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1. Purpose of Performance Management
2. Performance Evaluation
i. Dos & Don’ts
ii. Biases
3. Performance Appraisal Process
4. Terminologies Used
5. Performance Rating
6. Performance Calibration
7. HRC Meetings
8. Rewards – Salary and Bonus
9. HoH Appraisal Form
10. Performance Appraisal - Timeline
Purpose of Performance Management
Performance Management System provides a channel to improve organizational performance by linking and
aligning individual, team and organizational objectives and results. The system is designed to encourage open,
ongoing communication between the employee and the supervisor based on objectives and competencies. It also
provides an opportunity to recognize and reward good performance, to manage under-performance and address
developmental areas.

There are mainly three phases of performance management:

1. Objective Setting (already carried out in Q1 of 2018-19)

2. Performance Evaluation
3. Rewards
Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation takes place at the end of the Performance Management process. This is when the
supervisor formally evaluates the employee’s performance for the year. The system requires that performance
evaluation be done through open discussion between supervisor and employee at the end of the performance
cycle. Ideally, the final review session should be a summary of the performance discussions held during the year.
Below are some tips for employees and supervisors for preparing for the session

Preparation by Employee Preparation by Supervisor

• How have I performed against my objectives? • How the employee has performed against the objectives?
• What were the objectives which I couldn’t achieve? • What are the objectives he/she couldn’t achieve?
• What are the competencies I was good at? • What is my feedback for him/her on the competencies?
• What are my developmental needs? • What further support, training and/or development does the
employee need for the next year?
• What feedback should be helpful for the employee?
Performance Appraisal – Dos & Don’ts

Dos Don’ts

• Do match appraisal to the objectives • Don’t be critical of personalities

• Do take a view of the overall picture of the business • Don’t let bias affect your judgement
• Do take responsibility and ownership of the employees • Don’t avoid or dodge difficult questions
appraisal • Don’t make promises during a performance review
• Do be direct, factual and detail oriented • Don’t be biased
• Do document all the points discussed
• Do highlight good performance and why it is good
• Do ask the employee to self evaluate themselves
Performance Appraisal – Biases
• Biases
• Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair

• Types of Biases
• Contrast
This occurs when the manager compares an employee’s performance to other employees instead of the company standard

• Halo
An employee is rated highly in all areas because of one thing they do really well

• Horn
An employee is rated as a poor performer because of one thing they don’t do well

• Recency
Employee’s most recent behavior becomes the primary focus of the review

• Central Tendency
Causes some raters to score every question on a scale near the center

• Similar to me
Trying to find similarities between the appraiser and appraisee
Performance Appraisal Process

Self-appraisal of employee

(no discussion on rating, only performance

Employee-Supervisor Discussion
feedback to be given)

Discussion with Head of Business

Ratings submitted to HR for analysis (rating not to be shared with employee)

Calibration with HoDs

(to finalize the bell curve, promotions & ratings for

Business HRC Meeting Officers – Managers)

Presentation to Group-Biz HRC & Group HRC (signing off on the bell curve, promotions and
increments for SMs and above)

Ratings shared with employee

Issuance of letters
Performance Appraisal Process
• All Management Employees with hiring date before December 31, 2018

Who should appraise

• Immediate supervisor followed by Head of Department

Appraisal Review
• Functional Head/ Business Head

Appraisal Approach
• Ensure appraisal is done in an objective way. Personal or subjective bias should not be part of it
• Measure the performance against set objectives
• Avoid Biases (to be discussed later)
• Have a candid open discussion
• Use facts and incidents
• Avoid being defensive, listen to the justification or explanation being put forward
• Have a discussion on strengths and weaknesses
Performance Appraisal – Terminologies
Bell Curve
Bell curve is a general term that’s used to describe a graphical depiction of a normal probability distribution (explained later in detail)

The What and How part

• Constitutes the what part – determines the achievements of the employee during the year, factual and determined by concrete
Competencies and Core Values
• Constitutes the how part – answers the question ‘how has the employee achieved his objectives?’, example based and somewhat


One who has mastered every element of the assigned position and is performing at a level well beyond that
normally expected of the vast majority of experienced employees with similar duties
One whose performance is clearly and substantially above required performance and which occasionally
Exceed Expectation
Performance is generally at the required level. Employees at this performance level may exhibit some
Meets Expectation
particular strengths and typically, the strengths would offset the weaknesses
Performance is at borderline. The employee meets limited few targets and has below average job knowledge
Needs Improvement
and skills for the position
Not Acceptable Overall performance is not acceptable and needs meaningful improvement within the next 3 to 6 months
Performance Ratings
Bell Curve
Establish the rating of the appraisals within your department. This can help in normal distribution of the departmental appraisals as shown

Rating Percentage Allocation

Outstanding 5%
Exceeds Expectation 15%
Meets Expectation 60%
Needs Improvement 15%
Not Acceptable 5%
NA Needs Improvement Meets Exceeds Outstanding

Promotions can take place based on the following criterion:

1. There must be a vacant position in the organizational chart for the person to get promoted to
Performance Calibration
Performance Calibration is a process in which Managers (HoDs/HoFs) come together to discuss the performance of employees
and achieve agreement on performance appraisal ratings. The practice of performance calibration refers to the steps taken to
make sure that managers apply a consistent set of standards in making performance ratings.

Benefits of Performance Calibration

One of the primary goals of the performance appraisal process is to effectively differentiate high performers from average or
poor performers so that high performers can be rewarded and retained.

1. Improves the accuracy of the performance ratings : The collective discussion regarding performance allows managers to have
new insight into the performance of employees and reduce potential bias

2. Clarifies high performance standards : Calibration builds a common language around defining performance expectations across
all managers. As a result, managers will be better prepared to discuss the reasons behind ratings with employees and create
development plans for ongoing performance improvement and career development

3. Increases transparency and fairness : Accuracy of ratings and the clarification of performance criteria increases the likelihood
that employees will find the performance appraisal process to be fair.
Performance Calibration Sessions
Performance Calibration Sessions typically operate in the following way:

1. Managers prepare preliminary performance appraisals, including proposed appraisal ratings

2. Managers who supervise similar groups of employees meet and post names and ratings for all to review
3. Participants review and discuss their proposed appraisal ratings for every employee
4. Participants adjust ratings to assure accuracy and consistency
5. Final performance appraisals are prepared

Discussion of confidentiality : It should go without saying that the information discussed and the resulting outcomes should be kept
confidential by all managers involved.
HRC Meetings
Business HRC
Composition of Business HRC : CEO (Chairperson) and Management Committee of the respective business (KEY HoDs)
Mandate : Officers to GM

1. Evaluate and approve Performance Ranking and Salary Actions of Managers & below and recommend SMs & above to Group-Biz HRC
for final ratification and approval
2. Approve Promotions of Manager & below and recommend SM & above to Group-Biz HRC for final ratification and approval

Note: Group Director HR to be present in the final Business HRC when calibration happens

Group-Biz HRC

Composition of Group-Biz HRC (AUTO) : CEO, HR Head, CEO IMC, Group Director HR, Group Director Automotive Strategy, VCs and
Composition of Group-Biz HRC (AUTO) : CEO, HR Head, CEO IMC, Group Director HR, VCs
Mandate : SM & Above

Ratification (endorsement) of the following for final approval to Group HRC:

1. Performance Ranking and Salary Actions of SMs and above

2. Promotions of SMs and above
Rewards – Salary and Bonus
Rewards are the incentives provided to employees in recognition of their performance to acknowledge their contribution towards
the company's objectives.

Two Types of rewards are given in HoH:

1. Salary Increments
2. Bonus (Fixed and/or Variable)

Salary Increments
For market competitive increments, a detailed survey is done periodically by the company, to gauge the competitive standing of
the company against other companies Salary increments include the following major factors:
1. Competitive Factor
2. Merit Increase Effective Date for Salary Increment is
3. Standard Promotion Increment 1 July, 2019
4. Special Adjustment

Bonus (to be changed according to each company) Variable Bonus Structure of TL

Following is the bonus plan: Rating Swing factor
Outstanding 1.5
a. Fixed : 2 basic salaries Exceeds 1.25
b. Variable : depending on the performance rating
Met Expectation 1
NI 0.75
NA 0.5
Performance Appraisal – Form

Appraisal Form (A3).xlsx

Key Points

• Each appraisal form should have complete details of each employee

• Each section (Competencies, Values, Objectives, Strengths & Weaknesses, Development Plan) should be properly filled
by the reporting manager
• Each form should be signed off by the employee, reporting manager and reporting manager’s supervisor
Performance Appraisals for Management Staff – Timeline

Appraisal Rollout 3 April 2019
Workshop & Communication Sessions
Workshop with HOFs/HODs (after 3M)
8 April 2019
Sessions with management staff (3:30pm – 4:30pm)
Performance Review Meetings
Performance Review Meetings with Employees 9 - 25 April 2019
Submission of Ratings to HR 30 April 2019
Consolidation of Ratings 2 – 15 May 2019
HRC Meetings
Business HRC Meetings : Performance Ratings and Bonus/Salary Action for Officers - GMs 16 - 17 May 2019
Submission of SGMs & Above appraisal forms to Group HR 15 May 2019
Group-Biz HRC Meetings (Auto) : Ratification of Performance Ratings of SMs – GMs 27 May 2019
Submission of appraisal forms to HR 20 - 27 June 2019
Issuance of Letters 30 June 2019
Performance Appraisals for Non-Management Staff – Timeline

Appraisal Rollout 3 April 2019
Workshop & Communication Sessions
Workshop with HOFs/HODs (after 3M) 8 April 2019
Session with Supervisors, GLs/TLs (11:30am – 12:30pm)
9 April 2019
Session with Supervisors, JTMs (04:00pm – 05:00pm)
Performance Review Meetings
Performance Review Meetings with JTMs 10 - 30 April 2019
Submission of Ratings to HR 6 May 2019
Consolidation of Ratings 7 – 19 May 2019
HRC Meetings
COOs Approval 20 May 2019
CEOs Approval 22 May 2019
Group-Biz HRC Meetings (Auto) : Ratification of Performance Ratings of SMs – GMs 27 May 2019
Salary Program Effective 1 July 2019

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