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What is the importance / relevance of Chapter 2 in your

thesis writing?

ANSWER: The importance of Chapter 2 in thesis writing as follows:

a. Provide an up-to date understanding of the subject and its
significance is to your practice.
b. Identifies the method used in previous research of your topic
c. Helps you to work out how to answer the questions and what
questions need to be asked.
d. Provide a comparison for your own research findings.

2. Differentiate theoretical framework from conceptual

framework in terms of its importance in thesis writing?

a. Theoretical framework provides a general representation of

relationship between things in given phenomenon. It dwells on
time tested theories that embodies numerous investigations on
how phenomena occur. Conceptual framework on the other
hand, embodies specific direction by which the research will
have to be undertaken. Statistically speaking, it describe the
relationship between specific variables identified in your study.
It is also outline by input, process and output of the whole

3. What statistical tools you will use if you are to compute and
find out the following:
3.1 significant relationship of two variables
3.2 significant relationship of three or more variables
3.3 significant difference of two variables
3.4 significant difference of three variables or more
3.1 for significant relationship of two variables used Pearson and
moment of correlation – chi-square
3.2 for significant relation of three or more variables used
regression analysis / multivariate\

3.3 for significant difference of two variables used t-test for small
sample (n) and Z-test for big sample (N)

3.4 for significant difference of three or more variables used ANOVA

or analysis of variance.

4. Discuss the importance of the trifocal educational system in

the Philippines? How does it contribute to attaining
excellence and quality education amidst ASEAN integration?
Education in the Philippines is managed and regulated by the
Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA). DepEd is responsible for the K-12 basic education; it
exercises full and exclusive control over public schools and nominal
regulation over private schools, and it also enforces the national
curriculum that has been put in place since 20013. CHED and
TESDA, on the other hand, are responsible for higher education;
CHED regulates the academically-oriented universities and colleges
while TESDA oversees the development of technical and vocational
education institutions and programs in the country.

5. How does power differ from authority?

 Power is defined as the ability or potential of an individual to
influence others and control their actions. Authority is the legal
and formal right to give orders and commands, and take
 Power is a personal trait, i.e. an acquired ability, whereas
authority is a formal right that vest in the hands of high officials
or management personnel.
 The major source of power is knowledge and expertise. On the
other hand, position and office determine the authority of a
 Power flows in any direction, i.e. it can be upward, downward,
crosswise or diagonal, lateral. As opposed to authority that
flows only in one direction, i.e. downward (from superior to
 The power lies in person, in essence, a person acquires it, but
authority lies in the designation, i.e. whoever get the
designation, get the authority attach to it.

6. Compare and contrast the following:

6.1 Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development
6.2 Pavlov’s and Skinner Behavioural View of Learning
6.3 Freud’s Psychosexual and Erickson’s Psychosocial Development

A. Jean Piaget’s Theory of cognitive development described

and explained the changes in logical thinking of children and
adolescents. Piaget proposed that children proceed through four
stages based on maturation and experience. Vygotsky on the other
hand is also a proponent of cognitive development in which he
focused on the role of culture and social interactions. Vygotsky
maintained that speech is a major psychological tool in the child’s
development of thinking. As children age and develop, their basic
speech becomes more complex.

B. Pavlov’s is a proponent of classical conditioning wherein it

focused on the stimulus and response of a person in which learning
occur through unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response.
While B.F Skinner is a proponent of operant conditioning which
deals with operant – intentional actions that have an effect on the
surrounding environment.
7. Discuss when to use the following statistical tools: mean,
median, mode standard deviation, t-test and chi-square.
A. MEAN – use the mean to describe an entire set of observations
with a single value representing the center of the data. Many
statistical analyses use the mean as a standard reference point. The
mean is the sum of all observations divided by the number of

B. MEDIAN – use the median to describe an entire set of

observations with a single value representing the center of the data.
Half of the observations are above the median, half are below it. It is
determined by ranking the data and finding observation number [N +
1] / 2.

C. MODE – the mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a

set of observations. Minitab also displays how many data points
equal the mode. Mode may be used with mean and median to give
an overall characterization of your data distribution.

D. STANDARD DEVIATION – the standard deviation is a measure

of the spread of scores within a set of data. The standard deviation is
used in conjunction with the mean to summarize continuous data,
not categorical data. In addition, the standard deviation, like the
mean, is normally only appropriate when the continuous data is not
significantly skewed or has outliers.

E. T-TEST – the t-test is used to compare the values of the means

form two samples and test whether it is likely that the samples are
from populations having different mean values.
F. CHI-SQUARE – the test is applied when you have two categorical
variables from a single population. It is used to determine whether
there is a significant association between the two variables.

8. What is the difference between plagiarism and copyright

Plagiarism is claiming attribution for a work you did not author, or
using someone else’s work without proper attribution. Copyright
infringement on the other hand using someone else’s work without
obtaining their permission.

9. Discuss the characteristics of the following research methodology,

descriptive, historical, case study, experimental, and quasi-
A. DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH is a study designed to depict the
participants in an accurate way. Descriptive research is used to
describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being
studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the
characteristics occurred. Thus, descriptive research cannot be used
to as the basis of a causal relationship, where one variable affects

B. HISTORICAL – which involves examining the past events to draw

conclusions and make prediction about future.

C. CASE STUDY – case study research method is an empirical

inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-
life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context
are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are

D. EXPERIMENTAL – the experimental method is a systematic and

scientific approach to research in which the researcher manipulates
one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in
other variables.

E. QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL – a quasi-experiment is an empirical

study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on its
target population without random assignment. Quasi-experiments are
subject to concerns regarding internal validity, because the treatment
and control groups may not be comparable at baseline.

10. Name at least five (5) probability sampling techniques and

discuss briefly.
Simple random sampling is the easiest form of probability
sampling. All the researcher needs to do is assure that all the
members of the population are included in the list and then randomly
select the desired number of subjects.


Stratified random sampling is also known as proportional
random sampling. This is a probability sampling technique wherein
the subjects are initially grouped into different classifications such as
age. Socioeconomic status or gender. Then, the researcher randomly
selects the final list of subjects from different strata. It is important
to note that all the strata must have no overlaps.


Systematic random sampling can be likened to an arithmetic
progression wherein the difference between any two consecutive
numbers is the same.


Cluster random sampling is done when simple random sampling
is almost impossible because of the size of the population.
This probability sampling technique involves a combination of
two or more samping techniques enumerated above.

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