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Optics Communications 277 (2007) 118–124

Simplified analytic solutions and a novel fast algorithm

for Yb3+-doped double-clad fiber lasers
Zhengqian Luo, Chenchun Ye *, Guoyong Sun, Zhiping Cai, Miaoling Si, Qibo Li
Department of Electronic Engineering, Keyan 2-508 of Haiyun, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China

Received 26 October 2006; received in revised form 26 January 2007; accepted 25 March 2007


In this paper, continuous wave Yb3+-doped double-clad fiber lasers (DCFLs) with linear-cavity are investigated theoretically and
numerically using the rate equations. Under the steady state conditions, the simplified analytic solutions of Yb3+-doped DCFLs under
considering the scattering loss are deduced in the strongly pump condition. Compared with the known analytic solutions in published
literatures, our analytic solutions are more accurate, especially, at higher reflectivity of output mirror. In addition, a fast and stable
algorithm based on the Newton–Raphson method is proposed to simulate numerically Yb3+-doped DCFLs. The results by simplified
analytic solutions are in good agreement with those by the numerical simulation. Moreover, we have performed the optimization of
an Yb3+-doped DCFL using the simplified analytic solutions and the numerical simulations, respectively.
Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Double-clad fiber lasers; Simplified analytic solutions; Fast algorithm; Numerical simulation

1. Introduction authors have studied DCFLs theoretically and obtained

many significant achievements [6–8]. Based on the rate
In recent years, double-clad fiber lasers (DCFLs) have equations for a linear-cavity DCFL without the scattering
been attracting more and more attentions [1–3]. It is due loss, Kelson and Hardy have obtained the analytic expres-
to their inherent advantages over the conventional solid- sions of output power, lasing threshold, slope efficiency, the
state lasers, including the high output power, high conver- optimal fiber length and reflectivity of output mirror [6,8].
sion efficiency, low cost, excellent beam quality. As a result, Moreover, they have reported the quasi-analytic solutions
DCFLs have applications in many fields, such as medicine, with the scattering loss where several numerical iterations
military, industry and modern telecommunications. As a must be performed simultaneously [6]. Xiao et al. have fur-
representative example of such applications, DCFLs are ther deduced the approximate analytic solutions under
used as pump sources of Raman fiber lasers or fiber ampli- considering the scattering loss [7]. However, their analytic
fiers for optical communication system because of their expressions [7] had large relative error comparing with
high coupling efficiency [4,5]. the exact numerical simulation when the reflectivity of out-
The research of rare-earth doped DCFLs has advanced put mirror is high. The relative error of their analytic solu-
considerably over recent years. Jeong et al. achieved a con- tions is 6.4% with the reflectivity of output mirror 0.2,
tinuous wave (CW) output power of 610 W [1] and 1 kW about 15% of relative error with the reflectivity 0.4 and lar-
[2] from a large-core Yb3+-doped DCFL. Gapenstov devel- ger error with higher reflectivity [7]. On the other hand, for
oped a DCFL with more than 2 kW output power by com- better design and analysis of DCFLs, the numerical simu-
bining output beams of several fiber lasers [3]. Several lations based on the rate equations have been investigated
and good agreement with the experimental measurement
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 5922580141. has been achieved [9,10]. However, since the lasing power
E-mail address: (C. Ye). is reflected at the two ends of cavity and the boundary

0030-4018/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Luo et al. / Optics Communications 277 (2007) 118–124 119

conditions of the rate equations are not kept constant, one In our rate equations, the scattering loss is considered
usually needs to guess the set of initial values while using because of its significant influence on Yb-DCFLs [6], while
the shooting method and the Runge–Kouta method the effects of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) are
[9,10]. Consequently, the algorithm is not only time con- ignored. The effects of ASE on the operation of rare-earth
suming, but also unstable if the guessed initial values are doped fiber amplifiers and lasers have been analysed
not properly chosen. [6,11,12]. It has been found that under strongly pumped
In this paper, based on the rate equations under the conditions, the effects of ASE become weaker and can be
steady state conditions for a linear-cavity Yb3+-doped neglected. The reason is that under strongly pumped condi-
DCFL, we obtain the simplified analytic solutions with tions, the oscillating laser power (or the signal power in an
the scattering loss considered. Our analytic solutions are amplifier) is so high that the population inversion between
more accurate than those in Ref. [7] at higher reflectivity the two laser energy levels is saturated. Therefore the effects
of output mirror. Then, using the Newton–Raphson of the ASE on the population inversion become negligible.
method, we propose a fast and stable algorithm to solve According to Ref. [11], when the input signal power of the
the two-point boundary value problem of the rate equa- amplifier is more than 0.2 W, the effects of ASE are weak.
tions. The results of analytic solutions are then compared Similarly, for the Yb-DCFLs in this paper, we have esti-
with the results of exact numerical simulation. The good mated that the effects of ASE are weak when the laser
agreement is demonstrated. power is more than 1 W. When the laser power is lower
than 1 W, the strongly pumped condition may be not well
2. Simplified analytic solutions satisfied and neglecting ASE could result in significant
The behavior of a linear-cavity Yb3+-doped DCFL Under these approximations, from Eqs. (1) and (2), the
under the steady state conditions is governed by the rate following two equations, which can also be found from
equations [9,10]: Refs. [6,7,9], can be obtained:
dP þ ðzÞ rs sf P þ ðzÞ  P  ðzÞ ¼ constant: ð6Þ
¼ aa P p exp½ðaa F p þ ap Þz
dz hvp For a special condition,
Fp P 0 þ P þ ðzÞ P þ ð0Þ  P  ð0Þ ¼ P þ ðLÞ  P  ðLÞ ð7Þ
  as P þ ðzÞ ð1Þ
Af 1 þ ½P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ=P s
dP  ðzÞ rs sf
¼ aa P p exp½ðaa F p þ ap Þz 2.1. Forward pumping configuration
dz hvp
Fp P 0 þ P  ðzÞ A schematic of a DCFL with forward pumping config-
 þ as P  ðzÞ ð2Þ
Af 1 þ ½P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ=P s uration is shown in Fig. 1. The pump laser is coupled into
r s sf the fiber through mirror M1, and the output laser is from
gðzÞ ¼ aa P p exp½ðaa F p þ ap Þz
hvp mirror M2. For the most of DCFLs, the laser cavity is
Fp 1 formed by a high reflectivity mirror and a lower feedback
 ð3Þ element. As a result, we can assume that the reflectivity
Af 1 þ ½P ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ=P s
of output mirror R2 is low, and that R1 is close to 1. The
The boundary conditions are signal gain is larger than the signal loss as long as the
double-clad fiber is not too long and the residual pump
P þ ð0Þ ¼ R1 P  ð0Þ ð4Þ
power is high enough. Thereby, the forward signal power
P ðLÞ ¼ R2 P ðLÞ ð5Þ will gradually increase along the fiber (from z = 0 to
Here, Pp is input pump power at position z = 0. P ðzÞ, þ z = L), while the backward signal power increases in oppo-
P  ðzÞ is forward and backward signal power, respectively. site direction (from z = L to z = 0). Moreover, it should be
aa is the absorption coefficient of the core at the pump noted that P þ ð0Þ is nearly equal to P  ð0Þ, i.e. P þ ð0Þ ¼
wavelength kp. ap and as represent the scattering loss coef- P  ð0Þ ¼ P left , resulting from that R1 is close to 1. Then,
ficient at pump wavelength kp and signal wavelength ks, one can find that the power difference of forward and back-
respectively. sf is spontaneous lifetime. rs is stimulated
emission cross-section at ks. Af is the cross-sectional area
of fiber core and Fp is the overlap factor of pump mode M1 (R1 →1) M2 (R2)
field with the doped area. hmp is the pump photon energy.
P s ¼ ðhvs =rs sf Þ  Af is the saturation signal output power.
Pump laser Output laser
P0 is the spontaneous emission power. g(z) is the gain
coefficient along the fiber. L is the double-clad fiber
length. R1 and R2 are the reflectivity of cavity mirror at z=0 DCF z=L

signal wavelength ks at left (z = 0) and right (z = L) Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the DCFL with forward pumping
end, respectively. configuration.
120 Z. Luo et al. / Optics Communications 277 (2007) 118–124

ward signals, dðzÞ ¼ P þ ðzÞ  P  ðzÞ is larger and larger from Then, P þ ðLÞ is written as
z = 0 to L. Using Eq. (6), we can then obtain, Pþ þ
1 ðLÞ þ P 2 ðLÞ
þ þ P þ ðLÞ ¼
P ðzÞ  ðP ðzÞ  dðzÞÞ ¼ P 2left ð8Þ 2 !
By solving the above quadratic equation of P þ ðzÞ, we 1 1
¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ
have, R2 R1 þ R2 =R1 1 þ R2
Að1  eðF p aa þap ÞL Þ Ps
P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ ¼ 4P 2left þ dðzÞ2 ð9Þ   ð16Þ
2ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ 2
Consequently, from Eq. (9) one can find that there exist
So the output power with forward pumping configura-
the lower- and upper-bound values for P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ,
tion can be described as
because dðzÞ is monotonously increased from z = 0 to
z = L. The lower-bound value P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞj of P out ¼ ð1  R2 ÞP þ ðLÞ
P ðzÞ þ P ðzÞ is at z = 0, !
1 1
¼ ð1  R2 Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ
P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞjmin ¼ P þ ð0Þ þ P  ð0Þ ð10Þ R2 R1 þ R2 =R1 1 þ R2
þ  max  
The upper-bound value P ðzÞ þ P ðzÞj of P ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ
Að1  eðF p aa þap ÞL Þ Ps
is at z = L,   ð17Þ
2ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ 2
P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞj ¼ P þ ðLÞ þ P  ðLÞ ð11Þ When Pout = 0, the threshold pump power is obtained
For a CW linear-cavity fiber laser, the following station- hvp Af ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ
ary condition must be satisfied: P th ¼ ð18Þ
rs sf F p aa ð1  eðF p aa þap ÞL Þ
gðzÞdz ¼ as L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2 ð12Þ
0 2.2. Backward pumping configuration
Using Eq. (3), Eq. (12) can be rewritten as:
Z L A schematic of a DCFL with backward pumping config-
expððF p aa þ ap ÞzÞ uration is shown in Fig. 2. In this case, M1 is the output
A dz ¼ as L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2 ð13Þ
0 P s þ P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ mirror with low reflectivity R1, and R2 is close to one.
rsF a P P The pump laser is still coupled into the fiber through mir-
where A ¼ s f hvpp Aaf p s is a constant.
ror M1. Then the output end is at z = 0. By the similar
In order to simplify the integration in the left hand side
analyses method above, one can find that the upper- and
of Eq. (13), we perform an approximation treatment in
lower-bound values of P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ also exist with the
which P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ in Eq. (13) is replaced by its upper-
backward pumping configuration. The upper-bound value
and lower-bound values given in Eqs. (10) and (11), respec-
of P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ is at z = 0, i.e. P þ ð0Þ þ P  ð0Þ. The lower-
tively. Then, the final solutions are obtained as the average
bound value of P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ is at z = L, i.e.
values of their corresponding solutions using Eqs. (10) and
P þ ðLÞ þ P  ðLÞ.
(11). Under the lower-bound values, using Eqs. (4), (5), (7),
With the backward pumping configuration, we also use
and (10), we can analytically integrate Eq. (13) over the
the same approximation treatment as the forward pumping
fiber (from z = 0 to L), then the corresponding P þ ðLÞ can
configuration. Similarly, P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ in Eq. (13) is
be obtained,
replaced with the lower-bound value P þ ðLÞ þ P  ðLÞ. Then,

1 ðLÞ using Eqs. (4), (5), (7), and (13) can be analytically inte-
1 A 1  eðF p aa þap ÞL grated and the corresponding P  ð0Þ marked as subscript
¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  Ps 1 can be then obtained
R2 R1 þ R2 =R1 ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ
ð14Þ P
1 ð0Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
R1 R2 þ R1 =R2
where subscript 1 indicates that the value of P þ ðLÞ is ob-  
tained using Eq. (10). Að1  eðF p aa þap ÞL Þ
  Ps ð19Þ
Similarly, under the upper-bound values, using Eqs. (5), ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ
(11) and analytically integrating Eq. (13), the correspond-
ing P þ ðLÞ can be obtained M1 (R1) M2 (R2→ 1)
    Pump laser
þ 1 A 1  eðF p aa þap ÞL
P 2 ðLÞ ¼  Ps
1 þ R2 ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ Output laser
ð15Þ z=0 DCF z=L
where subscript 2 indicates that the value of P ðLÞ is ob- Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the DCFL with backward pumping
tained using Eq. (11). configuration.
Z. Luo et al. / Optics Communications 277 (2007) 118–124 121

Correspondingly, when P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ in Eq. (13) is the solution. The procedure of Newton–Raphson method
replaced with the upper-bound value P þ ð0Þ þ P  ð0Þ, using is as follows:
Eqs. (4),(13), the corresponding P  ð0Þ marked as subscript
2 can be obtained (I) A random guessing initial input value P  0 ð0Þ is given,
  for example P  0 ð0Þ ¼ 2:
 1 Að1  eðF p aa þap ÞL Þ
P 2 ð0Þ ¼  Ps (II) The rate equations Eqs. (1) and (2) are integrated by
1 þ R1 ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ Runge–Kouta method, the error between the output
ð20Þ f ðP 
0 ð0ÞÞ and the target output R2 is obtained.

Then, P  ð0Þ is written as (III) Increasing P  0 ð0Þ by a small disturbance Dh, for
example Dh ¼ 0:001, we obtain the output
1 ð0Þ þ P 2 ð0Þ f ðP 
P  ð0Þ ¼ 0 ð0Þ þ DhÞ. Then, the derivative of the output
2 ! f ðP  ð0ÞÞ at P  0 
0 ð0Þ can be obtained f ðP ð0ÞÞjP  ð0Þ ¼
1 1 f ðP  ð0ÞþDhÞf ðP  ð0ÞÞ
¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 0
R2 R1 þ R1 =R2 1 þ R1
  (IV) The input value P 
0 ð0Þ is updated by adding
Að1  eðF p aa þap ÞL Þ Ps R f ðP  ð0ÞÞ
  ð21Þ DP 0 ¼ f 0 ðP2  ð0ÞÞj0 .
2ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ 2 P  ð0Þ

So the output power with backward pumping configura- (V) If the error between the output f ðP 
0 ð0ÞÞ and the tar-

tion can be described as get output R2 is below a small threshold (for example
108), the iteration will stops. Otherwise, continu-
P out ¼ ð1  R1 ÞP  ð0Þ ously repeat procedures (I)–(IV).
1 1
¼ ð1  R1 Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ In this paper, to testify our novel algorithm as well as
R2 R1 þ R1 =R2 1 þ R1 the accuracy of our simplified analytic solutions, we discuss
Að1  eðF p aa þap ÞL Þ Ps both the forward and backward pumping configurations
2ðF p aa þ ap Þðas L  lnðR1 R2 Þ=2Þ 2 and use the same values of following parameters given in
Ref. [7]. kp = 920 nm, ks = 1090 nm, sf = 1 ms, rs ¼ 2
Furthermore, for two-end pumping configuration, we 1025 m2 , F p  aa ¼ 0:03 m1 , ap ¼ 3  105 cm1 , as ¼ 5
must indicate that the upper- and lower-bound values of 105 cm1 , Af ¼ 5  107 cm2 , L = 40 m, Pp = 20 W.
P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ also exist by the similar analyses method The forward and backward signal powers are calculated
above. The corresponding analytic solutions can be easily by numerical simulations under the forward and backward
obtained after replacing the term of pump absorption pumping configuration, respectively. For the forward
P p exp½ðaa F p þ ap Þz in rate Eqs. (1)–(3) with P p exp pumping configuration, Fig. 3a shows the evolution of for-
½ðaa F p þ ap Þz þ P 0p exp½ðaa F p þ ap Þðz  LÞ. Where P 0p is ward, backward signal powers and the half of their sum
power of the second pump source at z = L. along the fiber with R1 = 1 and R2 = 0.8, 0.3, 0.04, respec-
tively. For the backward pumping configuration, Fig. 3b
3. The fast and stable algorithm for numerical simulation shows the evolution of forward, backward signal powers
and the half of their sum along the fiber with R2 = 1 and
To numerically solve Eqs. (1)–(5), we rewrite Eqs. (4) R1 = 0.8, 0.3, 0.04, respectively. Our numerical results are
and (5) as of the same as those obtained by other authors [7]. From
P þ ð0Þ Fig. 3, one can find that ðP þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞÞ=2 can keep a
¼ R1 ð23Þ monotonous increasing (or decreasing) trend from z = 0
P  ð0Þ
P  ðLÞ to L with the forward (or backward) pumping configura-
¼ R2 ð24Þ tion, which is accordant with the theoretical analyses in
P þ ðLÞ
Section 2. Moreover, it is interesting to find that the value
From Eq. (23), we can find that P þ ð0Þ and P  ð0Þ are corre- of ðP þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞÞ=2 varies slightly along position z, and
lated. Moreover, P þ ðLÞ and P  ðLÞ also actually depend on that it is almost keeps a constant with the higher reflectivity
P  ð0Þ and P þ ð0Þ by Eqs. (1)–(3). Thereby, there is only one of output mirror. Therefore, the difference between the
independent variable among P þ ð0Þ, P  ð0Þ, P þ ðLÞ and upper- and lower-bound values of P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ is small
P  ðLÞ. If we define P  ð0Þ as the independent input variable and it is close to zero with the higher reflectivity of output
and the output is defined as mirror. This fact has further shown that our approximation
treatment with Eq. (13) is appropriate, especially, in the
P  ðLÞ
f ðP  ð0ÞÞ ¼ ð25Þ case of higher reflectivity of output mirror.
P þ ðLÞ
Based on our algorithm, the numerical simulations have
Then, the problem will be to find suitable input value P  ð0Þ been performed. Our algorithm is more stable and fast
that leads to corresponding output f ðP  ð0ÞÞ satisfying Eq. comparing with the published work [9,10]. Fig. 4 shows
(24). The Newton–Raphson method can be used to obtain the convergence processes of P  ð0Þ for different initial
122 Z. Luo et al. / Optics Communications 277 (2007) 118–124

25 fact shows the strong applicability of our algorithm. More-

- - - - R2=0.3 P+(z) over, with a Pentium 4 processor, only about ten seconds
....... R2=0.04 will be needed even when we seek the optimal fiber length
or reflectivity of output mirror.
Signal power (W)

15 4. Comparison of the results of simplified analytic solutions

P-(z) (P+(z)+ P-(z))/2
with those of numerical simulations
In this section, the comparison between the results of
numerical simulation and those of simplified analytic solu-
tions is performed. For the forward pumping configura-
tion, Fig. 5a and b shows the output power obtained by
0 two methods as a function of input pump power with
L = 50 m and R2 = 0.04, 0.08, respectively. As shown in
Fig. 5, the analytical solutions and the numerical simula-
P-(z) - - - - R1=0.3 tions are in good agreement with each other. With the very
....... R1=0.04
20 low reflectivity of output mirror 0.04, from Fig. 5a one can
find that the relative error between simplified analytic solu-
Signal power (W)

tions and numerical simulations is less than 6%. When the

15 (P+(z)+ P-(z))/2
P+(z) reflectivity of output mirror increases, the relative error will
decrease. As is shown in Fig. 5b, when R2 = 0.08, the rela-
10 tive error is smaller than 1%. We have further found that
the relative error can be neglected when R2 > 0.08 (not
given in figure).
5 For the backward pumping configuration, Fig. 6 show
the output power obtained by two methods as a function
of input pump power with L = 50 m and R1 = 0.04. From
0 10 20 30 40 Fig. 6, the relative error between simplified analytic solu-
Position z (m) tions and numerical simulations is very small (<3%). More-
Fig. 3. The evolution of forward and backward signal power along the over, comparing Fig. 6 with Fig. 5a, one can find that the
fiber for different reflectivities of output mirror for the (a) forward and (b) output powers of the backward pumping configuration are
backward pumping configuration. slightly higher than those of the forward pumping configu-
ration. The intrinsic mechanism has been illustrated in Ref.
input values P 
0 ð0Þ with R2 = 0.8 using our algorithm under [9] and we will not repeat in this work.
the forward pumping configuration. From Fig. 4 one can We have also performed the optimization of an Yb3+-
find that less than five iterations needed for P 0 ð0Þ converg- doped DCFL using the numerical simulations and the sim-
ing to the final value. It should be noted that for any initial plified analytic solutions, respectively. Fig. 7a and b shows
input value P  
0 ð0Þ in a wide range from 1.5 to 38 W, P ð0Þ the output power as a function of the reflectivity of output
can be efficiently converged to the final value 17.96 W. The mirror with the forward and backward pumping configura-
tion, respectively. The fiber length L = 50 m and pump
power Pp = 20 W are used. Both the forward and back-
40 -
P0 (0)=1.5 ward pumping configurations, one can find in Fig. 7 that
P0 (0)=10 the lower reflectivity of output mirror is, the higher the out-
P0 (0)=20 put laser power. Considering the Fresnel reflection of fiber
30 -
P0 (0)=30 end in a real DCFL, one can usually think the optimal
Updated P (0) (W)

P0 (0)=38 reflectivity of output mirror is 0.04. From Fig. 7, our ana-
20 lytic solutions are very accurate in both the forward and

backward pumping configurations. For the forward pump-

ing configuration, the largest error between our analytic
10 solutions and exact numerical simulation is only less than
6% when R2 = 0.04, which is acceptable in practices. Espe-
cially, as long as the reflectivity of output mirror is more
than 0.08, the relative error is less than 1%. For the back-
0 2 4 6 8 10 ward pumping configuration, the relative error is always
Iteration times
less than 3% at any reflectivity of output mirror. This is a
Fig. 4. The convergence processes of P  ð0Þ for different initial input significant improvement on the published analytic solu-
values P 
0 ð0Þ with R2 = 0.8 under the forward pumping configuration. tions given in Ref. [7]. The existence of the relative error
Z. Luo et al. / Optics Communications 277 (2007) 118–124 123

18 16

numerical simulation numerical simulation

simplified analytic solution simplified analytic solution

Output power (W)

Output power (W)




0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Input pump power (W) Input pump power (W)

Fig. 5. The output power as a function of input pump power under the forward pumping configuration with (a) R2 = 0.04, L = 50 m (b) R2 = 0.08,
L = 50 m (solid line: numerical simulation, +++: simplified analytic solution).

18 According to the optimization result of the reflectivity of

numerical simulation output mirror, we choose the reflectivity 0.04 of output
simplified analytic solution mirror to obtain the corresponding optimal fiber length
with Pp = 20 W. Fig. 8a and b shows the output power
as a function of the double-clad fiber length with the for-
Output power (W)

ward and backward pumping configuration, respectively.
For the forward pumping configuration, the optimal fiber
8 length is about 50 m from Fig. 8a. For the backward
pumping configuration, the optimal fiber length is about
70 m from Fig. 8b, longer than that for forward pumping.
5. Conclusion

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 In this paper, we have obtained the simplified analytic
Input pump power (W) solutions for Yb3+-doped DCFLs in the strongly pump
Fig. 6. The output power as a function of input pump power under the condition. In addition, we have proposed a fast and stable
backward pumping configuration with R1 = 0.04, L = 50 m. algorithm based on Newton–Raphson method for numeri-
cal simulations. Using our algorithm, we find that the
speed of convergence is higher and only about ten seconds
mainly is attributed to the fact that the approximation of computing time are needed for any program which is
treatment of P þ ðzÞ þ P  ðzÞ in Eq. (13) is not perfect with used to optimize the fiber length and the reflectivity of out-
a lower reflectivity of output mirror, as shown in Fig. 3. put mirror with a Pentium 4 processor. The results by ana-

11 12

numerical simulation
simplified analytic solution 10
Output power (W)

Outpout power (W)



1 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Reflectivity Reflectivity

Fig. 7. Output power vs. reflectivity of output mirror with Pp = 20 W and L = 50 m for the (a) forward and (b) backward pumping configuration.
124 Z. Luo et al. / Optics Communications 277 (2007) 118–124

12 12
numerical simulation
simplified analytic solution
10 10
Output power (W)

8 8

Ouptut power (W)

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Double-clad fiber length (m) Double-clad fiber length (m)

Fig. 8. Output power vs. double-clad fiber length with the reflectivity 0.04 of output mirror and Pp = 20 W for the (a) forward and (b) backward pumping

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