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Aspiring to unravel the complexities of the human behaviour along the context of

criminology, my passion for psychology drives my academic pursuits. Fuelled by a desire to

understand the intricate interplay between the mind and criminal behaviour, I am
committed to contributing valuable insights to the field.

On a regular journey back home, I began to look around the streets of London, my eyes
began to divert to the amounts of trash lying around the corners of bus stops. Empty beer
cans and plastics. I began to speculate, have we become lazy? Or are we just negligent
consumerists? As ordinary citizens the lack of care has created negative effects leading the
environment to degradation additionally contributing to stress and anxiety. Understanding
psychological aspects to how people form emotional attachment to objects, others might
consider trash, helps broader issues relating to environmental consciousness. Showcasing
the psychological impact of individual’s connections to nature. This thrives me to the field of
how people’s experiences may influence their actions within our day to day lives.

Through my criminology studies, I've examined various criminal cases, which has deepened
my understanding of crime, also equipped me to comprehend the perspectives of my
teammates to solve theoretical cases. Many questions during my A-level studies were raised,
such as why people don’t commit crime. Learning about criminal theories especially in unit
4, crime and punishment, induced me to further studies in psychology. My academic
background and practical experiences have equipped me with the skills to navigate this
dynamic intersection, making me poised to make meaningful contributions in research and

My work experience in a primary school for 4 days was enlightening. Observing and
engaging with children deepened my appreciation for the psychological aspects of early
development. This exposure has fuelled my interest in pursuing this profession, as I aim to
understand the base principles of creating supportive environments for positive growth
within society especially relationships and families. I’ve also engaged in voluntary work, with
events and outreach programs, at a church over the past 8 years. Resulting in a commitment
to community service and a desire to contribute to the well-being of others.

Dealing with mental health challenges, particularly schizophrenia affecting some of my

family members, has prompted me to seek effective ways to navigate and communicate in
various situations. Ive had to learn how to understand their perspectives, adapting
communication styles, and fostering an ambient that promotes empathy and support. This
experience has underscored the importance of patience, active listening, and a holistic
approach to engage with them.

Over the years, I've observed that people tend to open up to me, seeking my advice. This
inclination may stem from my approachability, empathetic demeanour, or perhaps the
ability to actively listen. It's a pattern I've noticed consistently, and I find fulfilment in being
someone, others feel comfortable turning to for advice. The tendency of people opening up,
can be highly relevant as I believe this quality suggests strong interpersonal skills and an
empathetic approach. The ability to connect with others on a personal level can enhance my
understanding of the mind function to contribute to effective interactions. Trust can help
when working with individuals who have experienced or been affected by criminality.

In the future, I aspire to attain a clinical psychology degree with a concentration in criminal
justice. Reflecting my desire to combine a deep understanding of psychological principles
with a specialised focus in crime. To conclude, I believe that my qualifying knowledge is well-
suited for this field. My communication, attention to detail and technical abilities have all
prepared me to succeed in this program. Thank you for considering my application.

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