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Hi Andy,

I can't believe it's almost your birthday. I promise I'll be there, and I have
the best gift idea for you!
Unfortunately, my boyfriend is sick, but I'm sure my sister can come.
She'd be really happy to assist your birthday!
Just one question, what flavour will the cake have? I hope not pineapple
because I'm allergic to it.
I'll try my best to not be late, because i have basketball lessons in the
morning. Just tell me what time to come by.
See you soon,
It started to rain heavily as I was walking in the park. I wasn't
surprised, they announced on the tv that the weather was going to be
bad today, yet, I still forgot my umbrella. Usually, I liked rainy days, but
this time it was really cold outside, and the wind was blowing right in my
face. And this is how I found myself standing under a tree in the park,
waiting for the rain to stop, but it didn't, it just just worse and worse, and
my clothes were soaked with water.
After a while I decided to shoot my shot and run to the nearest building I
could find.
An exhausting experience I admit, but in the end, someone offered me
an umbrella and I got home safe and well.

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