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Conversion Principles

▶ Add a Random Encounters
table for dungeon-delving

▶ Identify opportunities to
present time-based trade-offs
to the characters (i.e. characters
can perform some optional
action for a potential benefit,
but at the cost of time)

▶ Identify opportunities to
increase the Danger Level (rate
of random encounter checks) as
a result of character failure (i.e.
setting off a trap) ▶ Identify opportunities to
diminish or extinguish light
▶ Identify opportunities to sources as a result of character
decrease the Danger Level as a failure (i.e. setting off a trap or
result of character success (i.e. failing a check against a
disabling a trap, defeating a monster power)
boss monster)
▶ Identify and remove effects
that grant characters
darkvision, infravision, low-light
DARKNESS vision, or infinite light
▶ Add explicit Light/Darkness
▶ Note glowing items and adjust
notation to dungeon-delving
description so that they can’t be
interpreted as light sources

GEAR ▶ Identify opportunities to
present risk-reward choices to
▶ Note particularly large items the players
and give them a # slots value
▶ Identify opportunities to
▶ Identify opportunities where present characters with limited
larger caches of items or resources they might use to
treasure can be reduced, with avoid, mitigate, or transfer
an eye toward reducing certain risks, with these
“mundane” items given as resources themselves often
treasure having their own cost or risk

▶ Identify opportunities to ▶ Identify opportunities to

damage or destroy characters’ increase the deadliness of the
equipment as a result of failure module’s dangers, while
(i.e. triggering a trap or hazard, applying my moment-driven
failing a check against a and death-first design
monster power) principles to make character
death engaging, spectacular,
▶ Identify opportunities to
and rewarding
present characters with choices
that put their limited-use ▶ Identify opportunities to put
equipment at risk the characters in the partial
failure margin and keep them
▶ Identify opportunities to
there as long as possible to
challenge characters to leave
maximize tension. Game states
items behind (i.e. narrow
in the partial failure margin
spaces, weak floor, weight-
represent a degree of failure
sensitive trap)
but not yet total failure (death).
Such partial failure states are
adventure-specific and can
DANGER include ongoing conditions (i.e.
cursed) or the ratcheting up
▶ Identify opportunities to more
(permanently or temporarily) of
clearly telegraph danger to the
some threat in the dungeon (i.e.
characters, both to heighten
environment changed, new
tension and provide an
dangers unleashed, increased
opportunity for them to
risk from certain dangers).
deliberate how to approach

▶ Apply the techniques in my risk, and using failure to push
traps course to enhance traps the characters further into the
featured in the module (or tense partial failure margin (see
create new traps if needed) to previous section)
heighten the feeling of danger,
with an emphasis on making
their effects more engaging and
spectacular beyond damage/
stock conditions INVESTMENT
▶ Identify spells available at the
adventure level and find ways
STAT CHECKS AND to reward/encourage use of

INFORMATION such spells

▶ Identify prohibitions against the

▶ Identify opportunities to
use of certain spells (teleport,
eliminate knowledge-based
augury, etc) and instead make
checks in favor of telling the
the use of those spells
characters information outright
beneficial and/or risky
(or if they ask the right
questions) ▶ Identify opportunities to play
into specific abilities of
▶ Identify opportunities to
Shadowdark core classes
eliminate perception- and
investigation-style checks in ▶ Identify opportunities to
favor of telling the characters spotlight specific ancestries or
information outright if they ask backgrounds
the right questions/search the
right areas

▶ Identify opportunities to BE UNPREDICTABLE

eliminate checks with low
stakes or little drama ▶ Identify one opportunity to
place an “out of depth” danger
▶ Identify opportunities to protecting an optional reward
heighten the tension of checks
by presenting more explicit ▶ Identify one opportunity to
trade-offs (mutually exclusive place an “over-leveled” reward
options, risk-vs-reward, now- with some interesting risk or
vs-later, dilemma), increasing cost associated with its use

OTHER ▶ Identify opportunities to tie
Shadowdark’s unique
CONSIDERATIONS mechanics and tables into
▶ Favor simplicity when possible— obstacles, game effects,
streamline complex interactions rewards, or punishments: class
talents, spell mishaps, rival
▶ Convert bonuses and penalties crawlers, treasure XP value, etc
where appropriate to ADV and

▶ Identify opportunities to use CREDITS

luck token system, including
Design (v0.1)
granting luck tokens for bold/
Sersa Victory
smart actions or giving
characters opportunities to Warrior Illustration
spend luck tokens for © santerabos / Adobe Stock
adventure-specific benefits
besides re-roll Ruins Illustration
▶ Add variety to existing random
encounter tables by giving
monsters/NPCs behaviors

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