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Chapter 20 Sample Test Questions

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following products is not made from soybeans?

(a) Tempeh
(b) Miso
(c) Tahini
(d) Tofu

2. Which combination is not a good example of complementary proteins?

(a) Dried legumes and grains
(b) Milk and grains
(c) Dried legumes and nuts
(d) Grains and seeds

3. Which of the following items does not contain complete protein?

(a) Millet
(b) Soybeans
(c) Quinoa
(d) Amaranth

4. Which of the following types of tofu has the softest texture?

(a) Japanese cotton tofu
(b) Japanese silken tofu
(c) Chinese firm tofu
(d) Both b and c

5. Lacto-vegetarians eat __________________________ .

(a) plant products only
(b) plant products and dairy products
(c) plant products, dairy, and fish
(d) plant products and eggs

6. Pesco-vegetarians eat ____________________________ .

(a) plant products only
(b) plant products and eggs
(c) plant products and fish
(d) plant products, dairy, and eggs

7. A vegan might not eat products containing sugar because ________________ .

(a) sugar raises the level of cholesterol in the blood
(b) sugar cane is harvested with the use of animal labor
(c) some sugar is refined with the use of animal products
(d) None of the above. Sugar is a plant product, so it can be included in vegan diets.
8. Three nutrients are of special concern to vegetarians, because their main sources are animal
products. These nutrients are __________________ .
(a) Protein, calcium, and vitamin B12
(b) Protein, iron, and calcium
(c) Vitamin B12, iron, and calcium
(d) Calcium, Vitamin B6, and protein

9. There are ___________ essential amino acids.

(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 10

10. Which of the following statement about complementary proteins and amino acids is false?
(a) Complementary proteins must be eaten at the same meal to be used effectively by the body.
(b) Amino acids are made into proteins in the body by attaching them to form long chains.
(c) Most of the different kinds of amino acids can be made in the body so don’t need to be included
in the diet.
(d) Complementary protein foods are foods that, when combined in the body, supply all the
essential amino acids.

11. The most widely eaten grain in the world is ___________ .

(a) corn
(b) wheat
(c) soybeans
(d) rice

12. When soybeans are soaked, ground, boiled with water, and strained, the resulting liquid is called
______________ .
(a) soy milk
(b) tempeh
(c) lactose
(d) miso

13. In vegan diets, the two most important foods for supplying protein are grains and
________________ .
(a) dairy products
(b) dried legumes
(c) seeds
(d) nuts

14. The strongest-tasting type of miso is ____________ .

(a) red miso
(b) white miso
(c) hatcho miso
(d) akamiso

15. TVP is made from __________________ .

(a) soybeans
(b) miso
(c) dried kidney beans
(d) dried eggs

16. Which of the following can be used in place of classical stock-based sauces in vegan diets?
(a) Salsas
(b) Vinaigrettes
(c) Flavored oils
(d) All of the above

17. The main source of calcium in most diets is ________________ .

(a) supplements
(b) dairy products
(c) lean meats
(d) fish

18. Which of the following nutrients is found only in animal products?

(a) Vitamin B6
(b) Vitamin B12
(c) Calcium
(d) Vitamin C

19. Which of the following products is frequently pressed and drained to make it drier and firmer?
(a) Tofu
(b) Tempeh
(c) Miso
(d) TVP

20. Which of the following is true about the nutritional properties of TVP?
(a) It is high in protein.
(b) It is high in fiber.
(c) It is low in cholesterol.
(d) All of the above.

21. Complete proteins are found in ______________ .

(a) eggs
(b) dried legumes
(c) brown rice
(d) sesame seeds

22. Which of the following is not a legume?

(a) Pinto beans
(b) Chickpeas
(c) Peanuts
(d) Sunflower seeds

23. One disadvantage of using eggs as a source for protein in Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets is that
________________________________ .
(a) eggs are not eaten by lacto-ovo-vegetarians
(b) eggs are low in protein
(c) eggs are high in cholesterol
(d) None of the above.
24. A menu prepared to fit the diet of ______________ will be eaten by all categories of vegetarians.
(a) pesco-vegetarians
(b) lacto-ovo-vegetarians
(c) vegans
(d) lacto-vegetarians

25. Which nutrient is created in the skin when exposed to sunlight?

(a) Vitamin D
(b) Vitamin E
(c) Vitamin B6
(d) Vitamin B12
Answers to Test Questions

1. c 6. c 11. d 16. d 21. a

2. d 7. c 12. a 17. b 22. d
3. a 8. a 13. d 18. b 23. c
4. b 9. c 14. c 19. a 24. c
5. b 10. a 15. a 20. d 25. a

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