Importance of My Religion or Faith To My Personal Development GUTIEREZ

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1. Do you believe in a higher being why or why not?

- I do believe in a higher being. It is because of the reason that

we have life. in all the planets in our solar system and perhaps
even in our Galaxy, Earth is the only planet that Inhabits life. Not
only that, there is a force that keeps the planets aligned in their
orbits and especially Earth. The specific environmental
conditions for life to thrive and grow has to be moderated and
facilitated. It is said by experts that a single tilt of our axis do
some point shall change the conditions that life requires to thrive
and live and there is some force That is unknown to men and
science that keeps this balance between life and death on this
planet and maybe even the whole Galaxy.

2. How does believing (not believing) in a higher being helped you in

how you view
the world?

- To believe is to have hope. Knowing that there is something

greater than man,
is present and is constantly intervening for the betterment of
each of our lives.
For he said that he has a plan for us; A plan to prosper us and
not to forsake us.

3. How does growing up (not growing up) with faith/religion affected

the development of your Self?

- Growing up with faith has greatly impacted my life in general

because it has made me align with the proper morals that all
people should follow and practice in their daily living. I could
not imagine myself living in a life without faith. It helped me
through a lot of problems and hardships that I have faced unto
this day and I’m very much thankful that I have known Jesus
Christ and put all my trust and faith in him do those things that
I could not nor will ever be able to do.
4. Can you site the spiritual (insightful) moments in your life that
has turned the way you view the world and view yourself?

- Have the moment that changed my life completely was the

time when I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and
savior. In the beginning I was a person who tend to view the
world as a playground. That everything was just a game and
everything I do is being ignorant to have the things that are
happening in my environment. I did not care for even once
back then. Until such time that I have felt so down before.
Never in my life I have felt depressed and so unmotivated that
I even had plans to run away from what troubles me. And at
that time I’ve been searching for a new purpose in life and that
is where I found and met Jesus Christ. As time went by, my
view of the world changed into what the world is to Jesus
Christ, even my point of view of myself changed. Before, I
acknowledged myself as a person who is talented enough and
can do everything with ease, but now as I aligned myself with
Christ, I have learned that I need to be humble in order to gain
favor whether it may be favor from other people, my parents,
teachers, friends and of course, God .

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