project in Palestine in cooperation with DANTE (2005)
 Planning the Palestinian national academic and research network (2005)
 Planning for student services over Mobile SMS with a national cellular company (2005).
 Planning QoS system for QOU WAN
 Planning and implementation multihoming internet connectivity with BGP 3 for the QOU (2005).
 Planning and Implementation of VPN connectivity over 3 countries in the Middle East (2005).
 Planning an over IP Video on demand system (2005).
 Planning installation of fiber lines for the university (2004).
 Planning and installation of university data security system with multiple securing levels (2004).
 Planning 5 sites video conferencing system (2004).
 Planning server architecture for distributed database
 Technical support for Avicenna virtual campus this is a UNISCO project (2004).
 Planning system core hardware for enterprise level applications using IBM plate servers with heavy duty
SAN storage (2004).
 Fund raising fro the e-learning platform of Al-Quds open university (2003).
 QOU University ISP Officer (2002).

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

International and National Activities

 Participation in design of National Academic Network (2006, 2009).

 e-Government National Core team Member (2010).
 EumedGrid Netwrok support Group (Amman 2009).
 proposing the Mediterranean belt network (Brussels 2007).
 setting strategy and design ASREN network between Europe and middle east (Brussels 2010).
 System Architecture plan and upgrade for the civil registry system for ministry of interior (2011).
 supporting Police forces for IT related crimes (since 2011).
 Member of Palestinian National standards association.
 Supporting National Institute on Standards SINCE 2011.
 PICTI Startups commission 2013.
 Supporting international council on distance education ICDE.
 Member of UNESCO international Council on education.

Professional skills and Trainee Skills


 Working with several content Authoring technologies.

 Working with Several LMS technologies (Moodle, Canvas, LMS 365).
 Working with several Content technologies (tincan, SCORM, AICC). With several content management
 Working with Several virtual classroom technologies (BBB, WizIQ, illuminate, Zoom, Google meeting,
 Working with several evaluation technologies.
 Working with several educational mobile technologies.
 Supervising building pedagogies, teaching and learning plans on large scale.

Project Management

 Working on project planning, resource allocation, monitoring planning, and deliverables definitions.
 Exploiting IT technologies in Project management(MS-project, SharePoint, IRIS, primavera).
 Products Development plans for privet sector.
 Building and revising project documents and frameworks for several organizations.

IT Strategic Planning

 Defining Major organizational Tracks of IT.

 Conducting full gap analysis.
 defining IT roadmap with project portfolios with budgets.
 monitoring projects from strategic viewpoints.
 Define ERP systems frameworks.

Note: Based on ISO, ITIL or COBET standards

Curriculum Vita for
Dr. Eng. Islam Amro

Selected Certificates & Professional

 IEEE Online ITEL training 2011

 ITIL Service Strategy
 ITIL Service Design
 ITIL Service Transition
 ITIL Service Operation
 ITIL Continual Service Improvement
 Microsoft Certified since 2002
 Digital Video Transmission over internet certificate, Birzeit University, Palestine 2004
 Debian Linux Training, Al-Quds Open University, 2003


 Microsoft office, Open Office, adobe office tools, Open Office.

 C/C++ (excellent, general, file processing, process management, networking, systems calls, Graphics),
Java (excellent, worked some DSP work with it), x86 assembly (v. good).
 Matlab (Fuzzy Logic, DSP, Communication, Signals Processing Excellent).
 Good knowledge is SQL, Oracle developers, MYSQL (for web applications).


 ACM.
 IEEE Member.
 Palestinian Engineers League.


 English, TOFEL, IBT 106.

 French, Basic.
 Hebrew, Moderate.

Note: All References are available upon request.


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