C Question Paper-1-1

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1. Fill in the blanks:- (5) (a) Distance between feet in “Visram” …………1’……………….
(b) Length of pace (in inched) in slow time ……15”……………….. (c) Strength of
Guard of Honour to the President 150 cdts…………………
(d) Distance between cadets on forming up ………12 steps (from VIP)…………….. (e) Required
number of cadets for Guard Mounting …8 Cdts…………..

2. What do you mean by Fall in? (5) Ans: (a) Every one in the squad comes running and fall in three. (b)
Every one take the space automatically and covers up in sabdhan. (c) Senior most cadet does head counting
gives report.

3. List out dignitaries entitles guard of honour. (10) Ans: (a) President,Vice President and Prime minister.
(b) Governor of State
(c) Defence Minister/Deputy Defence Minister.
(d) Chief Minister of State
(e) Chief of Army /Air/Navel Staff
(f) Vice Chief of Army/Air/Navel Staff
(g) Defence Secretary
(h) The General Officer Commanding in Chief of the Command.
(j) DG NCC.


1. Fill in the blanks : (5) Ans: (a) Zeroing of .22 rif in NCC is done from 25 mtrs
(b) There are three positions of 7.62 mm LMG in change
(c) The caliber of SLR is 7.62mm.
(d) 6 inch fig Tgt is use for snap firing.
(e) The weight of .22 rifle is 6 pound 2 OZ.

5. Write names of all items required for clearing a rif 7.62 mm SLR. (10) Ans : (i) Pull through
(i) Oil bottle
(ii) Combination tool.
(iii) Gas regulator key screw driver.
(iv) Cylinder/chamber cleaning brush
(v) Graphite grease tube.
(vi) Rifle cleaning brush
(vii) Chindi.
(viii) Ground Sheet
(ix) Utencial for boiling water

6. What are firing position of Rif? (5) Ans: (a) Lying posn
(b) kneeling posn
(c) Sitting posn
(d) Standing posn

7. What is grouping capacity? (5) Ans: The diameter of a circle containing all five shots, fired by a man to
the best of his ability, is known as his grouping capacity.

8. What all points must be kept in mind while assembling .22 Rif? (5) Ans: (a) Bolt head to be fully tight
(b) Bolt head and guide rib as well as cocking piece and steel lug to be in a line. (c) Number of
the bolt should tally with that of the rifle.
(d) Safety catch should be applied.



9. What is a Nation State ? Explain (5) Ans : Nation State can be roughly defined as a country which has
essential elements as population, territory, ,sovereignty and Government.

10. Name the four essential elements of National interest? (5) Ans: (a) Sovereignty (b Integrity (c) Unity (d)

11. What do you understand from national integration? (10) Ans : National integration expresses oneness of India. It
is a cementing force that binds the citizens of a country in a single unit. The term Nation has been derived from the
latin word “Nato” meaning bringing together peoples of different races, religions languages, blood cast, colour,
creed to unite them in to a harmonious group.

12. Fill in the blank : (10) Ans: (a) National Anthem is written by Rabindra Nath Tagore.
(b) Motto of the NCC is Unity and discipline.
(c) Koushalya is the mother of Ram in Ramayana.
(d) Dove with olive branch is a symbol of peace.
(e) Raniganj is famous for Coal.

PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP - (75) 13. List the code of ethics for NCC Cadets
(10) Ans: (i) Unity (ii) Discipline (iii) Good Thinking (iv) Good Aim(i) Good character.
14. Write the points required to maintain discipline in NCC camp by the cadets (15) Ans: (a) Obedience
(b) Punctuality
(c) Work hard without fuss
(d) Make no excuses and tell No lies.
(e) Maintain brotherhood

15. What is Morale ? (4) Ans : Morale is the state of mind which influences a group of men to give their
best to achieve a common goal.

16. What are the traits of a leader? (10) Ans: (a) Courage (b) Bearing (c) Alertness (d) Loyalty (e) Integrity (f)
Confidence (g) Command & control (h) tactfulness (j) Organizational ability (k) Foresightedness.
17. Write True or False : (10) Ans: (a) A leader should be firm and polite to his subordinates (True) (b) A
leader should be impartial and familiar with his subordinates (True) (c) Loyalty towards his superiors and
subordinates (False) (d) A leader always makes the right decision (True) (e) A leader should have moral
courage (True)

18 List out various sub parties of Fire Fighting party (10) Ans: (a) Fire Fighting party (b) Fire Picket party (c)
Protection Party (d) Salvage party

19. What is the role of NCC in personality / character development? (16) Ans: (a) Drill to improve bearing
(b) Leadership skills (c) Courage and confidence (d) High Character
(e) Personality Development (f) Decision making (g) Strong will power (h) Help in building national
integration DISASTER MANAGEMENT (20) 20. What are the three basic civil defence measures? (6) Ans :
(a) Protective preventive measures
(b) Control measures
© Restorative measures
21 Write duties that can be given to NCC cadets to assist civilian authorities. (10) Ans: (a) Traffic Control
(b) Prevent spread of rumor
(c) Spread moral education in the society
(d) Assist in Fire fighting
(e) Adult education
(f) Organize in conduct of voluntary Blood Donation Camps
(g) Assist in capture of terrorists and anti social elements.
(h) Assist in self defence of the citizens during breakout of war
(j) Help in maint of discipline.

22. What two steps would you suggest to reduce the loss likely to be caused by an earthquake?(4)Ans: (a)
Move out of the house/heavy structures.
(b) Take shelter at the corner of a house/under a sturdy furniture like table etc. SOCIAL AWARENESS &


23. What are the various social service activities done? (10) Ans : (a) Tree plantation (g) Blood Donation (b)
Eye pledge (h) Adult education
(c) Construction of Road/Trfic (j) Adoption of Village
(d) Pulse Polio and Traffic Control (k) Visit to Hospital/Jail and old age home. (e) Save the Girl
(f) Save my earth from population

24. Write true or False (05 Ans: (a) Family planning is defined as the voluntary decision by couples as to the (True)
desired family size.
(b) Prolonged chewing of tobacco, pan masala(ghutka) can cause cancer. (True) (c) AIDS can be spread
by shaking hands and sharing (False) (d) Rapid growth of population is one of the major problems of our
country (True) (e) AIDS stand for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. (True)
25. Name any five National and community problems of our country? (05) Ans : (a) Health (b) Illiteracy (c) Mall
Nutrition (d) Lack of sanitation and water. (e) Shortage of Power/Lack of comm./Economic Handicaps.

26. Fill in the blanks :- (10) Ans: (a) According to law Tobacco may not be sold to persons below age of 18
years . (b) Caffeine in coffee used a stimulant.
(c) Nicotine in tobacco used a stimulant
(d) NACO stand for National AIDS Control Organisation.
(e) Prolonged chewing of Tobacco is a cause of cancer.

27. Write down five general problems faced by our weaker section of society? (05) Ans : Poverty,
Unemployment, Backwardness, Untouchability and Lower status in society.


28.. What are the preventive measures for Malaria? (10) Ans : (a) Use of Mosquito net.
(b) Use disinfects like odomos, flikp spray etc.
© Cleanliness of surroundings.
(d) Don’t let the water logging
(e) Identify places of mosquito brecding and destroy them.

29 List seven useful yoga asan (10) Ans: (a) Padmasan (b) Baddha padmasan (c) Siddhasana

(d) Gyan Mudrasan (e) Trikonasan (f) Ardha Chandrasan (g) Surya namaskar asan (h) Shavasan (j)

Brikshasan (k) Chakrasan

30 How do you keep a cook house hygienically clean? (5) Ans: (a) Fly proof window /doors
(b) Keep all drains clean
(c) No water logging in area around cook house
(d) Keep food covered.
(e) Workers should keep them selves hygienically clean

31. Name the main seven organs that constitute the structure of human body and write their functions:-(5)
Ans : (a) Ankh (b) Skin (c) Jeebh (d) Nak (e) Kan (f) Dimag(f) Munh

32. Name five aspects of personal hygiene ? (5) Ans : (a) Cleanliness of hair
(b) Cleanliness of body and skin
© Cleanliness of nails
(d) Cleanliness of cloths
(e) Cleanliness of teeth

ADVENTURE TRAINING (20) 33. Name two famous mountaineering institutions of India? (2) Ans : (a)
Himalayan Mountaineering Institute.
(b) Nehru Institute of Mountaineering.

34. Name of first Indian lady to climb Mount Everest ? (2) Ans: Miss Bachhendri Pal

35. Name four equipments used for para sailing ` (4) Ans : (a) Parasail
(b) Helmet
(c) Knee and elbow guard
(d) Boots

36. What are the aims of adventure training in NCC? (6) Ans: (a) To develop stamina, endurance, self
confidence, team spirit and spirit-de-corps. (b) To provide the opportunity to cadets to visit interesting
locations. (c) To develop love for nature and concern for environment
(d) To promote national integration.
37. Name the various adventure activities conducted in NCC? (6) Ans : (a) Rock climbing
(b) Water skiing
(c) Mountaineering
(d) Para sailing
(e) Para jumping
(f) Trekking
(g) Cycle Expedition
(h) White water rafting

ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS & CONSERVATION (20) 38 List four different of pollution affecting
us? (4) Ans: (a) Land pollution
(b) Water pollution
(c) Air pollution
(d) Sound pollution

39 State true or false

Ans : (a) Ozone layer is harmful in atmosphere (F) (4) (b) Plants provide cleaner environment (T)
(c) Factories pollute environment by throwing
Chemicals in river. (T)
(d) Ground water can be preserved through (T)
water harvesting

40 Write down three effects of Global Warming on environment? (5) Ans: (a) Reduction in yield of food
(b) Rise in level of sea thereby submerging small Island and coastal areas. (c) Increased
and unpredictable rainfall.

41. How are forests useful to us? (7) Ans: Forests are useful to us in many ways. They are :-
(a) They provide oxygen to all living beings on the earth.
(b) Forests provide raw material for manufacturing industries.
(c) We get lac, gum, katha, resin and cane from forests .
(d) Many medicinal herbs are found in forest.
(e) They provide wood, grass and foliage
(f) Forests conserve soil, wild life and check floods.
(g) Forests have beneficial influence on the climate of the region.
(h) Forests add to the scenic beauty and promote tourism activities.
OBSTACLE TRAINING (5) 42. write down the name of obstacle course which is done by NCC Cadets.
Ans: (a) Straight balance.
(b) Clear jump.
(c) Gate Vault.
(d) Zig Zag Balance.
(e) High wall.
(f) Double Stride Jump.
(g) Right Hand Vault
(h) Left Hand Vault
(j) Ramp
(k) Straight Balance

ARMED FORCES (10) 43 Name of two awards given for gallantry in face of the enemy? (2) Ans: (a)
Paramvir Chakra
(b) Mahavir Chakra
(c) Vir Chakra
(d) Sena, Nao sana and Vayu sana medal for gallantry .

. 44. The Army since Independence has taken part in the major operations in defence of our borders, Name
them with date- (4) (a) Kashmir Operation against Pakistan 1947-48.
(b) Sino-India Operations in NEFA (Arunachal) and Laddakh 1962. (c) Indo-Pak
war 1965
(d) Indo-Pak war 1971
(e) Kargil conflict 1999.

45. List the name of 4 military commands of the Indian Army? (4) Ans : (a) Northern Command
(b) Southern Command
(c) Eastern Command
(d) Western Command

MAP READING `( 30) 46. Name three types of North (3) Ans : (a) True North
(b) Magnetic North
(c) Grid North
47. Explain the intersection method of finding own position? (08) Ans: (a) Select two points clearly
identifiable both on ground and map. (b) Obtain their bearing
(c) Convert bearing into back bearing.
(d) Plot the back bearing from object?
(e) The intersection of the lines own position
(f) More than two point can be selected
48 Explain the following terms :- (10) Ans : (a) Easting – A set of grid line running from North to South and
increasing in arithmetic progressing towards the East ,numbered from 1 to 100.

(b) Bearing - The angle formed by a line joining two point and the North – South line bearing are
always measures clock wise.
(c) Basin – An area of fairly level ground surrounded by hill or the area drained by river and its
(d) Island - A piece of land surrounded by water from all sided .
(e) Vertical Interval (VI) Successive contour lines The VI is generally the same for any given

. 49. Draw the conventional signs for the following (5) Ans : (a) Temple
(b) Church
(c) Survey tree
(d) Pakka makan
(e) Range
50 What are the use of map? (4) Ans : (a) To find our position (b) To determine distance from one object to
another (c) To locate various factures of ground on map (d) To plan strategy/ tactics during war

FIELD CRAFT AND BATTLE CRAFT (30) . 51. Name the Six methods of judging distance (6) Ans (a)
Unit of measure (b) Appearance medhod (c) Section average (d) Key ranges
e) Halving (f) Brecketing

52. Name factors the make objects visible? (7) Ans: (a) Shape (b) Shine (c) Shadow
(d) Silhouette (e) Surface (f) Spacing
(g) Movement

53. What is the sequence of a Fire order ? What does term grit stand for? (4) Ans: (a) G- Group
(b) R -Range
(c) I - Indication
(d) T - Target

54 Why distances are over estimated during day? (5) Ans : (i) Intense light
(ii) The sun is the observers eyes
(iii) The object in small is relation to its surroundings.
(iv) Looking through a valley or narrow hangs street.
(v) Lying down
55. Name of section formations (6) Ans: (a) Single file Fmn
(b) File Fmn
(c) Diamond Fmn
(d) Arrow head Fmn
(e) Spear head Fmn
(f) Extended line Fmn
56. Type of patrols? (2) Ans (i) Reccee patrols (ii) Protective patrols

INTRODUCTION TO INFANTRY WPNS AND EQPT ( 15) 57. Fill in the blanks :-
(a) Effective rang of 7.62mm SLR 300yds (1) (b) No of round that can be filled in the magazine (1)
of 7.62mm LMG 28 RDS
(c) Advantages of SLR rif over BARIFs Need not be cocked each time / (2) No reloading required
(d) LMG change of Baral after 10 mag (1) (e) SLR ke muzzle velocity 2700 fet persee Hq (1) (f)
Effective range 7.62 mm LMG 500 yds (1) (g) No of round that can be filled in the magazine (1)
7.62 SLR 20 RDS
(h) No of barrels provided with 7.62 LMG 2__ (1) (j) No of person in the LMG group 2_ (1) (k)
Name the parts in which LMG in generally stripped (4) Piston group Barrel group, Butt group and
body and bi Pod group
(l) Killing area of Grenade No. 36 Hand is 9 yards (1) MILITARY HISTORY (20)

58 Match the following :- (6) (a) Shivaji (i) Sind (C)

(b) Maharana Pratap (ii) Kargil War (F)

(c) Akbar, The Great (iii) East Pakistan(Bangladesh) (D) (d) Mujibur Rahman (iv)
Maharashtra (A) (e) Yahya Khan (v) Rajasthan (B)

(f) Tiger Hill (vi) West Pakistan (E) -10-

59.. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words (10) (a) Maharana Pratap Singh was the ruler of Mwar
whose capital was at Chittor

(b) Battle of Haldighati was fought by the Rajputs against the Mughal Army. (c)
Bangladesh country was liberated through Indo-Pak War fought in 1971.

(d) The name of the famous US General of World War-II who later died in an automobile accident was
General Patton.

(e) The Indian Military Academy is located at Dehradun.

(f) During the Bangladesh War, the Muki Bahini fought alongwith Indian Army against East Pakistan.

(g) Kargil War is called Operation Vijay.

60. Answer of the following questions:- (4) (a) Who is the supreme commander of the Armed Forces?
Ans: President of India

(b) Where was first atom bomb was dropped?

Ans: Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan .


61 What are the methods of communication in Infantry Battalion ? (5) Ans : Method of communication
(a) Radio Communication
(b) line communication.
(c) Runner Communication.

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