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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2822
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

50 points

Group task: Will be presented during our face-to-face class. Maximum of

10 minutes per group.

1. What descriptions can you give to the feelings of the

The boatman's feelings are characterized by a profound sense of joy, happiness, and unrestrained
admiration for his beloved. His choice of words and vivid descriptions reflect a genuine and
passionate love. There is a carefree and youthful exuberance in his tone, evident in the way he
navigates the Menam river with a lighthearted spirit. The repeated chorus underscores the
boatman's commitment to thoroughly praising every aspect of his beloved, revealing a deep
emotional connection and a desire to express his love in a comprehensive manner.

2. What does the chorus mean? Does it support the poet's

view on love? Why?
The chorus serves as a refrain, reiterating the boatman's intention to praise every part of his
beloved, from head to toes, with the strength of the tide. It emphasizes the completeness and
thoroughness of the boatman's admiration. In the context of the poet's view on love, the chorus
supports the idea of an all-encompassing and powerful love. It suggests that true love should be
comprehensive and strong, just like the relentless and unstoppable flow of the tide, reinforcing
the poet's perspective on the depth and intensity of love.

3. Which part of the song appealed you the most? Justify your
In the Boatman's Love Song, the chorus stands out as a particularly appealing element for several
reasons. Firstly, the repetitive nature of the chorus adds a rhythmic and melodic quality to the
song, creating a memorable and engaging structure. The refrain "Begin with the head and end
with the toes; My praise shall be strong as the tide That flows" serves as a poetic anchor,
emphasizing the boatman's commitment to thoroughly praising every aspect of his beloved.

Moreover, the chorus encapsulates the essence of the boatman's love, articulating a
comprehensive and unwavering devotion. The metaphorical comparison to the strength of the tide
suggests a love that is powerful, enduring, and all-encompassing. This repetition creates a sense
of emphasis, underscoring the boatman's intent to leave no detail uncelebrated. The structured and
rhythmic repetition of the chorus contributes to the overall musicality and emotional impact of
the song, making it a central and memorable component of the boatman's expression of love.

4. What is the mood of the song? Does it also affect your

mood? How?
The mood of the song is predominantly joyful, affectionate, and celebratory. The boatman's
expressions of love are filled with enthusiasm and happiness. The repetitive and rhythmic nature
of the chorus contributes to a lively and buoyant atmosphere. The mood is contagious, and the
song can evoke positive emotions in the listener, creating a sense of warmth and affection. The

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

upbeat and loving tone of the boatman's words can influence the listener's mood, fostering a sense
of joy and appreciation.
5. Compare the feelings of the boatman to the feelings of
The boatman in the love song shares similarities with the general characteristics associated with
Filipinos in expressing love. Both exhibit a romantic and expressive nature, emphasizing the
importance of family and traditional values in matters of the heart. However, the boatman's love
is portrayed as a highly personal and individual experience, distinct from the broader cultural
traits of Filipinos. While the boatman's expressions are specific to his beloved, Filipino love
culture encompasses a more communal and culturally influenced approach. The boatman's love
lacks explicit references to religious values, which are often integral to Filipino love perspectives.
Overall, the boatman's character provides a unique and personal lens on love, complementing but
not fully encompassing the diverse expressions of love within the broader Filipino culture.

6. How will you express romantic love in deeper and enduring

To express romantic love in deeper and enduring ways, one could focus on emotional intimacy,
understanding, and support. Beyond physical attributes, cultivating a strong emotional connection
through communication and shared experiences is crucial. Demonstrating empathy, being present
in both joys and challenges, and building a foundation of trust contribute to enduring romantic
love. Additionally, expressing appreciation and affection not only through words but also through
actions can strengthen the bond, creating a love that withstands the test of time.

 On point answer- 20points
 Creativity- 15points
 Quality -15points

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