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Hajar,Miriam,Laia and Maymouna.
1. **Inefficient Urban Planning:** Urban designs that do not prioritize
sustainability can lead to inefficient use of space and resources.

2. **Lack of Environmental Awareness:** A lack of environmental awareness and

commitment in the community can result in unsustainable practices and a
failure to adopt eco-friendly habits.

3. **Shortage of Sustainable Resources:** Limited access to sustainable energy

sources and materials can hinder the transition to more environmentally friendly

4. **Uncontrolled Population Growth:** Rapid population growth without proper

planning can create pressures on urban resources and services, making
sustainability challenging.

5. **Inadequate Infrastructure:** The absence of infrastructure for waste

management, sustainable transportation, and water supply can contribute to an
unsustainable urban environment.
1. Environmental pollution: Unsustainable cities lack environmental
regulations, leading to high levels of air, water, and soil pollution from
industry, transportation, and waste management.
2. Health issues: Pollution causes respiratory, cardiovascular, and cancer
diseases. Limited access to green spaces exacerbates stress and mental
health problems.
3. Socioeconomic inequalities: Marginalized communities suffer
disproportionately from unsustainable cities, facing barriers to
affordable housing, basic services, and employment.
4. Unplanned urban development: Inadequate planning results in
chaotic growth, inefficient use of space, traffic congestion, and limited
access to services.
5. Vulnerability to natural disasters: Insufficient infrastructure and
environmental degradation make unsustainable cities more susceptible
to floods, storms, and earthquakes.
Urban plaining
Urban planning is the process of designing and
organizing the development of urban areas. It involves
formulating policies, strategies, and regulations to guide
the growth and transformation of cities, towns, and
communities. The main objective of urban planning is to
create functional, efficient, equitable, and sustainable
urban environments that meet the needs of the
population while promoting quality of life, safety,
accessibility, and environmental protection. This may
include planning infrastructure, transportation, zoning,
land use, green spaces, public services, housing, and
other key aspects of urban development.
1. Infrastructure Development: Urban planning focuses on establishing
efficient transportation systems and well-designed public spaces to promote
social interaction and physical activity.
2. Environmental Sustainability: Urban planning integrates environmental
considerations such as conservation of natural areas and waste management
to foster long-term urban sustainability.
3. Economic Impact: Urban planning decisions stimulate investment and
entrepreneurial growth, contributing significantly to the economic
development of cities.
4. Social Inclusion: Urban planning aims to ensure equitable access to basic
services and opportunities for all residents, irrespective of their socio-
economic background.
5. Quality of Life Improvement: Through strategic land use and resource
distribution, urban planning creates more orderly and functional
environments, enhancing the overall quality of life for city inhabitants.
6. Resilience: Urban planning incorporates measures to enhance a city’s
resilience to natural disasters and other crises, ensuring the safety and well-
being of its residents.

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