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My notes- script

Lack of Funding: The NHS has experienced a reduce amount in funding in recent years, which has led
to staff shortages and a reduced ability to attract and retain skilled healthcare professionals.

Demographic Changes: An aging population has led to an increase in demand for healthcare services,
which has put a strain on the existing workforce.

Brexit: The UK's decision to leave the European Union has led to uncertainty for healthcare
professionals from EU countries, making it more difficult to attract and retain staff from these

Staff Burnout: The high-stress environment of the NHS, coupled with long working hours and staff
shortages, has led to burnout and increased staff turnover.

Staff Morale: Low morale among existing staff can lead to reduced productivity, increased
absenteeism, and a decreased willingness to recommend working in the NHS to others, which can
exacerbate the skill shortage problem.

Training and Education: The training and education of healthcare professionals take a considerable
amount of time and resources, and the current system may not be providing enough support to
produce an adequate supply of skilled professionals.

The obvious answer is to Increase Funding which will Provide additional funding to the NHS to hire
more staff, increase salaries, and improve working conditions to attract and retain skilled healthcare

Invest in Training and Education, Increase investment in training and education programs for
healthcare professionals to ensure an adequate supply of skilled professionals.

Improve Staff Morale by providing support for staff well-being, including mental health support,
stress management, and work-life balance initiatives. (which you would think for an organisation
that specialises in mental health that this would be common sense)

Streamline Recruitment Processes: Simplify the recruitment process for healthcare professionals,
including overseas recruitment, to reduce delays and bureaucracy.

Workforce Plan: Develop a detailed workforce plan that takes into account the changing needs of
the population, demographic trends, and technology advancements to ensure the NHS has the right
mix of skills and professionals to meet future demand.

Increase Public Awareness: Increase public awareness of the role and value of healthcare
professionals and the important work they do, to improve the perception of the profession and
attract more people to the field.

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