Spontaneous Abortion-Literature Review

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Navigating through the vast landscape of research and scholarly articles can be a daunting task,

especially when it comes to crafting a comprehensive literature review. Faced with the challenge of
synthesizing existing knowledge on a particular topic, researchers often find themselves overwhelmed
by the sheer volume of information available.

When it comes to delving into a sensitive and complex subject such as spontaneous abortion, the
difficulty is compounded. Not only must one sift through numerous studies and publications
spanning various disciplines, but they must also navigate through differing methodologies,
conflicting findings, and evolving perspectives.

Writing a literature review on spontaneous abortion requires meticulous attention to detail, critical
analysis of research methodologies, and a nuanced understanding of the topic's nuances. It demands
not only the ability to summarize existing literature but also the capacity to identify gaps in
knowledge and propose avenues for further research.

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Androgens are primarily given to treat hypogonadism, gender dysphoria in transgender men, and low
testosterone in older men (controversial). It was really informative, yet left me craving more. The
follow-up ultrasound showed a gestational sac present in the uterus, an embryo with crown rump
length of 8.1mm and the presence of a fetal heartbeat. Patients frequently present in the second and
third decades of life and, historically, with a preceding upper respiratory or GI infection. The clinical
presentation of acute HP includes cough, fever, and malaise, while subacute and chronic forms
present as insidious onset of a cough and dyspnea over weeks to months. Management includes
attempting to restore normal ovulation through weight loss, oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), and
fertility assistance. This process causes an acute, inflammatory, monoarticular arthritis. HRS is a
diagnosis of exclusion, and is associated with a poor prognosis. Although all of the women had
sought out an informal sector abortion they were well aware of the medical risks that this form of
abortion carried. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. A majority of older
individuals have at least 1 chronic medical condition, which increases the likelihood of
polypharmacy and adverse drug reactions. It is a pigmented, predominantly basal (immature)
keratinocytic proliferation that occurs mostly on the trunk of middle-aged and elderly adults, and
may be single or multiple. One study 15 that examined the influence of stress on early pregnancy loss
failed to find a clear association. Invasive surgical penile implants may be considered when
conservative measures fail. For women in Northern Ireland, travelling to nearby England for an
abortion could pose issues for their privacy. Most patients are asymptomatic; however, symptomatic
individuals may experience a biphasic illness. Anemia is accompanied by a reduced number of RBCs
and may manifest with fatigue, shortness of breath, pallor, and weakness. Treatment is based on
calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Judging from its official regulation of the practice, Northern
Ireland for example, may be considered a country with relatively little abortion restrictions,
particularly considering the exceptions to protect woman’s mental health; however, women’s access
to abortion services is in practice severely limited in the country. As implied by the name, the exact
causes are poorly understood. The class includes hydrochlorothiazide, chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone,
indapamide, and metolazone. Misoprostol administered by epithelial routes: drug absorption and
uterine response. This condition is a result of weakened cervix that dilates in the 2nd trimester, and
expels the fetus. Since this course is also recommended for MBBS students (typically a British
degree), it may be worth including some of the NICE guidelines when it comes to treatment as that is
what our med school exams are based on. Preeclampsia is gestational hypertension with proteinuria
or end-organ damage. Sexual contact is a common route of spread for HPV. The diagnosis can be
confirmed using hemoglobin electrophoresis, which will reveal the presence of abnormal ?- or ?-
globin chains. In one large trial, this regimen was found to be 71% effective with one dose, which
increased to 84% after 2 doses. The resulting damage can be temporary or permanent, and the
treatment depends on the underlying cause. Lengthen the videos and they will become more useful.
Small effusions in stable patients are treated medically. As you go through the courses offered in this
curriculum, you will learn about these systems through the PA perspective. Success rates will be
lower if only 1 to 2 weeks are allowed. All of these medications are administered orally and are
excreted by the kidneys. Immunocompromised individuals present with extensive lesions which
require treatment. While the psychiatric assessment has a mostly standardized approach, the
interviewer can tailor it based on the presenting symptoms of the patient. We could have a case that
would be harder to think about. Treatment includes conservative management with lifestyle
modifications, oral medications, and injectables. Acne can present as open or closed comedones,
papules, pustules, nodules, or cysts. The B cells are functionally incompetent lymphocytes and thus
may result in recurrent infections. Patients often present with acute, tearing chest or back pain.
Management depends on the underlying etiology, clinical presentation, and patient desires regarding
fertility. Management varies depending on the pathogen and is isolated to the CSF. Management
relies on a strong therapeutic alliance between patient and provider. The body produces
approximately 15,000 mmol of CO2 daily, which is the majority of daily acid production; the
remainder of the daily acid load (only about 70 mmol of nonvolatile acids) is excreted through the
kidneys. By activating calcium-sensing receptors, calcimimetics inhibit the release of parathyroid
hormone. Diagnosis is mainly based on imaging, as it is difficult to arrive at a definitive diagnosis
based on clinical presentation alone. Each vitamin has its own function, and deficiencies can lead to
significant clinical manifestations. The prostate consists of multiple lobes and is made up of glandular
and fibromuscular tissue. Type 1 DM is diagnosed mostly in children and young adults as the result
of autoimmune destruction of. Content may require purchase if you do not have access.) References.
Helped reinforce the information I have received before with greater clarity and understanding.
Management is supportive and involves treating the clinical manifestations. In order to account for
any article titles that may have been misspelled, this step was repeated but with the articles being
ordered according to their year of publication. Herpes simplex virus commonly causes recurrent
infections involving the skin and mucosal surfaces, including the mouth, lips, eyes, and genitals.
Patients will have progressive back pain (which improves with activity), morning stiffness, and
decreased range of motion of the spine. Treatment options are determined by the percentage of body
surface area (BSA) affected and include topical corticosteroids, retinoids, calcineurin inhibitors,
disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologics, and phototherapy. This results from a
continuous cycle of inflammation, bronchial damage and dilation, impaired clearance of secretions,
and recurrent infections. Patients present with slowly progressive symptoms of cough and sputum
production. The material itself is not difficult to understand, but the way it is being taught by the
lecturer is rather confusing.
Complications arise due to partial occlusion of vital branches off the aorta and reduced blood flow to
the brain, visceral organs, and extremities. This process causes stimulant effects on the body and
mind such as euphoria, increased energy, irritability, psychosis, decreased appetite, and weight loss.
Imaging and invasive studies are performed depending on the associated complications. The
Licensed Content is the property of and copyrighted by DSM. Diagnosis is by laboratory tests
showing elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), low free thyroxine (T4), and positive
antibodies against thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase. Many factors contribute to the development
of hyperprolactinemia. Staff unwillingness to provide abortion or make a referral. This condition is
most commonly seen in alcohol abusers. Gastritis may be asymptomatic or with symptoms, including
burning abdominal pain (which either worsens or improves with eating), dyspepsia, nausea, and
vomiting. Hepatitis C infection is diagnosed by testing for the presence of HCV antibodies and HCV
RNA. Patients often present with recurrent epigastric abdominal pain, nausea, and features of
malabsorption syndrome (diarrhea, steatorrhea, and weight loss). Imaging studies are performed if
severe illness is noted or there is no response to initial treatment (antibiotics). I liked the use of a
clinical case presentation, and the subsequent process of elimination. Nine states have also enacted
laws that require the woman to make to separate trips to the clinic to obtain the procedure (2012).
Glucocorticoids and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the treatment of choice for
acute exacerbation. There is a familial predisposition to develop a high number of seborrheic
keratoses. I have to read the subtitles to understand what he said. Prognosis is generally good for
benign, sporadic tumors that have been completely resected. Varicella-zoster infections are highly
contagious and transmitted through aerosolized respiratory droplets or contact with infected skin
lesions. Treatment includes sodium restriction, diuretics, atrial fibrillation management, possible
anticoagulation, and percutaneous commissurotomy or surgery. These syndromes pose a significant
risk to the pregnant woman and her fetus. The myocardium becomes ischemic when oxygen supply
does not meet oxygen demand. Externally, the cervix is lined by stratified squamous cells; however,
the cervical canal is lined by columnar epithelium. These syndromes pose a significant risk to the
pregnant woman and her fetus. The most common presentation is headache, fever with chills,
seizures, and neurological deficits. Insulinoma is usually diagnosed with high insulin, C peptide, and
proinsulin levels despite the patient’s hypoglycemia. Pulmonary infections with MAC are managed
with macrolides (azithromycin), rifampin, and ethambutol. Approximately 90% of
pheochromocytomas are benign and surgical resection is the only curative treatment. The fetus is
compromised and subsequently expelled from the uterus. Giant cell arteritis is defined by
inflammatory leukocytes in the vessel walls leading to reactive damage, ischemia, and necrosis.
Therapies include transfusion support, immunosuppression, and bone marrow transplantation. The
most common etiology of acute rhinosinusitis is a viral infection; other causes include bacteria or
fungi. However, the layperson use of the term “abortion” is often intended to refer to induced
termination of a pregnancy, whereas “miscarriage” is preferred for spontaneous loss. Diagnosis is
clinical, and treatment centers around nonjudgmental confrontation. Vibrio cholerae is associated
with cholera, which causes severe, secretory “rice-water” diarrhea. Additionally, organic diseases can
have similar symptoms. Thorough history and examination, along with a focused workup (based on
patient age, risk, and comorbidities) aid in the diagnosis. Symptoms last more than 1 month and
involve re-experiencing the event as flashbacks or nightmares, avoiding reminders of the event,
irritability, hyperarousal, and poor memory and concentration. The diagnosis is based on clinical
findings, blood cultures, and echocardiography showing valvular vegetations. Characteristic features
include periumbilical abdominal pain that migrates to the right lower quadrant, fever, anorexia,
nausea, and vomiting. On physical exam bowel sounds were present, the abdomen was tympanic to
percussion, and pain on palpation was present in the patient’s suprapubic region. Close this message
to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. It is halophilic, acid labile, and
commonly isolated on thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose (TCBS) agar. The mutations lead to
dysfunction of chloride channels, which results in hyperviscous mucus and the accumulation of
secretions. The mainstay of management is anti-mycobacterial drugs. Molecular profiling of the
cancer provides further distinction of the tumor's biological behavior, prognosis, and treatment
options. The widespread use of oral abortifacients was another key theme that emerged in this
review. In general, serotonin-affecting antidepressants are well tolerated, but caution must be taken
while prescribing them in combination with other drugs that inhibit or induce the same hepatic
cytochrome P450 enzymes to prevent increased levels of both drugs. Generally, neuropsychiatric
(confusion, altered mental status), GI (vomiting, abdominal pain), musculoskeletal (bone pain,
weakness), and renal (polyuria, polydipsia) manifestations are seen. In nephrogenic DI, the kidneys
fail to respond to circulating ADH. Management depends on the severity, but includes skin care
techniques, topical therapies, antibiotics, and retinoids. In addition to electrolyte and fluid
abnormalities, loop diuretics can lead to nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Management is focused
mainly on treatment of acute bleeding events and prevention of bleeding events via replacement of
deficient factors. Genetics are thought to play a role, but the pathogenesis is uncertain. Despite the
prolonged presence of hypertension, there may be no signs or symptoms of end-organ damage (e.g.,
brain, eyes, heart, kidneys) until function becomes decompensated or severely impaired. The abuse of
inhalants results in CNS inhibition and may lead to coma and even death during acute intoxication
and long-term cognitive impairment with chronic use. For squamous cell carcinoma, risk factors
include smoking, alcohol consumption, and certain dietary factors. The condition is an autoimmune
disorder leading to destruction of the thyroid cells and thyroid failure. Diagnosis is made based on a
combination of clinical findings, laboratory tests and imaging. These cysts are broadly categorized as
either neoplastic or nonneoplastic. Diagnosis is clinical with laboratory exams and imaging reserved
to rule out other causes for the spectrum of symptoms. Management is centered around education
and lifestyle modification, with both pharmacotherapy (e.g., antidepressants, anticonvulsants) and
nonpharmacologic measures (e.g., low-impact exercise, sleep optimization, cognitive behavioral
therapy) showing efficacy.
Diagnosis is confirmed with the identification of the organism on histopathology of biopsy
specimens. Pharmacotherapy is reserved for the most severe cases of agitation. Surgical procedures
for evacuating incomplete miscarriage. Everything is well defined, structured and well explained.
This kind of videos can’t replace the knowledge learned by a scientific article, but the simpleness of
this videos plus the quality of the content is good enough for a M.D. However, other tests are often
needed since not all patients will have all these findings. The primary goal of treatment is to identify
and reverse the underlying cause and prevent future episodes. Genetics are thought to play a role,
but the pathogenesis is uncertain. Severe disease can lead to fusion and rigidity of the spine. The
placenta is typically seen well on ultrasound, and placental assessment is part of routine antenatal
screening, which is when most structural and implantation anomalies are identified. Acute bronchitis
is usually viral (approximately 95% of all cases), and bacterial infections are usually caused by
atypical bacteria. Download Free PDF View PDF Case Files Obstetrics Gynecology 3rd ed. Local
penile factors and systemic diseases, including diabetes, cardiac disease, and neurologic disorders,
can cause ED. The contributors help to identify areas of debate and alternative methods. Read more.
Irreversible damage distinguishes CP from acute pancreatitis, in which the damage is reversible.
Misoprostol administered by epithelial routes: drug absorption and uterine response. Women are at
increased risk for significant depression and anxiety for up to one year after spontaneous abortion.
The features of acquired hypothyroidism also reflect the effects of slowed organ function, such as
fatigue, bradycardia, cold intolerance, and exertional dyspnea. Proximal DVT is more likely to cause
a pulmonary embolism (PE) and is generally considered more serious. Springer, Cham. Download
citation.RIS.ENW.BIB DOI: Published: 14 August 2016. In many contexts where abortion is legal,
providers may be unwilling to provide abortion for personal, religious and cultural reasons. Since its
introduction in the late 1950’s ultrasonography has become a very useful diagnostic tool in
Obstetrics. Whilst ISA’s are not unsafe by default, in most of the studies included in this review
women reported using unsafe methods such as taking herbal concoctions, using contraceptives and
painkillers or inserting foreign objects into the uterus. There is no effective antiviral therapy for
TBEV infections, so management is supportive. Raw tabulated data and information extracted from
each of the references retrieved. (DOCX 38 kb) Rights and permissions. Management involves
suppression of endometrial growth with progestins, typically with oral contraceptive pills. This can
put both the mother’s life and the baby’s life in danger. Treatment is based on calcium and vitamin D
supplementation. The uterus has a thick wall made of smooth muscle (the myometrium) and an inner
mucosal layer (the endometrium). Erythema multiforme is diagnosed clinically and treatment is
directed toward removing the causative agent and alleviation of symptoms.

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