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8 Scenarios After an Elliott Wave Impulse Pattern Completes

Dec 27, 2018 3:42 am +08:00
by Jeremy Wagner, CEWA-M (/authors/bio/Jeremy_Wagner) , Senior Strategist  ()


The Elliott wave impulse pattern is a foundational pattern of Elliott Wave Theory. Ralph Nelson Elliott
discovered back in the 1930s that the market moved in waves of ve and three legs. These ve and
three wave patterns make up larger patterns that can be used to determine how mature the current
trend is and where likely levels of retracement may take place. Today, we will focus on likely levels of
retracement after an Elliott wave impulse pattern completes.


Learn more about the foundational Elliott wave patterns in the beginner
( and advanced Elliott wave guides

Elliott wave impulse patterns appear only in certain spots of the Elliott wave sequence. Therefore, it is
important to know not only where an impulse wave may form, but also to know where the impulse
wave may NOT be found. Knowing these positions can help you anticipate the depth of the subsequent
correction giving you guidance on how aggressive to pursue the anticipated wave.


Since the market is fractal, let’s break down the Elliott wave impulse
impulse-JWedu.html) so that two degrees of trend are visible. On the image below, you will nd 21
sub-wave labels (blue and red) that make up the larger ve wave impulse (black).

Of all these waves, waves ii, iv, b, 2, 4 are NOT impulse waves. By process of elimination, an impulse
wave can be found in these positions: i, iii, v, a, c, 1, 3, 5.

Impulse waves might make up a portion of a corrective wave, but not ALL of the corrective wave. For
example, it could be wave a of 2. However, an impulse will not be ALL of wave 2 because only 3 waves
are present. Out of these 21 sub-waves in an impulse, only wave iii and wave 3 MUST BE impulse
waves themselves.

Notice that after each impulse wave, a correction of that impulse takes place. In some instances, the
correction is shallow, the correction is deep, or the correction is led off with another impulse wave.
Let’s investigate more closely the eight positions in the Elliott wave sequence where an impulse wave
can be found and discuss what typically happens next.


1. Wave i – according to Elliott’s rules,

wave-impulse-JWedu.html) wave ii that follows must be a partial retracement of less than 100%
the length of wave i. Retracements generally fall within 38-78% the distance of wave i. Wave .4 of i
(not shown) typically provides a bounce…either a mild bounce or it holds all of the correction.
2. Wave iii – according to Elliott’s rules, the wave iv that follows cannot overlap the price of wave i.
Initially, that gives you a maximum level to expect for the depth of the retracement and
therefore, is a place to hold a stop loss in long positions. Many times, wave iv corrects about 38%
the length of wave iii.
3. Wave v– wave v is the nal wave of that initial sequence. Therefore, a deeper correction is likely to
take hold. Many times, once a fth wave is in place, expect to see an eventual correction of the
entire fth wave. Look for an initial target of the previous wave iv and possibly lower levels. In
the illustration above, notice how both of the red a-b-c waves corrects all of wave v as the market
trades back to wave iv?
4. Wave a – if this wave is an impulse, then that means we are looking at a zigzag
Wave-Patterns-What-is-a-Zigzag-JWedu.html) or complex correction. If wave a is an impulse,
then your high of wave v likely holds for the near term. Many times, wave a drops to the previous
fourth wave (wave iv). This wave typically isn’t a real deep correction by itself and the subsequent rally
is relatively brief.
5. Wave c-if this wave is an impulse, then we are looking at the c wave of a at
Types-of-Elliott-Wave-Flat-Patterns-to-Know-JWedu.html) or zigzag
Wave-Patterns-What-is-a-Zigzag-JWedu.html). Many times, wave c will be equal or have
Fibonacci proportions to the length of wave a. When projecting this price, many times it will
reach and possibly surpass the depths of wave iv. Once wave c is over, it is highly probable the
next move is a wave that overcomes the entire a-b-c sequence. Using the illustration above, a
strong move to the upside ensues.
6. Wave 1 – since the market is fractal, the guidelines for depth of correction is going to be the
same relative to wave i. Look for a 38-78% retracement of wave 1, but less than 100% retracement.
The previous wave iv typically acts like a magnet and is either part or all of the correction.
7. Wave 3 – as the market is fractal, the depth of the correction in wave 4 will mirror what was said
for wave iii above. Wave 4 cannot overlap the territory of wave 1. Wave 4 likely retraces about 38%
the length of wave 3. Look for the previous fourth wave (wave iv) to be an initial target.
8. Wave 5 – as the market is fractal, the depth of the correction following wave 5 will mirror what
was said in wave v above. Wave 5 is the nal wave of the whole sequence, a terminal wave.
Therefore, a deeper correction is likely to take hold. Many times, once a fth wave is in place, expect
to see an eventual correction of the entire fth wave. Look for an initial target of the previous
wave 4 and possibly lower levels. Another tool you can use is Elliott wave channeling where you

draw a trend line connecting the end of wave 2 and wave 4. If this trend line breaks, it is an
additional clue that wave 5 is likely over and a deep correction is taking hold.


Impulse Wave Next Wave Typical Retracement of Impulse Wave

i ii 38-78% of 'i'

iii iv 38% of 'iii'

v 'a' of larger correction <100% of 'v'

a b 38-78% of 'a'

c 'i' of larger motive wave >100% of 'c'

1 2 38-78% of '1'

3 4 38% of '3'

5 'A' of larger correction >100% of '5'

As you can see above, the location of the nal impulse wave can have a dramatic effect on what is
expected to happen on the next move. Sometimes, the retracements are relatively shallow retracing
only 38%. Sometime, the corrections can be large so as to fully retrace the previous impulse wave.
There is one thing in common between all scenarios in that a minimum retracement to the previous
fourth wave typically occurs. Bear in mind that if you are analyzing a sequence that is terminating at a
longer term and higher degree, then these corrections can be quite large and damaging.


Elliott wave is deductive by nature. Anything is possible until we can eliminate those scenarios that
break one or more of Elliott’s rules. From there, we assess the probability of a scenario based on the
look and feel of the wave picture based on numerous guidelines. Therefore, if you believe an impulse
wave is nearing its nal stages, zoom out to see what larger pattern that impulse wave is constructing.
Based on what you identify through that deductive process, you can focus on a small number of
scenarios above. Therefore, if you can identify and count the completed impulse wave, you can begin

to identify minimum targets for a corrective move. A novice Elliott wave technician can further
eliminate those scenarios above that do not t within the larger picture.

---Written by Jeremy Wagner, CEWA-M (

Jeremy is a Certi ed Elliott Wave Analyst with a Master’s designation. You can follow his Elliott wave
analysis via regularly published Elliott wave articles
( and through his US Opening Bell webinar

Communicate with Jeremy through the comments section below.

Follow Jeremy on twitter @JWagnerFXTrader ( .

Learn more about how Jeremy got started into Elliott wave from his podcast interview on Trading
Global Markets Decoded. You can access through:

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