Unit 1 - On Screen

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med i ike Types of film QD 2828011 siterentiyp Match the words in the box with the films in the online film store. Listen, check and repeat. ‘action fim animated fim comedy documentary drama fantasy film historical flm horror fim musical science-fiction film Workin pairs. Think of examples of each In pairs, do the questionnaire. type of film. Match the types of films with the descriptions. What types of film do you like? Why? Don't waten this type of film on your own ~ Which don't you tke? Why? ite scary How many films do you watch every month? 2 There ar lots of songs inthis type of fim, Do you usually watch films at home or at the cinema? 3. This type of film doesn't use actors. t uses What's your favourite film? Why? interviews with real people. Who's your favourite actor? 4. This type of film ean be about the future, for example, space travel. '5 People laugh when they watch this type off 6 This ype of film uses drawings of people or animals to the questionnaire, Language summary: Unit 1 8B p12 a Films or books? 1 1.2 Read and listen to the forum. Copy the table and complete it with the names. Who prefers films? ‘Who prefers books? ‘Who likes films and books? CL) me New ARE FILMS BETTER THAN BOOKS? Ce ea yard Click on the buttons and tell us what you think. ee erecer nts wrYes @ No'P Se ea pS Amy My bestfriend doesn't agree, but | think films are more exciting, Science-fetion fms often have ‘amazing music and special effects ~ Star Wars, for example. You never get that wit books, Daniet ike reading more than watching films because with books you get the whole story, Directors often cot the litle deta that make the book special, or sometimes they change the plot completely. Kart | think books are better because you can take them anywhere. | always read on the bus, for ‘example. OK, you can do that with films on your phone, too, but the soreen is really small, so i's harder to enjoy. Melissa Hove reading and going to the movies. | usually read a book every two weeks and Igo to the ‘cinema with my friends at least once a month, Which do | ike more? I can’t choose, sorry! Johnny It usually takes me a month to read a book, but can watch a fm in two hours! | love fantasy films ‘such as The Lord of the Rings, but the books are realy long and impossible to read. Laura gece When | read a book, | ike imagining what the people and places in the story look like. I'm often frequency ED <0 0 ate cocina 5 Read the grammar box and rules. Then read the posts in the forum on page 10 again and find more adverbs and expressions of frequency. ——_—______ Im often disappointed. Directors sometimes change the plot. |1go to the cinema ence a month, Iread a book every two weeks. You never get that with books. utes ‘Adverbs of frequency go ater the ve be, but before ‘other verbs. ‘Wo usualy put expressions of frequency like ance a _manthjovery two weoks atthe end ofa sentenc © Write true sentences about you, Include an adverb, oF expression of frequency. My fiends and | watch action fms. My triends and watch action films every Friday night. 1 Lwateh herr films in bed, 2 I buy new book ftom a bookshop or online My parents lat me download films from the internet 4 We watch a film in English clas, 5 turn my phone offin the cinema 7 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss your A: loften watch horror films in bed. B: Me, too. CC: Really? never watch horror fitms in bed. They give me bad dreams! 8 @GeT CREATIVE Write a questionnaire for your classmates, for example: How often do you watch science-fiction films? Do you like horror films: 2 lot, not much, not a all? Draw a chart to present the results, © rastrimisnen Wea poat forthe forum on pag 0. Give your opnion ‘nthe question: ref ett thon Books? Language summary: Unit $8 p27 Cl Be part of the action! SEMA djectives to describe fil sw QD! 09 ws 1 D1 Match the adjectives to describe films in the box with the icons. Listen, check and repeat. boring biilant confusing enjoyable exctng funry romantic sad scary serious sily tere REARRE me BB. | dont ke horror fis. They'te too scary / terrible / enjoyable ‘The film was brillant / confusing / sad. dicn’t understand it ‘The scene where Mufasa dies in The Lion King is very sad f funny / enjoyable. Iwas an enjoyable / an exciting fa tribe fm. | give itt out of 10 Jack and Rose's first kissin Titanic was very confusing / romantic! scary. The film was sly / funny / boring. Ifll asleep after twenty minutes! “The actors were very boring / funny / sad, We laughed and laughed! We watched a serious / funny romantic dacumentary about plastic pollution. 2 Choose the correct adjective 3 Askand answer about films that you watched recently. 5 @4 Listen to the radio programme. ‘A: What do you think of the new Star Wars film? B: The special effects are exciting, but the plot is confusing, Read the advert. What do you think a 4D cinema is? What happens in a 4D cinema that doesn’t happer normal cinema? Benin es elie TET tt Which of the experiences in the advert does Adam mention? What ddoes he think about his first time in 1 4D cinema? © D1 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where is James Bond when Adam's seat frst starts moving? 2 What happens to his seat when the cars ate diving fast? 2 Where is Bond when it starts snowing? 4 Why does Adam say,'Luckily, 'm wearing a coat”? 5 What isthe weather ike in Brazil? 6 What can Adam smell? 7 QUTHINK CRITICALLY Why do you think going to the cinema is such a popular thing to do? Why do some people prefer to watch films at home? ee ___Present continuo usin GD +1101 sconsn proses row Oi 1 Copy and complete the grammar box with the ‘correct forms of the verb be. Atiemative 1... wearing a coat HeIShe's driving through Rome. You!We/They *. relaxing Negative I'm not sitting on a beach HelSne? ‘Questions Short answers Yes, !am./'No,* Yes, it®... No, it isn't ‘Am | going fast? Is it following us? Are they skiing? 2 Look at the picture from the film Mission: Impossible - Fallout. Complete the description with the correct present continuous form of the verb in brackets Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise)... (ide) a motorbike through Paris. Alot of police officers *... follow) him. Three of therm * (tide) motorbikes and the others *.. (drive) ‘cars. They ®. go) realy fast, but they © {not go) as fast as Ethan. Ethan ”... (wear) ‘black leather jacket, but he... (not wear) ‘helmet. What... te other people in his team... (do)? They". (wat) for him in a boat. Come on, Ethan! ‘3 Write questions using the present continuous, [Ask and answer them in pairs 1 What / you / wear / today? 2. your teacher / use / a computer? 3 it rain / outside? 4 What / your parents / do / today? 5 What / you / study / in history? 8 you / watch / 3 good TV seres / at the moment? Yes, they are. /No, they © 4 PRONUNCIATION Contractions O15 Listen and repeat. Tam civing, ''m driving. She's siting, She's sting You ste watching Youte watching We are reading Were reading ‘They ae cooking They/re cooking 5 © 16 Listen and write the sentences in your notebook. Present simple and present continuous ED 0» 0 reset snp and preset continous comet. © Read the grammar box. Choose the correct answers to complete the rules. Present simple I often ride my bike to school usually snows in winter Present continuous He's riding a motorbike through Pars It'ssmowing inthe fm. Rules We use the present continuous / simple to talk about facts, habits ané routines. We use the present * continuous / simple to talk about actions in progress now. 7 17 Complete the phone conversation. Listen and. check. Ivan: Hi, Anna, What... (you / do) at the moment? ‘Anna: Its movie night! |? . (watch) a film with my family. Ivan: >... (you/ always / watch) a film together on Friday night? ‘Anna: Yes, we do! My dad *... dawnload) a new fim ‘every week. Then we... (urn off) the lights and imagine that we're in the cinema Ivan: That's a great idea.®... (you / usually / have) popcorn, too? ‘Anna: Yes ~ my orother” (make) some in the kitchen now! Ivan: Lucky you! ‘Anna: What about you? What ® (you / do)? Ivan: fm at Pat's house. We ®.. (piay) video games and" (isten) to music ‘Anna: Have fun! Ivan: You, too! Bye! @rastrimisnen Coote a picture in Unit 1. Describe whats happening in thepictre, © Language summary: Unitt $8 p+ 40 group of teenagers spend the night inthe forest. But they aren't alone this exhibition of life-size moving dinosaurs! With the ve ‘ABE Cinema 3 p.m. Tickets: €% Under 16s: €7 Odeon Cinema 3.18 pm. Under 16s: €6.50 Free Tickets roar. Don't miss Holly Bruce. Victoria Museum E10 Under 1és: Halt price Look at the events guide. Do you know any web pages like this for your town or area? Read the events guide and find answers to these questions. How old must you be to see The Dark Forest? at typeof fim is Crazy Creatures? Which events don't cost any money? How much is a chil’ ticket fer Dinosaur World? At which event can you dress up in special clothes? Where can you meet a famous person? at ime does the afternoon tour of the 200 start? How many free karate classes are there? It sounds scary! Fun animated fim for al the family, sol John Rodriguez and Margot Jackson or one day only, enjoy a very special tour of the 200 with TV presenter City Z00 10 a.m. and 2 p.m Explore the history of manga, and dress as your favourite manga character! Modern Art Galery (Do you want t learn karate? All four classes are free this week, so ‘come and try! Sports Centre 3 pm. and 5 p.m. Monday Saturday Free 3 18 Listen. Which events from the web page do. you hear? 4 O18 Listen again and answer the questions, Which colour belts the karate class for? 2 What does yame mean? 3. Where's the noise coming from in The Dark Forest? 4 Who goes to investigate the noise? 5 Where does the snake in the 200 come from? 6 How long isthe snake? __Making and responding to suggestic eo sake and respond to suggestions. 41 19 Listen and read. Which of the events on page 14 do Alex and Meera decide to go to? Alex: ‘What shall we de this afternaon? How about going to the cinema? There's a new norrr fim, The Dark Forest? That sounds scary. Im not sure. 'é prefer to see Crazy Creatures. Hem, | don't really like animated films. Why don't we go tothe 200, then? There's a safari day. (Ok, that’s fine by me. (Oh, it's sold out already, What about going to the art gallery? There's a manga exhibition, and Ws fee Great idea! | love manga. Ok, ets go! 2 @110 Listen and repeat the Useful languagy Useful language Making suggestions What shall we do this afternoon/tomarrow? How about / What about ..? Why dont wo..? Responding tim not sure. ‘That sounds scary/boring/exitng. I preterto ‘That’ fine by me. 3 O11 Copy and complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Listen and check, about dont exciting going shall togo ‘Ana: What”... we do tomorrow? Milo: How about” . for a bike ride? ‘Ana: tm not sure. prefer?.. toa theme park Milo: Hmm, that sounds expensive. And | don't realy Tike theme parks, What ®. going Fshing? ‘Ana: That doesn't sound very *..! Milo: OK. Why ©... we goto the beach? We can go swimming and then have lunch there, Ana: Great idea! = 4. Work in pairs. Make suggestions for what to do tomorrow and m: the Speaking plan, ‘plan. Follow the steps in Speaking plan Prepare > Choose some of the events from page 14 oF think of your own, > Make netes for your dslogue. Speak > Practise your dialogue, > Use phrases from the Useful language box > Actout your dalogue without notes Reflect > How ean you imorove next time? > Swap roles and choose rew events COT dae © masreinisnen We your own events guide like the one on page 14 Inchide two or three events or act Language summary: Unit $B p. 127 a Great British animation The work is very slow. They take 24 pictures for every second of film, and ina typical day they create just two to three seconds of fil It can take two years to make a complete film. I's work, but the results are amazing ‘Aardman Animations isa British animation company. ts ‘wo mast famous animated characters are Wallace and Gromit, Wallace isan inventor who invents crazy things, and Gromit is his dog and best fiend. To of excting and very funny adventures, but they always find tine ora cup of tea ‘Aardman’ style of animation is unusual These days, sto create their + they have lots The Aardman team have won lots of awards, including several Oscars. Their films are very popular with British people of all ages, and t's a Christmas tradition to watch Wallace and Gromit on TV! People love them because they lve an crdinary British lie: they dink tea, they tke toast and jar and they lve ina typical Brith house And people love the funny and imaginative stories, and the incredible animation ‘most animation companies use comps characters, but Aardman uses models, $o,how exactly do they do it? Firs, the animators buld a ‘model af the character out of clay. Then, they take a picture of the character with a special camera. Nex, the animators ‘move parts ofthe character, for example, its eyes its mouth lor its fingers, and they take another picture Finally put the pictures together to make a film, and the characters appear to movel “4 46 1 Lookat the pictures on page 16.Do you know these animated characters? What do you know ‘about them? 2 O12 Read and listen to the article. Find three reasons why Wallace and Gromit are popular. 3 Read the article mistakes in the summary below. American X British 7 Aardman Animations is an American nitration company, The company uses computers to create the characters. It's a.very slow way to work. tt takes one year to make a film, Wallace and Gromit are wo of Aardman’s most famous characters. Wallace is a taxi driver and Gromit is a dog They lave coffee and toast and jam. British people enjoy watching the films at Easter. How to make a cup of tea... with Wa and Daa) @ Take the teabag out of the water. @ Frioy! @ Next, add the hot water @ First, boil some water in a kettle. in. Find and correct five more 4 COIEEEII We use words lke frst and then to show the order of events. Find two more Words in the text that show the order of events, Work in pairs. Close your books. Explain to ‘your partner how they make films at Aardman Animations. Then swap roles. Frist, Then... Next... Finally D113 Work in pairs. Read How to make a cup of tea... with Wallace and Gromit! Put the instructions inthe correct order, Then listen and check. @comPARE CULTURES Which cartoons and ther animated fms and TV shows are popular in ‘your country? Who are your favourite characters? What do you ike about them? © rastrinisnen Describe your favourite charactor ina cartoon or animated fim, ‘one oy facut characters is SpongeBob SqarePats Fetes underaterin a peep in @ Finally, add some milk (and sugar, if you like). @ Leave the teabag in the water for one or two minutes. @ Then, put a teabag in a cup My favourite film crpremionsimyeutonguege sus" ‘A film revie\ cea BD write stinrevien Ree 1 Look at the picture. Do you know this film? ‘One of my favourite ‘The special effects are... Discuss in pairs what happens, or what you films is... ‘The plot is simple/ ce ees 2. Read the film review. What does the reviewer think of the actors in the film? 4. Read the Look! box. Then look at the end ofthe review. ‘What type of punctuation do we use after I conclusion? DD wn concn ‘We often finish afm review witha conclus ‘more sentences where you give your final opinion about ‘the fim, We can use In conclusion to introduce our final opinion, 5 Match sentences 1-4 and a-e. Use them to write conclusions in your notebook. Include in conclusion. The plats confusing and the actors ae realy bad The plots confusing and the actors ae realy ba. Inconetusion, its aterble tim 1 The actors are great ané the songs ate brant. 2 its really scary and the ending is very imaginative ‘One of my favourite fms is The Martian. 3. The actors are good, but the story s bering It's a science-fiction film. I watched it on 4 32love story, but it's also very funny. TV st month and | really enjoyed it a ityou lke horror fms this is for you b really enoyed this musical. it’s a great romantic comedy. itsterible fim thore are good things and bad things about this fn, ‘The film is set in the future. A team of ‘scientists are living and working on Mars. ‘One day, there is a storm. A large piece ‘of metal hits one of the astronauts, Mark Watney, and the other scientists think © Write a film review. Follow the steps in the that he's dead. They decide to leave Writing plan. the planet and return to Earth, However, Mark isn’t dead, and when he wakes Writing plan up, he is alone on Mars. He now needs to find a way to survive and to contact, Prepare Earth > Choose one of your favourite fms > Make notes about the plot ‘The film is realy enjoyable. The actors > Think about your opinions ofthe actors special eects, are excellent, especially Matt Damon ‘ending ete ‘as Mark Watney. The plot is simple, but a the special effects are amazing and the music is great. The fm is quite funny in > Organize your eas into paragraphs parts, and the ending is very exciting! In + Tne name ofthe fm and when you saw it ‘conclusion, | totally recommend it. + short summary othe plot + Your conclusion > Use the expressions from the Useful language box check > Check your grammar resent simple and present continuous. > Check your speling

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